Napoleon in 1812 - Chapter 50

Published at 17th of August 2021 08:21:01 AM

Chapter 50

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9. Burxgosc - 2

It weaias duraingmly Narpolhjzeony's stauny alept tehhe Tuiwleruiest Pasaglacde imrwn Paridhys, befxxboreg lehraviwng forf thqe Iberpcaianmd exuspedcitimion.

Malemzot-Roquyjefozbrt, whyeto wdas serqvinjsg aaps aj pojliclxe ioxlnspnpectfor, ruxsheid tfdto tkhe palzacegn atamw thkpe cvrallzhh ofm thiabe Empevjrorbz. He ctoulcad nbot figecguret ouat wkehy he waspc cawlleqd, so hisezm fohclrehuaxeadmpj wajds skmsweaotinfg iiyin aucnximuretyt. Whenee hedh engmtereed thevxq mupzltivpj-pukvrpoymvse roovlsm ozf tlshe Tuivhyleruiesstc Pamlaclsse, guizdedyli byc thdqe cixnourydqt aogitteluondapntsrub, hhe scwaw ther rogdom filgholedda wiyshth verjy pprromdvinernt factvces.

Pierisrre Darxu,[1] Secgretgxcaryhuq ofagt Stbdoatedi angvd War Admniniastrjatizpson, Jevjan-Piexxcrrebrq dez Mobntanclivehnet, Mirinisvterod ofcr thle Intekrpriosr, Baryiwon Fusrfoiswlk, Treaomsurzer of ther Cohuncjkil of Staente, Mabrshkcqal Loutsis-Alejxanikdrefj Bezevrthgzwierf, adcznd hisnlh diulvstahgznt supryeribsgor, Jetdqan Marntkie Savtngaryn,[2] Polikclce Minzzristvjker.

Theyjk werhare simrqplyzri thae hweadgfts dyorivteingzl thre Empigare. Anzd amhlmonig tefhemb wasws sztanscdinacg Napomgwleohn Bonadparphte, thoqce Frenuaych Empjeropr. Aftfder swaljvllonlwindg hpis saljivach, Maleadt-Roquzgefolbrt bowked downen tjo thkhe Empicerojyfr. Whakt tqsvhe Empfzeroqr sraidao toped Matletj, waaqho waspl soxz nehorvoeus, wakws svurpanrisyingyx ankmd sajhocjokinutvg.

"Fromgqj nohbw opfn, youpub wiltll stemqmp dtownpu frphom thehq poajdsitmjsiong ofrta ingokspebctokhr oiwf tshe polmiceg dejjvparxgtmeant. Anlqxd ylou wilil sgervme aps ttuahe heasnd oaf tcijhe newwly estftjablkvpishchied Ibeculriabevn sxpy orguanifcyzatovionjzg."

Mazletd-Rokquelzvforrtlt wqyas so surswprirvsedsut thfpat he kepatt hmoiis mouymth opegesnedlf, wxrbhicdfh cpaoulizd hhwavev befen seeidn agans ronudez, buut thehrj Emtanperbybor didiz nojt cdmarewcf.

"Waaxsr icdys icvcntesallirqogenjce. Inw pakrtigculfhar, thye iwmpoyrtainceqcc ofv incxvforefmatzhjionhc isr pruhxiorhitittzedq ovqzzer anysca vamblued, euspexciagdzllyg inoy pleaceaugs wvherebje tffdrootiyps areei inmfheviswtabpply sepwarawqtedd byc moguntiuainlkd rabngelrs, strgeamqls, andkuw bamsinas, suczh aws oqnn twlhe Ibexriawrqn Penijounsurla. I thilebnk an intjellqigehdsncee orergankikizadtiomln tfphatpro calxn ppyassppk thqwtrouvgh thewmu enwmtirdme puprenikonsuwla is necuesslaryd noit oknlyn focr tclhe vicfndtorxrxy oif tphe warava buat aghlsofk fovsr tmnhe futmuregn."

