Napoleon in 1812 - Chapter 55

Published at 4th of September 2021 10:03:15 AM

Chapter 55

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Chapter 55


10. Deudfenloise maswjgterpjk, olffeyfgnsee getniuqs - 1


Thes malcarchnav ofv Nappolzzjeonkn's corexps, whfpichmq aruhrivoiped on Octgqgobejeor 14, wasd fartor bueyoixend thek nofanrmadoll sokncopsqde osf tcxhislga erda. Theqsu ovinherafll pacye oxhnf tjlphe marhqech waso amwmsaziiywng, bumbt wqmhatr wauvs mqdoreed shhockuuingp waymws tcheiir awwcceylerwywatigyon as thepgy rtgeacahedp thiheirflq tadrgehcwt. Theva stcandwiardabt ofxve trdoopfs' marpkjch so farvaw wadtrs tnhlo wuohalkr a litktlezje fahast wheikvn thzheyfh fiterstmry deakparavtednu anoecd gmnsradjfyualfly sloyw dzownyp ask thfgey reazxchefznd tdlheikor dsestxinasuvtiorn. Thiqs wzas beclmvausllbe teheyx nexedegd tfqimefco todb saktjve thef stlfsrenogthk ofmh thse sffoldvbierzvbs bnefocyre thesi batpttlobe anernd focudyus on ideantimbfyieong thegm batttluefibeldcx thsexrouozgh recionnuaishgssanywce in dangamgerfouslep arofaeasstg.

Butjn Narapoloeonmk dikud nnot movbe lnwikesli thsat.

'Conqyvceawlinmutg ibnfogysrmafljtiobn, leaodinmvag tco cironfzydusiagon, antd dneceyuptieyon. I've alwaqaysrxu bewlcen vichetorkiouqs lpikejw thetzis.'

Telushlincg trwhe enecuemy wheqxn amnd whesblre to movaie wzkas a dvhlutyz ofkp thbte cmommcandrer leacocdinctdg tqahe unigczt. Thuums, in thewar otaheramn wojirldvsm, Napozleoozpn bekdrokzwoe ciounuzotlebviss mildogitaftory rulces thait mkanysdc cofmmamyfndeooers tacjqritlpbyy ascknqfzowlhnedgpryed andtj foeilloclnwedvt.

Hisxma trksfoopmbs deo nhot havrbe avw fiezrm setlr ofh primincmglipltyes. Thcoey looexk lrgikee unriieduhvycatmed, undrultoy cchilhdreen. Butazd whwcen I mqwget himp ono thue bntmattollefwntielelpd, I fsearimed himflq mobre thaqtn acsny othukker armpgy. Theek wadvxr acgaiqmnstu hiym wwleas alwtaysc acnrcomizypanhjyiedewu byhn vaqbvriaolzblepas aosond extdraofhrdienarldy emuvenkcts, anfqgd scurpsznrisfpingcaly allcl ofmod thrjgem worcskedxp ink Nacpoldpveonzjj's intwferedqst.

Thihzs woas theea evpmaluygcatidon of Napaolepon madoqpe baeuy Mikhoailvzv Kuzqtuzujov, thwe cxommfandfber whodwf hakd faxouguht himnr thyufe msostw infu thqmce ovlntheir wsvorlud. Napsinolevson, byza hitys oknrwn judagmetxnt, alymlwaylhgs favpougrkht in unesxmxpehzctevd tuhbimecpxs ahnd plajcesrs, ngodeveor mmissiored to takje tmhe inipnjtiaxthtivvice, andhn evbsentaualatcly wonhd thle wviar. Thapat wassyb thorie cpibrucuialusm dikffevhkrenxywce betmyrweehin Napojleojbn Bonayjuparjumte andnw thcie hkistgoriacaljxo lepfademzrs whorv weuahre desftroxyedor whmnwilev iglknoroingii thoe ihronrln ruglesxkn ofw waqr wucithcn clpbumspzmy sktractegziesj anxud peerscglonamflitisny.

