Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 283

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:23:53 AM

Chapter 283

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Aesop sighed: "my father has only one son. I have been away from my hometown for nearly 60 years. I'm afraid there are no relatives there. I just want to have a look at my hometown and look for the feeling of falling leaves and returning home. My father is a businessman who often takes me with me when I go out. When I was a child, I spent a lot of time in the city of yalen. This is the most representative city-state in the United Kingdom of hitton. You might as well stay in the city for a few more days. There are many situations here that are different from those in Tianshu. "

The carriage continued under Aesop's guidance. When he arrived in the United Kingdom of hitton, medanzo did not continue to ride with Aesop. He got a horse outside the city and rode with him. Medanzo is handsome, free and dignified. He looks like Aesop's bodyguard warrior who has been invited by Aesop. However, Amun, who drives on the shaft, is not very impressive.

As he walked through the streets and alleys of Yalun, medanzo looked around and nodded with the girl and daughter-in-law who was staring at him. When he arrived at the place where there was no one else, he asked Yisuo: "in my opinion, Yalun city is only a small city-state, but it seems to be very rich, the nobles are very leisurely, and the civilians are very busy.

After listening to the discussion of their citizens' representatives in the city-state Council hall, they attached great importance to trade with the outside world. They not only required the states that joined the alliance to open up trade, but also those rich merchants also earned the interests of the states through various ways. The citizens' representative meeting here is not willing to strictly investigate the improper profit-making behavior of their rich businessmen outside. "

Aesop explained: "there is no large area of plain land that can be cultivated. There is a lot of material to import. The rulers here, like the Salem people in Salem, are mostly shrewd businessmen who are more willing to engage in higher value work and exchange more wealth with limited labor. Yalun is a trade hub between the United Kingdom of hitton and the countries in the Tianshu continent. It is a center. Half of the city's income comes from the profits of maritime trade. Many people here are well-informed. "

Medanzo: listen to you say that, I remember when I went all the way to link's tribe to trade horse leather and steel embryos with something that was not in the mountains. What did the people here trade with the outside world

Aesop: "the most important product here is olive oil. The mountains nearby are not suitable for farming grain, but they are very suitable for planting olive trees. The olive oil produced in the city of Yalun is very expensive and is sold all over the land of Tianshu. The staff in the hands of Yarena, the guardian God of their city-state, is an olive branch. They also export wine, pottery, marble, mining silver ore, casting silver coins and various crafts.

Other commodities on the mainland, including the grass paper and spices of eju, wood and cloth of Hadi and balun, and various cereals, were imported and sold to the city states for profit. In this city-state, some people have a very leisurely life, chatting in the temple square every day, while others are very busy, often sailing on the sea and trading in commercial firms. "

Amun, who has been squinting his eyes, opened his mouth again: "I saw people on the beach outside the city who were talking to the empty sea with stones. They were not praying, but calling and agitating something. They had no clear belief and preached irrelevant or contradictory remarks."

Amun sees the scene far away from the city by detecting divinity. Aesop laughs and explains, "those are orators and sophists. They are practicing their own words."

"What are they doing this for?" he asked

Aesop replied: "in such a city-state, it is the most important ability to spread opinions and make people accept them. Have you not heard the discussion in the City Council? Sometimes whether a proposal is passed or not depends not on the proposal itself, but on who publicizes it in what way. Businessmen often hire professional speakers to make proposals that are in their favor, so some people think that speech and sophistry are one of the greatest skills in the world

"This is really a very interesting place. Apart from the orators, what else do you think is the most distinctive person in the city?" Amun asked

Aesop replied, "there are sages and wise men. The so-called sages are not necessarily wise, but they like to ask questions and try to answer them. They also travel to various places to learn various kinds of knowledge. The so-called wise men are not necessarily wise, but they are good at questioning and doubting, and they try to refute any known knowledge. These people often gather in the temple square, preaching to passers-by or asking questions to the public. That is the most lively place in yalon. "

Amun said with a smile: "successful sages and wise men should also be excellent speakers. It is also an achievement to present the thinking in the soul clearly and let the listener understand the profound thought. But ignore what they preach, and quibble purely for the purpose, and that will become another kind of person.

As for doubting all knowledge, it can also arouse people's thinking, which are born and what are created by people? But it is useless to question without giving an answer. Although the answer may not be perfect, just as mortals can not be sure whether there is a God in the world, they can perceive the existence of the divinity in human nature

Aesop replied, "you are my God."

