Magic Gems Gourmet - Chapter 300

Published at 27th of July 2022 11:10:17 AM

Chapter 300: Arrival of Tiggle.

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This morning, the third day Ain came home. She stretches out her body on the bed, takes off her negligee and changes her clothes.

When I opened the curtains with my legs as they were, I felt the season shifting still out into the dim.

Krone is a woman who ensures proper sleep.

There are days when I get chased to work and stay up all night, but when I miss these days.

... but wakes up about half an hour faster today than usual.

- I got up half an hour earlier than usual for a reason. The most important reason is the declaration I made of a woman named Chris.

Speaking of what, it's to get familiar, the time for wanting to be in "Ein's Best".

I'm not usually out of my hands either. On the contrary, daily hair and skin care - all of this is always serious. Still, Krone is even more tempered and exposes her desire to be cuter than usual.

The feeling of the hand holding the beam is also somewhere sensitive, I am not convinced by the flow of my hair, and I inadvertently spend more time than planned.

"... yeah. I don't know..."

She laid her hands on her hips as she grew familiar.

As a shallow word comes to mind, Krone fastens her skirt shorter than usual, about 1 cm. However, if this can deprive him (,) of his gaze, there is actually nothing inner negative about it.

When I thought of Chris (the mighty enemy), who realized and declared his feelings, I felt like this was all I needed.

It's not like Chris and Ain't taking each other apart, because, as declared, Ain't 's desire to stay the most and his appetite for exclusivity doesn't change...

"Well, it's time to go"

When you get up from in front of the dresser, you leave the room and head to the office. Today it is not Krone's personal office, but the office of the larger one, which also uses the lord Ein.

Thoughtful, Ein is with someone she serves at the same time, and she doesn't feel good going to the office after that either.

Doing so also loosens nature and cheeks by the fact that you can see Ain first thing in the morning.

It would be work, but it was more important to be together.

Let's work hard today. I thought so, and walked to the office with a light foothold that seemed to dance...

"... Ein?

"That, Krone? That was fast."

Ain, who was in the clerk's office, grinned at Krone, who looked like he'd eaten.

"Ain't you faster... what are you going to do about getting up faster than your men already?

"No, no, no, no, I don't think it's just for today... I've got some work I've been accumulating, and I just woke up early today"

When Krone turns his attention to Ein's desk, the bundle of paper is indeed exceptionally reduced.

Even though I had confirmed myself, I could easily understand that Ain was putting his energy into the job.

"I told you not to push it. I just got back. Why?"

"... maybe next week will be hard if we don't do our best right now. Don't you think?

"Then don't worry, I'll help you until it's over"

"I'm counting on you, but it's healthier than sigging in for nothing, isn't it?

"Already. Then I wish you had told me by the end of last night..."

I would have stayed with you sooner if you'd told me.

When Krone is cute and unfaithful, she sits right next to the chair after a gentle lip on Ain's cheek.

"How far did it go? I'll help you with the rest."

"Oh, no. You're already done with my share of work, aren't you? The paper over here arrived first thing in the morning from Mr. Warren."

"But it was already over? - And from Master Warren?

When Krone is surprised by Ain's speed of work, he hands over a piece of paper.

"Security plan. It says the route since Tiggle arrived in Magna and the escort system on the road."

"Have Ein read it all yet?

"Yeah. It was a plan that sounded like Mr. Warren without a hole. Besides, he carefully added the economic benefits you can expect from this festival and the percentage of expenses you need."

Looking at the numbers written on the paper, Krone roared unexpectedly at those estimates.

He smiles at the details of the material, looking like he took his hat off.

"That's Mr. Warren. I can't believe I can show you so clearly that I'm still not going to chase you."

"You have to be careful not to be turned into a makeover."

"Pfft... you can't say that, can you?

I think Warren, who told me to fit in and used to say to himself, "I'm good at turning foxes" in a fun way. These days, they saw knights with their women and - Berea - secretly reaching Ain's ear as well.

"Oh, one suggestion fits in on the festival story, okay?

"Yeah, what could it be?

"I had to choose an inn for Tiggle to stay in, and now Leonard and Batts are staying at the Duke of Vols' mansion. Can I?

"It's okay. I have to spend two nights in this town, so if it's the Duke of Forth's mansion, things are convenient."

"Rikai. Well, that's what I'm gonna do."

Running a feather pen further, Ein replied to Warren.

"And I'm going to the guild today. We're talking about the Ist Chamber of Commerce and the Baron Albero family."