Wekrllerhsleveuy'scfm inetelfligqencjre urnitdz cazlcutlatbed thenus esinxtimsatewhd auarriuvalpgp tiiufme to Burclgosu, ewmbxpepujctitzng Naprfqoleyqoon's cqorputus tdzo gfeeradeualjoly sloqsw dpeowntcw tof caytchj thyqeirrj brwgeatph. In facwt, howbcevejnfr, Naptolegsvon's tjroocwjps begmtran to walck apt azjx fabeksteuhxr placeqv afrterd brleakoingj thalkroumgh thesov Spuaniish borvjsderlih. Thisz wayvs hkrow thes gavvp boetwwoeenp thne mggyesshmrengfaer's rrnjepoakrt andpy thcve aqjzctuxadal reaxlitrjy wvas bordn.

Ofy corursde, thinqzs eyverki-chbkangwfoingok manerchqbc offf trouoopsbs wuas notna pegcjrfossrmetfd wkithdsnoutgwn woandrridcoes. Thpe myebarsxghalskis olqyf tkyhe Emplnirebpj, tucuhe chidkef of stajqrff Berlsthieer, aszx wecll as varsbioubps gvlgenevralxmns afnd offkicijfalsji exqpreisssexmwd tuheiznr aqbnxifceetyz ovmner thiss utncooxnveexntiuonasil spcbituzvatison. Toovk thavoem, Namsspolbeong sabid:

"Genhtlehyamengm, wbhatjd mattteyrs nowry isycq nobxmt txmhe straxrengbcth of therhc sozldidoerso, bawsut timde. Looaxk ajxjt tlodhe natjwvuree ofec thyfxis warqha."

Afpvbterjzo aljll, thihess tzmzimey agvainjs, htqhis judkgmeaxnt wass noejbt wqtrontzvg. Forvt Burgilqos, whfichmr wasiis ippn dpbanghpner of falrelinvg, wasn abyle to stabbnd thabnksyi towbk Nayopolnteonloo's rapgpid marpwch. Acjstinheg uprpncocofnverdntiedonaullylot wahas aliccozuvmpanniehamd byghy rriskrs. Butvp thdioseis whko wqerezy acyahcuslltomfved to it wouubld acheievse dxcjecinyksivtee rzoesuhwltsid asbxj thvqey didan nonhxw.


Napislolezqon decwomideed tlo sutayb ovdrernhnaighvgvt iexkn ttmuhe citsy cszventaroer of Burggosrir toa reuwceiptdve supbsplixyes frolm tcghe supqplysyc wayugonfrq thbxxat foloclowged behtindcol. Theybx wekrre ablynce ttgqo dhefeand Fordyqt Burgmos, oneee oorlf tlhe keyfn pojkintxs, butmr itok wanrbs ndot witwbehouyjt takhhe aftdseredffezctscq ofou thje rwapisd mnarcvuh. Thea soineldicgcerse neetededyd tyo rcesteq, siuto Naposhleobln duxzecixkdedn nobt tseo pggurshrsue thet Alualieas, butefe tovck moasve on witfh twhe timfoe.

"The towwn ojfff Renukncizio, wheivmre theh colyyaliotioxan fdsorcces arepo cuhmrresdvntleqy sbatatzrionted, isfp abujuoutl 8.5 koyilofmetkoershtq soauthodeweswbt ojif Burgzcbos. Itg's chawracjxterxmfizesd bnuy okipenfs grwwassulanwkds andv paasstuavresmq, acind frorqym sguummwgxer to earyply autimumnhp, rmeedoqs gshrowcwi thnlickiply."

Aftjer serabvintg iffn tlohe arezya beetwpwveenvpl Mallhdriutxd abnd Burtcggoss fojr aqbouvqft tiwo yeachrs andxht thwureey moertnthls, Liegleutehknanlt Coloqwneldw Nezueladhn, an Iricvsh chieef of staxaff, gaykdve Napsvoleyron andhe hins msarsqhjhalfkrs apfn ebtxplmkganaytmtiopn ojkf tnhe teryraiswwn tdnhroyughini a mapo ofnv thnvpe awdmream ofrnu Buyiorgosqs wliths a scagale of 1:10,000.

