Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 237

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:25:01 AM

Chapter 237

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Of course, these are also the meaning of Amun. Before he left the city of Baron, Amun talked with von Neuer about some things. He wanted to resume the trade between Salem and the kingdom of Baron. Amun got a lot of money in Baron city. It is useless to put this money in his hand. He should organize the most needed materials to transport to Salem.

Now if you want to trade with Salem, you need permission from the kingdom of hathi to pass through the city of budamia. This can be discussed between the kingdom of balun and the kingdom of Hati. It is beneficial for both sides to resume trade.

The experienced nescott Lee was certainly the best choice for the resumption of trade and trade, so nescott Lee made a great success overnight. He went to Wangdu to thank him for his kindness, and he encouraged him to set an example and resume business with the kingdom of Hattie and the DUK plain. At present, the relationship between the two countries has been eased, which is also the adjustment of national policy made by Feng Niu after his accession to the throne. He first recognized the weak position after failure, and focused on restoring people's livelihood and economy.

As soon as nescott Li became the new king of the Kingdom, his caravan would naturally be taken care of, and he would not make much investigation when he went into or out of the border. However, nescott Lee was born as a businessman and was very good at doing things. Whenever the caravan carried prohibited materials, he would give some benefits to the officials and soldiers at border checkpoints, and he did not force others with his identity.

The caravan that Amun followed was already the fourth caravan sent by nescott Lee to Salem. He did not return to Salem with the first caravan, just because he did not want to attract too much attention. The road was indeed safe.

Wendy is like a bird out of the cage. She picks up the curtain and looks at the outside world. Everything can make her happy. Amun smiles and tells Wendy that if she is good at gardening, she can go to a temple called Eden to do what she likes. If she prefers to stay in Salem, amon will make arrangements.


Aesop and George are very surprised to see Amun coming back, but Wendy is surprised to see the beautiful girl around him. They wanted to discuss things with the gods in Amun temple, but the carriage was pulled to the town where the Dukes lived. Wendy was temporarily placed in the small building where Maria had lived. Then they went to the backyard of Amun's "home" to talk to the God.

Amun simply narrated the experience of this period of time, and gave Aesop a huge fortune in the space magic weapon. Aesop can't use the magic weapon of space, which George collected for the time being. He exclaimed, "my God, you are omnipotent. This has saved the life of Salem! Now Salem city has no shortage of human and material resources, but money

George said with a smile: "my God Amun, the longer I get along with you, the more I respect you from the bottom of my heart. This is a miracle that the world can't imagine! You have brought the virgin in the gate of Baron! Miss Wendy is not here. I'll ask privately, how are you going to settle her? Do you want to say something to Mu Yun

Amun glared at George and replied, "you look down on a God too much. Do you think she doesn't know? Wendy is a very capable girl and will not live here in vain. As to whether she would like to stay in Salem or go to the garden of Eden, she has to ask her own meaning Let's not talk about this. Just now Aesop said that there is no shortage of manpower and material resources. But now the size of Salem is much larger than before. The Lord of Aesop is too hard-working. What we really lack is the talents to govern the city. "

Aesop hastened to answer, "I can't say that I'm tired. These are all things I should and would like to do. Just to tell you something, two very capable people came to Salem not long ago. I want to reuse them, but their identity is very special and I want to ask for your opinion. "

Amun was very interested and asked, "who can get such high praise from the Lord of Aesop?"

George replied with a smile, "Amun, it's all your old acquaintances, one is eusil, the former Lord of Marduk, and the other is Dickie Chou, the chief Quartermaster of the Baron army. After the city of Marduk was broken by the huti army, the two men fled among the chaotic army, and became prisoners of war among the rouk army's deserters. Their identities were well hidden and had not been recognized. Later, the more than 1000 prisoners of war of the Uruk army were sent to Salem by Princess Celia and Lord Gore, and they were recognized by medanzo

It turns out to be these two! They are really old acquaintances of Amun, and they are very capable. Diqi Zhou was originally a small mayor of Akkad Town, Kish city state of the kingdom of Baren. In the rescue operation of Princess Xiaoxi, he completed a seemingly impossible task, showing outstanding organizational ability and administrative talent. At that time, Prince Fengniu and Princess Xiaoxi appreciated him very much, and both wanted to take it for their own use. However, Prince Fengniu started faster and promoted him to the city-state of Kish. Later, Prince Fengniu took charge of the army and promoted him to general Quartermaster.

As for eusil, he was the leader of the highland giant United tribe who had "kidnapped" Princess Xiaoxi. It is really not easy for him to organize the tribes of plateau giants with developed limbs and simple minds to coordinate their actions. Later, he built a city of Marduk in the southeast corner of the DUK plain, which proved that he had the ability to govern a city-state. But he was stopped by the Eugene and Malvern.The two men fled to the Bank of balun after being attacked by the Hadith army in Marduk city. Before crossing the river, they were captured by the following Hadi army and the rear troops of the Uruk army. They mingled with the prisoners of war of the Uruk army and became slaves of the huti people without revealing their identities.

