Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 287

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:23:48 AM

Chapter 287

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This question is very interesting. Zeus is of course Zeus. Amun has recognized it. But what he thought was another thing. Zeus's face was not the same as leonion, king of kibata, whom he saw last time. Was this God himself coming to the world to watch a play, or did he kill some incarnation? Or simply change a kind of identity to wander around the world? What does that mean to the gods?

Zeus and Amun achieved the same level of achievement, but he broke through the achievement much earlier than Amun, mastered more profound and sophisticated, also understood more mysteries, and reached the state of full means.

The so-called incarnation in the past is not as simple as changing one's appearance or changing one's identity casually. If so, even some nine level gods can do it. The significance of this achievement of Zeus is completely different. According to Vincent poh's words of limitless light: "the thought of movement is the origin", then a god like Amun can only be manifested by the origin of the thought, and each incarnation is unique, representing the vow, thinking and verification of the God's experience in this identity.

In the myths and legends of the United Kingdom of hitton, Zeus was known to have had many children. The God is a kind of detached existence. The blood relationship between gods in the myths of Tianshu continent is actually a kind of inheritance relationship between the guide and the guided. But the myth to Zeus here is a bit of a mystery, may not really have its thing.

Amun thought of Gore, who had never married in the kingdom of hathi, but if he had left his descendants, it would not be impossible. Anu came to the world in the way of soul rebirth to become a hero. It is an attempt to surpass the achievements of the creator God. It is difficult to say whether this attempt is a success or a failure.

Like Amun, Zeus took another road. He opened up the kingdom of Olympus, and was free to leave heaven to come to the world, and integrated the original God of the world. So far, there is no obvious difference between Amun and Zeus. But the Olympus Gods seem to be deeply involved in the world. This Zeus came to the world again and again, sometimes as the God himself, sometimes as the incarnation of the past.

What kind of existence does a god like him come to the world, what to prove, and how to use it? These are the problems that Amun thinks about on the road. At the moment, he himself is walking in the world and is a driver.

In his meditation, Amun drove into the city-state of miduli, one of the oldest city states in the United Kingdom of hitton. It was also the birthplace of civilization and the economic and trade center of the hitton peninsula. However, after the hippo war, its important position has been replaced by the city of Yalun, and miduli has joined the alliance of yalen.

Aesop entered this once familiar city-state. Sixty years later, he did not know many places, but the street outline of the city-state was still vaguely. He asked Amun to drive the carriage to a mansion and stop. He picked up the curtain to get out of the car and sighed, "this old house has been repaired, but it's still the original building. The statue in front of the door is still 60 years old."

The porter came up and asked, "are you here to visit my master? Why did you park the carriage here? "

"Who is your master?" Aesop asked

The servant replied, "it's Lord red Ackermann. This house is his. But the master is not in the city. He goes to the manor outside the city to collect rent. "

Aesop looked a little excited, but still tried to be calm and asked, "Lord red Ackermann? Is his father's name rose Ackerman

The servant replied strangely, "yes, I have heard of the name of my father. How do you know that and why you are here?"

Aesop pointed to a sign on the gate and asked, "is red Ackerman going to sell the house?"

The servant suddenly realized, "are you here to buy a house? Lord Ackerman offered 200 gold coins. If you are willing to pay this price, you can register with the city-state Property Department to get the house deed. This house is yours. "

Aesop said, "why did red Ackerman sell the house?"

The servant scratched his head and said, "I'm just a doorman. I'm not sure. I heard that the harvest of the manor is not good. Lord Ackerman has a new house. He wants to sell both the old house and the farm, and then buy a boat to go into business. Most of the masters who have made a fortune in the war recently think so. "

Aesop frowned slightly: "of course, you can make money in business, but you can't do without your ancestral manor. If the city-state has no property, what do you want to trade with? Everyone goes into business. Who's making money? "

The servant was obviously very talkative, and said with a smile, "of course, it is to earn the money of the foreigners. As for the farms, mines and workshops, let others run them. The old men want to make big money, make quick money and earn other people's money."

