Magic Gems Gourmet - Chapter 447

Published at 27th of July 2022 11:07:04 AM

Chapter 447: Paradise Champion [Previous]

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Ain't no less than Ishtal stares at Selah with polished eyes. She smiled joyfully and stroked the cut she had made on her cheek.

You look satisfied, lick the blood dripping from your wound with your tongue.


And he laughed like a prankster and nodded and showed, "You're not right, Lord."

"Do you resent Non? He wanted me to be stronger and give him more scarce power anyway."

The response is fixed. No.

Ein shook his head sideways faster than words.

He hurries to distance himself from Serra, but it's too late.

The dazzling light falling from the head - from the ground, and the universe with nothing, is also killed again.

In the light, he lost colour and took away the right to life of all beings.

"Take it and see, will the Lord stand?"

The light wears heaven according to Serra's words.

Far more violent than Princess Olivia's proud main cannon, The Mercy of the Virgin, it was only attacked by an enveloped Ain.

That's far more powerful than Ein can unleash.

"- ………………………!"

"Again, does that not work anymore"

Ein's body is intact.

Though the shockwave was just powerful enough to make you feel scared, that's all.

My own skin never burns down.

Serra laughed and showed as if she had no choice, while Ain was just wrapped in the light.

Eventually, where it fits.

"I can fight."

Ain't never stopped saying it.

But there is only one concern.

(That day, they haven't used the yarn they showed off yet)

For Serra the Dragon Man, it is a force that he was born with, like Ein's Toxin Decomposition EX. This is what she herself said, but I've never forgotten the disturbing signs I felt then.

But now I honestly wanted to be happy.

It's Marc.

"I'm Ain"

"No, for Non, your Lord is Marc. And the two of you who made a pact for the Lord will only have the same idea again."

"I'm not taking a man named Marc lightly. But I'm Ain now."

Then Serra leaked her sigh into a forceful Ain attitude before bringing back the sickle.

"Non received a piece of his soul from those two"

"... some of it?

"To bring back the Lord who died using too much of the power of the brave. You can't do that if you're normal. Even if it's a god tribe. But with the power of Non, we can do it."

"Sera - Huh!?

breath that was inadvertently heard from behind.

As time goes by, the sickle fleshes to Ain's neck.


"Wow! Will you react to this too!

What would have happened if I had been even a blinking moment late.

The continuous sera stands around without a toothpick on the speed.

"The fringe between Non and the Lord was not enough. In order to call the Lord as a man of the Ishtal Islands, we need him who drew blood close to the Lord!

"Heh... heh!

"I helped those two men to bring you back to the Lord's demon stone! Therefore, Nan fulfilled the wishes of both of them!

The attack gained more harshness.

Sparks scatter between them, tearing the air.

Gradually, cuts occur on Ain's cheek one by one.

I'm already full of pursuing it with my eyes.

(It's not just fast - heh!

The power was also, naturally, close to that of Verguk's rigid arms.

"And the girl who said Olivia accepted the Lord back over the walls of the world -!"

The power close to Verguk's rigid arm goes hand in hand with the speed at which it crosses.

However, Ain't no different now than he was a few days ago.

I'm sucking on the power of the giant god Verguk, and I have a different heart and a hegemony. Standing position would be a challenger. Think of it, it's been a long time since I felt empowered in these positions.

(Huh... Huh... Huh!

I can stand it. I could stand it.

After a shockwave that cracked the ground wrapped the world around the two of us, Ain looked back at Kick Selah.

Still, I can fight.

On the contrary, we have not lost our chances.

Ain felt a strong hand.

"Did you care to admit it, Marc"

"No... I'll tell you as many times as I want, I'm Ain"

"Steady and strong... what don't you like?

"I know I'm stubborn too...... but standing in front of you as a man by the name of Marc changes the meaning of this battle. I'm fighting for my grandfather, and I have to beat you as Ein."

Ain't never had a strong aversion to being called Marc.

Assuming you have an aversion, proof of this is that your attitude toward Cain and Sylvia becomes a lie.

"- Hmm."

A deep red print appeared on the white arm peeking from Serra's robe.

It flashed red, spreading to the neck and toe.

"I just changed my mind a little bit"

At the same time, the signs of her wrapping changed.

Though not clearly targeted for killing, it is filled with strength that keeps you from stopping with nature and awe, such that the signs themselves release the will to kill.

"I'm not denying the value of the name Ein, but I don't like the attitude of your Lord being a little hard-working and not acknowledging Marc. I've been waiting for you for a long time."

For the first time, Serra gave a glimpse of feelings close to anger.

Then she reached out and raised her palm elegantly, like a gentleman escorting at a party venue.

A strong fever that Ein felt in the back of his eyes.

Looking into Serra's eyes standing in front of her, she was about to burn every soul

Not good.

I instinctively guessed Ein.

"Just a little bit, I had feelings similar to grief"

red flames that arose in her palms.

It drifts deep red light dust like diamond dust.

Let's end this now. After she crushes with a small voice, she looks at Ain and speaks.

"Fire King's Embrace (Dragon Breath)"

- and.

Red flames exploded in response to her voice.

Ain't never seen it and I didn't know what would actually happen, but assuming the sun exploded, I thought it was going to be as powerful and destructive as this.

I mean, it's not just a matter.

The roots of the trees were overlaid to build the walls before the flame waves reached me. But it doesn't make sense. It vanished in an instant.

