Published at 17th of November 2019 06:24:01 PM

Chapter 236

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Center of the 8th Floor
Year 7446, Month 6, Day 4

This time I'm accompany the {Exterminators}. We entered the dungeon on June 9th and left today but they precisely showed me they could clear the 3rd floor on the first day. Just as I had heard starting from the next day there were some struggles that could be seen on the 4th floor but I think there's largely no problem. Just as was reported excluding Ginger and Hisu since a lot of their members don't have much experience in the dungeon I guess, they were indifferent to the traps in the good meaning and that's believed to have lead to a speed up on their end.

Though in exchange for that, they were considerably careful and cautious with the combat. The reason for that is believed to be that there were no magic users other than Rodrick and Mekku excluding the leader. In other words, the number times they can use healing spells is low, is what it means. Well, when I first split up the teams, I already talked a lot about this point with Kamu. Since it leads to a stronger tendency for the combat to drag out, as a result of that the number of people with injuries increases, so you could say that it's easier for them to spend more time healing is a problem. However it's believed that they've built up a bit more strength than the second-rates of Baldukk and at about the same level as half first-rate.

Even though almost all of the members haven't spent much time in the dungeon, you could say that these results are considerably ahead. As proof of that when I'm standing at the front leading, this time since the number of injuries in combat was decreased we were able to clear through the 4th floor in four hours and it was one day but we were able to step foot on the 5th floor as well. However, after all individual strength is a big problem. The experienced Ginger and Hisu have few chances to stand at the front bearing the full brunt of the monsters. They have no choice but to center things around Rodrick, Sanno, and Mekku who use shields but because they're lacking in strength there were many close calls with the stronger monsters on the 5th floor.

Especially when it comes to the monster rooms, even on the 4th floor if there isn't a leader from the {Slaughterers} it's probably too frightening to just watch. Yeah, for the time being they should accumulate experience on the 4th floor.


Year 7446, Month 6, Day 23

This time it's the {Butchers}. Different from the {Exterminators} last time, I guess since excluding my combat slaves they have comparably more veterans, they have a strong tendency to fear traps. However, in regards to combat I can watch it with some peace of mind. The number of magicians itself is only two people and the same but their experience is different. Even when it comes to magic rather than focusing entirely on healing, they properly get in some attack spells when they see good chances to attack.

It's big that Misu can use spells from the rear and above all else the skills of Rokko the tank {Shield.Holder} are extremely high, you could say that the characteristic of this party is that they're reliable. He's using a shield but in terms of overall defensive techniques it might be better to say he's on the same level as Zenom. That he's not running is his own freedom so it doesn't matter at all but I thought in some meanings this guy might be a prodigy. Though I say that, it might not be all that strange for guys like this to be all over the place in the top teams. If Rodrick or Sanno are able to reach this level then I think I could relax and watch the {Exterminators} a bit more though.

Well, overall between the balance of caution and daring it would be good if it tilted a bit more towards daring. If the whoever comes from the {Slaughterers} isn't Zulu or Angela then I'm sure they can even take on the {Frost Lizard} if they prepare to take some injuries. Probably unless they get considerably full of themselves I doubt it would reach the point of casualties. I want to think that the countless months of experience they've earned on the 1st floor would be useful here. A number of people leveled up as well.

If it's the {Butchers} then at a time in the not so distant future..if they properly gain experience for another year or so then the 6th floor might be good as well. If you were to ask which the objective of this is more for my combat slaves to gain experience. You could say they're weighing them down after all. Though I say that even they're still useful at the front line and as an attacker so at this point in time I have no intention of switching them out with Ginger and Hisu using holding them back as a reason. If they were to switch place I'm sure they could manage on the 6th floor as well but as expected I can't permit the number of strings I have attached to them to be reduced in number.

Even now I'm sure they could make it to the teleport crystal on the 5th floor. As expected clearing through both the 4th and 5th floors in one day is unreasonable but it's plenty possible for them to carry supplies to the 5th floor.

I was able to confirm them and I've already declared it as well. Now then, shall we start clearing the 8th floor.


Year 7446, Month 6, Day 26

"In regards to entering the dungeon tomorrow but this time we aren't dispatching anyone from the {Slaughterers}. Consequently the number of people in the {Butchers} and {Exterminators} will be decreased. I would like for you to explore without overdoing it this time."

The time for formation training ended and I started giving out directions in front of everyone.

"Yeah, this time, the {Slaughterers} will clear the 8th floor. In that case since we don't know what will happen as expected I want our full members. It'll cause trouble for everyone for one week but please pardon us on that."

