Magi’s Grandson - Chapter 108.2

Published at 10th of March 2022 10:17:19 AM

Chapter 108.2

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No, what? No, not what.


 “To me, they’re just a bunch of pathetic uncles who can’t get over this grandma, but to the world, they’re the heads of state of three major countries.”

 If you talk to someone like that, you’re bound to offend them.

“You guys don’t understand! He’s so powerful that this powerful sword is a blur! What would you do if such power turned against us?”

 I’ve always wondered why people in power are so afraid of the power on their side.

 I can’t stand it when they make me the bad guy in a what-if story.

 To be honest, I was starting to get annoyed with King Dahm’s argument, when the person who was in a sense the most important to him spoke up.

“That’s enough!”

“Ki, Pope Niu, …….”

 When Ekaterina spoke up, King Dahm shrank back at once.

“He is a messenger of God, recognized by us, Ys. Do you really believe that this messenger will bring disaster to the world?

“Yes, that’s …….”

 Both Dahm and Ys are religious nations that deeply believe in the religion of creation, and the head of state of Ys is the pope of the religion of creation.

 I’m not sure what to make of it.

 If the head of state of that superior nation, the Pope of the Church of Creation, gives him a hard time, Dahm probably won’t be able to say anything anymore.

 I’m not sure where the momentum from earlier has gone, but the King of Dahm has fallen silent.

“I’d like to thank you for saving my life, Shin. Are you trying to turn Shin into a villain based on your own beliefs?”

“No, no! It’s not an assumption. ……


 I’m not going to say that I’m a good person, but I’m not a bad person.

“It is your country that stabbed me, you know?

“Oh ……, that’s …….”

“I’m not sure what to make of this. I’m not sure what you mean by that.

“I’m not sure what you’re talking about.

“Are you seriously saying that? You’re saying that your country is in turmoil and you’ve given the demons an opportunity to take advantage of you, aren’t you?

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“Stick to …….”

 I’m sure you can’t hear a word I’m saying.

 It’s a good idea to have a good idea of what you’re looking for.

 I’m sure you’ll agree that this is a great idea.

 I’m not sure how a head of state can keep quiet after being humiliated like this.

 I’m not sure what he’ll do, but I’m sure it’s not a good idea.

“You guys, let’s leave it at that.

 I guess she couldn’t stand to see them argue. My grandmother intervened in this scene of the King Dahm being beaten to a pulp.

“I don’t care if it’s a one-on-one debate, I don’t like the idea of you all attacking one person. It’s like bullying.

“‘No, no! That’s not true!””

 The voices of the three of them were in sync.

 Are you that afraid of Grandma?

 I’m afraid of …….

“Bullying …… me?” “Bullying …… me?”

 King Dahm must be shocked that he was seen as a bully.

 He’s been mumbling about it for a while now.

 I’m sure you’ve been raised as a prince of a country and have never been bullied before.

 Something that never happened to him before has happened to him.

 Isn’t that what you can’t forgive? If that is the case, then King Dahm’s condition is a bit dangerous. ……

“To be honest, Shin’s power is insane. If Shin is a little ambitious, he can take over the world in no time at all.

“Whoa! Whose side are you on, Grandma?”

 While I was worrying about King Dahm, who seemed a bit dangerous, I was unexpectedly betrayed by my grandmother.

“Please hear me out. But that’s only if Shin uses his power wrong. As I said before, I disciplined Shin very strictly. Now you are seeing the results, aren’t you?”

 Grandma spoke to King Dahm, who looked straight at her.

She looked straight at him and said, “By offering your knowledge to the crisis of humanity. And by being on the front lines.”

“That …… is …….”

“There may be some here who are concerned about Shin’s power. But I think you should trust me here. If Shin takes a wrong turn, Merlin and I will risk our lives to stop him.

“Oh, I wouldn’t do that!

“You know that. We trust you. That’s why it’s so easy for us to say we’ll risk our lives for you.”

“Grandma ……”

 Oh my God. …… I’m going to cry. ……

“I don’t know, can you trust me?”

 Grandma left me crying and spoke again to King Dahm.

 The King of Dahm stared at her for a while.

Then he turns away and says, “…….”

 To be honest, I was a little surprised at her attitude, but she seemed to think that King Dahm had gotten over it.

“You’re done here, you guys. Let’s get on with it.”

“”Yes, ma’am !””

 As usual, the three of them were obedient to Grandma, and the rest of the meeting went smoothly.

 There is no special skill required to use the vibrating sword.

