Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:54:50 AM

Chapter 618: 618

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Go back to dorms.

Changing clothes for changing clothes.

Phone call.

These people come from the north and south of the country, and people from far away will come, and those who are close or have relatives here, usually go home or go to relatives. Lin Mei looked at the phone and put it back in her pocket.

Three months.

She only had one phone call with her home.

Let's wait until I get home.

"Lin Mei, do you want to go to my house to play?" A girl from Shanghai stock market in the lower berth sent an invitation.

Lin Mei smiled and shook her head.

"No, I'll go home and see my parents."

"OK then."

After packing up.

A group of people walked out of the dormitory together.

main entrance.

At this time, a lot of cars have been parked, either luxury cars or scary brands, and the waiting people are not idle. They are almost of the same class and many people know them.

We chatted with each other.

Seeing them come out, the scene becomes lively.

"Xiaoyan, here."

"Second sister."

"Girl, why have you lost so much."

"My aunt will bring you some good food."


Say goodbye to each other and get in the car.

"Lin Mei, where's your family member?" The girl in the lower bunk still asked. Since she was a comrade-in-arms in the lower bunk, she had the best relationship with Lin Mei, and she had developed into a girlfriend.

Seeing that no one came to pick up Lin Mei.

She feels a little pain.

"They are busy at work, I'll just go find them." Lin Mei said with a smile.

She just looked around.

Did not see Qin Wu.

A little disappointed. Qin Wu really forgot to have her apprentice, right? But I still tried my best to convince myself that as a senior federal general, he was still on the front line, and something might be delayed.


should be.

One listen.

The girl didn't think much about it.

Although I have never known who Lin Mei's recommender is, I have already figured out the situation at home. He is an ordinary person with no background, no money, no power, and no power.

But they didn't even figure out how to get in.

Ask at home.

Either the family didn't know, but those who knew gave a severe warning, saying that you should not offend Lin Mei if you have a good relationship with Lin Mei. Therefore, even though she can't figure out the referrer, she didn't alienate or despise her.

"Take my car," the girl said.


Lin Mei still took a fluke.

"Lin Mei."

Just when Lin Mei hesitated, a sound that hadn't been heard for three months rang out. Turning his head to see, Qin Wu looked at her in the car that sent her last time in the distance. It seemed that he had just arrived.

See Qin Wu.

Lin Mei was overjoyed.

The master really did not forget her.

"The person who picked me up is here, I'll go first." Lin Mei said to the girl next to her.

"Is this your recommender?" the girl said strangely.

"That's it."

Lin Mei is also not sure.

Because Qin Wu was recommended to him by Lin Shan.

strictly speaking.

Lin Shan was the recommender. Upon hearing ‘what’s it,’ the girl looked at Qin Wu. She had an ordinary car, an ordinary license plate, and an ordinary person, but judging from her hair and camouflage uniform, she should be from the Federation.


Lin Mei ran to Qin Wu.

"What are you looking at?" The girl's mother came over and asked.

"Lin Mei's recommender."

"Lin Mei, who is it?"

"The girl just didn't know who her recommender was before, but now she's confused, and the person who picked up Lin Mei is a bit familiar to me, but I can't remember it."

The girl is thinking hard.

Stunned to no avail.

"Don't think about it if you don't remember it, you will know later."


Afterwards, she got in the car and left.

. . .

the other side.

"Master." Lin Mei ran to the car and exclaimed happily.

The corner of Qin Wu's mouth curled up.

Look up and down.

Three months.

Lin Mei has changed a lot, her skin is darker, her temperament is a little more heroic, she looked at the assessment and it was very good, "I just miscalculated the congestion in the morning peak of the Shanghai stock market, and it was blocked for ten minutes."

"Get in the car and take you home to meet your parents."


Lin Mei was about to take the back seat.

"Sit in front."


Lin Mei sat in the co-pilot.

"You don't need to be with them tomorrow. Tonight, follow me directly to the base city. As for the things you are here, let the classmates bring them." Qin Wu arranged.

"Okay, Master." Lin Mei nodded.

When she came, she brought only one mobile phone and two sets of them. There are very few personal items left in the dormitory now, and both trouser pockets can fit in, which is not too troublesome.

After hitting the road.

Qin Wu rolled down the car window.

The wind is blowing.

Three months.

She also took advantage of Lin Mei's gap to have a reason to go home once, and only this one day off, and two months before the New Year, it is estimated that this year will have to spend in the base city.

She is also willing to spend the New Year in the base city.

Because of Linshan.

Lin Shan is busier than himself. More importantly, Lin Shan no longer has a family member, and he can't even open a leave slip to go home. When it comes to close people, there are only two apprentices, Sun Wudao.

Now there are more disciples.

"Master, that... can I call Big Brother Lin?" Lin Mei asked in a low voice after sitting for a while.

Qin Wu smiled slightly.

"Still thinking about it?"

"No, I just want to thank him. Without him, I wouldn't have such a good master as you." Lin Mei quickly denied. She only thanked Lin Shan now, she didn't dare to have other ideas.

"Ha ha."

"Thank him for that." Qin Wu smiled. Without Lin Shan, there would be no Qin Wu today, and there would be no apprentice Lin Mei. "However, you probably can't get through now."

How busy Lin Shan is.

She knew that there were a lot of things about the Federation and a lot of things about foreign civilization. It could be said that the Federation could function normally, and Lin Shan played more than 20% of its role. She feels distressed thinking about it.

Now I heard that in the fifth civilization.

The phone is unreachable.

Only the magic weapon given by Lin Shan can be contacted.

"What's up with him?"

"It's okay, it's just a bit busy. I guess I will have time to see you in these few days." Qin Wu has already told Lin Shan that Lin Mei's recruit training is about to end. Lin Shan said that he will go to Qinling Base City these days.


"of course."

"What is he up to?"

"You will know soon."

. . .

Sihai Wuguan.

"Come back soon, the girl is going home."

Father Lin received a call from his wife, and the phone almost dropped to the floor, "What? Okay, I'll be back soon." After that, Father Lin said to the assistant teacher, "You are responsible today. I have something to do, so I won't come this afternoon."


Father Lin almost ran out of the martial arts to the subway station.

. . .


Outside the small villa assigned by the Martial Arts Hall.

Mother Lin looked at the changed daughter, her eyes moistened at once, and she held Lin Mei's hand in the past, "Daughter, you are suffering, you are so tanned, and what's wrong with your hair..."

Listening to the mumbling of the mother.

Lin Mei held back her tears and said with a smile: "I'm fine. I didn't suffer any hardships. I just got some sun exposure. I thought my hair would be a hindrance. It was troublesome to take care of, so I cut it off and can grow it in the future."


Mother Lin realized that Qin Wu was also there.

"Qin... General, I'm sorry, just laughed."

"Human nature."

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