Published at 15th of March 2023 06:20:22 AM

Chapter 182: I want to prepare for the wedding (4)

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In the next second, Su Wanwan was pressed by the strength of his wrists on the large desk.

Pei Mu-nian put one hand on her face, and the other hand squeezed her small chin, rubbed her fingertips lightly, her thin lips were lightly opened, her voice was low and dumb, "I made such a big sacrifice for you, you just say thank you ?"

Su Wanwan blinked, then blinked again, as if he could not understand, with innocent eyes open, he said, "Then I have something to say?"

Pei Munian looked at the sly light gleaming in Su Wanwan's eyes, the corners of her lips were evil and her handsome face gradually depressed, and he answered her word by word, "You don't need to say, do it more sincerely."


Pei Munian, you rascal!

However, she had no chance to say this sentence, Pei Munian had kissed her deeply and swallowed all her words.

Su Wanwan's hand lightly punched his chest a few times, and then he unconsciously hugged him with his arms, hugging him tightly.

Since she knew about it three years ago, after breaking up with him in anger, she has not dared to hope that there will be a future between them. Even if she marries him later, she will live carefully every day, ready to be caught by him. Drive away.

But he did not expect that she and him could have today.

So happy, so sweet, so beautiful, she felt like she fell into a dream suddenly, she was very happy, but at the same time, she was also deeply afraid.

Her happiness seems to have always been extremely fragile, like walking on thin ice, it will be broken if one is not careful.

Three years ago, didn't her happiness only lasted less than 24 hours?

So, will her happiness this time also have a deadline?

Even if there is, can she be more greedy? I hope this period will be longer and longer

Su Wanwan's mood was a little depressed, even if she tried to hide it, Pei Munian still noticed it. His lips slightly separated from Su Wanwan's lips, panting slightly, holding her cheeks in his palms, and asked gently, "What's wrong? "

Su Wanwan looked at Pei Munian’s caring eyes, and there was a touch of warmth in her heart. She kept pressing on many things and did not dare to say, she hid it tightly, for fear that others would see her fragility, but the man in front of her was deeply loved. The man, his eyes are so gentle, so gentle that her closed heart door opens uncontrollably, exposing her fear and anxiety to him.

Su Wanwan bit his lower lip lightly, and opened his mouth in a low voice, "Pei Munian, will we always be fine?"

Pei Munian thought that the person who had always been insecure was him. Who knows, Su Wanwan was so insecure.

Does she also worry and care about them? Do you care because you like it?

Pei Munian's heart trembled fiercely, and his eyes became more and more affectionate, like a vast ocean, wanting to drown Su Wanwan in it, he replied firmly, "Yes."

As long as Su Wanwan is willing, he will always be good with her, love her well, and go hand in hand for this long life.

Pei Munian’s promise made Su Wanwan’s heart a little more at ease, but I don’t know why, she still has wisps of inexplicable panic in her heart. She couldn’t say this feeling, so she could only subconsciously cling to Pei Munian more and more tightly. , Then she lifted her head slightly, and took the initiative to kiss Pei Munian.

The two entangled from the study and kissed all the way back to the bedroom.

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