Magical ties - Chapter 171

Published at 22nd of November 2020 07:56:26 AM

Chapter 171: 171

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Onacona calls Yona 

"Yona we need to have a family meeting . Maureen says there is something evil coming for Remi. I think I may know what it is but am not sure . We need to see you guys tonight Crystal can stay here and we can talk after she goes to bed." Not waiting for an answer Onacona hangs up. Yona sits silently for awhile just wondering if the evil that he spoke about is the darkness he has been feeling. Remi comes out of the bar smiling at the fact that he stayed and waited for her. Hugging him before getting into the car. When they are on their way to Aisling's for dinner Yona asks her. 

"What are your plans for tomorrow afternoon?" She thinks for a moment and says.

"Nothing except finishing up the bar why?" 

"I asked John to perform a handfasting ceremony for us at the bar tomorrow afternoon around dinner time. He agreed so now I just need you to agree." 

Remi hits him in the arm causing him to swerve in the road. He looks at her darkly. 

"Are you trying to kill us?" 

she huffs 

"no but don't you think you should have asked me before planning everything?" He chuckles and gives her a side glance. 

"You mean like they asked Astila and Aisling before they did their's . At least I'm giving you a days notice they have them a mere few hours notice. If you don't want to them we can just call it off . Though I am going to be upset each night I have to say goodbye to you. " he says softly do her sounding very sad . She sighs and hits him again. 

"You are an idiot of course the answer is yes but you better give me a proper marriage proposal when the time comes." He grins and grabs her hand bringing it to his lips for a kiss. 

"I am not confident that it will be special since the Queen of events is no longer with us but I promise that it will be sincere and with all of my love. You know they knew I was going to ask. John knew the moment I called to talk to him. Norma knew before I even went to Japan. She designed the bar just for the event. That how come Marshal already had all of that stuff in his storage unit. She even had the food pre ordered. John just had to make a phone call. Your family is to intuitive ." Remi smiles and silently thanks Norma for everything. She then started to panic . she calls Aisling 

"We have a problem I'm sure that you know by now about tomorrow. I have nothing to wear." Aisling starts to laugh and tells

"You remember my promise when I gave you this ring. Tomorrow is the first step in me keeping that promise. When you are ready we will be married. I don't want to leave you anymore when I wake up it's your face I want to see and when I close my eyes it's you I want to have my arms around. When I have to travel I want you to be by my side. We have a house in Tennessee and Japan . We will also have one here. That way where I go you and Crystal go. In fact I was given very strict orders to bring you to Japan next time. So we need to prepare your passports. " pulling her close he kisses her before they go inside. 

After dinner Winona helps the kids with their homework while the others clean up the kitchen . The men gather in the living room to wait for the women. Astila decides to tease his brother a little about the next day. 

"So are you ready for tomorrow? You know that once you take that step that the next come is for life." Yona looks at him and grins. 

"yep I know I asked for it knowing that. At least I'm smarter than you . I know what is happening tomorrow where you went into it blind. So I guess that makes me the smarter brother" Inola chuckles at her two . But not one to let a good chance to get away. 

"Well since I skipped everything and went straight for marriage I'm he smartest. That way they don't meddle as much because once your married it between just the two of you. Haven't you noticed once you got married unless needed the elders stepped aside. You don't think that once they knew who Moll was that I did not get an ear full for spending the night with her before marriage. Lord I had to listen to them lecture me about tarnishing her reputation for more than thirty minutes. They didn't even let me speak . When I finally got to speak I told them that we were getting married as soon as possible. I even asked what the big deal was to them since only a few knew who she was. I was informed that did not matter that it was still the principle of it. She was their blood and it is their duty to protect her." Onacona started laughing so hard that his sides began to hurt. 

The three of them turn and look at him with blank looks. 

"then that makes me the smartest of all of you . I married my woman before anyone of them even got a chance to meet her or know who she was so I have never had any of them meddlers say anything to me. " the three of them pick up a pillow and throw it at him hitting him mercilessly. Crystal comes down stairs to say good night and puts her hands on her hips yelling at them. 

"Excuse me!!! What do you fools think you are doing? Momo and Aisling is going to have your hides if they see you throwing their pillows. Daddy that is enough you can't hit your elder it's not nice. As for the rest of you don't hurt my daddy or ima going to have MoRee turn you into frogs for a day. " she stomps over yo Yona and climbs on his lap. The others came in when they heard Crystal yell. 

