Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:52:23 AM

Chapter 724: 724

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The third floor of the alley.

After Wuren left.

One person retracted the telescope.

Take out the communicator.

"Wuren asked his subordinates to throw them out."

"What else do you find?"

"Yes, next to Wuren, I saw a woman who had joined the Stars Group's Strengthening Warrior Plan before. I haven't seen her for a long time. I didn't expect to be there this time."

"Tell me in detail."

"Yes, there is also a body type..."


The opposite was silent.

If so.

Those should be the three high-level enhanced fighters of the Stars Group. Although they didn't have specific information about a few people, and they didn't even have photos, they were extremely consistent with the appearance information they obtained.

what exactly is it.

Let the Xing Su Group pay so much attention to it, and sent these people here!

When they got the photo this morning, they started to check it. At the same time, they were investigating what happened. After this check, they found that this small alley was suspicious, but they did not dare to get too close.

From some indications.

Boss Qiao’s shop has attracted the attention of the Star Group, so he put the breakthrough here. By coincidence, they also cultivated their own people in the basement here, the Mengwang recognizer, and the nine one is also produced.


There is this drama.



It should have been seen through.

"Continue to observe and report at any time."


. . .

the next day.


Taisheng didn't contact September 1st. He was waiting, waiting for him to be contacted over there. After one night of analysis, they believed that the probability of Yang Bing being September 1st dropped sharply, and they didn't even want Yang Bing to be September 1st.

He can hold his breath.

the other side.

The chief frowned.

One day.

Nothing was found. They didn't even know what happened in the exile area. For this reason, a high-level meeting of the consortium was held to ask them to explain if they committed a crime.

If it's not a big problem.

The best.

But staring around, no one came forward to admit.

This time.

He has no choice.

"It is certainly not a trivial matter for the Astral Group to attach such importance, and Taisheng also said that he committed a crime. Since I am not under the people here, I can restore the Astral Group."

The words came out.

Still no one admits.

No one objected.

Planting guys, they have encountered many such things. They have always been throwing the pot, and they are still slandering in their hearts. Let alone we did it, even if it was, the fool jumped out to admit it.

"Okay, I will reply like that."

. . .


The chief shook the communicator.

Taisheng calmed down.

He is not in a hurry.

That's it.

The two of them consumed it until noon, but Taisheng couldn't help it first and contacted the chief executive.

"You are finally willing to contact me."

The chief smiled.

Taisheng found a reason casually, "Just in a meeting, how is it?"

"Do you want to be one of ours?" The chief replied in reply. One morning, Taisheng knew that he hadn't had a meeting, and he became more and more curious.

"do not wish."

Taisheng spoke frankly.


The chief thought that he didn't want to hurt his harmony. Forget it, he probably wouldn't say anything when he asked the other person. He said, "We checked, this person is not from any of our groups."

"The trouble caused to you has nothing to do with us, you'd better interrogate it again."

"We will."

"I heard that there was an accident in your branch building yesterday, and the glass on the outer wall was broken. There is nothing wrong, right?" Although I didn't stare at all times, the multiple holes were still very conspicuous.

"It's okay, a little surprise, thank you for your concern."

"Just fine."

End the communication.

"Not September 1st."


"Also, one was ruled out."

"Let Wuren ask again and see what Nietzsche says."


. . .

Get instructions.

Wuren went immediately.

Just a few steps away, just about to raise his hand and knock on the door.

"come in."


Wuren thought that he should have heard his own footsteps. So he opened the door and saw the four people continue to be busy with things he seemed inexplicable, and what's the use of those things.

As for spies?


Wuren feels that the opposite party does not have such a low IQ. As far as he knows, it is impossible for the average person to join the league. But for a country, it is not a big problem at all.

Is it an alien?

Ha ha.

He smiled.

Smile at your own whimsical.


Yang Bing stepped forward.

"Just now, Jiu Yi said that you are not one of them." Wu Ren stared at Yang Bing.


He didn't see anything, but the faint smile, as if he was in control of the situation. Yang Bing nodded, "Since you are all determined, I don't bother to make up another one to cause you trouble."

Wuren: "..."

Plus shipping: "..."


They were cheated.

"Whose one are you anyway?" Wuren said.

"You will know sooner or later. Don't worry. You only need to know now that we have no malice. Maybe we will be friends in the future, the worst, and we will not become enemies."

Yang Bing said.


He is not arrogant, but he is confident in the strength of civilization. With the current strength of the Federation, the Seventh Civilization has not yet become the enemy of the earth with this strength, and Lin Shan alone can suppress all this.

Wuren was silent.

Saying it means not saying it.

It seems.

There is nothing to ask from Yang Bing.

"Come back, wait for Lin Shan to come and see what he says."

Get instructions from Taisheng.

Wuren said, "Excuse me, I'll come back tomorrow." Yang Bing said these few days, that will be tomorrow and the day after, itchy heart, this dark situation is really a bit embarrassing.

. . .

late at night.

None of the four slept.

continue working.

"What's the matter?" Suddenly, Lin Shan's voice came from the courtyard, and the four of them hurriedly stood up and saluted, only to see Lin Shan carrying a bag, saying three days, and then returning in three days.

"General, it's like this..."

After Lin Shan entered the house.

Yang Bing detailed the events of the past few days.

I'm still a little nervous after talking.

In this action, things were urgently followed. Although it did not violate the basic federal regulations, after all, many outsiders were involved. They themselves were surrounded by others, and I was a little afraid of Linshan's blame.

Finished listening.

Lin Shan smiled.


Relying on the soul beasts remaining in the exile zone, he could be regarded as watching most of it.


As long as it does not violate the basic principles of the Federation and disclose information about the Federation without authorization, it is not considered a violation. Although Yang Bing has shown the federal secret law in front of many people, this is not a limitation.

As long as it is not taught in violation of the rules.

It's all right.

"Yes, the randomness should be very good. The matter of the Finn sister and brother was caused by a single thought in my heart. They were arrested. You can change them back. It is the best plan at the time."

"Later September 1 was brought in and delayed for some time. Generally speaking, you did a good job."

The handling of Yang Bing.

Lin Shan praised him. This is within the scope of his ability, without causing large-scale conflicts, and ensuring the safety of innocent people, not to mention the best, but also a better choice.

If he is there.

Of course it will not be so troublesome, and the fire will be extinguished the first time.

Yang Bing does not have this strength.

It is already very good to prevent the fire from spreading afterwards.

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