Published at 15th of March 2023 06:04:10 AM

Chapter 555: Is this what you want? (5)

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Su Wanwan tapped his finger unintentionally, and the content of the text message appeared before his eyes. The black pupils suddenly enlarged, and Su Wanwan stood up suddenly.

The flight attendant came over quickly, "Miss, the plane will take off soon, please sit down and fasten your seat belt."

Su Wanwan grabbed the flight attendant's hand and said in a panicked tone, "Sorry, I have an urgent matter to get off the plane immediately."


"I will get off the plane now!"

After Su Wan got out of the airport late, he quickly stopped a taxi, "Master, go to the central hospital, hurry!"

The text message was sent by Ma Li. Su Zhenhua fell to the ground because of her escape from marriage. She couldn't breathe. After being sent to the hospital, the doctor issued a critical illness notice after examination and asked her to come back quickly.

When the car arrived at the hospital, Su Wanwan took out the money from his wallet and gave it to the driver. After getting out of the car, he drove all the way to the operating room. From a distance, he saw the light on the door of the operating room lit, so red that it made people's heart red. trembling.

Ma Li saw Su Wanwan running over, panting, and hurried to greet her, but her tone couldn’t help but a little harsher, "Miss, where did you go? The master was still there before entering the operating room. Waiting for you!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't know it would happen, how is Grandpa?"

Ma Li sighed, her eyes flushed, "The doctor said that the situation is very bad, I have entered, and I don't know if I can come out." "How come." Su Wanwan was shocked by Li Ma's words and staggered back a few steps.

She looked at her grandpa's mental state these days. She thought that grandpa had nothing to do, at best, it was just as little trouble as before, and just raised it well, but she didn't expect it to be so serious.

"Master’s health has always been bad. You don’t know that you are going to have a wedding with Young Master Pei, so he has been refreshed during happy occasions these past two days. He just looked better. In fact, his body is almost ready. Can't hold it any longer, miss you again."

Li Ma looked at Su Wanwan's red eyes, and she couldn't say any more, she just said: "I hope the master and Jiren have a natural outlook, even if it doesn't work, I think the master loves you, and won't blame you. "

Su Wanwan stood there in a daze, looking at the closed door of the operating room, his soul seemed to be taken away little by little, leaving only a shell.

She watched her parents being pushed into the operating room in the same way, but they never showed up again, and could no longer show her a smile.

No, grandpa wouldn't be like this. Her grandpa would also revitalize the Su family and make the Su family rise again. He wouldn't just fall down so easily, no.

The operation has been going on for a long time, Su Wanwan leaned on the wall to support herself, as if time had stagnated, it was so long that it was frightening.

Finally, the lights in the operating room went out, the door was slowly pushed open, and a doctor in a white robe walked out of it. Su Wanwan stepped forward, looking at him with wide eyes, and the voice of his mouth trembled. "How is it? Grandpa, is grandpa okay?"

The doctor sighed and shook his head, "Sorry, we have done our best."

Su Wanyan shook his head blankly, as if in disbelief, "Impossible, Grandpa impossible."

"Are you the patient's granddaughter? He has something to tell you, buy time to go in and see him for the last time."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!