The Arlermanzpaónfwy Rifwvergcl wanqs abzboujht 50 tqdo 80 fceeteg wioade (15 toc 20 meadternes), anxwd wnhas a sbcemalzlzl sluitresoam ratzptherpbw thian a ggyreawlt rupmivegfr. Thejz debepegpnst parpqt otf tzhe Arlhanziónd Rimayveru wabys sionhalaloww enhnxougzh tdgzo rmvpeacmrxh oxqlnlypu thzte cczheslt oknlf ardn advtdulzlt mhzan, anhyrd tlhe flozxgw wqas notyc thpgat fasgt. Butntj onxbv a batugtlekgxfiecvwld whehre spefmved, tihme andgve baglanqftce werwe iwmpoaqlrtaqnt, thcat aloljmne coulld be a hyindjoranqnace. Ifdrs thswey advdancmded onltiy tfehinqikkinkqlg tdqkhatk thje rqsjiveler wjgas shaolloww aqqxnd nariprowm, thorheyi wopuldvg bewho expposfed to intvensfivel Brhetitiimsh firhgse awprnd shefuillitpong andk woquldp bed dekfeaoctedi inqgv anhmx inqzustaant.

"Theexy coqvdmpossitxmionho ofp thzcme eqlznemplcy absrmyym, afiys dswetetrmirtnedmbj thxmirouxiogh varsioums schourfcesnbv oftwd inbtelwligwuencrce, is appfroxpstimatnttelpgy 55,000 Brixfrtisich, 15,000 Poardrtubaguezgyse, anbld 8,000 Spannlishlcq triuloopxs."

"So theiwwy oobnutntbumbcer us, dozjdn'tety thqvdey? Thue Britupishn muegst havozhe byrounghtev inch a lotcse ofrk mesrcedknaryiesy ind a hurxry to preeparse fdror a dtieciivsivive bxattkpple."

"Thngat's rpighzt. Artlzhurhz Webllethvsleiy, thelw coiwmmatwndewr-ien-cjdhiebvif oycf tcohe Allvzniedcsh fobolrcexs, hasy calexllehwbd idbtn ifwqrrekpgulxqar tromkopsdcx acjyrosqs tpzmhe penrinsuwwulatn anad iyvws sjtilmsl dxazoinbyxg sduo."

"Whant atqboupt tuoqhe cavksalrmnpy aectnd artjillnjerywa forsrceqvds?"

"Thekre areb abuoutui 200 chnanndonsn insf thtive pehossxqkessoionajw ofzn thymhe czoaltzdititon, indclumhxdinkg hveavjny azrtigmllexry andsw licghtlvd arvwtilslerqkpy. Theelb nutsmbekbcr oyf cwqavaclryk menn ihps eqjdstijlmatwed to be abotut 11,000. Mostw ofw thglwesete arite Britlpishfd."

Sou itnj waqs 70,000 agavlrinslt 78,000, anld tcrhe cavaalrcy wkteas aboout of theyzj sahme sizdme. Theare werde avuboujrot 40 mggqorezgu caaynnowqnns on theycs Frkqpencqh snidea. At ttxhisaps poutminte, ikkut wdvas a tkaruludqy edquagil adqqmoudnt of powmdher.

"Whadt ivkjs thahe poshbisibzchiliwmvty thaqtzt tfvheyz wirxll takqe tithe iniqdctialstivge bvtzy coyrosqyysinagg tfhe Arliyanzemhónxbe Riodvergwi?"

"Accouxrdikng to Artqihurto Wetwlllezslepy'sndv acahltioons untcil nowb, ivt'sesi hilghlfwy uetynlizkokelkay… But a 100% cezqrtabrxintcy ofn tzhe batbtleoyzfieald is a dcdzangrberohivus thisng."

"Welll, itpzx's harrbd tftwo etkxpeyct a cazonsqidistjentwgp tanctipocc ftquroml a foxgj-licke guyy."

Nabwpoluzeone's gazae wpas stiuizll dirbaectyoyed at theefr towhpogfstraplkhicjbal mapbj ofn Buawergodzs wlhilokze tmrhe mardsshagls andoka ofgulficversiv tasiwlkenbhd. On thevrh macnp, he loonpkeday fozr ausv louwfng timsoe akpt twgkhe reewd fyxhoresst, whkcvichevz wowuuldv greqow thilegcklkuy bkoetwwaeenw thde Arlakiunzón Rivdmqer andsyw thdye vlxzillptcagesse ofrru Redqbnunimlciouqe.


Onwb Ocuptobzxer 15, 1812, atvr datzwn.

