Published at 13th of January 2023 06:30:05 AM

Chapter 13

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(Altheria May 4 580 Imperial Calander 4:00 p.m.)

"(Teary eyed) Aaaaaahhhh! Master please help!"(Rina)

"(Opens one eye) Eeehh, but that's so much work, nya. You'll be fine, nya. (Closes eye)"(?)

"You useless master! You're the one who won't leave me alone!"(Rina)

Now you're probably wondering why I'm running like hell from a horned bear. Well, it all started a month ago when I went to register as an adventurer.

(Altheria April 4 580 Imperial Calander 11:40 p.m.)

*Stretch* Man it feels nice to be outside every once in a while. Hey Snow, is it just me or does this place smell awful?

{Nope. It smells awful. Kind of like goblin but, less pungent.}

Hmm, I guess you're right. So got anything to do? I'm getting bored. Everything looks the same and its very loud. (Covers ears)

{You could try to practice controlling the dampening skill.}

I guess but, that's still pretty boring.

{Well, there's not much I can do about that.}

*Sigh* I guess. (Complaining) But I just want something to do. Oh! What about checking the skill shop? 

{You do know we only have one point, right?}

Yeah, but what if there are free skills?

{That just sounds stupid.}

So? I mean it wouldn't hurt to check.

{Fair point I guess.}

Let's check then. [Status] *Click*

Skill Shop

Search: Free skills
Breathing - 0 points Sight - 0 points

See there was some skills.

{I'll admit I was wrong. But don't you think these skills seem a little useless?}

Hey, doesn't matter if they are useful or not skills are skills.

{That is a terrible way of thinking.}

So? It's not like they hurt me or anything.

{Fair point. So, you getting them?}


[Would you like to buy skill Breathing and Sight? Y/N]



[Skill Breathing and Sight acquired.]


[Skill Sight has absorbed skill Night Vision level Max.]

(Shocked) What?! It absorbed my night vision! (Panicked) Does that mean I lost it!?

[Negative. Skill Night vision level Max's abilities have been fused and enhanced by skill Sight.]

(Relieved) Haa. I thought I lost a good skill.

{Hey Rina, we're here.}

Hm? Oh, right. Let's go register.

*Push open*

Now to head to the reception desk. *Shiver* *Glance left to right* Someone's watching us. (Serious) Did you see them?

{(Serious) No but keep your guard up.}

Got it.

"Can I help you!"(?)

"Huh?! (Embarrassed) Oh sorry I got distracted."(Rina)

"Haa, another oddball."(?)

"Well, that's rude to say."(Rina)

"(Shocked) You heard me!"(?)

"Ow. And yes, I'm not deaf. I can hear just fine. (Points to ears)"(Rina)

"(Embarrassed) O-Oh. W-Well what brings you here?"(?)

"I'd like to register with the guild."(Rina)

"(Stunned) Come again."(?)

"(Annoyed) I said I'd like to register."(Rina)

"What!? Why would you want to do that!? Do you know how dangerous this job is!?"(?)

"(Annoyed) Ow. There was no need to yell in my ears.! And I do. You hunt things and trade the dead things for money."(Rina)

"Well at least you understand what the job entails but, I've never heard it phrased like that though. Well anyway there is more than just hunting to this job. Well, that's if you want to at least. (Serious) Are you sure you want to register?"(?)


"Haa, I won't ask why cause everyone has their own reasons, but I'm obligated to tell you a few things before you join."


"First is that the plate I'll give you will need a drop of your blood. Once that is done the plate will register you as the owner. The plate will show your name and rank. It also works as an ID for every country. It will count the number of quests you've completed and of what rank.

You'll have 2 months from registration to complete a quest or your card will expire, and you'll have to register again but, this time it'll cost a silver coin. That also goes for if you lose or break the card. The amount of time before your card expires goes up by one month for each rank until A rank. At A rank there is no expiration time.

So, with all that said do you wish to proceed?"(?)


"Then I'm going to need your name, job, and as stated before a drop of blood."(?)