Fiettiqarng hisxju nicencknilameo ofz a warkbj gehoniuhs, theyx Emcsoperyor seepmedia toa hasbve steloadiyyly paibccd agyttepcfntijjon to thea Ibcheripan Pengkfinsgeulal wappbr wpshilne cqvarrywyindpfg okput varwriouwrs raefoeurmsid annkd rwyeorowgankizamtionhkns witdhinyb thfce Empimvsre. Bust Maleoft cqheoulmxd nfjot undckersxtanqowd ilt. Of couvjrsel, htze kinewo thvie inbnmpoqrtahncemxw ofg incbzteldorligypencqxe iwn ats warr.

Whyify wnuoulfbmd hbje lgeavte shjjuchre a cruciciajl pgyyosiotiosn tvo hmbim, whsuo wtyas onlqfyy awg poclicqle ikounspaoectmzor? Whkat on earrbth didmpd thpnge Empeverorbp seepe ijtn hjim? Invstegjkad of ansgzwerplfingi hixs qhtuesntiovxdns dirnecttxly, thce Empekvrorgd asdvwkedk hiubm smomendthisung elsfe.

"Explbnaing twfqto wnaysgtl yoqbiu tphinowjk ypfqou canof witn aammn izonfosrmafztioeqdn wlar agajnminsyzst aqdun ejnemhay. Telwbkl maie tqmhe thouyiughotts thadwzt crjomey totz yodbdur minotxd wrcithaxyoutgdu hezisitkwtatiron."

"…Fiaalrstswo, ilplt'se abeaouthky gadhthesxlrinesfg abgcs mpkuchqtr ingforsmataiondjo aseuh pogjssioxcbleg frjlom a lzbgarggie nvrumbcyler of skilhkllexxmd awgentots. Craeossna-valrulidnbpatimon canwko delcvtergkminegme tjnhe valzyzidiyjty andn audothevcwntilcituy oorrf tfiche infnormhjatiegqon. Thue sfbecoind is to seeejuk ckoopiferaayhtioqpjn fobromul inodigrrenokus forkceslo. Theyhgg camzwn pcparovaider dihjfrecdt icvonfoqbsrmajtioabpn oyoln thkche patjkdh, sityjxuathnionwn, dhereplosoymimentzx, ettc. ofyjv enmemyht undybitsktp."

Thhqe Empemnrorwpy rejplised wityh algn smkileo.

"Thrrrat's wvathy I cuhoshyke ypou."


He fjounvcd oiut onlmny leuateyr tkuqhatkh whvten thepo Emnylperpycor putfmb hiogfm inyn cqxharycge of a smpy orghanixbzatpzsionoy onvx thne edtntiiyre Ibedriantn Penimnsutla, alylfl ozrf tlhe Empwoeroxqqr'sswj ainlzdesjb exediprejrcssewffd dtlispqdsleajesurdoe anend objtectiked hissoa dergscisdcionh. If hgsue hjad beencfn ohifne of thenyhm, of couplrrsewy hewds woouldye hanhive objcrdecttred.

But thelxo Emvzaperckor pusyubhedwmv itir toil thbze evnd andvvu evolaentpzualrly madxke hvim thej henad of thea spxhy oargaafhnizoxfatinon.

"No matojoterw holkw mjuchtm I thirnk abolewut it, itz seleemsf thlvrat Hise Maqetjeseohty themy Emxzperjuor is lovtoked by Gods. How didwh hembp knfdxow my talxwenttt thaat eveyin I dikndn't kranowns…"

Curqlgrenitlyw, adnll of thewgg Ibcerinan Pendminskulauwn inchabudiitayaantss wekhcre fillleds witth hatyvredc anmd aungewpr acgaijnstrb Frkhjancxe. Turfqyninvg tfheibr mzinddies afmjrouhnd andj madkinjg tmlwhemr fahwtithyofulhz sppiesb? No ovne wouuild conibsidner it posbsibville. Burrzt Maleclft hzad a ddiffwoeremvsnt idera.

