Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 179

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:26:29 AM

Chapter 179

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Amun originally wanted to let Yunmeng open the road continuously for half a month. After taking two breaks on the way, Yunmeng finally persisted for 20 days. They arrived at an open area in the swamp, a small hill rising out of the ground, covered with soft grass slopes, colorful flowers in the bushes, and a post station for the caravan to rest in the future.

Yunmeng stayed here to rest. Amunbu set down a magic array and left a tent. Raphael stayed here to protect Yunmeng. The next day, he left alone.

At this time, we can see the strength and will tempered by Amun's long-term practice and experience. We continue to open the road. The work done by Yunmeng and Raphael some time ago is completed by him alone, but the speed of moving forward remains unchanged. Cut through the thorns, gravel fill, the pace has been tamped. From time to time, there were monsters attacking him. Amun danced his long teeth to fight with all kinds of monsters. At the same time, he walked day after day without any confusion.

Amun didn't mean to embarrass himself. He was very clear in his mind. People can do a lot of things only by perseverance and persistence, which is something too many people in the world can't do.

Amun walked alone for another three days. It rained in the Black Fire Swamp, and the wind blew between the trees. On the third night, it finally cleared up and a bright full moon hung in the sky. Amun walked through the swamp jungle, leaving behind an unseen road. The moonlight in the sky seemed to be a gentle bath, and there was a quiet and peaceful atmosphere in the gloomy Black Fire Swamp.

It was so quiet that there was almost no sound in the distance except for the movement of Amun's road. Amun suddenly waved his long teeth, and the light golden awn flew out to the left and forward. There was a huge body in the swamp. He was hit by the golden mans and fell back into the muddy water with a dull roar.

It was another giant water beetle who attacked secretly. He was subdued by Amun as soon as he launched the attack. He had met several times on the way, which did not pose a threat, and even his steps were not interrupted. However, this time it was obviously different. Amon stopped his pace for the first time when he waved his teeth. He turned quickly and waved his teeth to the right rear. But there was no movement or any sign of the enemy!

Long teeth in the air, the cold air at night seems to turn into water waves, waving a circle of ripple like ripples. The scene of marshes and trees is shaking in the ripples. A figure appears in the sky above the originally empty swamp. He suddenly appears in his stealth, holding a sharp thorn like weapon, and is jumping into the air to stab Amun soundlessly.

The figure of this man is not big, but his figure looks very fierce, like an arrow with a full bow. The weapon in his hand was gray white, without luster, like a spear and a long thorn. There are assassins! And the assassin chose the right time to attack at the same time as the giant water beetle in front of him.

The water beetle is a cold-blooded animal living in the swamp. What Amun has just met is a mutant giant water beetle. He is born to integrate the breath with the environment here, which is very difficult to detect before the attack. However, the assassin is even more hidden than the water beetle.

Although he was suddenly in danger, Amun had to admire him. He was the most outstanding assassin he had ever met. He was not only good at lurking, but also had enough patience to wait for the opportunity to attack and use the environment to cooperate with the assassination. Amun first found the giant water beetle, and then he realized that there was danger behind him. He was almost unprepared. The assassin should have been following him for a long time. Amun, who was walking, suddenly encountered the attack of a giant water beetle. He took the opportunity to attack behind his back, which was almost impossible to prevent.

Amun's long teeth are waved out, and the assassin is like a shadow in the moonlight. When he appears, he has already rushed to his eyes. The tusks and spikes collide, and a shock wave is scattered between them. A huge gully appeared on the ground, extending to the marshes on both sides, and the muddy water splashed up instantly, just like being rowed by an invisible huge plow.

Amon stepped back two steps before he could stand still, and his tusks hummed. And the assassin also under the impact of this huge force to rebound, in the air somersault, landing in a flash.

Amun stamped his feet and flew into the air. He launched the detection magic technique and swept through the dark swamp jungle. He realized that he had left a faint trace in the mud and air, but the man had disappeared. In such a short time, the assassin can not escape too far, but again lurking.

What he concealed was so good that Amun couldn't find it even when he scanned it with his divinity skill in mid air. Unless he used a wide range of indiscriminate attack to turn over the whole swamp and force him to approach, he could not find out the man. But if Amun had done that, and made so much noise in such a large area and searched for the wrong direction, the assassin might have escaped from another direction.

Amun stayed in the air for a moment, and then slowly fell back to the ground. The road he opened was cut off by a deep ditch, which showed his adventure. The moonlight was shining on the ditch, and the surroundings were still quiet and peaceful. With a wave of his hand, Amun filled the ditch with earth and rocks, then turned around and made an incredible decision - keep going!

