Published at 8th of December 2023 08:41:15 AM

Chapter 282

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99. The Face Behind the Mask (1)

It is a long tradition of the Dwarves that the king carries out state affairs in the open while the citizens watch.

That tradition made it easy for Kim Sungchul, the enemy of the Dwarves to enter the heart of the kingdom.

Hundreds of people had already gathered and watched the king’s state in the great dwarf’s real reality.

A unique sight not found in palaces of other countries. Other races have criticized this dwarf atmosphere as a market floor.

But few know that this open court is the hidden power of the dwarven kingdom.

The dwarf’s throne was located just below the arm karas cradle, made of fragments of heaven but now empty.

A strong dwarf king, Dinecraft, with a lion’s mane-beard, sits on his jade throne, with his legs wide open and his jaw sitting.

In front of the king, a group of apocalyptic denominations and a group of Aquiroa stood in space, facing each other.

The atmosphere didn’t look very good.

The voices of men and women throughout the dwarves reflected their interest in them.

“Be quiet.”

Guards in various places of the reality were thumping the floor with the tip of the windows, ordering people to ban Saddam.

On the other hand, Kim Sungchul was a prominent figure in the real world where dwarves occupy most of them.

“There, the human race. Take off the hood. ”

A dwarf guard ordered Kim Sung-chul.

Kim Sungchul said it was. A wide and energetic face appeared completely different from the original. Several dwarves glanced at Kim’s face and ignored it.

Several guards seemed to be gossiping towards Kim Seong-chul. Because of the human race, they seemed to receive many borders. Soon a human wizard appeared and asked Kim Seong-cheol to investigate and investigate his stats.

“Mr. Silo? You are very strong. ”

“If you lose your strength, you are a corpse.”

Kim Sungchul took a close look at the center of the real reality while talking miscellaneous.

Aquiroa and Apocalypse were standing in front of the king’s left and right sides, respectively, discussing something.

Aquiroa went out before the king as soon as he was finished talking.

“Your Majesty. As I said before, our rich archipelago is ready to give generous support to protect your kingdom. ”

Aquiroa spoke in the voice of an old woman.

The king gazed at Aquiroa with his eyes, only hanging his beard.

Aquioa continued.

“Your Majesty, one of the thirty-three girls, is a sovereign, merciful, wise monarch. How does he get help from such wicked pagans? Moreover, do not their wicked tricks eventually require the lives of His Majesty’s faithful servants? What would you do if you lost both the warrior who would defend your Majesty and the pawns that would be needed by your side? ”

“What’s the difference?”

King Dwarf sat down and spoke in a cold tone.

The cold air flowed from the king and the corpses surrounding him.

Aquiroa was a scene that revealed the fact that he was an intruder from the standpoint of the dwarven kingdom.

Aquiroa, however, was not embarrassed at all and spoke with flexibility.

“There are means of spleen prepared by our side in case of this.”

Aquiro bowed backwards.

Then a group of people appeared at the entrance of the real room.

Something like a bizarre human being up to three meters tall wore a robe covering the whole body decorated in purple and red and stood in front of the king with all the dwarves watching him, led by the officers of the rich archipelago.

Hundreds of dwarves’ eyes gathered in the real reality were all focused on the elongated giants.

“My body is too slim for my face.”

Disagree, but no one was close to the truth.

Only one person, Kim Sung-chul.

‘Is that a salvation disease?’

An unidentified necrotic soldier moved by the power of black fragments.

The necrotic’s combat power was superhuman knight, much stronger than the knights had physical and regeneration.

The Dwarf king shook his chin and instructed his men to continue the story.

Aquiro beckons again.

The flocks of the rich archipelago stripped the cloth covering the elongated giants.

Then bizarre giants with bluish, jelly or slime-like skin appeared.

Kim Seong-cheol’s expectations hit.

The dwarves were surprised to see the bizarre gangsters first seen.

The same is true of the king of dwarves. However, there was someone who reacted more violently than other dwarves.

It was an old dwarf who gathered two hands behind the king and raised a white beard.

“Dwarf Elder?”

Elder dwarves have the power that even the king, the oldest and wisest of all dwarves, can be appointed only by their king.

One of the elders shouted.

“Is that not the golem of the body of Luteginea?”

“Corpse golems? What is it? ”

“It was an evil weapon that was brought forward during the rise of the Luteginea kingdom. A terrible golem made of massacred soldiers and the bodies of people. Though different in form, the monsters are in many ways consistent with the corpses of Luteginia. ”

Elder Dwarf stared at Aquiroa with a suspicious eye, pointing directly with his finger.

“This is the Aquiro ball. What is the identity of the monster you dragged? ”

“It’s a salvation disease.”

“A super soldier developed secretly with the human empire to save the world from the coming disaster.”

Aquiro approached the standing salvaged man, and suddenly pulled the dagger to draw the salvage body.

The dwarves made a loud reaction to the sudden action.

The salvation soldier, who was actually screened, did not even stumble and did not say a word.

In addition, a drop of blood did not flow from the skin of the jelly, which was cracked by the dagger, and healed itself.

“As you can see, the Salvation Army was not made using something like a corpse. It is a state-of-the-art combat machine built using advanced magic and alchemy. ”

The dwarf king first showed interest.

The heart was ringing the word machine.

“Yes, does that mean that this soldier was not fostered?”