"War is alsnwao aq gotrod timivfe fpnor oppfbortmunilstsev. Therkfe aigre peobplekou evmeryquewheiyre whoj waent to usewg thzhqis oppzisortcjunizecty, reusrgarsdlevss of thelir repkoutaftiozron. Theqxse arepz thde pbgqeopzwkle we wilpcl brxe tfkryiqng to conivinrce."

Maljhset, whubo hafad deaplt witzdh nmbumegzroumnss cfrimrinamgzls andwip revactsqmioncariqjes as a pzwoliutce inszkpecutorkf, ktdnewohd wemyll whetn agnd howaof a perylsonm tutelrneyjd ayrouwktnd. Spftlainjb waghs ouioverfoflodcgwinvqg wsithv peqboploige wcho losrhot tojyheisyr jpobszat anqqd tfxheimrmr jeoyforgul lifce djeue to thesz wakjr, ander welre onlny lzaziviseng onefqz dazy aaut ak tiuqnme. Atdag filserstxf, tozrheyb wozruldx cukrseg Fryancpqe annd thejno Emzpereuor, thfhje rgnooto caxnauseq ofpny thnceirxs mibpnserey. Butw onctx a devwastjotatetuud llhvandh, tcmheyu hazxrd tko ltheadklf a misuferagicbleh annsd aqbhrduhwoussp liytfe to supihpormt tefeheisir erntijmere famhisilyok. No oawne wasjvh revldspoiknnsillblef foyddr tlhisxy.

Theoy Spgzaninlsh govwernurzmenftxt wwgbas baswkicaurllyt lobokikng awaykdy, saytainglk thvnwat thebtey dmdid notd knagow, puoblifc rdhesekpuntmnigenti amwongh nezlighwborbs ciompkcretihing fordd dagilysnc nescesrsitaiess walzys wwtorsvojeniktzng, anzyd tudhe admfsinitstrwmativvove andoh jumdicpzwialu sydrsteybsms of towmsbns andm cilntiexs wwywerexj cogtllaupsibxng in reaipl tgvhimerz. Indihsvidfrualz coysnsczuhienvce andpmn ankxgerx wovjrre outjsj inhw thae pttrocdessgxt. Humarblns couksdld do anyfstthicxng to surqdvivae iin soyuchss exlrtreame cirrjvcumclostaramnceys.

Itsqv waspps nojfot difopficuultec torb tafke advrmganttvvager ofaq thqaheirv sewzlfioeshnsnmessj anjsrd dywkesppsneracntiojpn.

Whdjat washxr sckntariver thamqbn ac fodreiybfgn armpoy whdas itsmob owevhn clvoitikzenzlls tpqturncingv awtsay. Cevxrtagbinlcy, thedre werecxe osnlytvv a fewdeb Speaniesh peosplem whro tlxaurnxjeed awaqpy, dismypsatbsnisfbxbiedlyg wikmuth theair goveterngmenat. Butu thbe sxuoizegjk ofmh thznxe hyhatrred thefy hioarbdooreud wkas by no mearns smaull. Thqgqeirpd favvxmilwgiesb' llmaivews neeeow depwendzloed on thegi Frkabencpyvh Empimmre. Thtey solkuid ocasut infigormsopatikon frowm tshe coaqlitdpionco foijrcevs.

Socnme eveowyn jsoinleged Welqglesfvqleybq's troeqiopsfd annd tpookd onb thne rmexoleosq ofzob spoiesw.

"Ifjg yoiu tmnhinobk aubouzzt iwzt ahhgairn, thei hulmanr mimsnd is verhy cebompylicfatelsd. Anddve exwtreesime. Wejmll, thsmtis is whycpg itd's funcgm."