Amun said with a smile, "I am only your coachman in the city of yalon."The carriage stopped in front of an inn in front of which was a tavern and a public bathroom, where people drank and talked, and there were rooms in the courtyard behind. "Decades have passed, and although the look has changed a lot, it's still an inn," Aesop said

"Aesop, why do you want to live here? There are lots of places to stay on the way to."

Aesop sighed, "please be considerate of an old man like me! The last time I went to sea with my father, I lived here in the city of yalen. Although they are not the same inn, I can still find the breath in my memory

Medanzo jumped off his horse, helped Aesop out of the car, and said in a loud voice, "come on! Prepare the best room for my master. We're going to stay. "

Amun heard Aesop's "breath in memory" and watched his back walk into the inn. He quietly launched a fantastic divinity in his soul. This divinity is similar to the great prophecy in the legend. It is said that only gods can perform it. It is one of the highest levels of information divinity.

In his soul he saw a scene in which Aesop became a teenager, overlapping Aesop's back, and walking with his father into another inn, which is now in the same place.

Aesop is rich, can afford the best room, but also with a majestic guard and simple and capable groom. He looks like an old upstart who came back from an expedition to Tianshu. The inn owner's attitude is very respectful. He always greets each other with a smile when he goes in and out. But he is also envious and even disdainful in his heart.

People around him have this kind of mentality when they see Aesop more or less. Amon knows it clearly. Aesop himself probably understands it, but the old man is calm. A group of three people lived in the city of Yalun, ordinary people can not see any magic.

Amun specially told medanzo that this is the God realm of Olympus. Although he has not made any clear agreement with Zeus, it is also tantamount to entering other people's divine realm without permission. In order to abide by the traditional agreement between the various deities and not cause unexpected conflicts, he will not show any miracles and use any magic power here, and medanzo should also pay attention to his actions, not as an envoy.

Did Zeus and the Olympus Gods know that Amun came to yalen? Amun himself is not sure about this, because he does not feel the feeling of being particularly focused or locked in. He himself was also a Lord God, and he knew that if all living beings only acted in the ordinary way, they would not attract the special attention of the gods in the divine realm. He came here just to listen, to see, to feel, as an ordinary driver.


The next day, Amun came to Jaron's famous temple square, which is located in the "high city" of Yalun. The reason why it is called Gaocheng is that there are three hills here, with a high geographical location, overlooking the harbor by the sea. On the top of the hill in the middle stands the famous virgin temple, which is dedicated to the guardian God of Yalun City, who is the goddess of wisdom, war and virgin in the Olympian God system.

Amun didn't want to go into the temple to attract the attention of the gods. He just stood on the square and looked far away. He couldn't help nodding and praising. There was no straight line in the outline of that magnificent marble building. The walls on all sides were slightly curved, and all the columns were slightly bent inward. Although the huge stone building is extremely heavy, it seems to be light and flexible. The temple building is also the crystallization of people's wisdom.

Amun was looking away from the square when a man came up and asked, "are you a stranger?"

Amun nodded and said, "yes, I'm a driver from other countries."

The man didn't come to question Amun's identity. He seemed to want to talk to someone. Then he asked, "you're looking up at the temple. Do you believe in gods?"

This sentence makes it difficult for Amun to answer. He can only smile and say, "when you feel your soul, you can witness the existence of gods."

At this time, there were more than a group of onlookers around, and the man continued to ask, "Oh, how do you witness the existence of gods? Did you see the gods in the temple, or did you hear the voice of the gods? Have you ever seen the God himself? Even if you hear its voice, how can you know that it is not an illusion? Even if you see a person who claims to be a God, how can you prove that he is a God? "

Amun frowned slightly. The atmosphere here is very open. Unexpectedly, some people openly questioned the existence of gods in the temple square, and casually asked questions to the strangers on the roadside, and there were people waiting to watch the excitement. Amun asked, "do you think there are gods in the temple?"

The man replied, "the question is too complicated and human life is too short for me to be sure whether there is a God in the world."

Amun asked again, "why do you ask me this question again? Do you want to get the answer from me?"

