Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 136

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:27:34 AM

Chapter 136

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The Uruk army retreated quietly yesterday night and left the camp. The battlefield was cleaned up very clean, leaving almost no trace. Amun just woke up and didn't know the specific situation. After hearing the news, Amun sat there for a long time. He witnessed the death of enqidu and the desperate rescue of Gilgamesh. At the moment, he could feel the feelings of the city Lord.

Gilgamesh's ambition faded away, and he left with serious injuries.

The generals thought that the commander-in-chief had not recovered from his injury and felt dizzy. He did not speak any more for a moment. Several Great Magicians simultaneously put forward their prayers for him. In fact, the Four Great Magicians in the army took turns to treat Amun last night. The commander-in-chief's injury is no longer easy to cure, just need to recuperate and recover.

Amun waved his hand and said, "you have worked hard. I'm fine. I don't have to waste my mana." Then he asked about the retreat of the Uruk army, including what was left in the camp, what was the type of retreat team, and how the army formation was organized? In the end, several orders were given.

During the war, Horus, Isis, Angela, Seth, and Gabriel, which were mixed together in the war, were restored to their original organizational structures, allowing their commanders to reorganize their armies. At this time, we can see that the army is not in good shape. Except for the newly arrived Gabriel army, which has just arrived and has the weakest combat effectiveness, the remaining legions have lost half of their troops after a long battle.

Amun himself was still the head of the army of the Angora army, and stayed in the town of red point to recuperate. John, the former commander of the front line, was seriously injured and had not yet returned to the front line. He temporarily appointed Gabriel to lead the army, advancing along with the retreat route of the Uruk army, and had been "sent" out of the country. Isis and Horus' legions encircle the left and right flanks, and when they are in battle, they join and attack.

Rod Dick led the remnants of the Seth army and organized the people who had retreated to the rear to return home. The Gabriel army is responsible for receiving the whole army and organizing Quartermaster logistics. Amun's order is very clear, if the Uruk army withdraws itself from the territory of Egypt, it should not engage in war. The Anla army follows and advances beyond the border line, watching them go far away in the desert.

Amun doesn't want to play any more, so does Gilgamesh. In any case, the Uruk army will withdraw if we fight or not. Why do we have to fight again? If it is forced too hard, Gilgamesh will come back to fight back in spite of everything, which is not worth the loss for eju. The formation of the Uruk army is not disordered, but retreat, not escape.

Amun sent a large army to send the Uruk army out of the country, while rod Dick sent his men to clean up the lost land. There was still a lot of work to do to deal with the aftermath. Amun ordered to send out two documents, one was to report "victory" to the rear Pharaonic, and the other was sent to the Uruk army to mourn enqidu, the first warrior on the mainland, and to comfort Gilgamesh.

The clerk was startled to hear the commander-in-chief's order. Although he was good at various languages, he didn't know how to write the document. So he asked the commander-in-chief what he meant. Amun replied without expression: "no matter who the opponent is, enqi is sacrificed in the battlefield. He is a respected warrior. If there are such warriors in our army, how do you write eulogy? Except for those who praise the gods, write as you like. "

The clerk was bitter, but he did not dare to ask any more questions. Rod Dick happened to take over the conversation and said, "commander in chief, I will handle this matter. It will not damage the dignity of you and the Egyptian empire, but also express your due bearing."

Rod Dick himself wrote a mourning poem, praising the power and courage of enqidu, and mentioning his important achievements in his life. He ordered people to be engraved on a gold plate and sent messengers to the Uruk military camp. It is the most ceremonious form of condolence among the nobles.

Some nobles died, and later generations may be in distress. This kind of condolence is also a disguised subsidy. The gold plate symbolizes the achievements of our ancestors. Even if we are punished for something, we will not confiscate them. Some descendants may not be able to clean their face and melt the gold plate into gold. Therefore, when sending the gold plate, they still use a gold plate to hold it. Even if the gold plate is kept, the plate is also a lot of gold.

Over time, this has become the most ceremonious ceremony of mourning among nobles. Some people may take advantage of this to offer bribes, while others have no demand for the deceased family, but just express sincere sympathy. This is what rod Dick is doing for Amun. Although enqi no longer needs the gold, he deserves this respect.

Amun had won three battles, but he was the most powerful and respectable opponent that Amun met in his life.

As for the good news written by the court clerk to the Pharaoh, it is natural that it is full of flowery things. It also wrote two copies in divine and secular characters, with slightly different contents and formats. Under the protection of Horus, the great God, eju army bravely killed the enemy, defeated the powerful Uruk army, annihilated countless enemies, and stripped the Gilgamesh army.