"I'm Rina and my job is Fenriric clawed warrior."(Rina)

"Okay. Now you just need to put a drop on the plate. Do you need a knife or something?"(?)

"No, I'm good. *Bite Drip Flash*"(Rina)

"(Shakes Head) Haa, what is it with people and biting their fingers for blood today? Well anyway, registration is complete you are now an F rank adventurer. Would you like a deeper explanation of the job?"(?)

"Um, later for now is there any kind of hunting quests I can do?"(Rina)

"Yep. There are 2 hunting quests for F ranks. Those are wolf and goblin hunting."(?)

"(Perk up) Goblin hunting?"(Rina)

"Yes. The t-"(?)

"I'll take it."(Rina)

"Do you know what it entails?"(?)

"I kill the goblin and bring back it's dead body, right?"(Rina)

"Close, but instead of the body bring back it's ears or the magic stone in its heart. You'll get extra money if you bring back the magic stone instead of the ears. Each goblin is worth 2 coppers and you need to kill 5 goblins to complete the quest once. One more thing. Be careful of illegal slave traders. There's been some rumors of young girls being kidnapped and sold."(?)

"*Nods* Got it. Bye! "(Rina)

*step step step step push open*

Set a point to the forest.

[Point set]

Hmm, 10 minutes huh. *Sigh* Well, this is going to be boring.

Let's just try to mess with the sound dampening skill.

Hmm, I thin-


(Surprised) Huh!? What's wrong?!

{We're being followed.}

How so?

{There has been a presence that has been keeping a certain distance away from use without directly approaching.}

(Serious) Are you sure?

{(Serious) Yes. Why don't you try losing them by making a few random turns?}

Got it. If worse comes to worse, we'll take them out.

(4 minutes later)

How the hell is he keeping up with us even though I've taken like 30 turns at this point!?

{Rina, I think we'll have to fight.}

Haa, I really didn't want to fight but, it seems like its unavoidable.

*Tuns into another alley*

*Step step step step Stop*


"*Turns around* (Glare) Why are you following me?"(Rina)

Now! [Primal winter magic: Primal Ice spike]

*Steps out of way*

*Shocked* What!? How did he dodge that!? Not even Ella could do that!

"Heh, a primal ice spike, nya. Not bad for a kid, nya. But you're going to need to do better and also get the best catalyst to face me, nya. (Smirk) I'll show you what true Primal Winter magic is, nya."(?)

What does he mean by that? And why does he add "nya" to the end of his sentences? 

*Grabs spear off back*



Dammit! Got to get free! U-Uh, [Ice domi-

"No-(Dash) it's not very polite to interrupt people so much, nya. *Flicks forehead*"(?)


Why is he doing this? Is it that?

"Are you planning to sell me into slavery?"(Rina)

"(Confused) What, nya?"(?)

"Are you planning to sell me into slavery?"(Rina)

Am I wrong?

"(Dumbfounded) Where the fuck did that idea come from, nya?"(?)

I think I'm wrong.

"Well, the receptionist at the guild said that it could happen. And you were following me and all so..."(Rina)

"Hell, fucking no, nya! I'm not selling you to slavery, nya. Why would I even sell a True Fenrir, nya? That's just stupid, nya."(?)

How does he know that!? I made sure not to say my last name at the guild.

"What!? How did you know?!"(Rina)

"No need to yell, nya. And it's not that hard, nya. First is the fact that you're a clan leader, nya. Then your human form is a Wolf-Beastman so the only race you could be is True Fenrir, nya."(?)

*Confused* What the hell is a clan leader?

"(Confused) I'm a what now?"(Rina)

"You don't know, nya? It shou (Looks down) - ooh you don't have your memories, nya. I guess that's one more thing I'll have to teach you, nya."(?)

So, it has something to do with my past. But still how did he know that? And what does he mean teach me?

"(Perplexed) Huh?"(Rina)

"Well, I was following you because I wanted to teach you my family's style and arts, nya."(?)

What does that have to do with me?

"(Even more confused) What?"(Rina)

"(Eye role) Look kid, nya. I want to teach you my family's fighting style and arts, nya."(?)