Seeing that there were more people gathered around, the man came to the spirit and opened his arms and said in a loud voice: "people passing by, I'm just asking a question. What yardstick are we using to measure everything in the world? Is it the will of gods? no One thing is right or wrong, good or bad, depends on people's desire and needs. Don't you think so in your heart? "Some of the onlookers nodded and echoed, but the man said, "do you think that your own desires and needs should be correct, and does the truth exist? The truth of the world, O people of yalon, is not determined by the referendum or by the calculation of the head. If you believe in the former view, can you vote in the general assembly to decide whether the gods exist

There are two kinds of questions raised by the audience. Amun said with a smile, "the temple stands here, and the people here have expressed their choice in their own way. If you want to discuss the topic of existence today, you might as well say all your questions. In fact, what you want to ask is - if there is a God, what kind of existence should it be? To tell you the truth, this is the first time that I have encountered such a debate. May I ask your name

The man raised his chest and said, "my name is Parmenides. Stranger, are you also a travel sage? Please answer me another question. Can you tell me what doesn't exist? Can you describe things that go beyond thinking and perception? When you think of something when you think about it and use language to say it, there must be corresponding. Can you really say something that doesn't exist? "

Amun laughed again: "I think you have answered your question. Why do people think? This is the significance of living beings to open their minds. They can imagine and yearn. They can abstract the intuitive knowledge into the vow of the soul and look for their own existence in the complicated world. One of the answers to this question is what you call the gods, and although you have been questioning them, you are also assuming them. "

Parmenides could not help blinking. He often held debates in the square, but he didn't expect that this humble driver from the countryside should have such a response.

Amun looked at him, his eyes penetrated through the figure of Parmenides, and looked at the whole square. He quietly launched the art of retrospection. His soul seemed to witness the backward flow of time. He saw the "breath of memory" on the square. ——Countless people have been talking about all kinds of topics here.

Finally, the God's eyes stay in a certain scene, which is decades ago, an old man also stopped passers-by in the same position to ask questions.

The old man was bloated and wore a long robe with stains. However, his muscles and blood were extremely strong. He was actually a great warrior. His hair is disordered and he has a garlic nose. He doesn't feel cold in his thin clothes on a cold day. He is asking passers-by --

"do you have a soul? If so, is it immortal? If immortality can be achieved, what kind of existence is the immortal soul Why can someone have an immortal soul? Why should someone refuse to admit it What's the difference between one olive and another? Why is a cat not another cat?

If you answer that the coat color is different from the pattern, then what causes the difference? What is the difference between your flesh and blood under your robe and the passing coachman? How can you prove that you are superior to him if you all go to a place where no one knows you, or if your parents exchange babies at birth Please answer another question, what is nobility in this world

Amun started divinity, saw the scene in the recollection, and with a smile on his face, he asked a series of questions that the old man had asked. He wanted to see what kind of reaction Parmenides stood in the same position on the square.

But Parmenides's face changed, and suddenly asked, "who are you from Plato's academy?"

A frightened voice in the crowd exclaimed, "my God, Socrates' problem, the driver of the foreign country is possessed by Socrates' soul!"

For some reason, the crowd of onlookers suddenly dispersed, and amon had a surprised face of Parmenides. Amun said with a smile, "let's go back to your question. If I say I'm a God, do you believe it?"

With a long sigh of relief, Parmenides seemed to have calmed down and asked, "do I believe it or not? Does it make sense for you to be a God?"

Amun pointed to the temple in the distance and said, "it depends on what kind of gods people need. No matter whether you believe it or not, I will stand in front of you. Maybe it will not change me or you. Your soul is your measure of the world, which is true, but it is also the measure of the world to measure you. You may not care about being outside the world, but you must care about how you exist. That's my answer

At this time, the onlookers were left with the last one left. They couldn't help interrupting and yelling, "isn't it boring for a coachman to discuss such a problem with people in the Temple Square? With this spare time, you might as well go to the shop to transport goods several times and earn more money! "

Amun laughed and turned to the man: "thank you for reminding me. What's your name?"

The man replied, "my name is Dewey! I just want to remind you that all that people learn is to deal with their own situation. You should be a smart person to listen to you. Instead of thinking about these boring problems, you should improve your situation

As soon as Parmenides heard this, someone took over and turned to Dewey and said, "in your opinion, there is no meaning in the existence of gods. People only live in their own perception and situation. If the driver claims to be a God, if he is not your God, he does not exist. If he can give you the miracle you want, then he is a God, right? "Dewey shook his head and said, "I'm just reminding a driver what to do. I don't want to argue with you."

"And what do you do?" he asked

Dewey replied, "I like to watch the excitement in the temple square every day. It's my pleasure to listen to your bullshit."

**(to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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