Published at 15th of March 2023 05:48:48 AM

Chapter 813: Life and death line (9)

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Pei Munian didn't seem to hear Su Wanwan's words, she lifted her sinking body up, and said in a low voice, "Su Wanwan, do you want to know, when did I like you?"

When did Pei Munian fall in love with her?

Su Wanwan nodded slightly, and spoke with difficulty, "What, when?"

"It's also at the orientation meeting."

This answer was too unexpected, Su Wanwan couldn't help but opened his eyes, "Why, how is it possible? Welcome party, will it?"

The wind and snow showed no signs of stopping. Pei Munian's steps were getting harder and harder. The snow under his feet had flooded his knees. The calves below the knees were so cold that they were so cold that Pei Munian clenched his teeth and persisted.

"Well, the orientation meeting. You saw me at a glance, and I saw you at a glance."

He was standing on the stage, there were so many people off the stage, there was no shortage of beautiful girls, why did he notice her at a glance? Maybe it's because of her big bright eyes and the smile that is as bright as the sun.

She said that he glanced over unintentionally. It was not unintentional, but he couldn't help but glance over, and his heart was touched like that.

"Say, lie, you want to, if you like me at that time? Then why, you have been so indifferent to me since then, I am chasing you after you every day, you don't even remember who I am."

In college, in order for Pei Munian to remember who she was and her name, how much time and thought she spent, she obviously dangled in front of his eyes every day, but every time he glanced at her coldly , Asked with a sneer, "Who are you?"

At that time, every time he said who you were, she was very sad.

Is she so difficult for others to remember? "I lied."

Pei Mu-nian twitched her lips and laughed helplessly, "I always remember who you are, but I pretend not to know who you are."

Love at first sight is probably the best thing in the world. For the first time he felt the sensation of electric shock in his heart. It was so magical. That night when he returned home, he tossed and turned, and for the first time was insomnia because of a girl.

When she fell asleep in a daze, she was all in her mind.

Since childhood, because of his appearance, family background, and his own excellence, there are countless girls around him. He has always found them annoying. He never thought that one day he would be attracted by a girl.

Her big shining eyes have been lingering in her mind.

When he woke up the next day, he awkwardly flipped through the roster of their department's new students, found her photo, and saw her name: Su Wanwan.

His thin lips lightly opened, he was chanting three words unconsciously, and there was a lingering smell.

However, before he had time to rejoice, Lu Sheng beside him called out the name in surprise, "Su Wanwan? Was it the Su Wanwan who killed A Qian?"

Su Wanwan who killed A Qian!

Just a few words stopped his heartbeat, and all the good things were broken at this moment.

This girl with star-like eyes and a sunny smile was the culprit who killed his good brother. How could he like her?

"However, there is no way to pretend love, so Su Wanwan, you still win."

Knowing that it shouldn't, but still can't control my heart.

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