Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:45:55 AM

Chapter 994: 994

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This bump.

The speed was directly cut in half, and the kinetic energy was converted into the impact energy just now. Lin Shan didn't care. Anyway, there was no federal research ship in this direction.


He didn't dare to be so arrogant.

carry on.

Thirty thousand.


forty thousand.


fifty thousand.


One hundred thousand.

That is 34,000 kilometers per second, but even so, it would take nearly forty minutes to arrive, and Lin Shan did not accelerate anymore.

after all.

There is acceleration.

There is also a slowdown.

Wait a minute.

The speed at which I add up with my strength, I have to reduce it with strength, both of which are quite tiring, anyway, I don't lack those ten or twenty minutes.

. . .


Fortress star.

"This... this... one hundred thousand times the speed of sound!"

"too fast!"



The soldiers were shocked, one hundred thousand times the speed of sound, what is this concept? This means that the speed of Lin Shan is close to one-tenth the speed of light.

The speed of light.

Even if it is a tenth, I want to be amazing.


In this way, it can circumnavigate the earth in more than one second, and it relies on manpower to add up in a very short time, which is more than ten times faster than their warships.

too strong!

Again and again.

Lin Shan is beyond their imagination, people are so powerful! With such a commander, they are very proud, at least not afraid of being bullied.

Think about it.

If it is such a strong man, he was born in a foreign civilization.

That picture.


Earth civilization can only bend and yield in front of such a strong man. It can only be said that heroes come out of troubled times, and Lin Shan is the pioneer of this era.

. . .


Lin Shan moved forward quickly, and after the collision just now, he never hit a floating meteor. After all, the universe was mostly empty. The collision just now was like winning the lottery.

After sailing at a constant speed for more than 20 minutes, it started to slow down.

Ninety thousand.


Eighty thousand.


Seventy thousand.


Thirty thousand.

At a distance of 3,000 kilometers from the planet, it decelerated to a hundred times the speed of sound. At this moment, you can see the behemoth in front of you. This planet is one circle larger in diameter than the Earth.

Potholes on the surface, yellow rocks.

There is no life.


Some federal probes flew in, collected samples there, and established an unmanned scientific research station to do some geological research remotely.


More than a dozen satellites circled and continuously sent data back to the earth. Lin Shan didn't feel too much emotion, flew towards the planet and quickly entered the gravitational zone.


Turned into a dazzling sun.


Hit the ground directly.

. . .



The federal soldiers were shocked again. The brightness just now was comparable to the little sun, making people unable to look directly at them, and then saw that light arrogantly hit it.


They finally understood how hard Lin Shan's body was. It was estimated that the impact in space just now wouldn't hurt Lin Shan.

. . .




Lin Shan is like a needle piercing into tofu. The shallow surface rocks can't stop him at all. These rocks are much weaker than alloy blocks.


He could penetrate the earth's core material ten times the size of the alloy, not to mention here, but the forest mountain stopped fifty kilometers underground.

This time.

The purpose is to find space cracks.

If any.

Harvest a wave.

If not.

Of course it is withdrawn.

Because of the front **** of Space Life, the mission of exploration, of course, did not have to go down by Lin Shan himself, just entered, it was for the Federation to see.

Mind moved.


A space life appeared not far away.

"Go down."


After a faint spirit fluctuation, the spirit flew at the same speed and moved downward, and the physical matter seemed to be nothing to it.


Its speed exceeded a thousand times the speed of sound. At this speed, it still travels underground, which is terrifying, but it is like drinking water to the creatures in space.

One second.

It crossed more than 300 kilometers and penetrated the earth's crust.

Three seconds.

Through the upper mantle.

Ten seconds.

Enter the core of the earth.

Although it is a death star, there is almost no asthenosphere, but the inner core is still hot. Under strong gravity, the temperature of the core is no worse than the fortress star.


The movement is slow and the magnetic field is very weak. In terms of congenital conditions, it is better than the Sun’s Mars. Finally, in twenty seconds, I arrived at the core of the earth.

"it is good."

Feeling the message sent back, a smile appeared on Lin Shan's face. There were indeed cracks there, but there was no space life, so Lin Shan ordered to go through it.


Information is changed.


Lin Shan couldn't help but stunned.

I see.

There are only two or three kittens on the opposite side. Most of them are space beings who are not qualified to pass through the cracks. It is very strange. On the strength of the cracks, it should not be!

What's the matter?

Could it be.

Moving collectively? Or travel far?

Talk about it!

Can't figure it out.

The soul couldn't communicate in detail either, but fortunately there was still some consciousness, so Lin Shan asked, "Is this crack unattractive to you?"


Only this answer, no one more word.


Lin Shan thought of a possibility.

"This crack, and the previous crack, where do you prefer to stay? Is it the previous one?" At this question, the soul immediately sent an affirmative answer.


There are a few more questions, supporting Lin Shan's guess that the space cracks of the fortress star have a unique new gravity, which makes life in space more willing to stay.

The reason is that life there is more comfortable.



He can only understand this level. The cracks on both sides are about the same size. If there is any difference between the two, it is also related to space.

Then there is only one.

---The door of space.


Take a breath.

This guess.

If it is true, it would be too amazing. From the analysis of the souls' answers, there are these abnormal points in space that they can't get close to.

What is this concept?


The generating device of the door of space. . . It is not in the four-dimensional space, but directly in the interlayer of space or in the turbulence of space, no wonder.

Beast star.


Humans dug 10,000 meters of the ground, but Mao did not find one.

of course.

This is just speculation.

The specifics are unknown, maybe it is a situation he can't understand even more now, but what is certain is that the gate of space can change the scope of space.

It is known.


Within the range of the fortress star, the space is more peculiar. For example, opposite the crack in front of us, the space is inexplicably disturbed and more intense.

For example, the twelfth-level gale in the other areas of the fortress star is below level nine, at the core crack, at level three or four, which makes a lot of life in the surrounding space to live there.


Only a few kittens are left.



It seems that the expectations of brushing treasure are too optimistic. Fortunately, it can be regarded as unlocking new knowledge, although it is not sure whether it is true or not, it can be regarded as a psychological comfort.


Lin Shan returned.

Three or two.

Keep it, spend a few hours to drill down, lack of interest. It's better to look at other celestial bodies, for example. . . The stars of this star system.

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