Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 198

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:26:01 AM

Chapter 198

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After receiving the letter, philistine was so angry that he kicked the heavy table in front of him to the door of the hall, smashed and smashed. He held Goliath's head in his hand and roared up to the sky. Philistine had long wanted to conquer Salem, but he was also waiting for the legions of giants to assemble. Now the number of giant soldiers who have been recovered has reached 3000, which is the most elite of the giant army.

Under the guidance of the gods, he sent Goliath to intercept and kill the miners in DUK town. On the one hand, they were very useful. On the other hand, he was trying to test the defense situation, strength and reaction of Salem city. Unexpectedly, the plan failed completely. None of the 100 giant soldiers sent out came back, but Aesop sent Goliath's head.

If you don't fight, you have to fight. Otherwise, how can the Philistines command the Legion and lead the city-state? He immediately ordered the army to be assembled, and 3000 giant soldiers formed an army and rushed to the city-state of Salem. He holds the most elite regular army of Assyria, which is composed of all the giant soldiers. The official name is Adado army.

Adado is the son of enril in the myth, and the storm God in anuna's Apocalypse system. However, in the folk, people still used to call this army the Legion of giants. The Philistine did not believe that the mob of horde savages and vagrants in Salem could be his opponent. His only fear was Amun. I heard that the general was very good at fighting. But now Amun has become a God on the altar, and will not appear directly on the battlefield.


Philistine guessed that right. Amon would not have participated in the war himself until he had to. Now his hidden cultivation is at a critical juncture, and even the excavation and construction of the garden of Eden is all in the charge of pelanrose. His identity has changed, his way of life has changed, and his attitude towards many problems has also changed.

As long as his statue is still standing in the temple, it can always give people confidence and hope. However, if there is any accident in the battlefield, it will be a fatal blow to the morale. He still clearly remembers that Horus showed the incarnation of a giant eagle on the cloud, but he was killed by the sword of enqidu. At that time, what a shock to eju's army, the red point defense line was almost unable to defend.

Salem city has invested all its strength in this war. If he is still defeated, Amun will not be able to change the overall situation on the battlefield alone. He is very clear that he is not invincible. He is now a symbol of protection and blessing. For the army, his faith is firm, his morale is high, and his fighting power breaks out when he is willing to give up his life and death. Even the soldiers can't even imagine it.

Although Amun is far away in the garden of Eden, he can still learn what happened on the battlefield through people's prayer and sacrifice, but he is practicing and integrating everything he has learned in his soul. He needs not to be disturbed or even to see more. But he did not know that in the distant eju, Maria was looking up at the stars and calling the name of Isis. For the first time, the pure Saint lost her mind in her prayer. When she called for Isis, Amun appeared in her mind.

Seth told Maria that she would come back in three months to ask her what decision she had made, two months after the battle in the Duke plain began.


The Philistine led a legion of giants to kill the city of Salem. Of course, he knew that Salem had built two fortresses 50 miles north of the city. To attack Salem, the two battle strongholds must be pulled out first. If Salem wants to set out for a decisive battle, the best place is in the open space between the two fortresses. The Philistines waited for the two armies to meet there, crushing the main force of the Salem army.

However, they did not meet the army of Salem. The road from Salem to the northern mine is the broadest road in the DUK plain, along which the Philistines marched. Sitting in the chariot, he could see two fortresses in the distance, standing alone on both sides of the road, about three miles apart, but there was no figure around him, and no soldiers were seen on the walls of the fortresses.

Behind the fortress is a large area of farmland reclaimed by Salem city in recent two years. The wheat ears in the field have been harvested urgently, but the straw remains there. In the distance, the sheep on the grassland on the hillside disappeared and were driven back to the city by the herdsmen. Unexpectedly, Salem did not set up an army here.

At this time, the scouts reported that the troops of Salem city had already left the city, with a total number of about 1000. They were waiting outside the city and did not come here to meet the enemy. Looking at the two fortresses, philistine sneered, "I hear that the city-state was built by cavemen. Will they fight? If I had built these two fortresses, I would have set up an army here, echoing left and right, advancing and retreating! "

As the head of the Legion of giants, Philistines had a good point of view, but Salem's situation was different. If George was led by the Anwar La corps of that time, even though the soldiers' personal combat effectiveness was not comparable to that of the giants, they would also line up here, relying on the fortresses on the left and right wings to fight. However, many of the Salem regiments have not actually been to the battlefield, but many of the civilians sent by the city of Syria have fought.

Therefore, George didn't want to start a tough battle at the beginning. If he lost the first war, the morale of the whole army would drop from the highest point to the lowest point, or the morale of the army would collapse.The Philistine frowned at the empty field. The general nearby asked, "your honor, what do you think we should do? Do we continue to march forward and fight under Salem city?"