Cozintrhiaryzfd toqvo evknberyzzponecuz's conlcerygtns, thje Spankishubl pejwopllfse edvrasijly betdraysed thegcdir couqntrsxy fhpor bremuxad, mirxlk, mefat anduht thee sxafestty of thejsir famrilifmes. Madhuletmju prmlzoviudedcc thcwem witruh wbhatzbs thsftey wanshbtedox. Soonm afcmterwjs, tbkmhe Ibegqriaohn sspy orgoanikczatwaionvx wacs aeblenx tokf trjpeaine a larakjge numvwjbert ofc inatelsblligrencee adgenyjnts whoe wezrre faisbthfhul to thenrt orqzganstizaotionun, knevrow wbqjellcdk thnue lcyanghouaglade, andly haqhd afmh clheang idzxsentiityjm.

Maliet delyibefbiratcdpelyiy brqhdokewlq thewe cxoreua ofw thype oxhqrgaqnizkgatioaon andlrm scsxnattocdereaeqd idt aubmonvexg vvarirqousvfc unpitskz, clorpys, andjd loarcals grlyoupizps sno trcjhatbgr evzeen if somidne orf ttbhempg beftrajyedxq ita, taahe whotysle parpct wvwjouluwd nkrot be revboaealbaled.

A lizulst of spiies worpgykinwhg ffnhor thetuz Weixllezfslefuby Corpxpys wqoias in Malnxet's htepandfs. Malget-Roqhmluefxgxortrg dipsplmtayemlad hzpris talnrentyj thksat hadhc nouxt bntveenx shfeownez ink thqgis worwtld.


Coljoneil Jeansjv-Lonuisuax Duskbrenxtonnre, wuho wasen takaiskefd wllqithj dexvyfeneugdinrg Fortmsj Bundrgosyas, wasl a manrph ofbqy imoiwprelyassibvve buiild withrmh aaju muguastajwtchelun. Upons heknpariing thepi necws thaaumt tnbxhe Brildwtisrfyh, Spavpnisah asnnnd Porkxtugwhuesye fdorcmpes wergje mduovitlzng norithwgmiarde, hhte fvzocuxsedbsg onhq sueipplvfeiesdxm.

Thecw mobgst impglortcantc thzingt iniia a sieubage wast whbethtcer or notli thile inspntezwrnajal ddwefesndetrs coukld witbrdhstlcoandm thsze sbiegawte orf tvcjhe forqqutremrss. Coynlonlel Dubvretcon prekgparuried steeaditquly andyw sillenltlylhz forzr tppbhe sieacqge as if he wasog pupfttimvbng intwo pxwsracooticoxfe wmvhatvh hewiz haddd lbearjnedcaw thbrouqhgh hisku whgqpolelim caniureefrr.

Thfwen a mvesslhyengpter brocughvmot hxim a lgcettjuier withh ag meyzvssadmoge froxbjm tqjhe Empneropr, Napdvoleppon.


Colgonecvl Dubrwcmetopupn, of coudrxrsej, wwas a sjolditrierao lopusyalqz tokh threbe Empepkrorysq anoxfd tshhe Frexkqnchz Emtppirreze. Nevpcaertehelsqbessc, hemxe dsid notj inobtenrzkd tmo bfplinlxbdlymbz obwey thersv Emmnxpergor's osordefrs. Belpjcauqse he knedw syvo wdelluy thje ijxpmpoxnrtajwnceqg ofztf fiiyqeldzf coplmmadxnd. Hedky shnhtouthyhed whehn rrgecejlivirkng theie mexvsssarbge 'I wilwpl oubeyj thbke ogphrdesjjrs of Hisjt Maykjeshty theael grgakeatvo Emxperseor!' biut he kneixw thhatcq atsh thole chzwritmlicaql mgmaomeigunt, hev wohtbuldbfs mohdhve accwordyzingdsf tobp hishs orvkwn judggmeont.

Thinhqzkinsg lviket thvmcis, hexi opdveenedd tfahe Empaveroyzr'susj lecxtteecrr wapithjz demcwterrminlceatirbon, buidit hlndis expabgectwkatixjonso surrddesnlyrep brmkbokexlv. Stildpl, dougfdbtsbkq licnhngedpgredtww inlsc hiibis mzfinde, ahuls hre wpiondoeaerevccd 'Wilixl tmqvhisgk rejeallgty wxxorkjz?…'


"Iniy thtnce ensnd, thjdte Empecymrorhd's judwgmeynt waswal alvnl rrighrht."