The tyrannical warrior, enqidu, died in the wrath of the gods. Lord Amun, the commander-in-chief, personally went to the front line and took the lead in the decisive battle. He was the first to launch a charge in the decisive battle. His fighting spirit and courageous spirit inspired the gods. He put down the curse and punishment, and killed enqidu in the war. Lord Amun was seriously injured, but he insisted on commanding the battle at the front line until he won the battle.In fact, there is no need for the clerks to publicize it deliberately. Tens of thousands of officers and men have witnessed what happened on the battlefield with their own eyes, and all kinds of guesses have been spread in the army. Horus did appear during the battle between Amun and enqidu. As for the black whirlpool and thunderbolt, it should also be a miracle. Amun, the commander-in-chief, summoned the gods with his burning will to fight. This can only be explained!

After the two wars with the huti army and the Uruk army, Amun had a great prestige in the eju army for a time, and his prestige even spread far and wide among the mainland countries. After the three decisive battles with the Uruk army, the commander-in-chief could summon the gods and become a military God in the eyes of the soldiers in eju! Especially in the Legion of Anla, Amun himself surpassed the gods.

The Uruk army retreated quickly, leaving the border line, crossing the desert and returning to the city-state of Uruk. The an-la army not only pushed across the border line, but also returned to the middle of the desert. Such a result is naturally regarded as a great victory by Francis II!

The Pharaoh also sent special envoys to ask whether they could kill the desert and punish the other side's aggression while the Uruk army retreated? Fortunately, the Pharaon just inquired instead of giving orders directly, so he didn't lose his head completely. All the generals in the front line wrote to advise him to stop when he was satisfied.

After a long war, the soldiers will be exhausted and in urgent need of recuperation. The soldiers can still stand up to fight when they are under pressure, but now that the strong enemy has already retreated from heavy damage, it is impossible to launch an expedition in a short period of time. Not only the generals of the front line, but also the ministers around the king did not agree to continue the expedition. This war has saved the face of the Egyptians. If the expedition fails, it will be a great loss of national strength.

Seeing that there was no support, the Pharaoh could not go to battle in person, so he gave up the idea and ordered a grand celebration ceremony in the promontory city-state.

When the battle was over, the officers and soldiers were eager to return home as soon as possible. A month before the Uruk Legion withdrew to the balun border, Amun was still exercising the command of the battlefield. However, he was too lazy to take care of his affairs. He stayed in Hongjiao town in the name of recuperation and did not follow the army to the border.

In the army, there are some deities. With Amun's current prestige, he can even call the Great Magicians to take turns to heal his wounds, but his wounds are not easy to cure. He is not sick or suffering, and his blood is intact. No matter how skillful he is, he can only be more sober and healthy. As a warrior, he is strong enough.

However, Amun lost his strength. It was not the feeling of exhaustion of mana or overwork, nor the fatigue and weakness of excessive physical strength and energy. As a warrior, he still maintains a strong physique and agile skills, physical strength and endurance is far beyond ordinary people. As a great magician, his perception is more subtle than before. He can still practice as usual. His achievements are not only not lost, but more profound.

The so-called "profound" means that Amun can feel the feeling only in the divine meditation when he is walking, sitting and lying. This is a realm that can be achieved by an eight level divinist. Only in this way can he immediately deliver high-level divinity as he likes.

But on the other hand, besides detecting telepathy such as divinity, Amun can't run a single mana. Besides his own power, Amun could not communicate and operate the energy between heaven and earth as usual. He lost the magic power he had always relied on. It felt like a bird used to flying, but somehow he had no wings and could only walk with his feet.

Amun was confused. All this happened after the death of enqi. When the black whirlpool tore open the sky, his strange sense ability was out of control, and he was too focused on what happened on the battlefield, so that he exhausted his mana and was injured. But now the injury is good, but the strength has not recovered. Is it a strange and unknown injury?

It is said that the Apocalypse died of Horus' divine punishment, but amon saw more, and of course, more questions. If Horus could kill enqidu in this way, he would not be destroyed by enqidu's sword when he first appeared a huge cloud eagle, which would greatly demoralize the eju army.

The last word of enqidus was to Gilgamesh - "this is not the curse of the gods, but the judgment of fate!" Amun has been thinking about the implications.

Unfortunately, he couldn't get the answer, and he didn't know when his strength would recover. He still insisted on the practice of divine meditation as usual every day. He felt that he had broken through a level of state, but could not use his ability. This situation reminds Amun of his origin, like the poor in Duke.

Today's Amun is well-informed, and he is no longer that ignorant country boy. He has a lot of emotion in recalling the past. Once upon a time, Duke town was supposed to be the richest place on the mainland. Any miner dressed in rags can be compared with the rich merchants in various city states, but they have money but can't buy corresponding things.

Duke Town, which is enclosed in the wasteland, is extremely short of goods and materials, and the land is very barren. What the merchants have delivered is only some materials for the people's livelihood, so there is nothing to say about the enjoyment of wealth. There, a bottle of wine is dozens of times more expensive than the outside, and there is nothing else except wine, meat and clothing. The miners had only a large number of sacred stones and were not allowed to leave without permission.

