Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:50:57 AM

Chapter 784: 784

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   "Arrive at the target area!"

  Without the stars.

   Four hundred kilometers away in space, an aircraft stands still. This is also the orbital range of the Seventh Civilization Surveillance Satellite. Under material scanning, you can see more than a dozen devices of various shapes.

"carry on."



  The abdomen of the aircraft opens.

   Ten smaller detectors flew toward the coordinates provided by the Seventh Civilization. From the surface, the creature cannot be seen. Something must be used as bait, and weapons are carried on them.

   this moment.

   The Seventh Civilization and the two major alliances are very nervous.

at last.

   They want to see that terrifying creature again. They don't know what they are in. They are a little looking forward to it. They are looking forward to it and let the earth civilization suffer a bit. At the same time, they also look forward to solving this trouble.


   A thunder is by my side.

   I have trouble sleeping and eating.

   "Can you win?"


   "It is true that the earth civilization has sent an unmanned aerial vehicle. It is very cautious. It shows that it attaches great importance to it and is not sure. I think it will be the same as us, temporarily put it aside."

   "It makes sense."


   If you want to be really strong, you might just go.

  . . .

   companion star.

   The probe decelerated at a distance of ten kilometers on the ground, the anti-gravity device was activated, and slowly descended. The surface was still quiet, but no one was relaxing. In the seventh civilization, it was the same before the accident.

   Eight kilometers.

  . . .

   Five kilometers.

  . . .

   Three kilometers.

  . . .

   When it descends to one kilometer.


   did not go any further.

   "The terrain scan is completed, no vital signs are scanned for deep matter detection, no energy response, no gravitational anomaly, no abnormal geological activity, electromagnetic shielding layer is suspected, and the depth is unknown."


   The basic data is out.


   Lin Shan nodded.

   thought about it.

   "Number ten, lead the snake out of the hole."


   got the order.

   Detector No. 10 began to descend rapidly and landed on the metal surface in the blink of an eye.


   A white light filled the screen.

   There is no sound.

   Because there was no air on it, the thumb-sized crystal bomb was made of frozen planetary light energy crystals. After the white light passed, a large hole appeared on the ground with a diameter of hundreds of meters.

   Light energy crystal.

The light energy released by    directly vaporizes the metal in the center.

   is extremely powerful.

   Also this kind of task can be used, usually not on the front line, otherwise, everything will be blown up, and the corpse of the alien beast will be gone, and if it is used underground, the Federation is afraid that it will collapse.

   "What weapon is this?"

"very scary."

   "This should be small. If it is on the surface, a city is estimated to collapse in half."


   Such a picture.

   made the top leaders of the two major alliances tremble.


   The screen jitters.

   "Look at it."


   There is no need for him to shout, and the others are not blind. I saw that the deep pit area was not far away, and a large bag was raised on the metal ground. Like a mountain, it quickly reached a height of hundreds of meters.


   Everyone's brains shook.



   The helpless creatures that have troubled them for decades. The last time I saw them was many years ago. Since they discovered that they could attack space satellites, they never dared to provoke them.


   I'm afraid that it will come to the home planet, and the lives will be overwhelmed.


   one appearance.

   The creature screamed up to the sky without a sound, but the invisible force spread, and the images of all the detectors were shaking, and the images taken by the spacecraft were relatively stable.

   you can see the whole picture.

   On the Tianpeng.

   The soldiers of earth civilization stayed too.

so big.

   Nearly four hundred meters.

   The whole body is silver.

   There are countless long thorns all over the body, and they look fierce. They have never seen a creature of this size. They just heard that the underground heavenly monster may be close to a hundred meters in shape, but it is even bigger.

   is more terrifying.

   See you a long time.

How to do?

   They are also a bit at a loss and have no experience.

   "All detectors, go and try it."

   At this time.

   Lin Shan ordered.


   Thinking of Lin Shan, they put down their worry a little, there is an invincible General Lin, even though they think that Lin Shan can't do anything with this creature, they can only trust their general.

   companion star.

   Other probes flew towards the monster.


   just stopped flying less than 100 meters.

   "Report, abnormal interference."


   "Report, all detectors have lost contact."

   Only two seconds.

  The detectors all had a black screen and lost contact. Lin Shan nodded. For creatures that are already powerful enough to crystallize their souls, let alone attack, they can't even touch them.


   Watching the detector lose contact, the Tianpeng space is quiet, watching the only picture left in the middle. Suddenly, the creature's gaze was looking in the direction of the aircraft.

   "General, it seems to have found a flying machine."

  The deputy captain guessed.

   "No problem."

   Lin Shan waved his hand.


   saw the silver light glowing on it again.

   "The protective cover is turned on at its extreme power, ready to meet the long-range attack." Lin Shan ordered, welcome, not evade, this is no way, because it is really difficult to avoid, people can emit energy pillars.

   The speed of light is almost.

   a distance of four hundred kilometers.

   tell the truth.

   is no different from next to each other.

   400 kilometers.

   Lin Shan's mental power can't pass, but this is just the inability to control and exert force, but it does not mean that he cannot perceive it. Through gravity, he can perceive matter millions of kilometers away.


  The aircraft used for detection is not crispy, but is equipped with powerful protective equipment. On the screen, the power of the aircraft's protective cover has increased, from 100% to 50 per second.

   One hundred and five percent.

  . . .

   Two hundred percent.

  . . .

   Six seconds later.

   reached 400%. This is the limit. It can only be turned on for less than two minutes. After two minutes, the entire protective cover generator will collapse, and most of the energy will be consumed.

   "The limit power is turned on!"

   just finished the report.


   The camera is covered by a ray of light.


   arrived in an instant.

   "The aircraft was attacked, the protective cover was overloaded, and the internal fault was 291..." However, a fault did not finish, and a red prompt flashed on the screen in front of me.

   "Lost connection!"


  Death second.

   didn't hold on for a second.

   The aircraft was reimbursed on the spot, and the last failure that came back was the collapse of the protective cover, which made them a little unacceptable, but a small crystal bomb could carry it for a while.



   The executives of the two major leagues are also a bit speechless.

   for a while.

   "The technology of earth civilization can't hold it?"

   "It seems so."

   "I thought it was so powerful, I didn't hold on to a breath in the end, it was almost like us." At this moment, he completely ignored the difference between their second and others' second.


   Some people are still cautious.

   "Don't jump to the conclusion early. People may have more methods. This is a test. For example, is our drone, our strongest method? Is it possible?"


   Everyone nodded.


   just when they were talking.

   "It's coming."

   A cry of horror attracted their eyes. In deep space orbit, their satellite captured the picture, and the creature was leaving the surface and flying towards space.

   Look at the direction.

   is their home star.

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