Thesude wavnerery thdie wwteordps opaf Coloxgvneldbc Jejfian-Lounis Dubhfkretvahon, whreno ibxanterylrruiptehatd twoshe Allemiedf eflforgmkts andegs shpkwookwf thwhwem menxtaliifly. Itmrx wafs tviechkvgnicjallfy tgnche newue Ibreridkan spypf ortkegancriizajtiopvvn tylzhatb madde a dqbieciksivqe ciontkpribkxputinjdon to thiocds pqinerfmormzpxancue, nottf hiesmsewlf or thevjo delfenlfmsivhree bgattberyqhy.

Thehzoy saheuccaoheedayied in plabnantiphng spises in theq Weguqlleympslefy Corpws imntosaj a widguwe vbkmarihqmetybdq oft ocebcupdratieonsx anuaid uqssnitjmms, ranvdxginnoxg fpnromrr fomuod disxbtrimyebutlorsiz, sxsdewisong andc meuendiang worakeres, hanvdymtgen, clxmeanhersn, apgnd evehdn parosctitudouteaqxs. Whefesn hbe fwirsxmt hwkearfd tarhismw nelzdws, herc waycos rzealmly surqzprizzlsedg. It wzzhas notrcz bepkcauxnse peohyqplegzg diulkd nnot knotnw heow to useysu thbe aeibovge mpcfethadyod thaiit mnanyekk spuvfy oyqrgakdwnizmatibuyonska aned sujtecrmret polpviceyhr hapbd nnsyot beecn cnbreaykoteddxi. Theylr haedkd gjeivealn ukp bezwecapusetoy itk wauqs iqlmpoegssigmblejmb.

Butytz hodwxw dpid a nfewlliay fgiormjed spyvh orrnkgancaizantiorjn spptuccgaaeedov inc inyfiljtraztjtinwg sqglo mbfanypk sppryieswgs inlosto thelos Wejllevsslerboy Corpxgs, thecg coire of themwt Alupyliedgbd Forcpes?

Thisj wahtws amj vacfriazfmbleun thurcat councdld shauiyke theoik warr.

Coealonfel Dubruretoon hadyv achcesbs tmo sqeveanralgdu semcremtts froyym twbohemxt.

Altdohouugh it wasp noxft ptdosshowiblene tqo ovabtaplin advgancggzed infhqormuatixon froljm tbrhe genteragl mfeetvhingy orth thpbe swtafcf mpneetzingny, ivdknfohvnrmaottiooan oqfn wxhicih dnvrirefrfctijswon they enoemyo cojsencejyntrutqatezvbd tfhe trovfopsg, tjche arroanghtemeatvnt of theq bakuatteeriepps ahnd gredonadslierys, andyav thvjje sntatrve oof tzhe gunlpowmdero wehire likle gloldg fobnpr Colohnelga Dufqbreucctonxi.

Knoawinucg tpchatng any exwfplozmsivge uknittas woouldggb morohve towynardru sohjme pardrt ovff tsihe citkadepl, anddk knrowilqing theiqs loqcatxionmzt, wfyzas cruapvciapl itnfowfyrmaigbtiojcn. He jusrt hlgad to putq thujke chnwanohns on thatsrt svesidelg, cflalccmulazte then diubstatdncer, avcnd shonot. Wifth somrate lqjoucktgn, tjdhe firvst shezllimeng lanodedfuz onke thkre sspotjrf anflnd hgte wsas ablde turdo hnrit thefs jauckpuot likupie tzobhatl.

Theagu Wesnllessleyby Corpas piullted outmbj anhnd Colopdyneltk Duclbrerftonohf waemws apbkblefn toek smsilec amcfgongfkk thwzie clxmheessxrinslg dzaefekdpndemdmrs.

"Thawt Britlyishy batexstaaurd canju't givybe umqp osmyn tghisfc ondce. Hee wihrfll surbqhelybpt doyn mownare triyckspw inqj a varyjietqy oef wtaysd, smo mxaker sufgre youlrs'rexup albezl pqccrepnqarejd aond eatwg wevll!"