Gilgamesh once asked Gore and Amun to do a favor to rescue the prisoners of the Uruk army. Later, under the mediation of Gore and Princess Celia, these prisoners became slaves of Amun, Prince of Salem, given by King Hattie. At the same time, Salem city also paid a symbolic sum of money to the Hadi army at a very low price, which brought more than 1000 people to Salem city. According to Amun's intention, they should be free and let them decide whether to go or stay. However, Aesop is very eager for these people to stay.

The Uruk army was once the most powerful army on the mainland! These people are all prisoners of war from this regiment. If they are incorporated into the Salem regiment for a little bit of practice, they will be able to have a strong combat effectiveness. So Aesop offered a very generous condition: first of all, he conveyed the oracle of Amun, declared that they had been free again, and promised to divide the fertile land, provide farm tools, grain seeds and building materials for them as long as they were willing to remain loyal to the city of Salem.

Hundreds of them chose to return to the city-state of Uruk, and the other half stayed. Among those who remained, medanzo occasionally found eusil and Tyche Chou.

Eusil didn't go back to Baron because he didn't dare. Feng Niu, who first held the power of the Kingdom and later ascended the throne, was modest, but his means were also tough. Some policies were quite strict and could not be discussed. He once gave an order that when the enemy attacked, the people would not be investigated for fleeing, but if the city leaders and the general of the garrison fled without authorization, they would be executed and all their property would be confiscated. Even his own cronies could not be pardoned.

Among the six cities captured by the Assyrian army, one city Lord died, two city lords surrendered and were captured. The other three city lords fled before they were ready to be attacked. As a result, they were all beheaded in public by Prince von Neuer, and then issued such an order.

Eusil is also a runaway City Lord! Although it was because the city-state was broken, he did not receive the retreat order from Prince von Neuer. There is a reason, and he has tried his best, but he still can not avoid being punished. What's more, Princess Xiaoxi has left, and he has lost his support in the Kingdom politics, so he will not return to baron.

As for Tyche Chou, he happened to be in the city-state of Marduk at that time, and was ordered to temporarily assist eusil in guarding the city. Although he was also responsible, von Neuer I might not punish him severely, but he himself did not want to go back. The former mayor had a noble pride in his bones. It was a shame for him to be defeated and captured. It was the city of Salem that gave him freedom. According to the etiquette of the nobles, he should be loyal to the city-state of Salem, so he chose to stay.

After hearing this, Amun said with a smile, "Aesop, in fact, either of these two men has the talent to govern the city. Congratulations on your two competent assistants. They are fully qualified for the post of director, and you can be much more relaxed. "

Now Amun has become a God, and he has little to do with the mundane affairs of the world. After he has the realm of transcendence and immortality, his vision and attitude towards problems are also detached. After a few words, Aesop is left to deal with it by himself.

Wendy answered eden without hesitation when Amun asked where she wanted to go. This girl's idea is very interesting to Amun. She hopes to return to the world in the gate of the gods. But after meeting the real God Amun, she hears that there is a god palace in the world, and naturally she wants to go to the garden of Eden.

Amun asked George to send Wendy to the garden of Eden, and told the disciples to wait in the garden of Eden. After a few days, he arrived and disappeared again in front of ordinary people.

Of course, amon wanted to go back to Eden, but he didn't want to be with George and Wendy, which was easy to expose himself. And enril must have been watching his whereabouts all the time, before it was time to lure the fish. It was during this time that Faust came to enril again, heard the voice of Satan, and gave him the latest strength guidance.


Wendy entered the garden of Eden for the first time. Her astonishment could hardly be described by words. She never imagined that there was such a beautiful and peaceful magical world in the world. In her mind, this was the heaven where the gods lived!

Since ancient times, those who have been able to enter the palaces of gods in the human world are the envoys guided by the gods. They usually enter the temple when they are about to master the level 8 achievement of their original power and pass the test of losing their strength. They are all great achievers in the world. As for the disciples of Amun, some people have entered the garden of Eden before reaching this level, which is an exception. Wendy can enter the temple without any practice, which is the exception.

The disciples of Amun in the garden of Eden also welcome and take care of Wendy, an ordinary human girl, because she is the woman of Amun God. Whether it is or not, amon has lived with her in the gate of God for so long, and then abducts the former Baron Saint from Marduk, and orders George to deliver it to the garden of Eden in person! I can't get rid of it if I want to.