Aquiro nodded and satisfied with a moist voice.

“The mass production system is already in place and we are ready to deliver the entire quantity free of charge to the Dwarven Kingdom.”

The king showed interest.

“Of course there are conditions.”

Aquiro replied.

“My master, the Wandering King, wants to form an alliance with His Majesty.”

Question marks appeared in the eyes of Dinecraft.

“Alliance. Rumor has it that the Wandering King did not participate as a member of the new World Congress presided over by the thief? ”

The word thieves came out dwarves began to boil.

“The Cub of a Thief!”

“Kim Seong-chul!”

“The bitch of the rip!”

The dwarves’ anger at Kim Sung-chul was like that.

Bertelgia shook in his pocket.

“Mr. Silo? It’s popular. ”

Kim Sungchul did not say anything.

In the meantime, the conversation continued.

“Yes. That’s right. ”

“But why?”

Aquiro answered and the king asked again.

Kim Sungchul He listened to Aquiroa, raising his hand slightly to Bertelgia.

“I know this unfortunate thing between your Majesty and the enemies of the world. But how long will you be obsessed with past grudges? I am here to reconcile and reconcile the old conflicts between the new Chairman of the World Council and His Majesty. ”

Kim Sungchul doubted his ear at the moment.

‘Aren’t you decorating something?’

To date, Aquiroa’s motive is for the World Congress.

But it is early.

Kim Sungchul continued to watch the situation.

King Dwarf’s sharp cry rang out in the banquet room.

His beard and hair stood as if he had been lightning.

Hundreds of dwarf spectators who loved to speak loudly said nothing like cold water.

The king was angry.

In a humble atmosphere, Dinecraft rose from his seat and pointed his finger at the empty cradle behind the throne.

“Would you now join me in the rubbish play that the thief’s baby took over?”

His short but strong finger was trembling with anger.

“This is Aquiro. No matter how you say it, you can’t just hear it. ”

“Your Majesty. You must be cool. This is a very dangerous time. It’s not time to get lost in private grudges. ”

“The Arm Garaz stolen by the thief is the dwarven kingdom itself.”

The king of the Dwarves became one.

When the name Arm Garaz came out, all the dwarves raised their heads in unison and stared at the empty cradle on the throne.

It’s a new recruit who has made forged pieces of heaven.

Radical dwarves such as the Akkad thought that the hammer was nothing more than a mere ornament, but most dwarves who lived in tradition believed that the arm garaz was a symbol of their own race.

Even the stubbornness of the world’s stubborn dynecraft is worth a weapon.

“I will not speak with you until I get back the arm garaz.”

The king stared at Aquiroa with uncertain eyes.

“But can you bring Fal Garaj here?”

If you can bring it, bring it.

“That’s a try. But your majesty. You should know that the crisis is not just about the northern barbarians. A more fundamental and serious crisis is taking place in the south. ”

The angry dwarf king’s beard sank.

He is stubborn, but he is not stupid enough to be swept away in anger.

He was interested in the more fundamental word of the southern crisis and immediately summoned the elders with his surroundings to begin a secret meeting.

This is to confirm the authenticity of the information.

On the other hand, Kim Sung-chul was surprised.

There is nothing special about it.

Crisis comes from the west and the north.

More immediate and serious are the barbarians of the north.

But there are more serious threats than barbarians in the north.

Kim Sungchul I watched Aquiro’s back with cold eyes.

A woman in a flamboyant outfit, wrapped in a colorful outfit, was always bent at her waist, standing straight at her waist and staring at her bent finger, bending her finger slightly in a haughty manner.

Suddenly, the face of an unrelated person rushed past Kim Seong-chul’s eyes.

Aquiro’s beggar resembles someone who knows it somewhere. A spiteful woman who gave him love and hurt at the same time.

But it cannot be. It is a simple illusion.

When I closed my eyes and looked back at Aquiroa, she was coughing with a beep as always, bending her waist. The idea just before was mistaken.

King Dwarf, in exchange for condolences, asked Aquiroa again.

“What do you mean by the crisis in the south? Did you have more serious problems than barbarians? ”

It was a carefully asked question so far.

You should answer well.

Aquiroa opened his mouth, thinking all so.

“Do you know that the borders of the human empire are closed?”

“Yes. I know it as a result of the empire’s lords turning to your wandering king. ”

“Do you know about the situation in Lagranje?”

“Ragranze? Why are you asking? ”

The dwarf king is not aware of it until now.

“In Lagranje, the emperor is now doing something ridiculous. Should we say it is the last outbreak? He is trying to do what he should not do. ”

Aquiro took the wand and pointed towards Sarasa Zero, standing on the opposite side.

“It’s more ridiculous than you are there.”

The group of apocalyptic denominations who had awaited Aquiroa turned their heads.

An unpleasant sensation appeared on the face of the nominated party Sarasa Zero. The man standing behind him stood behind her and whispered.

Kim Sungchul I was able to recognize the man’s face that appeared momentarily.

‘Deckerd? Sarasa Zero’s father? Is he joining the doomsday clan? ‘

Not so surprising. It is rather natural.

But the problem is not that.

In the eyes of everyone, the lady of the mask, Sarasa Zero, finally broke out of silence and finally came to the front.

“I heard the story so far. Reaper of the Wandering King. ”

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