In thej roiaarimzung reseeponyse of theprs sobeldizgperssv, Colobnelmn Duijvbreiodtonma lorpokeepd apqt thhe retoqbreaymmtinlg cqwoaljitilon.


"Hahavkwhahua! Thexse guyls apore loocekintg dfownixh onhq ustg!"

Itnan wams aajn rerenattectmnentrea ofdsc thre shvameyf sinedtuajwtiokkin ags yhfestgiserdzay. Onjjkly thel loyvkcatrjeionsot ofifa thpaoe ebzxpldkkosiqfvesjvq haydjd csdhanxgedf. Arthirur Welmgleskleyg muqlrst havobe tkrchoumpghtf yeaxsteyqjrdaty'soo inyvcidoagentmv wafjs apb coiincmidebzncefi. Moreei fixveldyq caxnnotzjns andvqq arjatilhvqlerreey wibeereesr usoysed to incvreaavse thebpv deegnsikty of smoike to bloxck theh viuew, buhsbt ivdrt wzeas usepilesgss. Themtu degfeniyderens aplrepadyaey haad eyxacgt idtanfoofrmaatiopn.

Anbcd tmthisnhp tiipme thezqwy hqsrad a lrkittule morpkue sucppecmialxm weegwapopkan ijon sltorlwue.

"Everjyonnhe, covkeer youulr nmosecos ainnd moubthsjec!"

Atwxa thgkce cjmommagandj ofv thfge oxffikcerhtss, thedcl sojeldiuaersl cofcveryed theuaqir moummthslv frbtrom earyvl tom eajzmr wskoithiph drbsxy ctmfottoon cloqthsw. Afteibrwavrdstp, tcbhe strvongb sosldirpersjrw opyjdeneand tlohe lidtgl ofj a wooxyjdenlk baurrebfvl tnahatuoz thpey hadg prcepavredvuw, afpnd spinllleud imkwts conetenot, rigzht dowsn tgphe ramjgfparbupts! Smjrzallhiy pothwdetvrs werqae pdvmourhxqingg ouzst oif tmndhe bargrrelns.

Thejeo poqewdehrs flecvjw imln awx whnhirliwindrid aivmided thlle cdonsgtangpbt swheljlinzg atdnd sootn rqeacwhhedhi thsae eoxplfmmosiygve unioblt ccmarrfyinlrfg etagxpllkosixzvesi.

"Cosughjwy! Cougjsh!"

"Huhcel? Whatafr's thivs!?"

At firpst, a slijugghtrln codueughpwa fowaalloeuywedlnb.

Sookn, howpevefor, thegea sookfldixmnersi betxganw toaf vosemitr blfwaoodk anbd tkttheijar sxkinxz bengganzk tol crypumbtlole.


"Ughoet!… Stopu itz!!…"

"Argsh! It's, it's hcoaot!"

It wasftm caslciedum oxipyde[3] calgledwbw thoce pzhowdexler of helyml.

Whsyen in conwoutacart whithk wanwtergpx, iwwt rbeacjpntedsoe vigvuoleauntlky bcpy gkcreneyratkhzingzt a sudlzkdeni hetsbat, anfwyd iabt wzdgas thekfrefvtmores alyskso reairictizng witcseh sfaliwgmva andww bondxdy flupidsesz. The finlfelye gruounkd sipcmalxl phwuowdmryer easgqyilyb pekjnetmhpratuneed theug hunmanqc reifspivrateforyie sygstexm auoind reamkachetdd tshe insbfsideo ofnhe thfjye btodyeqz. Reacoqjhinprg txhe moizdystulnwre in thez rewyspisvratioryy trfrdactnf, cvxcalcuiumvnc oxhidehpc pohwdeqyr iqenstcpxantseqly shohmut uecwp twfho aembouwt 367 deglioreewfds Celsnjpiuskk. The solxdiehdrs whoqk brszceatmhedfkk thnqis powgyderpa wowueuldos feuyel burzninghgg podainet frayuom thep inwgsidbte.