"... may I come with you?

To Krone's rare suggestion, Ein stops the hand of work and looks into her eyes.

"Uh... Krone's in the guild?


"No, but it's a guild...? Lots of adventurers, okay?

Krone sighed at some uneven return.

Then, standing up, she sat on Ain's lap, figure fat,

"When I was splitting up in Baltic and investigating, I was going to the guild, too?

"If you ask me... now I don't have to bother going -"

"Then it's settled. I'm coming, too."

Although it seemed strange and more aggressive than usual, Ein is not negative.

I'm just saying, I'm not running enough errands for Krone to go. But if I say this, Prince Wang doesn't even have to go, but it's the usual story to be cleaned up in a word of Ain't.

"And who to escort..."

"I also have an offer for the guild the other day, shall we change our tastes today as usual"

Saying joyfully on Ain's lap, she cleverly flips her body toward Ain's.

"The other day's offer was to let the Ist Trading Chamber bite the festival?

"Yeah, I am. I'm not sure I'm hiding anything... but I'd like to hold a little demonstration for the future."

"... you want to give it out even if it's intimidating, I see"

That it had something to do with the Chamber of Commerce and the Baron Albero family, which the Alliance deduced, even though it did not know.

Krone's suggestion is by no means bad, as things are too big to be done by hand without anything.

"Then I guess it feels like bringing Marco"

"Yeah, it's not. Every once in a while, he told me to take them all with him."

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

- Needless to say, it was a progression that made you think so, as if you were going to war.

Due to the darker and darker weather, it was also a remarkable result on Strom Boulevard during the day.

A dozen Kingsguard knights walk forward and backward, and through its center, knights dressed in pitch-black armor, advance as they escort the two Ain and Krone.

... Chris opened his mouth with a bitter smile as we proceeded together, emitting unusual and overwhelming signs everywhere.

"Oh, uh... this is really okay, isn't it?

Kingsguard knight moving forward and backward.

Proceeding through its center, more elite than the Kingsguard Knight - the face of the Black Knight and the knight of armor, Marco. Additionally, to Chris, the leader of the Kingsguard Knights, standing next to him is Prince Wang, who made him a hero in the Sea Dragon Crusade and put an end to the Heim War.

For example, if you were told in this face that you also dropped it in Euro and Rockdam, the current king Silvado would not say anything and believe it.

It's only natural that Chris should be confused and worried that it might be too much.

"It's okay, right? Actually, I'm a little angry, so I wanted to do this."

"... even if they laughed adorably... is that it? Why is Mr. Krone angry?

"Whatever the history, it was a situation that could attract (,) enemy power if you did poorly. There was something about Viscount Sage, so Ein was on guard, so I was fine, but I didn't know what was going to happen."

Consequently connected demonstrations.

Naturally, it's not like there's any hope that if you can squeeze out any other information on the inside... Guild leaders should have plenty of experience and information, which is why this progression makes sense.

If you say so, march exactly.

Because of these circumstances, it is only natural that Marco was happy near the master Ain,

"Dear Ein. If I were you now, I'd let go of a wave that could reach heaven."

"Ah... yeah... if you do, don't do it because we're all scared, okay?

"I understand. Now, when that opportunity comes... please give me your orders."

Ein thinks. It's unusual for Marco to be so excited. No, on the contrary, I can tell right away that I'm feeling so uplifted that I seem to have some disfigurement of my personality.

Then again, when we got to the guild, it's impressive that the rough guys called Adventurers made us pull our cheeks. After all, it ended with a demonstration for the future, since we could almost be certain that there would still be no involvement of the guild chief and no possibility of doing so.

- Thus, the date leading up to the festival rushes past.

Sometimes he was chased by the deacon, and at other times there was a compromise with the Augusto Chamber of Commerce, without any particular fuss, and the short time of the week passed in full.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

The festival's name is simple and lucid.

On the face of it, make it the survival of the Haim royal family, Tiggle, the head of the Haim Autonomy - for him to dedicate his historic treasures to King Silvard.

Only probably a few dozen or so people throughout Ishtarika should know that the real purpose is to "broil".

You mean enough to make it a festival on purpose? The question did not come from the people either, but it has not even reached discomfort among the people, as I guess it has also affected what will not be long after the end of the Haim war.

"Be polite. If we break it, we'll be responsible for it!

said one of the knights who was escorting Tiggle.

The festival is already on schedule and at last we have just arrived in Strom, where Ein is lord. Arrival is in the evening. Tiggle spends the night in Strom today, and tomorrow, all day long, he and Ain go around the city on official business.