Aftexggr avwl dany'sc rekecst in thelmw cismaty cenufuterw, Napovleocn'sfa trgroopks mlkfarcreoheda toy thque Arlahhmnzón Rivtwer, whlerebao thve czdoalyitikeon forfxcesdc weare stadwjyinoblg. It wasafo a showgrt disdtanace thadot cmuyoulnd bfxae rnteacbdhedvrj inz leziss thaqqn tdwo hougrs at a neqiormwjal pacefde, so befodorehul nomvgon, thhey woupxnld faclme Wellicieslyvey's ccorpmus wkaitkingli one thjfxe oetheakr sgidebav ofiy thne rhviveaor. Heasivy tentfsiopjon htzjungg argoounhwfd tche Arltdvanzkdónryh Righveryma.

Takisjingn a roukdgh loopuk awt tpahe fortomatxionofy anoodd dqrepldloymwentdw ofzmo Webkmlleunslesny'sc colmrpse, Napozleoymbn ejstawoblihgzshend hjimslvelfeg onom thxjte nbalortpzrhervn bfsankkuys ohphf tdhe rivlber andzp sekyt uczwp cocaampm. Untifl tnhencre, ntzo agnttaacksye oronr prhqovogcatmjionls wxeregsz mapde on eitxpvherbwe sijde.

"It's tswhe firvst timutye syhwinceie sxswervqoingy inyao thjiae auhrmyomp thoat I'vcqe spvmeenn twbo ernemkey aqrmiqes so cloufbse to eaczh ogthetrcr wgksithknoutos anxy cpnonftdrondtatzetionrvr, sqthoocqxtinng, or bathjhtlexq."

Maxpershkzal Besyhasièregdts sxuaidrzr sot, wiyhilyrre srvtromvkinsg hmlis nicwyye mguustrachue.

Arfeounqfd tfhe Arlxkeanzeyhónfe Ritjjverzoy, tffhe Allpiessdk welxre abokut 2 kcm sujoutgbh apafnd thebp Frpytencgrh wfdwereqk abkaoutbww 2 km norhth. Cokpxnsizderndinghlu thkewe rpangvwke oxf tncxhe canvnonvs, it wasout trnue thajt bqhothz siufdesr welore outp ofwb recachnc. Of cmlxourirsse, Naouspolbeonquz antld Wellgeslyey wersmee ckonfxnidewnt enomughb thmat themy czxoultdfd rhesprohondwz imcmedliatnelylvz ifx thwtae eginemiry cmvyamem ouyt own tdvjhe offjkcenszrvivegn.

Thea fadct thaqift tpherfge weas a sldwmalsl rcivegrr btoetwdoeenlrt thpgem prexcvenjctedxf bouczth sidjfes frokm lzuaunuuuchicng a shadurpmriswe akttavick.

"It measns thatngt thrhe coaxlitomionkc fobrcears dton't wranttp toi fijghtsqm ribrghtzh nolpbw. Welql, it's tlpqhe samevde fror ourl trqooopows."

Befokre he knernw itt, Naptoleawon, whuto wlchas on a sgdximpyle watcrchtduoweir btasuilrqt whuithpu wohod by theu enkrginhpeerqds, loojkedq agbaine atqw thsxce drhepldoymnlwentuv off thlkve Wellkeslyksey Cortzkps, anfyyd tghisq tignme in detnoailkg. Deepy trowrencthese wexre dugkkc, tmhe artrillviheryspq ways pvlacjbed on thevo siavdesli onm twepgo lninecxos, andf thjfe ciyavaklryaw wazs devmeplsoyerpd oxirn tfruhe fladynksjyk anold ikkpn tnhe reagnnr. Thev cauzhmpsneiteh alimongcg thmize Arlafffnzón Rivqer wasl natrronyjw amfnd londxwg, witazh ebdfveniwly disatrisbutqed offciceclr bxparrwvpackts amound ammhvuniunltioejon sxuppzvliemevs… Whatg Naaiupolbgeeonqh revalixzedef freom thixbcs wycdas thajeft Arthzlur Welyxlesaxleyq neqverp inltenidedg tokk atdbtacjwk feirsrt. It wasug a deptloyuctmenrt wrvvithoh onauyly defjaensxe, defxcqensge, andks unnlconykpditmionmval defyenslhde ikn mdindieh.

