Published at 28th of January 2019 12:47:56 PM

Chapter 112

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After being done with the statement that would definitely haunt her for her whole life, Ellen ran to the bathroom nearby, trying to control her tears.
Locking herself in a cubicle, she laid the toilet seat down and used toilet paper to cover it before sitting on it and completely breaking down.
Between sobs, she kept telling herself that it could be much worse.
This way, she would at least only be known as someone who had given in to her emotions, instead of a nefarious person who was ready to sleep with her boss to become his girlfriend.
Even while she cried, she couldn't get the query out of her head regarding just who was responsible for this whole thing.
Could it be the CEO himself?
That was possible, because to make a fake video as believable as the one she had been shown, it required top-notch video editors who could leverage artificial intelligence.
As the tears kept flowing down her cheeks, the frustration she felt slowly started to turn into anger.
Anger at the one who was responsible for everything: that bitch who had made her become jealous in the first place.
It was simple. If she hadn't seen the CEO chasing after her, she wouldn't have plotted to share those photos due to the jealousy she felt. It was all her fault!
She had to pay.
Maybe she should go in front of another magazine and say that she was blackmailed by that woman?
It was risky, but she would have her revenge, and she might even earn some money.
Enough money to help her start over, maybe.
Yes, she couldn't let this go. Whoever called and threatened her must care only about the CEO-after all, it was demeaning to have fallen for a golddigger.
A smile appearing on her face, she started to imagine the downfall of that woman.
In this state, Ellen's mind didn't mind logically; no, it was governed by her rage, and all she wanted was to get back at the bitch whom she blamed for it all.
Just when she was about to finalize her plan, she heard a knock on the bathroom door.
This was a large hotel bathroom with many stalls, and it didn't even seem like the ones beside her were occupied.
"Occupied! Go to another one!", she said, as a knock sounded again.
"I'm here for you, not the bathroom. Come out, Ellen."
Hearing a voice that sounded vaguely familiar, Ellen raised an eyebrow in surprise.
She paused first, and was surprised when she heard no sounds from anywhere near her.
Was the whole bathroom empty? Who could have come to find her?
She had already followed all the instructions she had been given, so she was pretty sure that it wasn't the one who had sent that video.
Deciding to find out, she wiped her tears and stood up to open the door.
Just as the door completely opened, even before she got a full view of the person outside, she felt two strong hands roughly push her by her shoulders, making her fall back down on the toilet seat she had been sitting on till now.
Due to the momentum and the hard surface she had fallen on, both her bottom and back started to ache fiercely, making her scream out with anger, "WHAT THE F-"
Before she could look up and finish the sentence, a slap landed on her cheek, making her head swivel to the side and making her shut up.
Someone had…actually dared to hit her?!

Another tight slap impacted her other cheek, making her whole face feel like it was on fire.
As her head started to ring, fear replaced that anger and made her hold her face with both hands before looking up.
Wasn't this… the same woman whose downfall she had been plotting just a few seconds ago?
Her eyes widening, she was just about to open her mouth but stopped after remembering the slaps she had just endured.
Putting one foot between her legs on the toilet seat, the woman bent down and came to face to face with her.
As Ellen looked into eyes filled with fury, she felt so afraid that she felt like peeing herself.
"Shut up and listen. I am Elizabeth Redmaine, the one whom you dared to slander. I made that video of you, and I made you destroy your career. I don't play fair, and I don't show mercy. By now, that video of yours has been made public."
Hearing this, Ellen widened her eyes with horror and stuttered, "B-but y-you-"
Letting out a short laugh, the woman continued.
"I said I don't play fair. Don't worry, though. It was just the first part. As for the other part where you detail your master plan-it's safe with me. I will be keeping an eye on you. If you dare to even think about doing anything else to mess with me, the other part WILL go public, and I'll make sure you go to jail. DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND?!"
The last three words were said while stamping down hard on the area between Ellen's legs on the toilet seat, making her flinch.
This woman was wearing sharp heels, so if her leg moved even a little bit up, Ellen would be doomed.
Indeed, the truly incriminating part was in the second part of the video, but the first itself was bad enough.
Also, the first part would corroborate the statement she had just given. If the second part was released later, there would be no doubt that it was authentic.
This was…truly a master plan. She had no way out!
She had thought that she was dealing with someone normal, who would disappear after she fulfilled their conditions.
Clearly, she had been very wrong.
All the blame and resentment in her mind turned into pure fear when she realized this, and she understood that this woman wouldn't hesitate even a little bit before carrying out her threat.
Was it worth it? Messing with someone like this?
Definitely not.
Ellen was in no state to speak, so she just nodded.
Stamping one last time on the toilet seat, the woman left the bathroom after unlocking the door.
Sitting in the toilet, Ellen broke down once again.
She felt regret.
Alas, no matter how much she wished, she couldn't take her actions back.
She had really messed with the wrong woman.

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