Otome Game Mob Villain - Chapter 246

Published at 3rd of April 2024 08:44:48 AM

Chapter 246

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In Forneu, the capital of the Fox tribe, in one of the guest rooms of the tribal chief's mansion there, a person covered in a black robe, who did not look very suitable for the occasion, was ushered into the room.

The face is also covered with a black cloth and the gender of the person is not known, but the voice and physique suggest that he is probably a 'man'.

He slowly opens his mouth as he walks to the centre of the room where the four members of the tribe - Gareth, the chief of the Foxmen, Elba, the eldest son, Malbus, the second son, and Rafa, the eldest daughter - are all present.

'The information that you wanted ...... at once about the purchase of the beastmen slaves is no doubt from the Bardia territory of the Magnolia Empire. However, it seems that you are calling it ostensibly 'protection'. And my Lord takes a great deal of interest in this matter."

When the man in full dressing gowns finishes speaking, Gareth glares at him with deadly intent.

'Well ......, I appreciate the information. But what kind of messenger would come from 'that man', a full-body-robed creep like you? It seems we have been underestimated. What is your name, anyway?"

The robed man replied to Gareth's words without hesitation.

'With all due respect, I don't have a name, as I'm a pawn. But, yes,...... you can call me 'Robe' because of my appearance."

'Discarded piece ...... Robe, don't be a fool, both 'the man' and you are mocking us in the ministry.'

Gareth is incensed at the thought that someone who is little more than a 'pawn' has been sent to him.

However, the man who identified himself as Robe continued to speak undaunted.

'I apologise for my lack of choice of words. To be precise, I am a pawn who is 'willing to die with important information'. If you do not like me, please cut me loose. But please consider that the connection between my Lord and you will then be severed."

"You ...... ‼".

I know what Loeb means.

But his provocative manner is enough to anger his superiors.

In fact, Gareth has an angry look on his face.

In the midst of this, his eldest son, Elba, asked Robe with murderous intent.

'So ...... what do you mean by your Lord's high interest?

'As I would expect, Elba-sama. Thank you for talking so quickly.'

The man was not afraid of Elba's words, nor did he fight, but continued to speak in an aloof and frightened manner.

'You will probably use this matter as a pretext for some action. If you do, please inform my Lord in advance through me. Then I will be prepared to make various adjustments to facilitate your movements."

When he finished, Robe bowed in a deliberately exaggerated manner.

Gareth and Malbus look annoyed and angry, while Rafa looks amused, as if he is making fun of them.

Elba, meanwhile, calmly observes Loeb's behaviour.

'Hmm ...... whatever your plans are, let us run riot as we like, and you will be on your high horse?'

'That's right. But I can promise you that while my Lord is looking on in high spirits, you can focus on the opponent ...... in front of you, the Bardia territory."

Robe grimaces in reply to Elba.

It is more like a provocation. At that moment, Gareth's angry voice echoed through the room.

'You think you have the high ground,...... 'that man' is fooling with us⁉ Well then, good, you said the robe, you will beat us to a pulp‼'.

Gareth pulls out the sword from his belt and tries to attack Robe.

But at that moment, Elba's gravely voice resounds this time.

'Don't. 'Father.'

"......⁉ Elba, why do you stop? He has made a fool of us."

Elba shakes his head and approaches Gareth.

He then glared at Loeb again with murder and pressure.

'You said it yourself, Robe. I'm not going to get involved in any more farce. Let's get down to business: ...... What are your terms for our cooperation?"

'...... I see. I am very sorry about this. In fact, my Lord desires the prisoner of 'Nanalee Bardia' and 'Meldie Bardia', who live in Bardia territory."

At Loeb's words, Elba and the others look dubious.

The names Nannalee and Meldie are familiar to them, as expected.

Elba asks Loeb.

'...... those two are the wife and daughter of the Reiner Bardia frontier count. Are you serious?'

'Yes, I am. We would very much like you to take them into custody and hand them over to us when you move. And the lord 'Rainer Bardia' and his eldest son 'Rid Bardia' are in the way, so I want you to get rid of them."

As soon as he finishes, Loeb gives an eerie smile.

It was so full of hatred and malice that even Elba frowned for a moment.

However, Elba quickly switches his expression.

'Fine. I don't really like it, but I'll take you up on it. But we will decide when to move. I will not allow you to ignore our request when the time comes."

'Of course. My Lord will be pleased. Then I will bring this matter back to you as soon as possible."

When he hears Elba's answer, Robe dismisses the conversation as if to say that he has done what he wanted to do.

And when he was about to leave the room, he turned around and looked at Gareth and Elba as if he had remembered something.

'Yes, I heard that 'Nanalee Bardia' is a beautiful woman who is renowned as the 'Daughter of the Crimson Lady'. If you manage to get hold of any of them, including Meldy Bardia, I would politely ask you not to lay a hand on them. Now, if you'll excuse me."

After saying what she wanted to say, Loeb left the room.

Gareth and Malbus, who were left in the room, were furious.

'What the ...... is wrong with that rude man called Robe ?!"

'You're absolutely ...... right, father. Brother, why did you believe that kind of man?"

They question Elba with all their vigour, but he grins.

'Hmm...... they're just testing us, ...... I really do not like it. But they leaked what they wanted to us. The value of Nanalee Bardia and Meldy Bardia must be immeasurable to them. Then we will make use of them."

'I see...... brother, then will you be moving soon?'

Elba shakes his head at Malbus's question.