Amun walked out of Duke Town, but today it seems to enter a strange samsara and face the same situation. As a general of the Empire, he has been given the heaviest rewards. He has a large territory and the prestige to frighten the mainland. He has both fame and wealth, and is extremely rich. But under this incomparable glory, he was in the greatest predicament.The power to support him to the present is not such status and wealth, he has been exploring the way to become a God, to unlock the secrets of the gods. Not long ago, he had determined that his attempt was right, and the road was just under his feet, but now he is facing the test of the unknown. Amun once again felt that the secret of the gods was far from being solved. What enqi said to Gilgamesh was also a hint to him.

It may be too early for Amun to think about this problem, at least to get rid of the current predicament. The biggest trouble he is facing is his own danger. Although he is at the top of the heap, he has lost the power of self-protection and is surrounded by dangers. In the past, Amun was fearless in any dilemma, but now? Can he guide his people back to their homes even if he can't protect himself?

No matter who is in this situation, it is hard to avoid over thinking, and amon is no exception. As a result, Amun has experienced that sense of integration. It can change a person. At this moment, will he lose his former self? On the night before he was going to see the Pharaoh, Amun was still quietly meditating under the starlight. He looked calm and calm, but he was really upset.

Amun felt uneasy in his heart. He closed his eyes and even felt the stars twinkle in the sky. He finally sighed, opened his eyes slowly, and saw Schrodinger squatting in front of him.

Amun did not reach out to hold it. He was always embarrassed when he thought about the identity of the cat as a God. At least he was a goddess who held people in his arms for several years. But Schrodinger said, "Amun, your soul is full of confusion. Is it the death of enlightment that makes you feel frustrated?"

Amun sighed: "Goliath once said that as a warrior, enqi is the most hopeful existence to surpass mortals. As powerful as he is, but still destroyed, how can one not be disheartened? The arrogant Gilgamesh witnessed the death of enqidu, and I can understand him very well

Schrodinger said slowly: "no one knows what you are thinking and doing better than me. I know all your secrets. You are looking for the way to be a God, Nietzsche and bell give you the initial guidance, and you finally see hope in the lonely exploration. But the death of enqi capital is a blow to you. Are you thinking about whether to bear the same fate

Amun nodded silently: "yes, I don't hide you! I'm afraid it's the only ability I have left to have a direct soul conversation with you now. I've lost my extraordinary power. "

The cat looked at him with his head tilted and said in a prompt way, "Amun, do you have any questions you want to ask me? Don't think about it, just say the biggest question in your heart. "

Amun: I'm thinking about the sentence that enqidu is dying. What is the judgment of fate

Schr? Dinger felt a little fluffy all over his body, and his body seemed to tremble for a moment. Then he replied: "it is the true self that you have to face. It can't deceive anyone. It is the choice of fate and the judgment of the end. Amun, you don't have to think about it. You just need to find your own way. Even if you know it, it's meaningless. If you know too well, you can't get there. "

Amun asked suspiciously, "I don't quite understand what you mean."

Schrodinger: "man is the prisoner of life. This is the prisoner's dilemma. What would you do if someone told you that not eating was the way to immortality? "

Amun said with a bitter smile: "I can't be starved to death in the first place. It's meaningless to say so."

The cat's expression was as bitter as a man's smile: "so you don't have to ask, I once prompted bell, I believe bell prompted Nietzsche, and Nietzsche should have prompted you, you can remember what Nietzsche said The power of your cultivation has to face today's choice, which is also one of the questions of fate. If you want to be a God, you have to answer a question. Who are you? Are you just the power

Hearing Schr? Dinger's words, Amun suddenly remembered the last message of the old madman in the pupil of the earth: "to become a great magician, you will have unprecedented powerful power, which seems to be born into your body and mind. But one day you may be faced with a dilemma: is everything you have is you, and if so, who is the same person? Why are you? If you lose all this, will you lose yourself? ——This is my last tip for you. I'm sorry I can't teach you more. Good luck, boy! "

This is clearly a description of his current situation, but also to remind him how to face. Nietzsche's highest achievement in his life is the eighth level magician. He has obviously experienced this kind of test, which is also the last guidance he can give to Amun. Strangely enough, there is no such clear record in the scriptures of divine cultivation in Isis temple.

Amun closed his eyes and meditated silently for a long time, reflecting on the meaning of Nietzsche's words, while Schrodinger was squatting in front of him and looking at him. When the day was dim, Amun finally opened his eyes. As usual, he held Schrodinger up, stroked his hairy back and said, "thank you. Although I don't know how to recover my strength, at least I can make my soul no longer restless."

Instead, Schrodinger felt embarrassed. He turned around and jumped out of Amun's arms. He shook his body and ran away. Its voice came to Amun's mind again: "I reminded you, ushering in the breakthrough of achievement, this is the test to face. I don't know whether to congratulate you or to comfort you. You know the danger you are about to face."**(to be continued, please visit , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading! ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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