Published at 6th of March 2024 05:28:06 AM

Chapter 0: Beginning

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Chapter 0: Beginning

༺ Beginning ༻

Feeding the body was a matter of food, but satisfying the hunger of the soul was a matter of hobby.

Just as our bodies required three meals a day to stay healthy, if we didn’t enjoy our hobbies, our souls could fall ill at any time.

Some people were passionate about video games, others were deeply into sports like soccer or basketball. There were countless hobbies on this planet. As such, hobbies could come upon you unexpectedly, like fate.

Even if you avoided something your entire life thinking it wasn’t for you, you might end up becoming completely engrossed in it after trying it out by chance. It was like being chosen by a hobby.

My hobby was TRPG1Tabletop Role Playing Games -are a video game genre that combines core elements of role-playing video games with those of tactical (turn-based or real-time) strategy video games. The most known TRPG is Dungeons & Dragons.

Tabletop Role Playing Game.

To explain for those who didn’t know, it was the advanced form of the RPGs we played as kids and drew in our notebooks.

During my college years, I started playing TRPG reluctantly after being persuaded by my girlfriend.

I still remembered it clearly. My first session was ‘The Lost Mine of /sources/lmop,’ and my first character was a barbarian named ‘Barian’ who referred to himself in the third person. His concept was using leftover mammoth bones as weapons.

Barbarian Barian’s fantasy world adventure ended up being a spectacular failure after many twists and turns.

I would choose TRPG all over again...


No, rather, it would have just been better if my lifelong hobby was working out.

How did I end up so obsessed with this kind of hobby?



“So, you’re saying that you’re going to play, TRPG... or something, by using Illusion Magic to create a world?”


Even after reincarnating, I just couldn’t quit.


Tabletop Role Playing Games -are a video game genre that combines core elements of role-playing video games with those of tactical (turn-based or real-time) strategy video games. The most known TRPG is Dungeons & /sources/lmop


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