Amun came here just to open the road. Even though he met the most terrible assassin in the world, he still didn't change his original intention. Since the assassin couldn't be found, he went on with his own business.Amun walked in the moonlight, the winding road left behind, he was guessing the origin of the assassin. Or who doesn't want to get into the plain? In Schrodinger's experience, he recalled the envoys of the nine link system one by one. Which of them was good at assassinating? But after thinking about it, they could not match the assassin I saw just now.

Amun's blow just now can't give out the strongest force in his eagerness, but he also knows that it is beyond the ordinary people's ability to bear it. The assassin took it, though he didn't get the upper hand, but he was not hurt. He could fly out with the force of impact and disappear in the shortest time.

He is the first-class assassin in the world! The power used by that man is very special, not just martial arts or divinity. In this case, he should be an emissary from a certain God system. When such an assassin assassinates Amun at this time, the God behind the scenes is most likely enril.

Amun knew that eju also sent a pursuer, which made him helpless. The pursuers were benefactor Gabriel and his friend George, and they were obviously not the assassins just now. Seth has sent the lion king, there is no need to let other gods do it, let alone this is enril's territory.

The assassin must still be lurking in the Black Fire Swamp, not far from Amun, waiting for a better shot. If an assassin stares at such an assassin, he or she will be alert even if he doesn't panic. He will find a safe place to hide and guard. After dawn, he will leave the safe route. For Amun, he can fly directly out of the Black Fire Swamp.

But Amun did nothing, as if to the secret Assassin's silent declaration - whether you stab me or not, I'm here to open the road. Is this a kind of contempt and ridicule? Amun himself may not have this meaning. It depends on what the assassin thinks.

Continue to move forward, the front to pass a large floating dead branches and leaves of the water, there are many strange trees in the water, like the arm stretched out from the mud under the water, as if trying to grasp something in the air. This is the most suitable environment for ambush assassins, but Amun quietly walked past.

The soil rises at the foot and is instantly dried and sintered by fire element magic. A path appears on the water surface with strange trees and extends straight forward. Amun walked for a long time before he set foot on the land. There was no movement around. The assassin did not attack. He seems to have given up. Has he left?

Amun set foot on the land, where is a section of uphill hillside, growing more than two people high dense bush, along the way there are jagged rocks. He gently waved his long teeth in his hands, the shrubs were uprooted to both sides, and the strange stones in the way were smashed and filled into the roadbed. As Amun walked by, the trees were flying and the stones were breaking. The momentum was amazing.

Nothing abnormal was found. Walking through a section of not dangerous trees, Amun waved his long teeth to smash a pile of rubble growing in shrubs, but the scattered gravel did not fall to the ground, but suddenly burst apart, like countless whistling arrows at Amun. When Amun smashed the rubble, someone suddenly turned on his magic power. The broken stones were smashed like raindrops. Every flying stone has the power of agitation, which can annihilate the sense of divinity detection in the sky scattering.

Amun's reaction is very fast. He reaches forward and grabs it. There is a huge shield in his hand, which is formed by the condensation of gas elements with a faint halo. The broken stones hit the shield with a thumping sound. Small pieces of flying stones are directly ejected back, and large pieces of flying stones seem to be wrapped by viscous forces and fall to the ground. The assassin's figure appeared in the flying stones all over the sky. The short shuttle in his hand stabbed the air element shield with a spiral force to shatter his life.

Amun's protection skill was broken, and the man flew down from high position, and the short shuttle cut off with an arc under the moonlight. The blow was too sudden and more powerful than the last one. Amun snorted and struck with a long toothed blow.

The two men's weapons did not directly collide with each other. The golden light diffused from the trees and the sound of rolling like thunder came from the trees. The hillside is covered with rice seedlings. The branches and leaves are rolling in disorder. It's like two great warriors fighting on the battlefield. It's a hard hitting method. The speed of the man's hand is extremely fast, and his body is extremely agile. In the moonlight, he looks like a flickering shadow. The spikes are waved with arc lights. The power of each blow is so strong.

Amun murmured: "who sent you, and who are you?" While speaking, the long teeth with golden light in his hand cut steadily up the hillside step by step. The powerful pressure has locked the assassin. From the foot of the mountain to the high slope, the road rolling thunder, the man was forced to retreat by Amun.

The assassin opened his mouth and spoke in a cold voice: "my name is moon night. I am the messenger of the gods! No matter how powerful, where they hide, how far they escape, the people I want to kill will never escape. You are really great. You are not dead yet, but no matter how hard you struggle, you will be killed by me sooner or later. I never miss it! "

This man is so crazy. Judging from his means, he has arrogant capital. But now it seems ridiculous that he said this, because it was amonda who had the upper hand and forced him to step back.