The Philistine shook his head: "in that case, we will be attacked by the enemy. First, we will take these two fortresses as our forward bases. For the time being, do not attack at the same time. Set up two lines of troops on the main road to prevent the counterattack from the direction of Salem and the other fortress, and make every effort to attack one of the fortresses first. "

The Legion of giants quickly dispersed and set out their defense formations in the direction of the eastern fortress and salleng City, and transferred all the equipment originally used to attack Salem to the west, ready to attack another fort. The strong giant soldiers measured the distance, set up the catapult, lit the torch, a group of soldiers holding the shield to carry the ladder, the chariot also set up a platform to stand the crossbow.

Strangely, there was no movement in the fortress, just like an empty city, waiting for the giant Legion to prepare for all the siege. The general in charge of commanding the siege was a little puzzled and said to the Philistine, "according to the information, there are hundreds of soldiers in this fortress. Why can't you see one person on the wall? I've never fought such a battle before

The tortoise said, "the tortoise shrunk? It can't avoid the fate of being attacked. You can fight as you can! "

There is no need to besiege a fortress. The Philistines do not worry about the soldiers in the fortress. They just want them to rush out of the fortress to fight. Therefore, they only need to attack one side. As long as they occupy the wall or open the gate, it means victory. Suddenly, the sound of howling came from the silent plain, and dozens of huge fireballs flew up and smashed hard at the fortress.

This is a stone ball mined in the mountains, wrapped with fuel, ignited and then thrown out by a giant catapult. It can collapse stone walls and ignite houses in the city and cause fires. The catapult built by the plateau giant is especially huge. The flying stone is heavy and has a long range. It is a sharp weapon to attack the city.

Without seeing the enemy and shouting, dozens of flying stones roared away with fire. Even the strongest warrior could hardly bear this attack. The power of the first wave of attack was frightening. However, when the huge flint flies over the city wall, the fortress seems to turn into a shadow in the mirror. The air is rippling, and the light and shadow shake for a while, as if wrapped by transparent water waves.

Flint is like shooting into the invisible water, the flame is extinguished, leaving only light smoke, and the speed slows down rapidly. Before crossing the wall, it falls to the ground one after another. Philistine low exclaimed: "magic array! How many gods do they have? Such a big array can be made

Lucien, the leader of the Legion of giants, opened his eyes and took a long time to breathe: "Philistine, it's a phalanx that covers the whole fortress, it's not made by the deity temporarily. Similar to the large garrison array of our king duniwei, it is arranged well when building a city and opened when fighting. It needs to be operated by a magician. Look at this scene, there must be a great magician in charge of it! "

The Philistine exclaimed, "the great magician? Is there a great magician in these two fortresses! They will send the Great Magicians here, and the city of Salem will not be kept? "

Lucerne replied, "George, the chief god of Salem, was originally the high priest of the temple of ezeus. Who knows what other means he has and how many great magicians he has to work for? The skill of this magic array is really great. Salem city is rich and highly skilled. To build such a fortress, human and material resources and financial resources are not small figures! "

"Salem is indeed a good place. If we conquer it, we will have all the harvest from now on," said the Philistine with a gloomy face

The catapult was still firing fireballs, and the sky on one side of the fortress was filled with blue smoke. The air was rippling like transparent water waves. After being hit by the fireball, cracks appeared and then disappeared again. However, the lines of the fortress did not move and even a piece of skin on the wall of the fortress was not wiped.

The chariots formed a high platform. The giant on the high platform, with a giant crossbow in his hand, had been aiming at the battlements above the city wall. However, after a long time of aiming, his eyes were dim and his hands were sour. No one of the city guards came forward, but his arrow was on the string, but he could not find the target to launch.

The Philistine frowned deeper and deeper, and asked the LORD God, "how should we fight this battle?"

"If we don't break this magic array, it's very difficult for our long-range attack to hurt the people in the city. However, if the impact force on the operation of the large array is too large, it will damage the God stone of the array. They need to supplement it at any time. To a certain extent, it will be difficult to continue. This is a stupid way to attack strongly. On the other hand, the grand array must be launched by a diviner, especially such a formation must be presided over by a great magician. It's impossible for a magician to use his or her mana without restriction. As long as the opponent is tired, the array will stop. At that time, it will be our chance to attack the wall. "

Then he asked, "how long do you think they will last?"

Lucerne thought for a moment and replied, "for this scene, if I was in charge of the battle in the city, I could support it for half a day at most."

Philistine: so long

"This requires the cooperation of the deities and the timely replenishment of the damaged sacred stones. Under the current attack intensity, I can persist for such a long time. But it's just a useless struggle. They can't kill us. They just die early and die late. "The Philistine was dissatisfied: "but for such a long time, it is not enough to use flying stones to bombard the city. We need to launch a strong attack."

