My Cell Prison - Chapter 1844

Published at 7th of December 2021 11:09:37 AM

Chapter 1844: 1844

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The shape of this "woman" is very strange.

Separated from the outside and suspended from the ceiling, the skull does not have skin and muscle structure, but only a skull with white hair.

The body sitting on the ground is quite perfect, and the body is basically the same as that of "human beings".

The ice crystal transparent skin clearly shows its internal structure. White crystal blood flows from blood vessels, and small diamond like particles are dotted on the surface of various organs.

As Pope said, the demons transformed by the dead will gradually approach humans.

"I'll try to communicate with the other party. If the negotiation fails, I'll consider killing or evacuating."

Han Dong gave a hand signal and walked forward alone.

Peeping with real magic eyes,

The woman's skin, meat and various internal organs will be filtered out, leaving only a skeleton... Han Dong can't help thinking of the white bone essence in journey to the West.

But the skeleton here has a deeper meaning, which is obviously related to the book of the dead - bone.

While gradually approaching, Han Dong also quietly released the field,

A pure faceless field, which belongs to the hidden field without any appearance. I want to quietly test the [dead spirit].

When the field spread in the past, there was no feeling that the other party was shrouded in it.

"This thing must be the product of the book of the dead. The remnant page corresponds to bone.

Not only is it immune to magic, but it can't even affect the field. It's really difficult to deal with... Pope's speculation may be right. This thing is a special dead spirit born in the broken dimension.

It's a little interesting. "

Since the spread out field can not affect each other, Han Dong restrained the field and strengthened himself at his feet.

Sit cross legged two meters away.

As soon as Han Dong sat down, the skeleton hanging in the air said:

"You are really powerful. Only the mythological body can reach such a depth... Moreover, it seems that there is not much loss on the way.

When our original planet was involved, a large number of people died on the spot.

The partners who survived by chance also died slowly in endless despair. Only a few lucky people like me survived. "

Han Dong looked respectful, even slightly bowed his head and said:

"At present, we have a technology that can move freely in the broken dimension. We venture here to find the opportunity to become a king.

During the dimension crossing, I accidentally found a mysterious team and followed them here.

They should have landed on the other side of the frozen earth. "

Han Dong directly transferred the main body of the contradiction to the "mysterious team".

"Oh, my friend is receiving them and seems not to be getting along well... But it doesn't belong to me.

The only thing I have to do is to receive you. Is there anyone else? "

"No, just the three of us."

"Hey, it's really rare. There shouldn't be much bone marrow that the three mythical bodies can finally squeeze out... I just hope there will be more people landing there."

The conversation turned.

The seemingly friendly initial communication was broken instantly, and there was no room for any communication.


The skull of the dead spirit hanging from the top exhales a cold breath.

For a moment.

The temperature continued to drop on the original basis.

It began to stick close to absolute zero (- 273.15 ℃), which is not as simple as extreme cold. It has seriously affected the basic movement of matter, and the time is limited.

"Time freeze"

Han Dong, as the main target and the nearest one, was directly affected by the time freeze, and the whole person did not react.

As the main body of exhaling cold, the dead woman is completely unaffected by the cold,

The moment the cold breath exhaled,

Her ice crystal arm also stretched out synchronously and poked Han Dong's face... Trying to freeze his head and turn it into an ice sculpture to deal with the other two people.

At the same time,

Pop at the door, his palm has made some small movements.

He had already left a void mark on Han Dong. When he was about to drag Han Dong back, a voice came:

"Watch me perform."

Pop didn't think much. Since Han Dong wanted to operate, he gave him a chance... To connect the void directly and completely cut it off.



The energy visible to the naked eye has condensed at the top of the ice crystal finger.

He was about to touch Han Dong's forehead.

Han Dong, who should have been imprisoned in the cold current of time, suddenly turned up his mouth... Ha ha! A cold and strange snicker crept out of his throat.

Laughter quickly climbed into the heads of the dead, and an apocalyptic scene was displayed in front of us - [the whole frozen soil began to collapse, and the heads of the survivors blew up like balloons].

The formation of the doomsday scene led to the collapse of her consciousness.

The dead woman was stunned in place.

Through such a gap.

Mind driven... Whoosh!

The truth magic sword with turbulent body came out of its sheath and directly split its ice crystal body into two parts.

The severed body is directly sucked into the [singularity] of the sword body and completely annihilated.

In addition.

Han Dong deliberately didn't shoot the skull hanging in the air.

The skull affected by the "doomsday joke" basically can't do anything else. It's unbearable... One by one, the cracks symbolizing disintegration appear on the surface.

In the extreme cold, Han Dong turned his head as if nothing had happened.

"Pop, is there any way to seal this guy's head... Maybe you can ask some important clues."

Although Pope was amazed at Han Dong's performance, he said calmly on the surface:

"Didn't the teacher give it to you?"


A lovely "void meat bubble" is held in Han Dong's hand,

Throw the skull as a 'clue' and the current area will be calm immediately.

"Hiss, it's so cold..."

Han Dong shivered when he finished all this.

He got up and stretched himself out and said helplessly:

"Hey ~ I was going to turn the conflict to another group of invaders and form an alliance with these guys for the time being.

We can not only join hands with these aborigines to eliminate the mysterious team, but also take the opportunity to find out the real situation of these ancient demons... Who knows, these guys wanted to kill us from the beginning. There's no talk at all. "

"It's normal. That's how the dead treat the demons.

Not to mention, these guys have been wandering between dimensions for a long time and experienced too many events that make their spirit run away... It's good not to rush at us at the beginning.

In other words, Nicholas, how did you resist the "time freeze"

"If I was in a normal temperature environment, I might not be able to react... But the environment here is already very cold, and my body has been accepting and adapting.

Besides, I've seen it many times in the vice principal's place.

Although the form is different, the essence is the same, which will not have a serious slow impact on me. "

After checking the current bunker, they continued to move towards the depths of frozen soil.

Han Dong's strength also vaguely stimulated eukins and Pope


The other end of the frozen earth.

In a similar small bunker.

All kinds of burnt matchsticks were scattered on the ground, as well as completely melted ice crystals and a crushed skull.

In their team, one engineer also melted away with the rise of temperature.

"The creatures here are a little strange. The next propulsion speed slows down slightly... The engineers stay at the end and I will protect them. Don't reduce the number of personnel as much as possible.

We need to dismantle the core relics here and bring them back to B.B.C. ", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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