I guess the fact that I said we'd clear the 8th floor is working? Other than the {Slaughterers}, particularly the veteran members of the former {Sun.Ray}'s expressions changed. They all probably think that it's a chance to find treasure on a new floor I'm sure. I think their eyes are giving off a sharp glare. No, before you all can go to the 9th floor you need to build up a bit more strength. As expected if you're as you are now even the 6th and 7th floors are overdoing it.

After that I took a variety of questions but fundamentally all of the details of the 8th floor I've reported on every time we go. I can't discuss anything new. Since it's believed that there's a powerful monsters making it's nest in what seems to be a large room in the center of the floor, I just said that I wanted the {Slaughterers} to go with full members so we don't lose any fighting power.

Furthermore, even in their case it seems that they do have some complaints they aren't included in the members currently but since we've already offered them the test it seems they were able to endure it. Yeah, if they can really past that test and furthermore gain plenty of results against ogres then I wouldn't mind switching them out. In that case, it would be difficult to continue hiding my massive amount of mana. That's why as preparation for that, recently I've been saying my magic special skill levels have been going up again and using mana in considerably large amounts.
But, as expected it seems to be pushing it a bit right.

Well, I can't imagine that they would use that a reason to say something to me though. It's not like any casualties have ever come out as a result of hiding the amount of mana I have after all. In the first place in order to use spells you have to concentrate to the point of barely being able to remain conscious of anything else. That trend is particularly strong for advanced spells. This is something that every adventurer knows. Unless something of significant importance happens, idiots who carelessly use spells won't survive. That's why there's no one who would criticize me over something like that.

I think it'll be fine for the time being but when it comes to Ginger, Misu, and Jeru who have the most motivation and the highest possibility of changing out I'll follow up with them somehow, and depending on the case I think it might be fine to explain things about being reincarnated to them the same as Zenom and Zulu. It's not like there's any sort of harm in that information being exposed. Even if they say we reincarnated from a world with an advanced civilization if there's no proof of making something like that then they'll just be called liars.

Right now about the only thing is the mincer I guess? Even that if you just look at the inside the structure isn't all that complex. A skilled blacksmith or goldsmith can make something similar. The precision is high but from just a glance there's no way of telling that far after all. Even if you check it's status it just says, Brass Industrial Art Object {Brass.Craft}. Normally it would just end with saying, "Yeah, that's amazing, I'm amazed you thought of it. You're intelligent."

In order for the structure to not be leaked so easily we split up the parts and ordered them separately through various blacksmiths and goldsmiths in the capital and Baldukk. In the worst case, even if interference comes from the royal family or some other place I can't imagine it's at the level where it's no problem to cover it up. Rather, something like the structure of a mincer it's fine if the secret can just be protected for a couple of years. During that time it's important to create the brand image and put some distance between the copies made afterwards. The reason why Sha*essen still sells well at a comparatively high price even among similar products is largely because of the brand image it made being the first.

After that we quickly dispersed and went to purchase the food we were going to consume in the dungeon as well as producing sausages, then ate dinner. Furthermore, Bel and Toris kneaded some wheat flour to make some appropriate dough and made shuumai and gyoza. It's regrettable that it can't be preserved and we don't have any soy sauce. Also, there's a large room for improvements left that can made to the dough used for wrapping.

Ralpha, Gwine, and Miduchi were all making various things like "Meat Manju!" or "Hamburger!!" as well. They made some minced cutlets as well but just the same as the hamburger, if you don't use beef it's not very good. Ah, come to think of it there were some things close to pork cutlets and chicken cutlets since the past.


Year 7446, Month 6, Day 30

Three days ago, I finished my running the same as usual and then we rushed into the dungeon right away. On just the first day I joined the {Exterminators} and Miduchi the {Butchers} as we all gathered together in the teleport room on the 3rd room, then starting from the second day I did the usual party with just Zulu as we cleared past the 6th floor. On the third day, yesterday we took our time gathering magic stones while killing ogres and escorted Giberuti through the 7th floor, then finally today, we stepped foot on the 8th floor. As a good sign, we were able to teleport to a location connected to the center room, so we spent four hours making an effort to get there.

We're taking a short break before entering the room.

The circumference of the room is believed to be roughly 6.3 km with a diameter of about 2km. This is something we confirmed by doing a lap around it once together with Gwine, so we can say there's almost no mistake that it's a circle. Miduchi, you'll take the lead about 50 meters ahead and scout things out. If you find anything then stop. If there's any sort of problem them come back right away. In any case we'll know from {Party-ization} after all."

