Published at 26th of September 2021 08:34:44 AM

Chapter 127

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Chapter 127

The vision he saw was too vague, it was blurry like the white light you saw in front of your eyes at the moment of climax. It seemed to show a lot of things but in fact all of it was erratic and difficult to understand.

It was like the false illusion made by himself at the moment of his greatest happiness – it was what he wanted to see, what he desired to see.

Chu MuYun calmed down slowly and leaned back lazily by the bed.

Then he looked down at the man beside him.

Ling Xuan’s body had extremely good lines and shape. It was so good that it almost made people overlook his face – not to say that his facial features are ordinary at all but it merely demonstrated the fact that when someone’s body was too good, even if he had a handsome face, it was covered up.

It was like this when he was wearing clothes. So if he took it off people would probably start bleeding from their noses.

So Chu MuYun’s ‘thing’ which he had just quietened down was really a bit moved.

It was obvious one time would not be enough to satisfy the little wolf dog once his desire had been aroused. Ling Xuan stepped forward, pressed his palm to the side of the bed, leaned over and kissed Chu MuYun.

Chu MuYun didn’t move but raised his head slightly, making the kiss longer and deeper.

Ling Xuan was also very talented when it came to kissing. After learning for so long, he was familiar with it and he knows how to arouse the desire of the man beneath him.

Chu MuYun was deliberately delaying time so he didn’t move but slowly continued kissing him until Ling Xuan picked up his hand that was resting casually on his stomach.

Chu MuYun thought Ling Xuan would slide it down to touch his thing but he didn’t expect that… 

Their ten fingers interlocked.

This simple action made Chu MuYun unable to be careless about this any longer.

The palms of both hands were extremely hot and they had the same slender fingers. The only difference is that each of Chu MuYun’s fingers is smooth and delicate, but Ling Xuan’s has thin cocoons on the belly of his fingers—this is related to their cultivation practice. Chu MuYun never used hard weapons but Ling Xuan was proficient at everything. Hence it was inevitable that calluses would form on his fingers.

But this does not hinder anything. Instead, it could be said that because of the roughness, it makes the touch feel even better, numb and itchy, just like the heart that is being moved.

Ling Xuan took the initiative to serve him and Chu MuYun naturally enjoyed it.

In fact, Chu MuYun also noticed that Ling Xuan probably wanted to do more tonight.

Men were the same. The desire for this kind of thing was always unstoppable. Ling Xuan didn’t know about it before, hence he didn’t cross the line. But now that he has seen it, why would he not want to try?

Chu MuYun didn’t say anything, just watched calmly.

As soon as Ling Xuan raised his head, he saw Chu MuYun’s lips which held a nonchalant smile.

Then his heart beat slightly leapt and stopped.

Chu MuYun looked at him: “What?”

Ling Xuan stood up and said, “Are you going to take a bath?”

Chu MuYun was a little surprised.

Ling Xuan had already turned over and got out of the bed with his straight long legs and a sharp and strong back.

Chu MuYun stared at him, his eyes a little hot.

Ling Xuan didn’t turn his head: “I’ll go first.” 

He really left…  left without even trying anything.

Chu MuYun leaned against the bed and the man’s deceptive body appeared in his mind.

In fact, that sexy wheatish color and strong physique were not exactly to Chu MuYun’s taste, but the image in his mind was unable to be dispersed and even became clearer…

He was never the kind of person to endure or restrain himself. Since the desire had arisen, then he should just relieve himself…

After finishing, Chu MuYun gasped slightly and smiled a little self-deprecatingly.

It really had been a long time since he’s done “it” and he really… kind of missed it.

When Ling Xuan came out, Chu MuYun happened to get out of bed.

After just one glance, a flame ignited in Ling Xuan’s eyes and the desire that had just been suppressed rose wildly.

Chu MuYun was not naked but the way he was dressed looked even more sultry than if he were unclothed.

A large coat was casually draped over the shoulders, from the sleeves extended slender forearms. Most of it was exposed when Chu MuYun raised his hands, which added an extra erotic flavor. The front of his clothes were completely open and a large, clean expanse of chest was exposed. Although the waist belt was tied, the long legs jutted out and it was even more tempting than it was fully uncovered.

Ling Xuan’s throat shuddered.

Chu MuYun smiled and looked at him: “Has the water in the bath been changed?”

Ling Xuan said, “It’s been changed.”

Chu MuYun said, “Go to bed then, I’ll come over later.”

Ling Xuan did not hesitate: “Okay. “

Chu MuYun walked away but Ling Xuan continued to stand there.

For a hundred years, he had never been able to see completely through Chu MuYun but he has always been attracted to him.

He was strong, smart and almost omnipotent.

He has taught Ling Xuan countless things and shown him a whole new world, but he had also always drawn a barrier between the two.

It was thin and transparent but it was constantly there, and Ling Xuan was unable to step past it.

Ling Xuan really wanted to do it to the end. Even though he had drenched himself in ice water, that thing was still swollen and painful.

But he felt very clearly – and it was just an intuition based on no foundation – but he very clearly understood that as long as he did ‘that’, then something else would happen.

And that ‘something else’ was something he absolutely did not want.

Chu MuYun lay in the warm pool, all the cells in his body clamoring for comfort.

Zerobaby: “QAQ!”

Chu MuYun said leisurely, “What? I didn’t do it with Wrath til the end, so you’re upset?”

Zero cried while accusing him: “You actually just don’t want to do it with him, right!”

Chu MuYun : “Who said that? I’m already willing to be on the bottom, how much more sincerity can I show?”

Zero: “〒△〒, I would rather you top him…”

Chu MuYun: “…”

This really goes to show that simple creatures should be provoked. Intuition was something that was really unfathomable.

Chu MuYun was not in a hurry right at this moment. He planned to find out the whereabouts of the LingYun Sect before leaving.

Anyway, as long as he throws a move to Ling Xuan, then he can play by himself for a long time.

Chu MuYun roughly calculated the time. Nine hundred years later, when he and Ye JianHan met, the LingYun Sect was already a big sect. Prior to that, it wasn’t that there wasn’t a LingYun Sect, it was just that it wasn’t well known. It was probably just a small sect in the Yao Realm and could barely support itself.

He needed to support the LingYun Sect in secret first so that this sect will become famous. Only then would there be a “big disciple” who would come to join the sect.

Who is this “big disciple”? Of course it was Ling SuYun.

The difficulty of the substitution/sacrificial technique lay here. Finding a suitable corresponding body was like trying to find a needle in a haystack, it was next to impossible.

But for Chu MuYun, it was a breeze.

Everything was pre-prepared and all he had to do was keep history from being distorted, and make sure all the events proceeded properly step by step.

Chu MuYun went out for a long trip but instead of meeting the old Sect Master of the LingYun Sect, he actually met a familiar face.

The young man was born white and beautiful and his big eyes seemed to be filled with water. He was obviously timid but because of his red lips, he looked even more seductive and charming.

Chu MuYun looked at this fox spirit disguised as a little white rabbit with interest.

The young man didn’t know that the person in front of him had seen through him and knew what he really was. He only thought…

This person was way too handsome, handsome to the heavens! With such a good figure and such high cultivation, his skills in bed must be excellent!


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