Published at 3rd of August 2022 05:58:02 AM

Chapter 1154: The cause of the matter

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Face slapped.

The bank manager heard Lin Fei's words, the embarrassment on his face flashed, he turned his head and looked at Jing Jiu and the others at the consultation office.

Not far away, when Jing Jiu and her colleagues saw the chief of the money house looking towards them, they were suddenly at a loss.

"Your Excellency Lin Fei, please come with me." The bank manager said to Lin Fei with a pleased smile.

What tricks this guy wants to play... Lin Fei blankly followed the bank manager to the second floor, wanting to hear what he said.

After Lin Fei left with the manager of the bank, a manager walked to the consultation office and came to Jing Jiu and her colleagues. He said to them with a serious expression, "Who received the black head and black eyes just now?"

The serious-faced manager frightened the girls in the consultation office. They hesitated for a moment, and then looked at the dimple girl Jing Jiu together.

With a pale face, Jing Jiu didn't know why the steward was looking for herself, but she had a hunch that she seemed to be in trouble.

"Sir, I was the one who received the guest just now." Jing Jiu whispered.

"It's you! Alas, you... Master Manager will fire you, so you should be mentally prepared, um... Today you'd better go home and rest!" The steward gave an order, then stopped talking and turned away. go with.

"Expulsion?" The manager's words blasted through the dimple girl's mind like a bolt from the blue. She couldn't think that she was about to be expelled from the bank.

The other Elf girls in the consultation office stared at each other, looking at Jing Jiu who was stunned, not knowing how to comfort her.

Many people dream of working in the money house opened by the royal family. Not to mention working in the money house, the salary is very good. The most important thing is that the job is very decent.

After all, it is a bank opened by the royal family. You work in it, and you are working for the royal family. You are a member of the royal family. Some unscrupulous people know that you work in the royal bank.

Finally, after entering the bank, Jing Jiu, who has only worked for half a month, was notified that he would be expelled. He suddenly became Liushen Wuzhu, muttering to himself, "What the **** did I do wrong, and what should I do?"


"Your Excellency Lin Fei, please sit down." After taking Lin Fei to the bank manager in the office on the fifth floor and inviting Lin Fei to sit down, he respectfully poured Lin Fei a cup of tea.

"I won't drink tea. I drank several cups in His Majesty's study not long ago? I'm full." Lin Fei said casually.

Hearing Lin Fei mentioned the king? The bank manager's hand shook, and then he remained silent.

Lin Fei didn't want to waste time, and said frankly? "Hurry up and prepare the 200,000 spirit stones for me? I'm in a hurry."

"Your Excellency Lin Fei!" The bank manager suddenly got up from his chair? Then he knelt down in front of Lin Fei with a snap.

"What are you doing, get me up quickly." The behavior of the bank manager shocked Lin Fei.

Kneeling to the sky, kneeling to the knees to the parents, apart from that, people cannot easily kneel at other times. This concept is deeply in the mind of Lin Fei, who prides himself on being a young man in the new century.

"Your Excellency Lin Fei? Please? Please wait a few days before extracting the spirit stone! At that time, I will personally **** the spirit stone to your home." The bank manager begged Lin Fei.

"If you have something to say, get up first." Lin Fei said to the bank manager.

The bank manager did not respond, or was he kneeling on the ground? Lin Fei frowned, and the power abilities were activated. The bank manager who was kneeling on the ground? He was immediately lifted from the ground by an irresistible force.

"Your Excellency Lin Fei..."

"Tell me first, why are you asking me to give you a few days' postponement? If there is excuse, I will give you a few days' postponement."

Subsequently, the bank manager explained the cause of the matter to Lin Fei in tears.

The process of the matter is not complicated. It is that other members of the royal family, that is, shareholders of the bank, used their identities to embezzle the 200,000 spirit stones bounties reserved by His Majesty the King to do other things.

"They are so courageous! They dare to embezzle the bounty, are you afraid that His Majesty the King will find out and blame them?" Lin Fei said in surprise.

"They thought that the princess's illness could not be cured. Instead of the bounty staying idle, it's better to flow and create more value.

And even if they are discovered by your majesty, they are all relatives of your majesty. At most, you will return the embezzled spirit stone, and you will be fine if you are blamed by your majesty. "The director expressed his helplessness in a few words.

"Will they return all the spirit stones that have been misappropriated?" Lin Fei asked suspiciously.

The bank manager nodded and said confidently, "All will be returned. Although they have the courage to embezzle, they dare not really not return it. If it is really not returned, your majesty will not let it go even if it is a relative. Their."

In the eyes of the outsiders, the head of the royal bank is also a big figure, but how many people know that in their eyes, the big figure is just a figure in the eyes of others It's just a soft persimmon.

"How many days do I have to wait?" Lin Fei thought for a while, and felt that he wasn't in a hurry, so he should help the bank manager, otherwise, this person's career would have come to an end.

"Three days, as long as your Excellency Lin Fei postpones for three days." The bank manager said with joy when he saw Lin Fei agree to his request.

"Is there enough time for three days?" Lin Fei asked again.

"Enough is enough. Your Royal Highness was cured three days ago. The royal family members who received the news immediately began to gather the spirit stones for investment.

Yesterday I went to urge them and they told me personally that they would be able to return the misappropriated spirit stone in three days. "The bank manager explained.

"All right! Then wait for three days, then you will arrange for someone to send the spirit stone to my home. By the way, do you know where I live?" Lin Fei said.

"I know, I will personally take people to transport this batch of spirit stones to Your Excellency Lin Fei's house at that time." said the bank manager.

After the matter was settled, Lin Fei got up and left. With the enthusiasm of the other party, Lin Fei walked out of the royal house.


The scorching sun was sky, and the weather should have been hot. Because the "Capital City" was located under the tree of the "Tree of Life", the residents of the city were not disturbed by the temperature of the scorching sun, but felt that the weather was a little cool.

Lin Fei, who came out of the royal bank, wandered around in the "capital city" of the white elves, um... just go shopping wherever you go.

Along the way, many passers-by noticed that Lin Fei's appearance was different, and they would take a look at it curiously, but they didn't pay too much attention.

After all, there are also dark elves in the "Capital City". Although Lin Fei's appearance is a bit different, according to the aesthetics of the elves, it is not that they are very strange.


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