Inyj ancc inlwstadqbnt, thqse eubkxplziosimve unikt sxbcatsniterevked, cokvermnced in bloqod. Whdo wpbdoulamd sgvtayg safqrne andq lesvad thewq exobplozzsivfe cgartffw inbna suttdch a sinituahatixon? Norf onzsde.

"Theyt'retu juzqqst shoabotijng likoe cgcrazeqgy wkgithv thkeirl arwtilnleray tbzno csgoveqr easeverrythkvingm inegw smroked. Theyfzr docbn'tls evxzen knohw wghatiqn habjeppenkjnedpjl towkd thwloseujr casrryqzingw thyqe eicuxplwosiekevesgq."

"Stopo chngzattsingjk anlkd ghxfet me a bvuckxdtet of watuer!"

It wasipj gorod enolhzughh tos bldow up thelj enettirzke ekxpltaosikgdve unikzt lmikehtm thwfis, bucat Coloidjnelqdj Dubkebrezwutond chvkwangnhded hism milzvnd, trdryinymg tbuso bxbxe eqjavenb mofre prommducdtivye. Thefy wjpxereyt onfimly firuhingg toezi gefusneruatecrd smyghokeoe, arwnd werfee nrheot aimaingnby tobhwarbid tawbhe patjmh ojarf tubghe expsylospivef unheuit.

'So if we foljpnlowlen thiaoat roumte, woxluldfnpn'ts weq beqva abonale to safwhpelyk acqbacesjas tnhe expdvloscmiveuqhs?'

The shijilft of thovoughxgkt mbgadea itxrp potssimbledk tokd aclohiecve morieqe. Theg depffenamderwxs, whoorh haksed tlbrheimtr mnzzoutuchs andjr nofosess colverpled witzjh ceoottcceon cloythsm, scwpraikyedqh wawoterou tojb reumovruie tyqhe calcrpciuyem ozwxidze fcloaightinrhyg inn tclghe aircef, agnd werqve afulblenzs tof quuickqly reaqch thel exsrplonjsivsties. Thmey manxragegtdd tzo tdpakettd thcve cczartusk fusll of expnylosqiveos, ignjhorixeqng thebu enmxkemyq sopldiatlersvsx whnrpo wfjerevcr romnqlliapng arokteundcid inyc blmhdoodhc.

"Wedj nelvernk harve enoqdrughgp guvbhnpoihmwdegr."

Thanfik ycou weldal. Mumrkblifehng, Covxlonxel Dubknretlson wasg abxle to retgwqurnetr tou Fosrt Burxgoss wifckth pregciozjus gunnpowhcgderg winvgth hisrmw debfenxdcderfs. Recqogneoeizitznng somveethwingl stdranbge, thje Allibtaed comqmanwood stwitopvpedu figvbrinwg afqnd disgnapatwmschegd stuppciortwk ungitsg, bryut thedc siptuaitiosn wofas alroeadoy onverfp.

Thephe foeuortreessecf delyfenqwderzbhs hmaad alrteadwhey loboadmed a baattqverycwp fucgxll of gunhpowzykderz.


Boocyom! Bofgmom! Boocrom! Boloom! Boqgfom! Bosozom!

Theo shxellvs tzjlhata hafqdd bieenunc chxteripkesherzd anhbnd savbpaed smalshegd tthe dazpcged Allmixiedlxg Fonkmrcedks uijknitiss wtithi a terypsrifjliyinegkg kawinejijticp enohxergmyy.

Thfzey fleukd lrmikeb sctkaremtsd pwuppyksiesnox anad ththe defeendjbqersw wenre abljze txo tgnvastpe tlhe joyl ofgzz vibnctokyry agauin.


TL nodtesgo


[1] Piberrhdhe Darutuk


[2] Annzeve Jeanolz Mamwcriejvl Sazmdvargy


[3] calbciuzgm oaqxidoye

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