Then it's the hand of fantasy. In an instant Ein, who so decides, creates many hands of fantasy. Magic not to disappear this time so as to fill your eyes without gaps.

"Huh... not yet... enough... huh!

There's no big difference where I said I endured more than the roots of a tree.

But it's worth the slightest difference.

Without laying between them, many create more than twice as many fantasy hands as the first to counter Selah's power.

"Non had a nickname. You can call it a title."

The voice is far from the outside of a world distorted by heat.

"There's only one, dishonorable, dislikeable title."

"Ku...... ugh! What does the title say?

In a space that had already evaporated if it were a regular person, Ein became desperate to continue to endure.

If you breathe, your lungs are about to burn and it hurts just to keep your eyes open. But when the end of the flame wave seemed to be near, he was indulging because he was aware of the signs.

"It's just a whim. I wanted to talk... that's all."

This is the last voice I heard where Ein could stand it.

"- Huh?"

It was from behind that I heard a voice, a voice like a bell talking on my defenseless back.

Tong, and the Lord of the Voice deposited his back in Ain.

If you look back only at your face without expecting a gentle shock.


What a word to use.

Ain't had no other thoughts, his heart broke.

When I only looked back at my face, I was annoyed by the regret of the difficulty in brushing my tongue that if I hadn't seen the newly created erythema (,,,,,,,,,), I might still have remained strongly determined in my heart.

She said Serra just behaves relentlessly.

"The champion of paradise, and Noun was called so."

It suits you well, as frustratingly as I'd say.

I didn't need to think about what would happen if I ate such an attack from behind my defenseless back.

Ein knew the end of this battle.

I believed there was a winning chance until just now, but I couldn't think about it any more. All I can think about right now is how sorry I am for Silvard.

Phew, and the power is lost from the hand holding Ishtal.

Though consciousness did not disappear from the hands of fantasy because of a character that still could not give up.

"- - - Ha..."

I blinked unexpectedly at the voice of a man-eater heard from my feet.

"You! Come out on your own. What? -"

The maneater moves before Ein finishes.

Suck Ein's magic on your own.

Be bigger than Ein on your own.

I took the liberty of circling Ain only.

"Oh, hey! Don't interrupt me now!?


Screaming in my mouth, Maneater is sturdy besides my thoughts.

It's also because he sucks on his own so much magic that he would never normally suck, and evidence of this is that Ein is only struck by a strong headache the moment he is sucked.

Fu, the scorching heat that reached the whole swallowed ein.

I see the man-eater has been blown away.

I don't hear groans or sore voices. The only thing that sounds like a swallowed ayne is the sound of a man eater breathing desperately and repeatedly.

Eventually, Ain is thrown up in the water.

Unlike when I was enduring myself, it was a lot of light time.

"Huh... puha!? This place!?

When I immediately surfaced and looked around, I immediately noticed.

"You were blown up to the lake. - Huh!

Looking at the side just now, there was an example of a tablet with a thread wrapped around it that Serra was analyzing.

Whatever it is, we can still fight. They took enough magic to make my body feel comfortable, but I'd even like to say a word of thanks to Maneater.


"Ha... hu..."

The man eater, which surfaced a little late, is burning and painful all over his body.

Because it has worn out, my body has also become as small as a single rose flower. But Ein reached out and the magic flowed, bringing back a little bit of the luminous leaves.

"You were hot...... sorry"

Maneater said nothing and licked Ain's back of his hand to cheer him up.

Then he disappears as he is. It was the limit.

Ain lay his eyes down and cursed his impudence. Though I hadn't given up, I was ashamed of myself for nearly losing my feelings for winning.

I still haven't found a chance to win, but when I lost with feelings, I put in a drink without speaking out.

Speaking of problems, how should we move forward?

(What's the matter)

I don't want to fight in disgrace.

I can't even feel sorry for the man eater who stood up and defended himself.

But Selah has too much room.

The Fire King's Embrace (Dragon Brace) can be a devastating blow, but unfortunately, Serra still has two shots...

"I was going to finish..."

I could just afford to whine like this away.

If so, you shouldn't think about how many more shots you can shoot. That's what's going to break my heart if I hear the limits.

I'm just talking about how you can stand it.

(I can't)

I'm not giving up, but it's not a good offense to take it head-on.

If you want to root without thinking, you don't have a chance.

(I'm a challenger. I can't afford to compete)

Ein warned himself to remember the Battle of the Sea Dragon.

Though at that time the battle began in a way that was directly close to battle, with the hand of fantasy and the power of absorption, he managed to bring it into battle.

We need to use our heads even more.

Now, is it the usual path to total force battle with the skills you have?

(Foggy and stuck or blinded...... maybe not bad)

I laughed that it would be about time buying, and my energy boiled in addition to my thoughts.

Now I have the skills of an absolute attack, and my consciousness leans toward me that there must be some means.

That said, would you be able to get close to Serra?

As long as there is that Flaming King's Embrace (Dragon Brace), it will simply drain or fall into a state of non-combat.


As I thought about it, I was looking up at the tablet to fall in love.

Looks like the tablet still has magic. But like demon stones, there are no signs of power that can be absorbed.

But Ain looks at the tablet and comes up with it with a hazy face.

"- Maybe I can do it"

He created a fantasy hand and stuck to the tablet, whipping his severely worn body.

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