"hey what are you all up to that she was yelling!" Moll looks at them suspiciously. 

" nothing we were only playing around and she caught us." Inola tells her. Crystal looks at him glaring. 

"they were picking on Onacona cause he says he is smarter than them. That since he married momo first." Moll looks at their sheepish faces and starts to laugh this child is going to be a hand ful when she grows up if she can silence four grown men already. Lord she can't wait to see how the family deals with her. 

"well that's ok Crystal grown ups like to play around too. If they were being mean and not playing someone would have a bloody nose right now. Plus men have a tempers that let you know quickly when they are mad. So since the walls were not shaking with their screaming and slamming about they were just playing. " she kissed her on the forehead and so did each of the adults as she was already half asleep in Yona's arms. He took her upstairs to tuck her into bed . Then headed back down to have the family discussion about Remi's nightmare. 

Maureen broached the subject of the evil lurking. She prayed all afternoon about how to bring it up without Remi getting to upset. 

" So can I ask something of everyone. Has anyone else been have nightmares or getting the chills at night?" Looking around all of the ladies hands went up. Maureen sighs with relief that it's not just her. Moll speaks up first. 

"I was going to go to the cabin after all was asleep to get somethings to strengthen the protection spells just incase . I feel an evil lurking but can't pinpoint it. I've tried scrying but nothing is coming up. " Aisling lets them know what has been happening to her. 

"I wake up and the room is a bone chilling cold my crystal heats up so I know an evil is close but I can't see it it's only darkness. I didn't say anything because I don't know if it's me or the twins right now. Just like when Norma had the heart attack on our way home . I felt her pain but it was one of the twins channeling it not me. " with her voice wavering Remi speaks up .

" I have been having the same nightmare since I was in therapy it started the night after I got hurt at the waterfall while dream walking. I'm trapped in a dark cellar it's freezing and there is a voice calling to me saying that I belong to him and no one else. There are rats crawling around and the smell is of rotting flesh and something burning. I can never see anything. As soon as Yona goes to sleep a light shines and I can escape. I thought it was just my lingering thoughts from being attacked since I have had nightmares for so many years. " Yona takes her hands and asks her. 

"Why did you not say anything? if I had known I would have made a point of trying to sleep at the same moment at you so that you would be in the light. " hugging her close. 

"Onacona tells them about his thoughts. 

"I think Remi awakened a evil spirit when she was dream walking. Not far from the waterfall used to be an old house the man living there was a rapist and kidnapper. He was lynched and burned alive by the mountain people when they found out. Only the last two of his victims were found. He supposedly sold the girls when he was done with them to brothels or even to plantations as house slaves. Some thought he killed them. When the mountain residents went to bury his remain the day after burning him they were gone. A few nights later his house was burned all that was left was the cellar of the house. It's on federal land so all we can do is try to find it and cleanse it. Since it's winter it will be easier to find . We also need to place stronger protection at the apartment unless you are willing to move back here starting tonight. You and Yona are being hand fasted tomorrow what is a few hours ." 

Inola speaks up after some deep thought. 

"why can't Aisling open the moon flower portal and we can go back to the time of his burning we can bury his remains and cleanse the area. We can even go back early to before he took the first girl. We would need to ask the gods for help. To see if it's one of the times we can change. " they all turn towards Aisling and she nods ok.

"tonight Remi can stay here with Yona as long as he is close hopefully that will keep it at bay. Then we need to clear the house how about after the handfasting we give Winona a present. We help her move to uncle Audis's house. We ask her if she will keep Crystal for a few days. We can get the house ready for her while we are there changing. Then everyone but maureen and Onacona's can go through the portal. If Onacona knows what happens then he runs the risk of seeing himself that could be bad since if he does he may change his fate. If that happens then it can change all of our fates. The same with Maureen since she built this house and people who would be living at the time could recognize her. Not only that but she could see herself there. Remember her child married Onacona's niece . We can't risk having our fates changed. I love our life now with all of you being close. I don't want to risk losing anyone here. It was hard when I knew I could just lose everyone before. I don't know if I could risk it again. So when the time comes we can try to call them. We can ask them what we can do that won't put our fates at risk. Salali knows everything about us so her staying here to help Maureen and Onacona is fine. I promised her a trip the cabin sometime so we will see what she has to say . 

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