Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 209

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:25:45 AM

Chapter 209

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Allah is the oldest God in the nine link system of gods. In folk myths and legends, even the gods are described as his descendants. However, as early as the establishment of the eju Empire, Anla had faded out of the world, and almost never appeared. For the Egyptians, Isis, Osiris, Horus and Seth were the most important gods.

In order to seize the position of the LORD God, Seth asked the Pharaon elacht to regard the ancient Angela as the only God, while the other gods and envoys were called angels. Seth became the archangel who ruled all the angels, the actual Guardian God of the royal power and the nine linked God. In the name of monotheism, eracht cooperated with the reform of centralization, which had been a great success not long ago.

However, the religious and political reform of eracht has been carried out until now, but only Seth has ever come forward, and anyra himself has never given down any oracle. In fact, since the establishment of the eju empire for thousands of years, Anla has never given down the oracle. He seems to be a non-existent God. The appearance of the oracle of Allah was the first time in the history of the eju empire. The Pharaoh and the imperial high priests were shocked.

The content of Allah's Oracle is very simple. First of all, he told the Pharaoh and the imperial high priests that their so-called "blasphemous devil" was Amun, the imperial general, and confirmed people's speculation. Although Anla said Amun's identity, he did not indicate that he would show miracles to punish Amun, nor did he instruct the Egyptians how to deal with this matter in the name of the oracle. The implication is that people should do it by themselves.

The God told the Pharaon and the high priests of the empire that it was the matter of Amun and Seth, so let Seth solve it by himself. He would recall all the angels in the nine linked system of gods, and would not go to any place in Egypt to chase Amun. The Egyptians could announce it in their own way and decide what to do.

Eracht was at a loss when he received the oracle. He wanted to ask the God, but anlah did not answer. So the Pharaon held a small-scale secret meeting for consultation. All the participants were the clergy at the top of the eju empire. In addition to the Pharaoh himself, the three high priests in the main temple of the Empire, and all the elders of the eju theological Academy.

The elders of the Academy of divinity analyzed the simple Oracle of the God an-la. Amun rushed into the temple to cut down the statue of Seth, and the statue of Seth was next to the statue of an - La. The God of God an - La should be clear about the matter, but he didn't want to interfere. The Oracle even implied dissatisfaction with Seth.

Ann - La means to let Seth solve it by himself. If Seth is not willing to face Amun, he should bear the consequences of being cut off from the altar. The idea of the gods is really difficult for ordinary people to understand, but what should the Egyptians do? First of all, the first question is how to declare the identity of the "devil".

After a whole night's discussion, the Pharaoh finally made a decision. Since Anla did not order the eju Empire to do what to do, there was no need for the Egyptian empire to announce Amun's name in case of causing unnecessary unrest among the people. The authority of eracht and the divine prestige of Seth have been seriously questioned. If we let the people know that the "devil" is Amun, I'm afraid it's not easy to explain the reason, because everyone will question one thing in their hearts - why does Amun do that?

So the Pharaoh issued a proclamation to all the people of Egypt: "the great God Allah has come, and the name of the blasphemous devil is Satan. Satan, the devil who came to Isis temple a year ago, tried to bring disaster to the people of eju. Mary, the greatest virgin in history, received the Oracle from Seth, the archangel, and did not hesitate to sacrifice herself to destroy Satan with the power given by the gods.

After he fled, Satan had no power to harm eju, but he was cowardly and insidious. He retaliated against Seth, the great archangel, by the most despicable means. He did not dare to fight against the heroes and angels of eju, but secretly blasphemed and destroyed the archangel's statue. He disturbs people's inner uneasiness, shakes people's belief, and sows the seeds of the devil. As long as people are not tempted by the evil deeds of the devil, they can look to the light of the gods

The meaning of Satan's name is "adversary", which symbolizes the temptation of people who do not believe firmly to fight against gods. With the release of this announcement, the eju empire finally ended the martial law that lasted for half a year in each city-state, and the magic battle array of dise city and mengfeisi city also returned to normal state, and the eju empire finally found a step down.

In this half year's time, in order to protect the temple and pursue the demons, countless human, material and financial resources were mobilized. In addition to no casualties, it was no less than a large-scale war. If you can't catch Amun, I don't know how long it will last. No one can stand it in the long run. Let's end it quickly!

If Amun still wants to cut down the statues of Seth, let him cut down twelve of the 24 city-state Lord's temples. What he wants to achieve is enough. It doesn't matter whether the remaining half is cut down or not. We can't let the whole empire work hard with Amun and the statues. Since God Allah has given the instructions, this should be the consequence of Seth himself. Let others rest.

