Published at 21st of October 2022 06:25:08 AM

Chapter 2923

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The whole area near Jianmen peak is shaking.

The ground is shaking in all directions, and the heart is shaking.

Eating rock evil flowers, born in the sky.

The three stamens, like the peerless warriors, attack the Sanhe Dharma protector. Before the appearance of shiyanxie flower, many people were boasting of Sanhe Dharma protection. Together, the strength of Sanhe Dharma protector can even be comparable to that of Sanhe juding. Now, everyone can see the picture of Sanhe Dharma protection in confusion. They are already in an absolutely passive situation, and they can't fight back at all.

In the crowd, suddenly, a few more people rushed out.

Armed with weapons in hand, he rushed towards Jianmen peak.

In an instant, the light bloomed.

These are the strongmen of the samsara Hall who came with the Sanhe Dharma protector. They all saw the dilemma of Sanhe Dharma protector at the moment, and decisively chose to strike, and their weapons were cut towards the three stamens of the evil flower eating rock.

It's fierce.

It's a sure shot.

If you can cut off the three stamens at one stroke, or even just hurt the three stamens, you can let the Sanhe Dharma escape successfully and be ready to fight back.

Under the night, the three stamens are burning like flames.

In these reincarnation hall strong person infinite close time, three stamens almost at the same time a bunch of fire spray out.

It's a thorn with fire.

Every thorn, attached to the flame, burns.

Several reincarnation hall strong heart at the same time.

They were too close to the three stamens to escape.

The magic weapon in the hand did not dare to attack the pistil any more, but resisted the attack of the flower thorn.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

The thorns came with fire.

The sound of vibration kept ringing through the night sky.

The magic soldiers in the hands of several reincarnation hall strongmen were destroyed almost at the same time.

There are still many thorns flying out to annihilate them.

At this moment, several reincarnation hall strong people issued a cry of despair above.

The flower thorn has not approached, already felt the breath of death.

In the next second, as they felt, the immortal body was broken, and the thorns were directly buried in their bodies.

Several reincarnation hall strong one moment became the fire man, was burning up, falls in the air.

It looked extremely miserable, and the sound of wailing echoed in everyone's eardrum.

It's creepy.

The heart of Sanhe Dharma protector was greatly shocked. At this moment, his heart was also depressed to the extreme.

They were the first of those sent by the house of samsara.

Now, several strong people have been lost, and the destructive power of rock eating evil flowers is beyond their imagination.

Those powerful people in the reincarnation Hall fell under the magma and fell on the petals of the rock eating evil flower and were directly swallowed up.

No bones were found.

Rock eating evil flower, cannibal flower.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt every inch of flesh on his face trembled.

It's too scary.

Many people subconsciously step back a bit.

"This is the legendary cannibal!" At this time, the voice of one of the Three Dharma protectors resounded, reverberating in all directions and shouting, "it will not only devour magma, but also eat people! Once its roots leave the magma, then, for the whole cloud domain, it is a disaster.

All of you, join us, or you will not escape this disaster even if you save your life tonight. "

Cannibalism, will bring disaster!

This is a flower of evil.

Many people's souls tremble subconsciously.

All of a sudden, a group of evolutors did make up their minds and rushed to it.

Against cannibals.

What Sanhe said is true.

Before the root of the cannibal leaves the magma, it is the easiest time to deal with it.

However, the easiest stage for cannibals to deal with is not what they can fight against.

This group of evolutors rushed up, without exception, were attacked by thorns.

Thorns bring fire.

Every one of them was burned directly.

The sound of screams resounded through the night sky.

Some people who wanted to rush up with the spirit of fearlessness stopped at this moment. Their faces were unable to restrain, showing panic and retreating.

If you go up like this, you're going to die.

"Calm down."

"We have no way to compete with this cannibal."

"Only by reincarnation hall."

Everyone's eyes are on Sanhe Dharma protector.

At this time, some people also left quickly, in the direction of the reincarnation hall.

All the people sent from the samsara hall, except for the Sanhe Dharma protector, have died under the flower thorn.The current state of the Sanhe Dharma protection is also at stake.

Under the attack of three stamens, Sanhe Dharma protector felt more and more terrible pressure.

At this moment, Sanhe Dharma protector is remorseful.

It was the three of them who suddenly broke in and completely angered the cannibal.

Otherwise, it won't lead to this disaster tonight.

They think that with their strength, they can cope with all the changes.

But now, Sanhe Dharma protector's mind is how to save his life.

Double flowers on top of the head, the power of this life immortal flower has been exerted.

However, the realm of this cannibal flower is comparable to that of three flowers gathering together.


One of the Dharma protectors didn't have time to guard against it and suffered a heavy blow.

A blood arrow fell on the petals of cannibal.

The petals of cannibal are stained with blood and emit a layer of blood red light, which is extremely dazzling.

The two fairy flowers on the head of the Dharma protector broke open.

The look was startled and he flew back.

However, the pistil of the fire dragon was faster. In a flash, it swept up the body of the Dharma protector, quickly retracted it, and swallowed up the Dharma protector with the speed of lightning.

People in the distance took a breath of cold air when they saw this scene.

Cannibalism, too terrible.

The strong man with two flowers and one stalk was easily swallowed.

There's no way to fight back.

Everyone can imagine the end of the other two Dharma protectors.

Within the reach of cannibals, they had no way to escape.

Like the first Dharma protector, the stamens attacked by them rolled up their bodies, and finally, they were swallowed up by cannibals.

No one is immune to the three combinations of Dharma protection.

Near Jianmen peak, there was a dead silence.

Countless people's heads are in a blank, looking at the magma above, that blood red flower.

The three petals spread over the magma, and the rolling magma kept flowing.

Flowers are blooming.

No one dares to get closer.

At the moment, the cannibal seems to be full, and gradually quiet down.

There was no movement.

If it had not been seen by his own eyes, no one would have thought that this flower had created an extremely terrible scene. Dozens of corpses were swallowed up by cannibal flowers, and no bones were found.

Dongguo Wudi has been watching this scene, his heart can not help shaking.

No wonder that cannibals represent disaster. This disaster, it seems, is caused by the cannibal itself. "I don't know if brother Feng is there, there is no way to deal with this cannibal flower."

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