Published at 22nd of October 2021 10:06:29 AM

Chapter 175: 175

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After discussing the purchase of alien meat.

Those three countries were invited to their communication channels.

Watching the video in which the great figures of the Eleven Kingdoms are all in front of them, people from the three countries are waiting for an explanation from them, full of expectation, and there is a kind of joy in unlocking secrets.


After learning the real reason behind this intensive military mobilization.

While shocked.

They are all depressed.

The door to space!

Alien planet!

Alien meat!

These things actually only exist in these eleven countries. They can only watch them from the sidelines. If they want to eat meat, they have to follow them, knowing that it is almost a century before World War II.

The turf grabbing can no longer be done.

The door of the space cannot be moved, and it can't be grabbed at all. Forget it, although the reality is so cruel, but compared to the previous ignorance and ignorance, this is already very good.

They comforted themselves.

It's just a panic.

Especially island countries.

Depressed, the island countries are small. Looking at the branches of these eleven countries, large areas are dominant. China has five, the United States and Canada have four, and Russia has two. The three major countries together account for half of the number.

Joining of the Three Kingdoms.

The focus of the discussion became the issue of assisting defense nations.

Of course, Japan wants to follow the United States.

Help defense.

You must choose a country that is closer.

China has always had grievances with the island countries, and also has territorial disputes with Russia. Before, it was able to follow the US strategy and do things in the Asia-Pacific region, but now the US obviously needs to adjust its national strategy, and his position is embarrassing.

In recent years, neighboring countries have been offended by island countries almost all the time. If they don’t follow the United States, other island countries think they will definitely give him shoes, so the island country made this request.

But the United States quit, George said: "I think the Japanese side is better to help China's defense, the closest, more convenient support." At the critical moment, the United States chose to refuse.

Matsushita Koji smiled wryly.

American dad’s thighs are not allowed to hold.

Of course, China was not willing.

The representative said: "China has a large population and consumes a lot of resources. I have a compromise plan. We might as well regard population and military strength as the criteria for future defense countries.

If there is a large population, choose a country with a small population, but a strong military power as a defense country. The population resources, training resources, and military strength are integrated to ensure the defense power of each space gate.

Australia has a small population, but its military strength is not strong. I think it is better for Japan to become Australia's assisting defense country. "

"I think we Australia can be defensive." The representatives of Australia quit. Although they are absolutely impenetrable, they don't want anyone to share the door of space.

The representative of Huaxia said solemnly: "Everyone, let me reiterate that the door of space will definitely not be hidden in the future, and every country will have a large number of assisting countries, such as Madagascar.

The countries in southern Africa, I can’t think of any surprises, will all be Madagascar’s assisting countries, so is Algeria, and more than 20 countries in northern Africa will also be their assisting countries. This is not a question you can shirk. It is a necessary question.

Your Australia, located in the southern hemisphere, is surrounded by very small countries, most of which are island countries. Their military strength is almost nothing. Once there is a change, you will not be able to prevent it.

Can you be responsible for causing a large number of civilian casualties? Therefore, I think Australia must admit this fact. "

Huaxia's tone was already very tough in the end.

You Australia must accept China’s opinion and must accept the island country as a defense country.

The person in charge of Australia opened his mouth and didn't know what to say, because the representative of China was right. Australia is indeed a weak chicken. In the future, the gate of space will be made public, and it will certainly not escape the defense of other countries.

Looking at the recognition on the faces of the representatives of Russia and the United States, other countries also think that China is justified. Australia can only compromise: "I...Well, I agree to let Japan join our defense country."

"Well, as for Saudi Arabia, you help defend Algeria and France help defend Germany. What is your opinion?" the representative of Huaxia said again.

"I agree." Algeria quickly agreed. If you don't agree, you can't. Algeria is a country in the Arab world, and Saudi Arabia has always been its boss. How dare he refuse the boss to join.

"I agree too." Germany has no choice. It is next to France, which is good and easy to mobilize.

The three countries have been assigned to the defense countries, and overall there is not much joy. At this time, there is a huge psychological gap between the countries without the door of space and some. The thought of mixing with Australia makes Koji Matsushita depressed. Endless.

End of the meeting.

Following the eleven countries.

The three countries also immediately entered the highest combat readiness state.

This makes other countries more nervous.

Everyone found that these three countries were allies, and now they are silent. The domestic information and media of the three countries have all entered a state of control, and there is no longer questioning, as if the clamor a few days ago was playing.

The whole world can be seen in the mist.

. . .

Early the next morning.

