Published at 5th of November 2021 11:08:10 AM

Chapter 212: 212

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The three of Xiao Lingyu are indeed in this desolate world at this time, and have gone deep into it.

This desolate world covers a wide area, and the breath inside is very complex. There are many powerful smells of demon families surging in it. Even if the nine robbers are here, they don't want to search here with immortal knowledge. Moreover, if the nine robbers who don't know anything about here feel the strong breath inside, how dare they release immortal knowledge easily?

Anyone who comes here will feel that there are countless dangers hidden here and have to be careful.

In this desolate world, the corpses of monsters with huge shapes can be seen everywhere. If you wander around here for a while, you will be surprised to find that there are the corpses of real dragons and many demon clan corpses of superior blood in the demon clan.

The most frightening thing is that almost none of the bodies left by the powerful demons are complete. It seems that they have been ruthlessly wiped out here. Moreover, the potholes everywhere seem to prove to everyone that there has been an earth shaking war here, and countless powerful people have fallen here.

For Xiao Lingyu, who has known about some situations here through special channels, there is really no danger here, because he has a way to avoid those dangers, but others can't.

These strong people who fell here, especially those powerful demon clan strong people, left their grievances here, and those grievances combined with the soul and energy filled here, and finally formed some powerful and strange evil things.

There are many fierce and evil things here, among which there are many powerful and powerful people. However, if the monks cover themselves with some things with a strong smell of death, they will not be attacked by those fierce and evil spirits. Xiao Lingyu and his three people walk in this world safely.

There was nothing with a heavy smell of death on the three people, but they didn't have it on them, but they were everywhere in this world. Those demon animal skin armor that remained here and hadn't completely decayed were covered by the three of them. If they met the evil spirit, they would restrain their breath and have no danger.

But Geng Jia and Li you didn't know this. They didn't expect that there would be fierce demons here. Shortly after they came in, they first wiped out several fierce demons, and then were besieged and attacked by more and more fierce demons. Even those strong people like them felt a headache in the face of those fierce demons who could recover immediately after they died.

Just as the three of Xiao Lingyu were wandering around the desolate world, while Geng Jia and Li you were fighting with countless fierce demons, several figures suddenly appeared next to the canyon.

These friars also have illusory bodies, which are similar to the previous two friars, but their breath is obviously much stronger.

"Those who can easily kill without shadow or trace, or even make them unable to send back messages, must be strong people with more than seven robbers," said an old virtual shadow.

"Didn't the shadowless and traceless people say that they followed here all the time, and the strong people who were followed didn't find them? How come they were suddenly killed soon?" a virtual shadow asked puzzled.

"Maybe the other party has found them, but the other party has not shown any voice or color," said a virtual shadow surmised.

"Don't even guess. Let's go back and see." a virtual shadow said impatiently.

At this time, everyone looked at the oldest phantom elder.

The old man nodded. With a wave of his robe sleeve in front of him, an illusory light spot emerged. Then these light spots floated around quickly and gathered again, gradually forming a picture.

The images of Geng Jia and Li you slowly appeared in the picture, but then the images of Xiao Lingyu also appeared, but their images were vague.

"It was them who killed shadowless and traceless, but the time interval between their appearance was not very long, so it was impossible to judge who killed shadowless and traceless." the old man waved his robe sleeve to break up the picture, then shook his head and said.

"Anyway, just kill them all," said the younger phantom friar.

"The accomplishments of these people are not weak, and our family alone may not be able to win." the old phantom friar said noncommittally.

"Then don't we avenge invisibility and tracelessness?" asked the young phantom friar.

"Of course, revenge is necessary. Any friar who kills my phantom clan disciples will pay a heavy price, even their strong nine robbers are no exception. However, so many experts of the Terran invade langhuan mainland, which is a major event of langhuan mainland, not our phantom clan. So it's better to invite everyone."

The strong man of the old phantom clan was more calm. With a sneer in his mouth, he took out a purple shell like magic weapon and recited it to it.

"The message has been sent out. We just have to stay here and wait for the experts of other races to meet." the old phantom friar said this, that is, his body first turned into nothingness.

In the desolate world deep underground in the canyon, Xiao Lingyu, wearing rotten leather armor, were slowly climbing to a mountain.

For the monks of Xiao Lingyu's three accomplishments, they could reach the top of the mountain in an instant, but Xiao Lingyu could clearly feel that there were several powerful demons near the mountain. If they were not careful, they might be found even in rotten leather armor.

The reason why Jiang lanyue wanted to climb the mountain was that Jiang lanyue once told Xiao Lingyu that there was a pool at the top of the mountain, and in the pool, there was the body of a super divine beast five clawed Golden Dragon.

The powerful evil spirits near the mountain are entrenched here to protect the body of the five clawed golden dragon, and Xiao Lingyu came here just for the body of the five clawed Golden Dragon.

At the top of the mountain that could fly up in an instant, Xiao Lingyu and his three men gathered their breath and moved slowly. It took eight hours to get there.

The temperature at the top of the mountain is very low, and Xiao Lingyu and his three people dare not spill their breath, and dare not arrange a defense cover outside their body. Even their running skills dare not be too fast, so they can only rely on their own bodies to resist the cold erosion.

It is precisely because there is a cold pool here that the corpse of the five clawed Golden Dragon can not be eroded and decayed by years.

The cold pool is round with a diameter of about 100000 feet. The whole looks like a small lake.

The surface of the cold pool is also covered with a thick layer of ice, and the ice surface is emitting curling fog.

"If you want to enter the cold pool, you need to blast the ice. If you attack hard, it will certainly make a lot of noise. I'm afraid it will startle the evil spirits." Ge Yunfei touched his chin and said.

"There's no other way but to force them. The sensing ability of those evil spirits is not strong. Ling'er blocks them with psychedelic nebula. Brother, you put on your invisibility cloak and resist them for a while. It's enough as long as you give me 100 interest time." Xiao Lingyu thought a little and said.

"It's the only way," Ge Yunfei nodded.

Ling'er didn't speak, and Xiao Lingyu didn't ask her. At that moment, he let six magic immortal beads blast hard at the ice.

To Xiao Lingyu's surprise, even with the attack power of the best fairy weapon, he couldn't blow open the ice at once, and a bombardment could only make the ice appear tiny cracks.

The movement here has attracted the attention of those fierce demons. Led by those powerful fierce demons, they rushed towards the cold pool.

Xiao Lingyu knew he couldn't delay. The overall strength of those powerful fierce souls was not much weaker than that of the nine robbers. He could only seize the time. At that moment, he took out the amnesty divine sword and cleaved to the ice with the power of an artifact.

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