New Star Online - Chapter .35.5

Published at 17th of November 2023 07:32:24 AM

Chapter .35.5

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wimbledon As mentioned in the previous chapter, this is a section I'd originally scrapped but decided to post anyways. Until I figure out how to work the characters into the story, this'll be non-canon.


At another house a few blocks away, Amiya’s friends were still studying... Or rather, only one of them were still studying, while the other was just pouting.

“... I can't believe Amiya ditched us to play some lame game!” the girl sobbed, pounding her fist against her bed in frustration.

“It's not like she needs help studying, Bea.” The fox-eyed boy across from her sighed at the angry bush of dark curly hair sprouting from the furniture. “She’s ranked second in our grade, you know.”

Beatrice—or just “Bea”—turned to direct a twitching smile at him.

“And tell me, Viktor… Who’s ranked first?”

“Ah, I wonder…?” Viktor shrugged. “Whoever they are, they must be compensating for something, like their bad personality--"

“It's me! I’m first place! And that means Amiya should be beggin’ me for help with her homework!”

“... Is that really why you started studying hard at the start of middle school?” Viktor recoiled slightly, giving Bea a pitying look. “Doesn't that seem a bit… petty?”

Unable to deny this, Beatrice crumpled onto her side in defeat.

“Just… shaddap, you H-protagonist lookin’ jerk…”

“Huh? ‘H-protagonist’? What does that mean?”

“... Dunno? That's what my brother said you looked like after you left the other day.”

A stout, bush-haired man poked his tanned face through the doorway.

“Oi, did Basil teach you something weird again?” Dad grumbled, scowling in the general direction of the neighboring room. That boy needed to get out of his room more often; he was starting to say strange things and it was influencing Bea.

“Dad?! I told you to knock!” Bea jumped back like a cat with her hackles raised.

“Aye, I did. You were too busy beatin’ up yer bed to answer.”

“No answer doesn't mean that you can come in!” she hissed.

“Aye, aye…” Dad sighed, drooping his head about as apologetically as he could. Of course, being a dad, he immediately shook off his parental faux pas and moved on to greeting Viktor. “Anyways—how are ya doin’, lad?”

“I’m well, sir.” Viktor replied with a polite smile. “Amiya just left a few minutes ago.”

“Ah, is ‘at why Bea’s in a mood again?” Dad nodded, understandingly scratching his beard. “She's quite attached to that girl… Spent extra time tidyin’ up her room when she ‘eard that Amiya was comin’ today--"

“Dad. Out.”

“Whoops. Well, I better let you two get back ta work. Holler if ya need anythin’.” Dad had only counted two strikes, but he’d forgotten to take into account that Bea was already in a bad mood; Bea would really start sulking if he messed up again, so he decided to make a swift exit.

As Dad left to go do whatever dads did in their spare time, Bea noticed Viktor staring at her.

“Haah? You got somethin’ to say?”

“... Not really? I already knew you liked Amiya.”

Bea looked like she just got sucker punched.

“... For how long?” she asked, quivering slightly.

Viktor averted his gaze so hard that he twisted his entire upper body to look away.

“W-was I really that bad?!” Mortified, Bea’s complexion rapidly fluctuated between pale white and bright red. “Did she notice? Please tell me she didn't notice!”

“Actually, she’s probably the only person who hasn't noticed by now.”

… Bea wasn't sure how she was supposed to feel about that.



wimbledon Ferris’s “Boss” is Bea’s “Dad”.

… I wonder if I should actually give him a name at some point?


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!