The city states of eju have resumed their normal life, but some changes have taken place forever. The ambassadors of the nine link God system also returned to the nine link palace under the call of the God an-la, and they all breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, the gods have made clear the causes and consequences of things. From a selfish point of view, they can understand why Amun did that.Many of them had been at Seth's command against Amun, and in various ways prevented Moses from leading the people out of eju. Some of the envoys who had personally experienced the incident were very sympathetic to the people in Duke Town, and even had to admire Amun. Especially when Moses walked through the Red Sea, the goddess of best suddenly appeared. The gods later learned that the cat beside Amun general was best who fell in the "examination of fate and the judgment of the end".

It can be said that Amun saved and treated a God who was in trouble in the nine link God system. From a personal point of view, the gods made him more fond of Amun. As for the enemy, he just wanted to complete his mission. When Amun rushed out of the nine alliance palace, many of the envoys were just symbolic and did not try their best to stop them. Because those people did not receive Seth's order at that time, it was none of their business, they were just dealing with it.

Amun broke into the nine couplet temple and damaged the palace of Seth, which was also an offence to the nine linked deities. Later, Amun's crazy behavior in the main temples of the cities of eju once angered many envoys. However, the gods gave up practicing in comfortable palaces and went to guard the temples of the main city-state in various places. There were complaints in their hearts.

These complaints are not aimed at Amun, as long as you are not a fool, you can understand why Amun did that, but Seth's performance is deeply dissatisfied. The whole nine alliance palace and the Empire of eju are about to be upset, and Seth just can't get out! The archangel should have the courage and responsibility to face the consequences of what he has done, rather than hide and make others restless.

The complaints of the gods against Seth were only in their hearts, and no one would speak out publicly. The long, almost forgotten God, Angela, finally spoke, and his oracle was in line with the wishes of the envoys.

Interestingly enough, after the announcement of the Egyptian empire, the devil Satan never appeared again. People flocked into the temple to pray and sacrifice to Angela. The God's words restored the peaceful life of the whole empire. As for the statue of Seth nearby, chop it up. Anyla's reputation reached its peak in the thousand year history of the Empire.

The magistrates took the opportunity to preach that the only true God, Allah, was so majestic that even Satan did not dare to offend him. With only one Oracle, Allah restored the peace and tranquility of the whole Egyptian empire from six months of chaos.


Amun, who was named "Satan" by the eju Empire, did not receive the Oracle from Allah. However, when he sent down the oracle in the eju Empire, he saw another God on the distant island. It was Horus, the former God of the nine linked gods, who came to find him.

It was early one morning, the sun rose in the sea, and the clouds were covered with a layer of gold, and the breeze swept the waves, and a little light flickered on the top of the waves. Amun got up from his seat and walked out of the forest to the seaside to look at the rising sun. The sun left a turbulent and narrow band of light on the sea. A few crabs crawled across the shoal nearby, leaving shallow footprints on the sand. Then the waves rolled gently, and the trace disappeared.

Amun was watching the sunrise by the sea, while Gabriel was looking at Amun's back from the top of the highest mountain on the island with a thoughtful look.

Gabriel has been following amon for the past six months. She is just a watcher and guardian, and does not appear openly if necessary. So far, she has only made two moves, one in the initial promontory city-state and the other in the last city-state of Rosetta, both of which have taken Amun out.

In fact, Gabriel didn't expect amon to do that. In her opinion, amon might have been out of a moment's anger when she was in the promontory city-state, and the influence of doing so continuously was too serious and his situation was too dangerous. However, Amun later cut down the statues of Seth in the main temple one by one. Obviously, he had a clear plan, but it was crazy and incredible.

If Maria could foresee what amon had done, she would have been extremely worried and relieved. However, amon should not lose her mind. He was in a seemingly calm and impulsive state, which was equivalent to creating a top-down earthquake in the Egyptian empire, and this behavior also involved himself and Gabriel who followed him into danger.

Gabriel's responsibility is to protect him and not to let Amun continue to be crazy in a seemingly calm state. After passing through the seven cities on the East Bank of the lower eguruni River, if Amun wants to die in Memphis, Gabriel will certainly stop him. But at that time, Gabriel was relieved, because Amun did not go to Memphis, but went south along the Ronnie River to eju, which caught all the people waiting for him by surprise.

Gabriel can see that as the statues of nasset were cut down one after another, which brought more and more shock to the Egyptians, Amun regained his true calm, or a seemingly impulsive calm. He did not stop his crazy behavior, but on the other hand, he regained his wisdom and calm. Although he was alone, he still seemed to be commanding thousands of troops to fight against an empire.