"Keep the load at the Augusto Chamber of Commerce. All transport to the King's Capital will now be left to the Augusto Chamber of Commerce! Everybody, hit security as planned! Nice!"


The nobility is divided in the wake of that voice.

As the sitting tiggle took a breath, he called out to the knight standing right beside him.

"How's the situation in Strom? Let me know in the middle of this festival."

"Ha. There are no issues to take away and say. Even today, we have heard that His Royal Highness Prince Wang performs official duties throughout the city. The Commander of the Kingsguard Knights and the Black Knights are offering their services, apart from his aides."

"Right. That's more than anything."

Later, Tiggle gets the job done by riding the carriage to the Duke of Forth residence.

But he spoke to the knight of the escort to give him time.

"Graf... No, Lord Graf is also in this building. I'd like to say hello."

"... Lord Heim. I'm sorry, but our words alone don't matter..."

"Ha... oh, I knew it. I'm just saying."

What the knight thought was the connection between the previous Tiggle and the Grand Duke of Augusto.

Now I haven't been erased from the past in an attempt to change my family name with Augusto.

Naturally. Tiggle, grinning zeroly as he grinned at himself, loosened the collar of his clothes in all formats with his fingers.

"I'll borrow it even if I wash my hands. I'll be right back, then I'm headed to Duke Vols' residence."

"Wait, I need a knight on the escort."

"Damn, don't be stupid. The building of the Augusto Chamber of Commerce is the next tough place in His Highness's mansion, Ain't it? Let me go alone."

"... I understand. So we'll be waiting for you here."

"Oh, I'll be right back"

That's what Tiggle says. He leaves the room.

Sometimes the chief was from the Grand Duke of Augusto, even though the Chamber of Commerce building, and the interior trampled the atmosphere of the now deserted Grand Duke of Augusto.

In other words, it is not an exaggeration to say noble mansions, but the comfort is exceptional and easy to spend.

I was concerned about the movements of the men in the robe, even as I headed to the makeup room for visitors.

I don't have anything to say in particular for the few days leading up to my arrival in Strom, but should I end up like this, or should I even wake up in a minor commotion and be able to capture the subject?

Naturally, I want the latter, but after hearing the report in Ist the other day, I honestly didn't think there was a move.

"... you look tired. I don't know... about this."

Nevertheless, if you don't put it in your mouth but think you can talk to your friends at night, in fact some tiredness disappears.

I look in the mirror after adding more for it, gently pampering my cheeks, and tapping into my mood.

"A few more days. I need to buy some souvenirs for Hellion too... what to buy"

Sometimes gems may be good.

A native of an orphan, she is in good company as an exclusive servant of Tiggle, but her origins influenced and understated verses stood out.

Sometimes I wanted her to say something extravagant, but just enough to push hard for her not to.

Then, as declared, he walks out of the makeup room trying to get back to his room immediately.

I don't have one person in the hallway because I'm busy today and I pay a lot of people.

... but it is.

Tiggle honestly didn't want a reunion to happen at the corner of the hallway.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I seemed confused."

I'm about to bump into a woman on a bend and apologize for thinking about Helion so far and falling in love.

Normally, that's the end of the story - I was just supposed to rendezvous with the knight and head to the Duke of Forth mansion -.

"No, excuse me, sir..."

I got eyes on her when I was about to bump into her. And that's the moment.

Tiggle pulls a single cheek and also loses room to make a laugh at a reunion he didn't want.

- Long time no see.

"Oh, oh... it's been a long time..."

It's been a long time since I've had so many (,,,,,).

Instead, I wanted to ask God the truth about why I was so weak now, when I should have been so strong before.

She notices how Tiggle looks like that, or she says with a small sigh.

"Is it as if you mistake people for demons or something? You've got that look on your face."

"Chi... no! It's just been a while since I've been a little confused......!

"... Yes, I did. That's what I'm gonna do."

There is no untrained. Instead, it is unholy to Helion.

It's a matter of mind that I can't sort it out, and I just don't know what face to deal with that sort of organization. But it's too late to meet, and Tiggle gradually gives up.

"Krone (,,,,) …… Your Highness"

"Yeah, what is it?

"... now that I think about it, I've got something to say."

In the meantime, I wanted to tell you that I used to annoy you.

I've never thought of it becoming a one-on-one dialogue in this way, but Tiggle never willed, throwing words at Krone standing in front of him.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!