'For the time being, we'll be quiet. We will first assess what the Bardia territory will do with the slaves. Then, if it is worthwhile, we will move when the time is most opportune. And I'm also concerned about the 'guy' behind the man called Robe. Dad, and Malbus, I want you two to do some research."

'All right, . I don't like 'the man' either. I'll look into it a bit."

'Awe. Well, I'll check it out then."

Malbus and Gareth nodded at his words and left the room quickly.

Rafa, who remained behind, smiled happily.

'Hmm, this is going to be interesting. Come to think of it, Amon is doing a lot of hard work and seems to have a lot of supporters these days. I wonder what Brother Elba is going to do about it?"

'Well, the weak who can't keep up with the tough policy of the strong are just putting their faith in him. And Amon has his uses. Until then, at best, we'll keep them in the dark."

Elba smiled wryly at Rafa's words.

At the same time, in Amon's room in the mansion, his sister Citry was tired from playing and sleeping.

'Soooo ......'

'Hmm, Citry's sleeping profile is so cute.'

Amon had just been teaching his sister Citry how to study.

Although she is of tribe chief blood, she is not considered to have any martial arts talent and her position in the house is not very good, so Amon is taking care of her as her older brother.

At that moment, there is a knock on the door and Amon replies, and a young man from the Fox tribe enters the room.

He is a handsome young man with pinched ears and a well-defined face.

He bows to Amon and then speaks out.

'Master Amon, the robed man has just left the house, how do you wish me to deal with it?

'Thank you, Rick. I'd like you to go after him if you can, but take it easy. He's probably connected to some Imperial noble, so it's not safe to go after him too closely".

At his words, the young man called Rick made a dubious expression.

'Imperial nobility ......? But how do you know that?"

'Well, I can't be sure. But I know most of the people who go in and out of this house. The only person I have yet to see is a member of the imperial nobility. If that's the case, even a guy with such a suspicious appearance is highly likely, given the process of elimination and the way my father and the others dealt with him."

When Amon finished speaking shyly, he huffed and changed the subject as if remembering.

'Oh, I heard that Rick got married. I think it's the girl you've known since childhood, right?'

'Ha, yes. In fact, recently, I started to think that I didn't know what would happen at any moment,...... so I took the chance and confessed to her, and she accepted me angrily, saying that I was too late for a confession."

'Hmm, I see,...... that's good. But you and the others need to make the land a better place for everyone to live.

Amon looked out the window as he answered Rick.

The lands of the Fox tribe are now being exhausted by the harsh taxation of Gareth and Elba.

It was obvious that they would not be able to stand on their feet at this rate.

Gareth and Elba seem to think that they can fix the problem if they become the next 'Beast King', but what are they going to do if they don't become the next Beast King? He always felt doubtful.

So, gradually, Amon gained more allies who followed him and developed his own routes to produce and sell industrial products.

However, the question that his sister Rafa had pointed out to him earlier - how to prepare for external enemies - still remained. 

However, among those who support Amon, there is a growing number of martial artists of a certain caliber, and progress is being made little by little.

At that moment, Rick spoke to Amon.

'Amon-sama, it seems that our countrymen who were discharged as slaves have also gone from Barsto to the Bardia territory ruled by Imperial nobles via the Christie Trading Company. What do you think?"

'Bardia territory, or ...... I wonder what they intend to do with all those beast slaves. But unfortunately, all we can do now is pray for their safety ......."

Amon muttered as he looked out the window again, a frustrated look on his face.

'I'll have to go and check on my countrymen in ...... Bardia territory sooner or later.'

As he spun his words, he prayed for the safety of his countrymen.


Meanwhile, in a certain workshop in the Bardia territory, the foxmen and monkeymen were moving around like cart horses while Ellen and Alex were giving instructions.

'Come on, come on, come on, come on, our Rid-sama has asked us to do something reckless again.}

'Yes⁉ Again?

...... What is it this time?"

Ellen's voice echoes through the workshop, and the children of the fox tribe gather around her with stunned but somewhat amused and happy expressions on their faces.

The children's faces turn pale when Ellen shows them the material with a smug look on her face.

'Eh,...... are we going to make this?'

'I don't understand the meaning of this construction .......'

'Don't worry, for some reason, if Rid-sama says he can do it, he can do it. No, we're going to make it so that we can do the ‼ Come on, come on, let's get on with it.'

The children of the fox people tribe chuckled at Ellen's flippancy, and while looking through the materials, they expressed various opinions.

The children of the Fox people are looking through the materials and making various opinions.

'Haha, the Fox people have brightened up after being caught by sister Ellen, huh?}

'Yeah. But I think everyone, including my brother, has brightened up.'

"I don't know. Well, maybe so."

The two were talking happily when Alex, a dwarf, came over to their side.

He grinned and held out a document to them.

'Master Rid wants me and all the Ape People to make this happen."

'......⁉ What the hell is this? This is not a matter of detail or dexterity."

Umm, yes,......, I think it's too detailed."

But to their dismay, Alex grinned wickedly.

'Hmm, my sister told you, didn't she? Master Rid's recklessness is coming, and this is the hardest part.'

The monkey people, Thomas and Tona, understood Ellen s' words in the true sense of the word at this time, and the blood drained from their faces.

And little by little the difficulty of their recklessness increased, forcing them to grow up.

Thus, the children of the Foxmen and monkey people became the centre of the industrial strength of the Bardia territory.

t/n thanks for reading that far ! It's the finale chapter of the second arc .  To be honestly i want to stop posting  , but if there will be positive response  i may consider posting/tling more chapters . in raws there  493 chapter , so it's hard to catch up with raws .  Also if you had enjoyed that series so far , please consider rate  this series high on novel update 

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