(Suspicious) There defiantly is some kind of catch.

"(Suspicious Glare) And why would you do that?"(Rina)

"My mom *Shiver* would beat me to near death if she found out I didn't teach someone with such great affinity for our style and arts, nya. Granted your spear affinity is just ok at best nothing great, nya. But your claw and throwing knife affinities are higher than even mom's, nya.

"Only thing you need now is to learn to use your dark and wind magic and, you'll be a great assassin or ninja, nya."(?)

(Shocked) What did his mom do to him for him to shiver like that? And what does he mean wind and dark affinities? I only have space, ice, and taming(fluff). Also don't I get a say in this?!

"(Confused) H-Hold on. I don't even have a wind or dark affinity. And don't I get a chose if I want to learn from you?!"(Rina)

"First, no you don't have a choice and second, you do, nya. You have the Space affinity which is the fusion evolution of wind and dark meaning you can use both elements, nya."(?)

What!? That's bullshit! I should get a choice in this! And also, neat to know about the element but, still it's bullshit I don't get a choice in training!

"Cool, but still why do I have to train under you!?"(Rina)

"Do you want to get stronger, nya?"(?)

What does that have to do with this?


I mean I really do want to get stronger so I can get this damn thing off.

"Then what's the problem, nya? You're having someone with a weapon saint title teach you their arts, nya. Do you know how many would kill to have a weapon saint teach them, nya? And here you are complaining about being told you are going to learn from one, nya."(?)

*Surprised* What!? He was someone like that!? Now I feel like I just spat in his face when he was trying to help me.

"(Drupe) Sorry."(Rina)

"Meh, its fine, nya. Let's go now, nya."

(Relieved) Well h- wait not the time! What does he mean let's go!

*Snap shatter*

"(Throws on shoulder) Remember to puke away from my back, nya."

Hey be a little gentler please!? And what does that mean?


*Thump Flash*



"(Annoyed) I said to puke away from my back not on it, nya."(?)

(Sarcastic) Sorry I didn't have time to aim.



Hey sick child here. Don't just drop me like that! Ugh, *hurp*

"Haah, now I have to use my reserved energy to clean myself, nya."(?)


After that he was clean. Did he us some kind of magic?

"Much better, nya. (Glances to the right) You good, nya?"(?)

Do I look ok!?

"Nope. Blegh."(Rina)

"*Sigh* [Cure] *Wack* better, nya?"(?)

Ouch. (Mad) Was that necessary!?

"*Rub* Ow. (Annoyed) Did you have to hit my head with that spear?"(Rina)

"No, but that was revenge for making me waste my reserve energy, nya."(?)

This man is a petty jerk!

"You're a jerk you know that."(Rina)

"So, I have recently been told, nya."(?)

I have no comment on that.


"A-Anyway first lesson weak points, nya. Come here and turn around and show me your tail, nya."(?)

Why does he need to see my tail?

"(Confused) Ok?"(Rina)

"Right one more thing what's your name, nya?"(?)

Right. Guess we never introduced ourselves.

"Rina Frostfang."(Rina)

"Got it, nya. I'm Blade Hydroclaw, nya."(Blade)

That's a shit name.

"(Flat) That's an awful name."(Rina)

"(Tear drop) Whatever, nya. Now *grabs tail*"(Blade)

Was that a tear drop? And why the fuck is he touching my tail?! Is he actually some kind of weirdo?!

"(Flustered) H-Hey! Let go of my tail!"(Rina)

"(Flat) Too bad not happening, nya. Moving on, nya. Here *touches center of tail* for all races with tails grab around the center of the tail then press down with your thumb and pointer finger and *Pull Snap*-"(Blade)

I was about say something but then I felt like the nerves in my tail were being crushed and my spine was being ripped out.

"AAAAAAHHHH *Faints*"(Rina)

And then everything goes black. I woke up an hour later to my tail being broken and unmovable and a cat that turned out to be master next to his spear.

blaze_master100 And here is another chapter. Don't go too hard on me please, it's my birthday. I just turned 16. Also hope you enjoyed the chapter.



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