Amun sneered and said, "the angel of the gods? Today's moon is really round and beautiful, but you seem to forget what you are doing. I don't want to hide at all and I won't run away. No matter who you are, who sent you, no matter how far you want to escape and where you hide, I will find you out! "The man said, "Amun, do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

Don't catch you. I just want to shake my head

During the talk, the moon night had retreated to the top of the hill, and the hillside they had walked through, whether it was trees or rocks, had been moved to the ground. The glitter around them, and the long teeth and the sharp shuttle hit each other, as if the moonlight had been torn to pieces.

Amun steadily climbed to the top and locked down the assassin with strong pressure. Although the opponent was very powerful, fast and quick, and even surpassed Amun, the frontal fight was not his opponent. Amun was confident that he would be caught on the spot. However, at this time, the moon night in the fierce fight suddenly issued a long howl. The moon trembled in the howl, and Amun watched his amazing change.

On the night of the bright moon, the whole body made a series of crispy sounds of bone swelling. His body height was more than two feet. His clothes were torn, and his eyes were shining with fierce and strange green light. His appearance was changing, his facial features protruded, his teeth protruded, his arms stretched out.

Under his torn clothes, you can see that his muscles are like countless snakes, his skin has turned gray and covered with a layer of weird fluff. He is not human at all. He looks like a giant ape walking upright. no He is more like a wolf standing up and holding his chest. His powerful power is instantly filled with a breath of incomparable fury.

With Amun's determination, he can't help but be shocked at the moment. The long teeth in his hands stab forward fiercely, with the roar of soul pounding. On the night of the bright moon, he suddenly changes his shape and enters a manic state. Amun is not sure to capture him alive, so he is killed on the spot.

At this moment, he thought of John, who had unconsciously awakened the violent and restless power, but could not restrain the impulse brought by the power. He was guided by Amun to integrate it with his body and mind. If John didn't meet Amun, he would have cultivated his manic power all the time, and could have survived or been guided by another way, would he have become the same as this assassin? Amun didn't know all this, but he felt that the breath of the moon night was a little familiar.

The fierce state of the bright moon night issued a huge roar, the hairy big hand tip has stretched out five sharp claws, holding the spines to smash on the long teeth. Now, this is the first time that two men's weapons collide directly. The sound is like two metal hills colliding together. The huge roar will shatter the surrounding rocks.

Amun stepped back two steps. He felt that half of his body was a little numb. His teeth in his hands were still shaking sharply. He made a whining sound. For a moment, he was almost unstable. What a powerful impact!

Even so, Amun couldn't stand the bright moon night. He trembled with his sharp shuttle in his hand. He stepped back several steps, and suddenly threw away his weapon and rushed forward. It was obvious that he had entered a state of ferocity. The figure was just a flash, and the tip of his claw, which flashed with cold light, came before him. This speed was faster than that of enqi that Amun had seen.

Amun did not have time to use other means. He took a step back, let go of his tusks and hit him. The scene is like two strong men fighting in the street. Fist with golden light hit on the claw, the sharp claw tip strange bending did not break, issued a "bang" sound.

On the night of the moon, he roared in pain and swept with another claw. Amun dodged and reached out to buckle his wrist, but he caught the air. The other side's reaction speed was too fast! The bright moon night flashed like a whirlwind and ran behind Amun. Amun turned around again with a powerful punch, and the two continued to fight together.

Amun has never met such an opponent. His speed is like a ghost, but his power is so manic that he can only fight with the explosion of energy instead of other means.

Amun could not help but feel shocked. If John had ever seen this man in a violent state, he would not only greatly increase his speed and explosive power in a short time, but also stimulate his ferocity by suffering. This assassin has also changed his body. I don't know whether he is a wolf demon or a kind of strange transfiguration divinity, or the result of manic power training to a certain extent?

This kind of manic state can not be maintained for a long time. If it is overused, he may damage himself. However, Amun is not interested in testing how long the moon night can last. He only hears the general's low voice: "do you think I won't!"

Amun's knuckles and muscles were beating. Although his body shape did not change, his invisible feeling changed, and a stronger mania atmosphere spread. Amon once said to John that he had taken the wrong road and needed guidance. There might be several right roads, but no one could count the wrong ones. At this moment, John saw how to use the power of manic.

In the Black Fire Swamp, there are two fierce beasts fighting each other, sending out strange roar and continuous long howl. Amun's fists with golden light fell like raindrops, forcing the bright moon night back to the water that he had passed through not long ago. With a violent blow, Amun hit him on the head and reached for his throat.

**(to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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