Special forces from across the country rushed to the Qinling base in transport helicopters.

I thought it was a combat mission, but I didn't expect to be a porter. However, when they learned about the gate of space, the beast star, and the ability to strengthen their bodies, their depression was wiped out.


All want to be strong.

Just a little tired.


Looking at the thousands of special forces constantly coming in the valley, and the densely packed thousands of engineers in the valley, Lin Shan knew. . . It's time to show real technology.

"Wu Dao, Xiao Wu, Captain Zhou, your task today is to follow me and protect them from transporting alien beast meat. Once there is alien beast meat over my body, shoot directly, understand." Lin Shan exhorted.

"Mr. Lin, if it hits you..." Zhou Xin hesitated.

Lin Shan shook his head and smiled: "It's okay, your weapons can't hurt me."

"That... good." Zhou Xin believed.

Lin Shan is what he says.


Lin Shan stepped off the platform.

Looking at the soldier looking forward.

"Captain Wu, put down the iron bridge."

"Yes." Wu Long ordered, and immediately and his men slowly lowered a large iron gate with a width of 8 meters and a height of 4 meters and a thickness of 10 cm. The iron gate weighing more than ten tons was used as a labor-saving mechanical device. It’s easy to rewind and rewind.

"Kaka Kaka..." The sound of gear turning sounded.

The door slowly lowered.

The strange beasts outside heard the sound and immediately gathered their eyes.

Since I didn't see anyone at the beginning, I didn't rush up immediately.

When the iron gate was lowered forty-five degrees.

Lin Shan stepped forward.

Stepped onto the tip of the iron gate.

See Linshan.

The herd immediately rioted.





The group of beasts roared wildly, as if they had found their prey. Hundreds of strange beasts nearby rushed towards the forest mountain. Zhou Xin behind the door looked calm and not afraid at all, while those special soldiers who saw strange beasts for the first time did not. It's the same.

Click. .

Click. .

Under the tense leadership of one person, thousands of people loaded their weapons one after another.

This intensive loading sound.

Hearing Wu Long's blood boiled.


They are not a combat mission.

"Turn on the insurance for me. This time it's mainly for the transportation task. Don't go off fire." Wu Long shouted.

No one questioned, they opened up insurance to avoid hurting teammates.

Peng. .

The iron gate was completely lowered.

Looking at the group of alien animals rushing up, Lin Shan bent his legs slightly, his feet instantly exerted force, ‘huh. . ’, his body rushed into the group of alien animals like an arrow from the string, he did not directly come up with the sword energy.

Instead, I want to let the people behind to see and learn how to single-handedly challenge a group of different animals.

after all.

That kind of one-hundred-meter sword energy, only the people of the eighth rank and above of the earth division have such power, and the tenth rank and above can be exported in large quantities. Currently, it does not have the significance of promotion. Sun Wudao behind them can't learn anything.

Sun Wudao and others only saw Lin Shan's figure in the group of alien beasts with ease. Every time a knife was shot, it would bring a fatal blow to the alien beast. Either the neck muscles were circumscribed or the head was stabbed.

Lost immediately.

This time.

Lin Shan did not use mental power.

The ability of the geomancer is fully used.

The hands of Sun Wudao and others tremble slightly, and their hearts are surging.

Slash the demons with one sword.

This scene.

They will never forget it forever.

. . .

Three days later.

United States.

New York-Surken Air Force Base.

Ten p.m.

A large transport plane landed slowly at the airport.

Martial law has already been imposed here, and the surrounding area is full of American soldiers with live ammunition. Although nothing will happen in the United States, they dare not relax because the pick-up is too important.

Quinn picks up the plane in person.


The huge turbo engine kept screaming, showing off its powerful power, but at the same time groaning for its own'weight'. The entire air base was illuminated clearly, and the surrounding radio signals were disturbed by the full screen.

Prevent drones from capturing things that shouldn't be captured.

The huge military transport plane stopped.

The back warehouse slowly opened, revealing the large boxes inside, and the soldiers with live ammunition.

A major Huaxia came down.

"Minister Quinn, I'm Feng Hua, the person in charge of this transportation mission." Feng Hua and Quinn shook hands and saluted. It was for people in their own country. As for the United States, just shook hands.

"Good job, hard work." Quinn smiled from ear to ear, peering at the boxes in the cabin.

Feng Hua didn't talk nonsense, and went into the main topic and said: "Minister Quinn, let's start the inspection."

"it is good."


Feng Hua waved his hand.