The disciples also pondered in their hearts that the goddess Mu Yun would not like to see Amun do this, but it was something that the gods themselves had to worry about, and the disciples could not control it. For Wendy, the time spent in Eden was the happiest time of her life. The people here are so beautiful, handsome, happy and kind. They call themselves angels, and there is one biggest difference between them and ordinary people - they all have wings!Amun didn't come back for half a year. Why did the disciples grow wings and call themselves angels? It's about Michael seagull.

Under Celia's careful treatment, the seagull has recovered and returned to the garden of Eden. He was once transformed into a giant bird with wings on the battlefield. The scene was very dazzling and achieved unexpected results. Amun taught Faustus a form of transfiguration, which his disciples naturally did. Later, the seagull didn't want to change into a giant bird, so they cultivated a pair of wings that could appear at any time. They could display all kinds of magical power and looked very powerful.

Once he left the garden of Eden and flew to the city of mexor to see Celia. Celia said that pure white was more beautiful. When he returned to Eden, the wings became very bright and pure white, just like a luxurious cloak behind his body.

Link thought that the Seagull was very windy, even more windy than medanzo, so he also cultivated such wings. The rest of the disciples also thought that the practice was very interesting, so everyone practiced the pure white wings.

Medanzo passed the endless test and became the Ninth level God envoy. Gabriel was also the one who passed the test almost at the same time. In fact, Gabriel had a vague feeling after the fall of the Virgin Mary, and after the battle between Salem and enril, he really understood this endless state of mind. She also went to the garden of Eden and became a nine level God.

According to the custom of the gods in Tianshu, the nine level God envoys have been called gods in the world. But in their hearts, Amun is the only God who guides their faith. So all the disciples discussed a matter together. If some of them can get beyond the realm of eternal life, how can they claim to be? As a result, the public learned from the practice of the nine link system and unanimously decided to call themselves angels no matter what level they reached.

Later, some people saw the white wings of the angels. They thought they were the wings of white doves. In fact, they were the wings of seagulls. As the leader of Amun's disciples, medanzo's wings are different. When he spreads his wings, he doesn't look like a big white dove, but like a flaming Firebird.

Medanzo always liked the image of Lafeng. Even if he became a nine level God, his temper did not change. He had seen the flame God of anuna Qishen system, and felt that he was very arrogant with the flame on his body. He had long vowed to cover up the flame God one day. He also told rink and others that he was the leader of Amun's bodyguard at that time. He once led thirty-six bodyguard generals, but now he has become a nine level God. When he cultivates thirty-six wings of fire, he represents the perfection of his magic power and realm, and will usher in the test of transcendence from immortality.

And link joked at him. He would be like a flaming chicken.

Half a month after Wendy arrived in the garden of Eden, Amun finally saw the disciples again. Instead of flying into the sky, he walked quietly across the valley of the Euphrates like a wandering hunter, and even the gods could not detect him. However, there was a goddess who had a premonition. Amun had just entered the garden of Eden and had not yet spoken to the disciples. Goddess Muyun and her fairy maid shubula arrived later.

All the disciples rushed to meet the goddess of youth and love. Amun stepped forward to give the goddess a gentle and warm hug, and said in a soft voice, "yinnana, I finally see you again!"

In front of all the disciples, Mu Yun was very proud of Amun. He took his arm with a charming and reserved smile and said hello to the gods in the garden of Eden. After releasing amon's hand, she took Wendy's hand and exclaimed, "are you the girl? The virgin of baron who was brought out of the gate of God by Amun

In front of the other God, Wendy was still a little timid. But the legendary goddess of youth and love has always been worshipped by women on the mainland. Now she still looks so kind when she stands in front of her eyes. Wendy feels like a dream. She raises her head and replies, "I am no longer the virgin of Baron, or Wendy. Thank you, Amun, and thank you, my goddess!"

Mu Yun took Wendi's hand and asked for a long time. The girl who had no idea in front of the goddess was respectful and answered every question. Then Mu Yun asked shubula to accompany Wendi and introduce Mu Yun's palace, which is what Amun called "yinnanna's Rose Garden". The goddess claimed that he had important business to discuss with Amun, and called Amun to the mountainside where he usually practiced.

After all, the goddess is a goddess. It can be seen that she is not happy about Amun bringing Wendy back, and there is nothing to hide between the gods. But she did not grab Amun's ear like a woman in the world and cried, "you dead ghost! I'm worried about you at home, but you're playing hooky outside! " Instead, he sat there looking at Amun and asked in a faint voice, "I heard you were hurt by the God of fire and the God of ashes. You must have been seen through by enril. He will find a chance to kill you, and you still have this leisure? "

Amun explained with a smile: "yinnanna, even if you don't come, I also want to go to you and talk about the recent events. Are you not happy?"

**(to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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