Otome Game Mob Villain - Chapter 298

Published at 3rd of April 2024 08:52:40 AM

Chapter 298

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As soon as I got out of the hot spring at the Guest House, I immediately visited the room where my father was and told him about my exchange with Zack.

Father let out a sigh and then muttered bitterly, "Zack me ...... again?".

As I watched him, I asked him fearfully.

'Father, if I may be so bold as to presume, I think we should discuss this in the future.'

The dark side of the Renalute and the Second Order of Bardia share information as necessary, which can be very meaningful if a solid framework is created and carried out.

However, putting together that 'framework' will be a very difficult task, so it's not something I can do on my own.

Zak himself must have understood this.

Even so, the reason he spoke to me first was probably because he decided that it would be easier to put together a 'framework' if the conversation was passed on to my father via me.

He put his hand over his mouth and looked down as if he was thinking about something.

Shortly afterwards, he looked up and nodded his head.

'Yes,. I will confirm this matter with Zack-dono. But you and I will both be busy tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Even if we do discuss it, it will probably be after the 'Candlelight Ceremony' is over. Rid, make sure you get a good rest today in preparation for tomorrow."

I understand. Then I will take my leave.

After that, I left Father's room and went straight back to my room, turned off the light and got into bed.

'Phew ...... I've been busy with a lot of things today, and it looks like tomorrow is going to be another tough day. But I'll do my best."

I muttered to myself as if to inspire myself, and I quietly meditated.

Perhaps I was unexpectedly tired, but sleepiness soon set in.

Just at that moment, there was a knock at my room door and I heard, " Master Rid, I'm sorry, may I have a moment?" I lifted myself up from the bed and replied, "What's wrong?" I replied.

I lifted myself out of bed and replied, "What's wrong?

"I am sorry to disturb you while you are resting. In fact, Lady Meldy is .......'

'...... ‼ What's wrong with Mel⁉'.

What happened to Mel? Startled, I jumped off the bed and quickly opened the door.

But there was Capella with a troubled look on his face, and Mel, clutching the hem of his trousers and looking like she was about to cry.

And there stood Danae and Diana, also with a troubled look on their faces.

I asked them, puzzled, not understanding what was going on.

"Well, ......, what's the situation?"

But even when I asked them, they all looked puzzled.

I asked Mel if she was really in trouble. I tilted my head, and Mel whispered in a quiet voice: ' niisama, mister.

'......, can't we sleep together?"


I was surprised at the unexpected words, and once again I had a puzzled expression on my face.

After that, there was no point in standing around talking in front of the room, so I led Mel, Deanna and Danae into the room.

Capella stood guard and said, "I will be waiting outside the room, please let me know if you need anything".

Diana soon brews a pot of tea from a container in the room and places it in front of Mel and me.

'Thank you, Deanna."

'This is outrageous, .'

She bows politely at my words and steps back behind me.

Then I ask Mel gently.

'Well, Mel. What's wrong?"

'Mmm ......, it's a bit .............'

Mel puffed out her cheeks and looked a bit teased, whispering something, but I couldn't hear her very well.

I was unable to hear her well.

'That's just because ...... I was a bit scared, I wanted to sleep with you. ......"

'Ah. I see."

When I smiled, Danae, who had been standing behind Mel, also smiled gently.

Apparently, even Mel, as expected, was scared to spend her first night away from Bardia territory.

I deliberately cleared my throat and gently called out to Mel.

'Yes, it's scary, I know. Then, if it's okay with you, Mel, we can sleep in this room, in the same bed together."

'Really ......? Niisama, are you absolutely sure?'

I continued to speak to Mel, who was tilting her head in an adorable manner.

"Yes, I don't mind. And ...... I was actually feeling a bit nervous too. I'm glad you're here, Mel."

'Oh, really? I'll stay with you, then."

Mel's face lights up when she hears that I'm worried too.

Of course, it's not that I'm really discouraged.

But Mel has a bit of a stubborn streak in her, so I think I led the conversation a little bit.

I smile at Mel and sip the tea Diana made for me, then turn my attention to Danae.