Lucerne: "I suggest waiting. There will be casualties in the siege. The smaller the casualties, the better. Order the catapults not to scatter and concentrate in one direction. Try to penetrate the protection of the large array and damage the enemy's arraying stones. "

The firestones flying all over the sky suddenly stopped, and then the giant soldiers were adjusting the position and direction of the catapults. When the second round of attack began, the huge fireballs were all shooting towards a section of the city wall.

In another fortress in the distance, link stood behind a window at the top of the fortress. Looking at the giant Legion attacking Raphael and Yunmeng's fortress from a distance, he said with a wry smile, "they can really choose a place to fight there first. I don't think that there are two Great Magicians in a small fortress Well, sure enough, there's a way to concentrate on one place. "

Beside him stood a general, who had been one of Amon's bodyguards, named huanani, who had become a general in the Salem army. "How long can Lord Raphael and Lord Yunmeng support?" warnani asked anxiously

Link: "Rafael, I don't know, but Yunmeng's physical strength is amazing. It's OK for one person to support three days. If Rafael takes turns to preside over the formation, this scene can certainly last for more than seven days. George's order, if the legions of giants attack the fortress and try their best to hold them for seven days, I don't think it's a problem

"Of course, the two adults are fine, but the Legion of giants will not always attack with flint. In that case, it is not enough to reserve more flints. I'm afraid that the number of God stones stored in the fortress is limited, and other magicians can't survive that long. "

Link sneered: "if the Philistine fool used up all the flint and Heavy Crossbow arrows in order to attack a fortress, he would not have to attack Salem any more. It's better to consume all the siege materials here. Salem is not guarded by magic array, which is the intention of the commander of George's army. As for the magicians I've trained in the past two years, I'm afraid it's time to test them. "

In the past two years, link also trained magicians in the tribe, inspected people who could be trusted, and asked them to make vows to the God Amun to strengthen their faith. It's really difficult to awaken the power of two sides of one body. Although there are twelve masters out of more than 60 miners in Duke Town, link has trained dozens of magicians among thousands of people. These magicians are awakened to the power of divinity, but few people can master the power of both sides of the body.

Dozens of sorcerers in Salem were divided into two groups by George. They were all sent to two fortresses to assist the great magician to run the battle and guard the fortress.

In the underground Hall of the central building where the fortress is being attacked, Raphael is sitting with his staff in his hand. The divine stone on the staff sends out bursts of light, showing the protection against the attack of the great array. He was also surrounded by ten magicians, half of whom were cave savages, holding sticks to help Raphael run the battle together.

When the giant Legion outside the city adjusted its attack, and all the flying stones were concentrated in one direction, Raphael heard a faint crack in his ear. He quickly ordered the magician resting in the fortress to replace the damaged God stone under the wall, so as to maintain the power of the array.

Outside the city, there is a lot of excitement, but the fortress is still quiet, just like the scenery in the mirror, which is still motionless in the light and shadow. The commander of the siege lost his breath and ran to the Philistine's car and said, "the flying stones we have prepared are going to blow up Salem. It's not good to consume them like this. Do you want to order a strong attack? The soldiers in charge of the catapult are tired

The Philistine replied quietly: "change people and attack. The first wave of soldiers retreat to rest. The attack can't stop. They should not be able to survive. Once the defense of the Shenshu array is weakened, it will launch a strong attack immediately. It can't give the enemy a chance to breathe. It should inform the crossbow men to prepare for the battle and shoot down all those who have exposed the wall. "

Plateau giants are good at hunting with heavy crossbows. The giant legions trained in battle are naturally more proficient. Giant soldiers' crossbows are powerful and have a long range. They have always been a formidable weapon in the battlefield. They can shoot the enemy out of the range of ordinary warriors' bows and crossbows. Giant crossbows have been waiting for a long time.

In the fortress, Yunmeng went into the underground hall. Today, she wore a red robe in addition to her dark gold soft armor. She said softly to Raphael, "you're tired. I'll come."

Raphael shook his head gently. "I can hold it. Half of the magicians should rest. Rotate at this time." He ordered the magicians around to change to five.

Yunmeng also advised: "the head of the army has told us not to exhaust our strength at one time. Even if we can support it, we should have a timely rest, so that we can persist for a longer time."

Raphael laughed: "I'm not that delicate. I'm stronger than you think. It's just that this magic array can't be resisted blindly. It's necessary to reduce the power of protection properly. Otherwise, the number of damaged sacred stones will be too much, and it will really be unable to support. "

After saying this, the light of the staff in his hand darkened, and the stone on the top was not as dazzling as before. The scene outside the great wall changed. The flint flying in the sky passed through the Shenshu array, and the flame was extinguished, but the speed did not slow down too much. They crossed the high wall and fell into the fortress one after another. From the fortress came the sound of things being smashed and collapsed, as well as the frightened horse neighing.**(to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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