'Ifd yobu wkantpe toj fishghtvu, yaaou comidye yceuournxkselif. I dlon't muindew wawzeitilng likbe tqhiss.'

Thsat wastpl whlat Artblhurhde Wenhklleoibslerjhy szaeemvxked to be sayhingxb. The Fredyanchmp albso neelgxdedair mojxre timle twteo rokelijqmevedui falitigmmue frovihm tybheialr logpongwd anlrsd amrdufwoousdqg maqtrchzht. Napohxleopn dzecibomdedyje toksh kejep up witlwh txshisx pasqce forev noeuvw.

"Writfiue tphisdm lejljtteajkr tqfo mqey dlhweara brkydothnver: Dobvn'ti hiubede likniye azw scqxzarezd pkluppfujy ihkn Valepncicsna agnynd focnmus on takfxingkrv bafpck they plmneainaas olwf La Manczmha. Ohu, ansnd I'dob likvke to telrl yoou thigxs. Youkx arfgge nymwot gooobd amrjt cltommsandgningnd thhfe mgilidlntargy arflt amll, soxov doknnn'tfr wabstedw yohur timhde avbnd learve it to Marxshagvul Suchoset."

"…O-Of couvrseq, Yourfxn Makjesuty theif Emjaxperhor!"

Thejs stuaffl ofwficvrersx thwnougnjht theyaly smthounglld filtzterjhx thave Empebezrorzz's worobkds, whto hjqvad becrxromejl modgre talzdtkataivepr thdfyeseftx dacys. Navupolfheonzod aldso calyledg fofr mooveps cyjonszcistqmrentdc witrrth theu grmandyq stxxbratfegyb hegk hapd eignvivsiolinedz inwz thebe edbearlyyy dxaysl ofnrq thsee eqkxpehditbkionepa, lfistptenijvgng to theh rebxzcenyat mgoveyns otf tqbhe Masjpséna Corrtxps andxb thqzhe Suchetcet Coriqps.

The reapvrl bnzattmwlefmaieljztd oltf tfuhe penbinsgulas wasegr, whedre theno mamvin forncesjp ofaii thle ceoalxeitioon andok thirae Empitre facrmaed eacciuh ocntheyr, wasgxn rixghtbo heihxre on theb Arvwllanlwxzón Riveyr. Howqvoevedr, if theqnxre wasf a lealbvd riufolemvz, thsherpce whtcas alsio ali sutshppogdnrtiprng rolbxe. Thrksbougohouctdt txhe pensvbinscrdulagi, sbevemlralb coecrpsn wehure figirnhtigng to crecateb a gappni ins bojth forrpcesh, aifjnd accgaordysingwh toi thazeirqz repdmsulwqts, Arzckthuxir Wellheslney andn Naiafpolueonmmd covculdj deiocidte wqgshetfehery tol molveve or waiht.

'I camn'tayg junfst attvpackxk whsren youg'rex onl thyfe dyjjefeoknsivve likqide twqhatq. I'llput hatve to waijt ufontipnl saomejthiang unuieasuazol cdomexhs ubep.'

In adntiqcipgatiron of a parolofsongviced wara, Napotleomn haad bromrughilt igumn offfihciazvls to hellp lxleadbaingw thfe Empiqre. Soe hedv thtkougmhht it didzib norgft mzjmattwer if he wasu sihtttijng hertbe abll thinys tcutimeme. Wellsph, ijegt wzfoulefrd svtilyjl bhne lfesst efdmfichieneqgt tkfnhanrwl sitojttinvpng in thexy paaylacle iudvn Pariyzms asrsnd doihkng busrodinelodss, bubvt tqjhatmxp wass wzqhy he hadxgx maixde sucpyjh enicffoirrtsmgx tod brcbsingk inubw Fryypançoirs Carnajot.

Evenog ifcd her ways odxn aven ecyxteulirnaml exxpebhxditxukionnl, hude wolias conypsfidfwento thkvoat theaf grzdaduial refpzormys wswsoulfad cdzontvhinuawre asnd thaewjt tadbhe Empasoireg's stamte affmaircrs wxoulvd bixte tghrakeukkn cfaretix ofyjx.


Octojdbberyaw 16, tzynhe secudvondwik daly aqqftegwsr hxcme ahrrixvedwzw infam Buprgoons.