'Well, what about Danae and Diana? You can have them sleep in this room together, but as you can see, we don't have a bed. If you don't mind, would you two like to use Mel's room? I'll tell Zack what's going on and I'm sure there won't be any problems.'

'That's a nice offer, but would that be alright ......?'

When Danae's face lights up at my suggestion, it immediately returns to an awestruck expression.

But Mel reacts to her.

'Yes. I'm always grateful to Danae and Diana, so you can use my room. I'll sleep here tonight "

"Mel also says this, so Danae and Diana can use Mel's room. 'Mel also says this, so Danae and Diana should use Mel's room. It's good to have these perks once in a while."

Diana and Danae both look a little confused, but eventually Diana quickly bails.

'Thank you for your kindness, Master Rid ....... Then, I will use your kind words.'

'...... ‼ is it okay with you, Diana?'

Danae reacts with a look of surprise, but Deanna continues her words as if admonishing her.

'Master Rid and Lady Meldy have also said this, and from the point of view of security, it would be helpful if we could use the room next door. It will be no problem if Danae and I take it in turns to rest in the room."

After confirming the exchange between the two maids, I smiled and nodded.

'Then it's settled then. As for the rest, I'll contact Zack-san through Capella, and you two can use Mel's room.'

'Yes, sure.'

The two women, Diana and Danae, bowed to us with awe-struck faces and beautifully executed gestures.

After that, I explained the situation to Capella and asked her to inform Zack that Mel's room would be used by the maids and that Mel and I would be in the same room for the day.

Of course, I've asked him to tell my father as well.

After finishing our tea, Mel and I got into the same bed, and Deanna and Danae turned off the lights in the room.

At that moment, Danae overhears me.

'Master Rid. Don't be surprised if you see Lady Meldy the next morning.'

'......? 'Uh-huh. Okay.'

I nodded and wondered what on earth she was talking about, but Danae and the others smiled and left the room immediately without further ado.

It was then that I noticed Biscuit and Cookie, who had arrived some time ago with Mel, curled up in a friendly manner on the sofa in the room.

I wonder why they don't come to bed .......

As soon as I suddenly wonder, Mel looks at me with a smile on her face.

'Ehehe......This is the first time I've slept with Niisama like this.'

'I see,...... that may be true.'

When I gently stroked Mel's head, who was smiling happily next to me, she nuzzled her face into the duvet while shaking her body slightly.

As we talked about various things in bed, Mel fell asleep.

When I confirmed that Mel had fallen asleep, I immediately fell asleep too.

On this day, Mel and I slept together in the same bed for the first time. ...... The next morning, I was shocked

◇ ◇

The next morning, I was shocked to find myself in the same bed with Mel. I don't remember the mornings in Lenalute being this cold......"

The following morning, I woke up shivering in the chilly air and immediately noticed something was wrong and muttered, "Oh ...... there's no duvet ......".

Then, surprised that Mel, who should have been next to me, was not there, I looked around as quickly as I could and shouted "Mel⁉".

Then I heard a disembodied voice from the floor next to the bed saying, "Woohoo, Niisama", or more precisely, from the floor next to the bed.

Thinking, "No way", I slowly peeked over the side of the bed.

Sure enough, there was Mel, in what appeared to be a lovely appearance, wrapped up in a quilt.

And it seems that she is still asleep and that the voice I heard earlier was her sleep-talk.

At that time, the door to the room was opened with a bang and Danae and Capella entered.

'How can I help you, Master Rid?'

I replied with a clumsy expression on my face to Capella, whose voice emitted an air of concern.

'Ah ...... sorry. I thought Mel wasn't here, but she was there, so it's all right.'

At that moment, Danae, who had entered the room with Capella, looked at Mel, who was wrapped up in a quilt, put her hand on her forehead and muttered.

'Excuse me. Lady Meldy is, you know, often active when she's asleep. ......'

'Ha ha. It seems so.'

I smiled at Mel's unexpected aspect and appearance, as she answered Danae's words with a wry smile and muttered "ehehe ...... ni sama" in her sleep.

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