Mechanized Storm - Chapter 10

Published at 24th of April 2023 06:57:59 AM

Chapter 10

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Various noisy sounds came into Tita's ears, waking her up from her thoughts. She noticed everyone's reaction and knew that Feynman's days wouldn't be easy.

Tianjing Machine Military student Zhuang Zhou licked his lips with satisfaction, a bit sinister, as if something big was about to happen. It seemed that Puppet was going to become famous.

Seeing Puppet's avatar go offline, he knew that the master had logged out. He immediately returned to the forum, and in that short time, his post had skyrocketed. If he didn't know who his opponent was now, it wouldn't be right.

"Puppet kills Feynman in three seconds with a shocking beheading!"

"Moon people are not that great. Our real masters haven't even shown up yet!"

"Who says virtual areas can't produce masters? Puppet teaches how to be a person series."

"I'm confused. Is beheading really that easy? I've played over 6,000 matches and haven't succeeded once..."


The entire virtual area was discussing this, suppressing all kinds of special broadcasters. The virtual area was easy to play around in, but everyone knew that it was just for show. They wanted to see something real, especially a showdown with other federations. The virtual area had almost daily battles with victories and defeats, but it was useless.

In the most critical real area, USE people were extremely cautious. Even if they fought, they didn't allow spectators because losing would really get them scolded. This was the pressure of reality, and even some well-known players would be exposed on the internet. Most of them were military school students, and this pressure was really too great. Familiar mechas and fighting styles were also easy to be observed and studied by opponents.

Puppet's battle was the most satisfying one after the Solar System Grand Tournament. He fought against a well-known NUP player and was so happy that he let out a breath of bad air.

At this time, Li Hao was a bit helpless. He had just started and received a series of calls. First, it was Wu Zang, followed by the class leader, and then Zuo Xiaotang and others joined in the fun, saying that the class leader wanted to gather the team members for a team formation meeting.

Zhou Naiyi and Ye Tong still had a lot of face. Principal Long was also a decisive person. Zhou Naiyi had already obtained an exclusive training ground and could conduct team training independently.

When Li Hao arrived, everyone else had already arrived. Unexpectedly, Zuo Xiaotang was also there, as well as Tang Yu and Xue Gang, who were all of the same year. Xue Gang was also from Class 16, and Tang Yu was a master from Class 18. It seemed that Zhou Naiyi was going to use them as the base for the team.

In the center of the training ground was a combat platform, and Zhou Naiyi and Wu Zang were sparring. Little Wu was a serious person, and when it came to fighting, there was no distinction between men and women. He was particularly serious. Wu Zang came from a family of martial arts and had received family training since he was young. His foundation was definitely solid.

But Zhou Naiyi was not inferior to Wu Zang in their sparring. They both fought back and forth, and in terms of basic skills, Wu Zang was definitely better. But Zhou Naiyi's agility and insight were really strong, which was a characteristic of female Golden Genes owners. They were wise and calm. In this era of mecha actual combat, tactics were first and strength was second.

Of course, it was just a sparring match, and they were just testing each other out, not trying to determine a winner. They exchanged a few punches and kicks and then pulled away.

Wu Zang remained unchanged, but Zhou Naiyi's breath was a bit heavier, but completely under control. This was Wu Zang's area of expertise. He had used seventy percent of his strength. If it were a mecha battle, he would still be a bit behind Zhou Naiyi. Zhou Naiyi chose his area of expertise, which was his magnanimity. Zhou Naiyi won his respect and was qualified to be the team leader.

"Li Hao, did you come to the wrong place? This is our internal training." Xue Gang said carelessly, not hiding his disdain for Li Hao.

Zhou Naiyi smiled, "Xue Gang, Li Hao is also our teammate, and he was selected by the principal. He was a former member of the Solar System Revelation Youth Class."This has almost become the most powerful opening remark, mainly because Li Hao has nothing else to say, which can reduce his teammates' complaints.

Li Hao couldn't help touching his nose. "Class leader, don't spread it around. I'm about to become a zoo animal."

Xue Gang was stunned and looked at Li Hao speechlessly. "You are the idiot who hurt Zhongyong. One sister, you are not kind. With his level, he probably doesn't want to mention this matter for eight lifetimes. If it gets bigger, it may become a stepping stone for those who want to become famous and crazy. At that time, Li Hao will be miserable."