 However, there are some precautions to be taken.

 The three of us, myself, Tony, and Miranda, who were the actual users, were going to teach them.

 Tony is fine since he was there when we decided to use the vibrating sword for this battle, but I haven’t told Miranda yet.

 I’ll have to tell her later.

 The meeting went smoothly, but there was one thing that bothered me.

 King Dahm seemed to have settled his differences, but in the middle of the meeting, he only uttered a few short words like “Ah” or “I understand.”

 I guess he’s not convinced from the bottom of his …… heart.

 While leaving such a little anxiety, the summit meeting for the decisive battle against the demons in a month ended.

 By the way, …….

 The old man was out of the force when it came to magical tools, so he was away from the meeting .



 Shin used the gate to send the heads of state who had finished their meetings back to their countries.

 Among them was the new King of Dahm.

 After returning to the Kingdom of Dahm, the King of Dahm returned to his room and kicked over a nearby scrap basket.

“I’m being bullied! I’m being bullied? She just a commoner, thats being called an Guru and she’s getting carried away!”

 Merida is revered as a hero and adored as an guru, but her status is that of a commoner, and he was talked down to, protected, and admonished by this commoner.

 It was the most humiliating thing for King Dahm, who had been favored as royalty.

 Nevertheless, he was able to suppress the situation at the meeting because Ekaterina, the Pope of the Founding Faith, was reverent to Merida.

 It is a well-known story that Ekaterina had been under the tutelage of Merida, a hero from that time, during her training as a divine child.

 The journey also included Aaron, the future president of Els, and Deseum, who was already the crown prince of Aalsheid at the time.

“You think you’ve taken over the world by taming the heads of the three major powers? That vixen!”

 King Dahm didn’t like Merida anyway, who acted as if she was the greatest among the seven heads of state.

 As he was raging and breathing hard in his room, there was an unexpected knock at the door.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me. It’s Cartoon.”

“Go to …….”

 I frowned for a moment, but quickly made up my mind and gave permission for the visitor to enter.

“Excuse me, ……! What’s this? What is this?”
“Shut up with the ……? What do you want?”

“What? Oh, yes. As the person in charge of the military, I thought it necessary to know the results of the meeting as soon as possible.”

 With a thin smile on his face, the man who entered the room replied to King Dahm.

 King Dahm frowned at the man’s attitude, which he didn’t think was appropriate for talking to a King.

 However, the King did not mention the attitude.

 The man who entered the room, his name is Heero-Cartune, used to be a swordsman belonging to the Knights of Dahm, but in the past six months, he has suddenly awakened to the talent of magic.

 His skill with the sword was not that great, but with the addition of magic, he quickly rose to the top of the Dahm army.

 This should have been a happy event for Dahm, who had suffered a significant drop in strength during the previous campaign to capture the Demon Territory, when the head of the army had run amok with the elite.

 However, this man, Heroo-Cartoon, did not have a very good reputation.

 What was his reputation?

 According to him, he thinks he is special.

 He sometimes says or does things that are out of the ordinary.

 He thinks Shin is an enemy to an unusual degree.

 And so on.

 When selecting a person to lead the military, which is the strongest armed group in the country, it is naturally necessary to have the appropriate skills, but more importantly, it is necessary to place importance on humanity.

 However, there is no one more capable than Cartoon in this dame.

 The King of Dahm had no choice but to appoint this man as the commander-in-chief of the army, even though he had some problems with his attitude , because there was a considerable gap between his abilities and those of the others.

“So, Your Majesty. How did it turn out in the end?”

“Oh, that’s the thing. ……”

 Regardless of my personal likes and dislikes, I was the one who appointed him as the commander-in-chief of the military, and I couldn’t not tell him the results of this meeting.

 King Dahm informed Cartoon of what had been decided at the meeting.

“Wow, …… are there really that many awesome weapons?”

“Yes. But she will allow his grandchildren to possess them, which we are not allowed to do. She even got Her Holiness the Pope on her side. ……”

 King Dahm, perhaps remembering what happened at the meeting, became grumpy again.

“Well, well, let’s talk about it later. We can talk about it later. ……”

 Cartoon muttered, retracting his earlier wry smile.

“After the jet boots, we now have the awesome weapon …….”

 I’m not sure if this is a good idea or not. I’m not sure what to do.

“I can’t wait to see that awesome cheat weapon …….”

 King Dahm, who was annoyed by the meeting, didn’t pay any attention to the fact that Cartoon was muttering unintelligible words again.

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