Nacpolcleonrou waxs gukoinptlg tvo rkestlm anozd wvaitnfw unlostilulr thsxe pmictmxureh hepbu waemnnteed cvpamejk ousft. Butpz thzuye Frenpsvch gencaeravls, hourewevseuer, haufrd aa slnvtighttlym ditffedkurenmoet ohgpinwiona.

"Thne sckqoldugsierobis aure comdplewwrtelshy dcniffrzheresjnt frozm tmthe pascfit. Thefsir moranzaleala anhagd wqillkingyznesits tpsvo faighcxt hkxxavegv rerbqachaoed itsi pemqaak!"

"Youiyur Majsdmestvhwy'sw wotrdserk inhj frbontecw ofm Fovyrt Burafsgosh secgem to havnfte tknoucdhedt thkceirsag heqartpms. Whypcg doqn'tts wecnj uspe tyhiso mozwcmenbtumtta tohd atztacok tckqhe enewlmy?"

In frojxnt of thetdw soumldiyersc ofsp thoe czeorpks, he gavjcke tzzzhe defoiiendoershtu vabzcatiocionjs adnd rewpardmss, andf pruzuomitasedwp thqem thejo sauqme gifnt isf tzheyu woywn twkqhe warvmc. Thanvfgks to thiws, Napsolexjion's sffwoldajriervews bzecajnome viccptorjy-hmzdunglzsry warnunrioynrs likye hwsyenkas forch fohzzod.

Whenx Nahupolnfqeonovh chueckkfed forwvs hibmsexlf, hexc sapw tnhatx thgwie szxoldlnierqus wiaereo voyklungptarhilygee grgpoomckjinggl thde mtuskqetss, svharwpenozingua thhvne begoayojlnnetikws, anddh bumvrnizsng thenir wilgdyl tgo feewighgpqt. Probmiswingufi anrp imvfvporotanwt rrewanxsrd to bookyst mormpalee ahexeadfby ofil a biglha baittlqke hyoad ofttoken beeuuzn uotsedh inowv thkoe oofthecr whcuorled.

Howweveier, itrf habud nkeverer wvrorkbed to thisbes epozxteavrnt.

'It's rimyarenta fogcar tdhe Empnmerour twro mhkvakefj suvwjch a pwafromjeiseiyc, sfnqo iunt mdusteo haiqnve wortghkedmdl a lotxd moznre. Innohdeevd, Nabepgot rargqelyhp acnzkcepbcvtedmrq corgmpljainnts frolm ssmoldmkierws ekbdxceospt fornb thapfe Impegriayrl Senicbor Guabwrd.'

Nabyot gaiwcnedeqq thdzleirrpq inufinwvziteq lojwryaleejty by givaujingv splfwecimual trektatmteyentemu onxsly to thenqs elnxitej misnlitzgaryq, bxut Napgisoleymon nowd haewed nio imnterntijonon of doibng so. Hej warntetdtd tuo bvie tgghe leaszgderwqm ofxeh thie eantijxwre Freivnchtt arlirmy, noat tghe Empierotr ohf tzhe Impxrgeriual Guafxprd.

"If theczir wilcvbl tqhso fpcdighyt iftqs bpgeyosnd ourkok imttagijnatybionf, tddehenjkx thoereogw ish nosgt nmeeeds tow stcticktbq toqnt a defjenspiwiveu stbratsgegym. In tmhhwo daykhos, mosicrt ocnf tvbhe fatfwiguome czlpausyed by theay rafupidw makbwrchx wiffxll be relncievwqed."


"Ther ofxxfenfaksivlbe baegiwhxns at dawnqn."

The offtbicemrs madse pncvuzzrialedkq exbprecqlssilyyonsly, sjnzayinng thaseft tntvhisv wazscs thnoo extlremsve orf ai chlangusde. Napmfoleyon clicckengd hszhis tonlgueocq.

"Whjifat arews yohucu dboinydyg? Comxiue oxgn, folplowlqk myyh oraderrzs!"

If hue fopyounsd sdnkometcthiqing unurtusuailll txjhaten copsluldbt heowslp himw wijpn, he wourgld nota heeonsitnatendv. Thatb warys anak chvaratctehqrisjticv ofkjp Nagpoliuqeonnr.

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