Published at 19th of February 2019 11:10:31 AM

Chapter 125

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For a few seconds, Liz wondered whether she had heard wrong.
It was just…too sudden.
This possibility-of Luke being interested in her romantically, was something that she had put to the side and ignored even though it had occurred to her that it might be true.
Now, it seemed that she had no choice but to come face to face with the possibility.
She even tried to be in denial for a few seconds, by hoping that he was just joking around. However, even that didn't work.
It was only after this stage did she try to calm down and try to analyze her own feelings.
Meanwhile, Luke was closely observing Liz's expression. Her every emotion was captured by him, who understood her more than anyone else in the world.
At this moment, he saw hesitation. However, he didn't know what that hesitation was for.
Was Liz hesitating to say that she would outright reject Luke? Or did Liz actually have feelings for him too, but was hesitating because she didn't want to accept them?
He just had to wait and see.
In fact, he felt a little guilty about springing this on her so suddenly.
However, after listening to what Keren had to say, he had understood that he was probably doing the wrong thing by not telling Liz what he was feeling and getting to know whether there was even the tiniest possibility that his feelings could be reciprocated.
He was someone who believed that the bandaid was best removed in one go. There would be a sharp pain, but it would subside.
So, he wanted to get this over with.
He knew that he loved Liz in his own way, and that he really wanted to spend his life with her. Now, he just needed to know what Liz thought.
Liz was, indeed, hesitating.
Right now, her mind felt like it was such a mess that she couldn't make heads or tails out of it.
All she knew was that if she didn't handle this moment properly, it might damage the relationship she treasured almost more than anything else in the world: her friendship with Luke.
This pressure felt like it was crushing her, as she knew clearly just how valuable that relationship was. If it weren't for Luke's support, she definitely wouldn't be where she was in life right now.
Wait…Luke just wanted to know whether there was a possibility of him being her boyfriend.
If so, why had her thoughts gone in this direction?
Shouldn't she answer his question first? What did she feel about him? Were there romantic feelings?
'Idiot woman, your thoughts went in that direction because you already know the answer to this question.'
For once, Liz thanked her inner voice and didn't even curse at it for calling her an idiot.
Yes. She already knew the answer.
As Luke saw this clarity in Liz's eyes, he sighed deeply and stood up.
He understood. How could he not?
Walking to Liz before she could say anything, he took both of her hands, joined them together and held them using his.
She was a tall girl, but she still needed to look up slightly to look into his eyes.
So, he tilted her head up and gazed into those two bottomless pools of comfort and love before starting to speak.
"Liz, I love you. I think about you day and night. I worry whether you're safe. I worry that you need me, but I'm not there for you. I tried to sit down and think about these feelings inside myself. I know for sure that spending my life is with you is something I really, really want to do. But I've realized that I already have that. We already share more love than any two friends probably in the whole world, Liz. We know each other so well that we can tell what the other is thinking just by looking. But this got messed up when I pulled these romantic feelings into the mix. Admit it. Ever since you realized that I might be interested in you in that way, you've been a bit distant in your boss's matter, haven't you?"
In response, Liz nodded.
Indeed, if things had been normal between them, she would have told him every detail about Will. However, unconsciously, she had decided not to do so.
Seeing this, Luke's voice cracked, as if what he was going to say was very, very difficult.
"See? They've already hurt us. I love you, Liz. And I understand that you don't look at me that way. You're clear, but you hesitated because you didn't want to hurt me. To lose me. Am I right?"
Hearing this, Liz started to tear up.
They came like a flood, and no matter what she did, she couldn't stop them.
Just the possibility of losing him made her feel more pain than she could bear.
Stepping forward, she hugged him tight.
He was hers. Her Luke.
She expected him to hug her back, but instead, he hit her on her head lightly before entwining her arms around her.
"Moron. No matter what you do, you can't lose me. Even if you push me away, I'll hang on. I love you. I really, really do. But you are my only family. I'm not even sure how these feelings came in me. Maybe it was because I know that anyone who is fortunate enough to spend their life with you would be the luckiest guy in the world. Maybe its because I was afraid that if you got close to someone else, you might forget about me. I don't know. But I do know that I have closure now. I will try my best to control those feelings, and put them to the side. You gotta give me time, though. I will change what I feel- for you, Liz. But you have to promise me one thing."
Liz couldn't control her tears while Luke laid everything out so clearly. This had always been his style: when he decided to do something, he would carry through with it, no matter what.
After he said this, he removed his arms which were embracing her and cupped her face in his hands before looking into her eyes again.
"If that guy hurts you again, kick him in his balls. And if you ever move away from me ever again, I'll kick you in your…whatever. Ow, ow, Ok, I'm kidding, don't pinch me. Well, I still want to propose to you."
Saying so, he let go and bent down on one knee, while playfully raising one hand as if he were holding an invisible ring.
Liz was happy to see that a more normal Luke was back, but she could also see the pain in his eyes. Clearly, what he had just said had taken a lot out of him.
"Will you, Liz, take me back as your closest friend with whom you share each and every detail about your life, including all the disgusting things and even the gross stuff? Will you be my wingwoman, while I will be your wingman? Will you…oh, screw it. You know the rest. Oh ya, is Keren single, by the way?"
Hearing the last part, Liz forgot all about the heartful talk so far, seeing her rascally friend return.
In response, she picked up a pillow nearby and started hitting him.

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