The encounter in the city of Rosetta was already very dangerous, Gabriel made a second move. If Amun wants to continue, it is meaningless. If he wants to force Seth to appear, what he has done is enough. Even the envoys of the gods in the nine alliance Palace are disturbed. Amun must think clearly about one thing. He is doing all this for Maria, not for Seth. If he stubbornly deviates from one starting point to another, he will not be relieved. On the contrary, he violates the original intention and is not what Maria wants to see.Some things can't be forgotten. People have to do something, but it doesn't mean that they should go further and further by venting. So far, if we continue to harass the temple in eju, it will be meaningless to Maria and Seth, and become a self entanglement in amon's soul.

At the beginning, Gabriel herself was also in a state of anger, but following Amun along the way also made her soul gradually quiet. Now she looked at Amun's back looking out to the sea. He seemed to be thinking about whether he was getting farther and farther away from the true source of divinity, or was he getting closer and closer? Maybe it's just a thought.

Amun opened his arms toward the sea, as if breathing deeply and embracing something. At this time, his movement suddenly stopped, put down his arm, looked up at the direction of sunrise, the sound of the waves around him seemed to be silent for an instant. In the light of sunrise, on the golden sea, there is a man walking slowly on the waves.

This man appeared out of thin air. Amun's divinity of detection did not sense his existence at all. When I saw him, he was in a trance. He had already set foot on the beach at an incredible speed and stood still a few dozen steps away.

He was in his early twenties, very handsome, but somewhat pale. He was wearing a golden robe and a high white crown. The red feathers on both sides of the hat hung over his shoulders. One sleeve was flying in the sea breeze, and he obviously lost an arm.

As soon as the man was standing on the beach, Amun waved his right hand and quietly stopped Gabriel, who was about to arrive with his Tomahawk. Then he looked at him and asked in a deep voice, "Horus?"

It was Horus who came. There was a Horus temple in Duke town. Amun had seen his statue since he was a child. There are usually two kinds of statues of Horus. One is the statue in the center of the main temple of the city-state. The image is an eagle head with wings on the back. The other is a statue that shows people with a normal face on other occasions. Basically, it is similar to the God in front of him, that is, he is more slender and has no less than one arm.

Amun recognized him, and Horus was not surprised. He nodded his head slightly and said, "yes, I am Horus. I have seen you in the crowd of the temple, and I have seen you in the battlefield of fierce fighting, but I never expected to meet you in such a way today. Please don't be afraid. I have no malice. I'm here to guide and help you. Amun of Salem City, you really have the spirit temperament. I appreciate you for being so calm in front of me

When he spoke, Horus showed a solemn and kind smile. In the morning light, his figure was gradually covered by the golden round light, which was mysterious and noble. But Amun frowned and said, "Horus, the God in distress. If you have something to look for me, please put away that God's manner. You don't need to and don't have to do so in front of me. "

Horus has just secretly launched the divine power. Usually, the living beings who have not yet transcended the eternal life can not help but be awed before this kind of coercion. This is also a kind of divinity that affects the mind and spirit, and only the gods can exert it. However, Amun had seen more than one immortal deity. The earliest one was yinnanna, a girl on the grassland. And now even the statue of Seth dare to be cut down, so he doesn't eat this set at all.

Horus was slightly stunned. His smile was a little stiff, but he still said with a smile: "a God comes with good intentions and is willing to provide you with help and guidance. Don't you welcome it?"

Amun said faintly: "I just want to ask you to speak well. Since you are here, you can say anything."

Horus waved, and two wide chairs appeared on the beach, with a grand umbrella behind them. He made an elegant gesture to Amun to sit down. Amun sat down, and Horus asked again, "don't you want to ask where I come from?"

Amun replied: "in fact, I want to know where you went after you lost the throne. I don't know much about the nine linked gods. There are many things I need to ask you. If you can tell me how to find Seth, I would like to express my sincere thanks

Finally Horus could not help but look down at a crab crawling by his feet and said, "I went to the kingdom of Angela and came from there. Some time ago, I had been healing in the kingdom of God, until Seth also entered the Kingdom, so I returned to the world. I know what's going on and what you've done. I'd like to talk to you for a long time, but I don't want to go back to the nine link divine realm, and I won't have a chance to meet until today. "

Amun could not help but support the back of his chair and straightened up: "the kingdom of Allah? What is that place? Seth also went there. Why did you leave again? Did you fight there again

Horus shook his head helplessly, reached out his hand and stroked the empty sleeve and said: "in the kingdom of Allah, we should obey the will of Allah. Anla does not allow the gods to fight there, but I don't want to see Seth. So I declined to stay with him and only went back to the human world to heal his wounds You should be able to see that my injury has not recovered. If we are the enemy, if you do your best regardless of life and death, I am afraid I can only escape back to the endless void

**(to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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