The aluminum alloy refrigerated and fresh-keeping cabinets inside the transport plane were unloaded from the plane one after another, driven by the intelligent transport flatbed underneath. If so much exotic animal meat is moved by manpower, when will it go?

I saw hundreds of boxes of two meters high being transported down.

It stopped neatly into several rows.

Feng Hua stepped forward.

Under the control of the tablet in his hand, the three boxes slowly opened, and Quinn and the scientists immediately followed, looking at the exotic animal meat in the cold box, their eyes lit up.

These things are obviously not the leftovers of their Americans and Madagascars, but real authentic licensed products. It seems that China has not fooled them, and they have come up with good things.

Exotic meat.

The best effect is the muscles of alien animals, followed by other lean subcutaneous meat, etc. As for things like fat and internal organs, it is not useless, but the effect is not strong.

"Minister Quinn, there are three types of exotic beasts we brought over this time, which are also included in the illustrated book for you. They are black beasts, rhino-horned beasts, and bat-wing beasts. Each of them has reached ten. The price is 1.5 billion U.S. dollars for a total of 150 tons and above.

Feng Hua introduced.

It stands to reason that these exotic animal meats can be sold for 15 billion U.S. dollars, and the United States will definitely eat it, but don’t forget that China’s current sale is for all 13 other countries.

But not all countries have money.

Needless to say, Madagascar, the poor and the poor are begging.

So is Algeria.

If you take the opportunity to slaughter a fortune now, other countries will definitely feel very uncomfortable. Now, as the country with the most say, China has a faint boss posture, and it can't chill everyone's hearts in a few seconds.

In the future, if global countries become allies.

These big countries are definitely the ones who have the most say. Therefore, in order to obtain higher status and benefits in the future, exotic animal meat still cannot be sold too expensive, not to mention that these things seem to be a lot, only the amount of exotic animal meat. , Lin Shan just swipes a few more knives.


The people in the United States finished the inspection.

"Minister Quinn, it's okay. It's all high-level alien beast meat, which is higher than the alien beast meat we've obtained in the past." The scientist said excitedly, looking at these alien beast meat, it was like the world. The most precious thing.

Quinn walked to Feng Hua's side.

"Thank you, we will pay the purchase cost immediately. I don't know when the next batch will arrive?" The United States asked China for 500 tons this time, and the purchase amount was 5 billion U.S. dollars. This time, only 150 arrived. Ten tons.

Thinking of Hua Xia's promise at that time, as if it weren't an issue at all, Quinn was enviously dying. I really don't know how much stock Hua Xia has, and how these things were so easily obtained.

"Minister Quinn, now our country's capacity is tight and we have to ship to other countries. Therefore, only this transport mechanism can be used. We refuel and rush back immediately to deliver the next batch. It is estimated that it can be shipped in two days." Feng Hua Said.

"Why don't we just send it by plane." Quinn suggested, why didn't it come up before, just because the quality of the first batch of goods needs to be tested, while maintaining the dignity of a'buyer'~www.novelhall .com~ Feng Hua can't make a decision.

Notify the domestic immediately.

One minute later.

"Yes." Feng Hua conveyed the domestic meaning.

Quinn was very happy.


It was one when it came.

When I went back, there were three large transport planes.

There are also six American fighter jets escorting them on both sides. These alien beasts cannot be missed. Although other countries capable of making ideas are all ‘allies’, it’s better to be careful.

Things bought for billions of dollars.

. . .

Three days later.

The first batch of exotic animal meat has been delivered.

Huaxia received a total of 17 billion U.S. dollars in revenue this time.

It can be said to have made a lot of money. This money is almost like falling from the sky, and it is even enough to build a small Qinling base.

However, China also knows that now is the period of military adjustment, countries will buy this once, at most twice, and it is impossible to buy for a long time, because the price is too high, and those countries will definitely try their best to kill the alien beasts.

to be honest.

This is similar to a one-off sale.

Fortunately, it was already a windfall, and everyone was happy.


Large conference room.

"Now that the money is in the account, we can see how much reward we will give Lin Shan." If the meat of the slain animal is for domestic soldiers, then Lin Shan, as a soldier of China, has an unshirkable responsibility. It doesn't matter whether he gives money or not.

But these are foreign exchange earned by selling to other countries.

That's different.

It is impossible not to pay a little dividend.

"Lin Shan is indifferent to fame and fortune. He doesn't necessarily need to give money. I think we should ask him for his opinion. We will try our best to satisfy him." Lu Yi suggested.

"I agree."

"it is good."


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