Idiot Xue couldn't help but tease. Revelation Youth Class is very powerful, but not everyone who comes out of it is powerful. Many people are mediocre. You can't just look at the strongest few. Sometimes this reputation is a huge burden.

"It doesn't matter whether it's a donkey or a horse. It's time for you, Li Hao, to come up." Wearing tight-fitting clothes and with a great figure, Zhou Naiyi beckoned Li Hao.

"Class leader... I want to be a human."

"Hao Ge, come on. Everyone has to fight once, and we've all fought." Zuo Xiaotang said helplessly. His left eye was a bit black. Poor child, he looked so wronged. He didn't know why he was chosen. The problem is, as a sniper, why should he fight in close combat?

After learning that Li Hao was once a member of Revelation Youth Class, even if he was a former member, Zhou Naiyi also had the urge to fight. She looked at Li Hao with great interest. She was really curious lately. Principal Long was strange, and Ye Tong was strange too. Was it just because of the name of the Youth Class?

Li Hao also knew that he couldn't avoid it. Obviously, this was the battle where Zhou Naiyi confirmed her position as captain. If she wanted to be a captain and make the team cohesive, it wasn't enough for the principal to say a few words. She still had to make the team members convinced.

Search "pawread dot com" for the original.

Li Hao climbed onto the combat platform. "Class leader, do you want to take a break?"

Zhou Naiyi smiled slightly. "No need. Let's begin."

Li Hao nodded and stood there. The atmosphere was a bit awkward. Zhou Naiyi looked at Li Hao lazily without any guard, and felt a bit angry.

Suddenly taking a step, she rushed towards Li Hao, kicked out a whip leg, Li Hao twisted and avoided it, and instantly ran to the other side of the combat platform. Flexibility was a characteristic of girls. With almost one turn and one step, Zhou Naiyi kicked Li Hao, and Li Hao's body swung away. Zhou Naiyi followed up with a sweeping leg. Li Hao quickly jumped away. Zhou Naiyi then flipped and kicked diagonally, but Li Hao avoided it again and ran to the other side.

Zhou Naiyi stood up after a flip, pulled out a stance, but suddenly everyone's eyes were a bit hot.

Li Hao pointed to Zhou Naiyi. "Class leader, um, it's open."

The line under Zhou Naiyi's left armpit broke, revealing a little white. The surrounding animals wished they could dig their eyes out. Zhou Naiyi blushed. "I'll change my clothes. Wu Zang, you and Li Hao can spar. It seems that our classmate Li Hao has some skills."

Wu Zang was knowledgeable. Although Li Hao had been dodging under Zhou Naiyi's pressure, he was still calm and had a good hand in combat. This distance was not easy to grasp, and he could be directly KO'd.

"Okay, captain, Hao Ge, let's spar." Wu Zang rushed up without hesitation.

Zhou Naiyi was good at leg techniques, while Wu Zang was good at both punches and kicks. After a little testing, he felt that Li Hao's level was acceptable, so he let go and attacked him vigorously.

Li Hao wanted to object, but what's going on today? No one gives him a chance to speak. What about human rights and humanity?

The two people on the platform fought fiercely. Wu Zang had a comprehensive advantage, and Li Hao was basically blocking and dodging. Soon, Zhou Naiyi changed her clothes and came out, taking a glance at Ye Tong, who was staring at Li Hao.

"Is he what you expected?"

The two had a deep conversation. Ye Tong looked at Li Hao with strange eyes, blinking and looking at him. "He is better than I imagined. He has not slackened in the past few years."Wu Zang on stage was so satisfying to watch, constantly increasing his strength, but no matter how hard he tried, the opponent could completely defend against it.


With a kick, Li Hao blocked Wu Zang with his arms and pushed him away, creating distance between the two.

"What the f*ck, class monitor, what's going on, am I the replacement now?" Li Hao was speechless.

"Li Hao, this is your fault. You were hiding your skills from your dorm brothers. Wu Zang, I don't know what your temper is like, but I can't tolerate it if it were me." Ye Tong suddenly spoke up.

Wu Zang was stunned and looked at Li Hao. Li Hao thought to himself, "What is this girl doing? Why does she always have a problem with me?"

(Actually, I have always been bad at describing girls and writing emotional scenes. To make up for this weakness, I have watched a lot of idol dramas and Korean dramas. Hopefully, I have made some progress. Please give me more advice, Mr. Keda Duck.)

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!