After confirming everyone nodded I continue.

"If there's nothing in particular then we'll take up the formation {Double Trail} in the rear behind Miduchi. I'll take the lead alone. Next up will be Zenom and Ralpha. Third will be Zulu and Angela, Gwine and Basutoral will be after that. Toris and Bel will be at the very rear. Alright? If hostilities are started then I'll dash to the front as we switch over to {Arrowhead.One}. On that occasion we'll take Miduchi into the formation. Whether I'll remain at the front or switch to the rear depends on the opponent. It's fine to take as much time as we need. Let's move carefully."

I think it was when we slowly advanced ahead for about 30 minutes at a speed of less than 1 km/hour?

Suddenly the sensation of {Party-ization} vanished. I can see Miduchi's back showing signs of bewilderment about 50 meters ahead of us with my Identify vision.


The sensation of {Party-ization} vanished and several voices were raised in a panic. At the same time Zulu, Angela, and I left the formation as we ran off. There's no doubt that she cut off the {Party-ization} because of some abnormality.


In response to my shout, I can tell Miduchi was looking around restlessly in doubt as she turned around. Just from a glance there doesn't seem to be any problem. Even if I use Identify on her like that there's no problem. I can tell that everyone is following after us from their presence.

What in the world happened? is what Miduchi asked us when she came over to us as we came running up.

"Ah, what is it!?"

"Huh..suddenly {Party-ization} was cut off. That's strange...Sorry. I'll try using it once more."

What the, really..And huh? That's strange.

"It isn't a monster?"

Zenom said as he caught up.

"Nn, I'm sorry. It seems different. I'll use {Party-ization} once mo.."Huh?"

It was when Miduchi had said that and was about to touch Zenom to start. After confirming Miduchi was safe as Angela moved a bit ahead in order to confirm the surroundings and raised her voice in doubt. She's sniffing with her nose. Her expression was a bit off for the mood but everyone spread out with their weapons in hand.

We thought something was picked up by Angela's {Super Sense of Smell}.

"Huh? It's strange..My nose doesn't work."


"It isn't a monster right?"

Bel confirmed with Angela.

"Yeah, it feels like I can't use my {Super Sense of Smell}."

I reflexively Identified Angela.

There's nothing abnormal.

"Nn, there's no problem. I was properly able to use {Party-ization} on Zenom-san."

"Hmm. It seems things are fine."

It seems Miduchi and Zenom used {Party-ization} once more.

Just as I saw from Identify there doesn't seem to be any problem with Miduchi. However, it somehow doesn't make sense. Miduchi's {Party-ization} isn't released that easily. Whether she's in the middle of combat or sleeping if the user Miduchi doesn't will to turn it from On to Off or will for the unit to be disbanded then it's no good. That was released? Angela said she wasn't able to use her {Super Sense of Smell} anymore either..Something is strange.

"It can't be..Gwine, come over here for a bit."

I pulled Gwine's arm and moved her to stand next to Angela. However, along the way Gwine raised her voice.


It seems Gwine's {Mapping} was cut off as well. I wonder if from around there over to here is a location where you can no longer use Special Skills or Unique Abilities? To test it I tried using Identify but just as I thought I couldn't use it. I told Gwine to try using {Infrared Vision} as well but obviously she couldn't use that either.

"Let's go back a bit."

I urged everyone as we went back out of the area a bit. After returning it seems I was able to use Identify once again.

"Just now, I understood from pulling Gwine. It seems that around that area you can't use Skills anymore."

"Eh..Please wait just a moment. Then magic as well!?"

Toris said with a surprised face.
That's right. Magic should be a type of Special Skill as well. I guess I'll try it.

I returned back into again and tried to use the spell {Light}. Obviously it was no good. I can't control my mana.

While everyone was looking in a daze with worried expressions and I just shrugged my shoulders and shook my head.

This is, bad. It's way beyond our fighting power just being halved.

..Hn? Just now I used Identify on Angela even though she couldn't use {Super Sense of Smell}.

For argument's sake. If everything in the interior past that area is an {Anti-Skill Area}, I guess that means that magic or other things used from outside of there are fine?

I returned to the side of everyone looking anxiously and fired off the spell {Flame Bullet} so they could easily see it.

..No problem..or at least that's how it appears.

I picked up a rock from near my feet and used {Light} on it before throwing that.

It clearly flew further than the area where Angela just was, and it's still shining.

"Change of plans. Let's stop with heading towards the center just like this with everyone."

I said that while looking around at everyone.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!