Aesop asked again: "if the people of this city-state do not attach importance to production, and only think about the prosperity of trade, once the prosperity is no longer, it will be in trouble. Trade itself is only the exchange of things needed by each other, and merchants can make profits from it. But if we ignore the root cause, the city-state can only rely on the support of foreign products, and it will not be prosperous for long

The servant scratched the back of his head and said, "I'm just a gatekeeper. What you said are all the problems that adults need to consider. Now that mittouli has joined the Yalun League, the strength of the alliance is very strong, which can guarantee the trade status Far fetched. Are you here to buy a house? I can take you in and have a look. If you want to buy it, Lord Ackermann will be back before dark. You can talk to him in detailAesop laughed, "this is my father's house. My name is Aesop Ackerman. I haven't mentioned it for many years."

Startled, the gatekeeper turned to look at Aesop with wide eyes and said, "are you from the ackermans? Why have I never heard of your name? "

Aesop explained, "my father's name is seines Ackerman, Ross Ackerman's brother and red Ackerman's uncle. He was a businessman who was killed at sea 60 years ago, but I survived. This house belongs to my father. I grew up here, but I didn't expect it was still and still belonged to the ackermans. If I come a little late, I'm afraid I'll sell it to someone else. "

"This, this, this Can you prove it all? Well, even if you are Lord Aesop Ackerman, it's your household business, and I'm not a servant who can interrupt. Lord reed is not here. Are you waiting for him here

At this time, medanzo had already opened the gate of the courtyard, and turned to Yisuo: "master, please!"

Aesop walked into the old house and said to the gatekeeper with a smile, "you are a good porter. Don't worry. If I take the house back, I will still hire you as the gatekeeper."

Red Ackerman has a bigger, more imposing house in miduli, which has been vacated, leaving only a cleaning maid and a gatekeeper who looks at the house and is preparing to sell it. Aesop suddenly arrived, the gatekeeper did not know the situation and did not dare to offend him. Aesop had already entered the room and sat down in the living room.

The maid asked the porter what was going on? The porter murmured to her, and the maid frowned and poured Aesop water. Aesop gave them a dozen copper coins with a smile, and the maid's brow widened and brought Aesop food. The porter took the opportunity to leave the house and report to the house where red Ackerman lives now.

Amun, like a coachman, ignored the rest of the business, drove the car to the front yard of the stable and tied the horse to the stable.

Before it was dark, red Ackerman arrived. The master did not come alone, with three strong sons and a small group of patrolling soldiers. His face was angry and angry. He is now a nobleman. At that time, his father inherited the legacy of his brother Sains Ackerman. He made a contribution to the war of Hippo and became a new nobleman in the city-state. Reid was also one of the citizen representatives in the city-state Council of miduli. His eldest son, black, was also a small leader in the city-state army.

Red received the news from the gatekeeper, and his first reaction was very angry, because Aesop had been dead for 60 years. Suddenly, a man who claimed to be the successor of Aesop and Sains Ackerman must be a cheater trying to seize property! Red how to let the swindler succeed, immediately called on the sons, black - Ackerman also took a team of city patrol soldiers. If you really want to seek to seize property cheaters, people will be arrested on the spot!

Amun heard the noise outside in the stable, and knew what was going on, but ignored it, while medanzo was with Aesop in the living room. Red left the guard in the yard, rushed into the living room with his three sons, and said to Aesop, who was sitting there talking to the maid, "you liar, stand up for me!"

Aesop stood up smilingly and asked, "who are you, please?"

"He is Lord red Ackermann, the present owner of the house," the maid whispered

Aesop looked at the angry red Ackerman, smiling and opening his arms, and said, "my dear cousin, is that how you welcome a cousin who has been away from home for 60 years? Don't you want to accept my blessing and embrace from this old man? "

Red was stunned, for Aesop's facial features did bear the characteristics of the ackermans, and looked like his father who had passed away. But red's eldest son, Blake Ackerman, drew out his sword, pointed to Aesop and said, "you liar, don't try to pretend to be my uncle!"

Aesop grinned and sat back at the table. He looked at Blake holding the sword and said calmly, "young man, if you have something to say, what are you doing with your sword? I said my name, and you said I was a liar. What have I deceived you? Is Aesop your own

If the old man in front of him is a liar, then the liar can be magnanimous. Aesop has been the city Lord for more than ten years, and the city of Salem established by him is much larger than that of miduli. What scenes have not been seen? There is a sense of dignity between every move.

Blake still held the sword and said angrily, "you claim to be my uncle Aesop. Don't you want to cheat the property of the ackermans? How can you prove that you are Aesop?"

Medanzo, who had been standing at the table, stepped forward and held out a hand to Blake. He moved with a sense of pressure. Although black was holding his sword, he could not help but step back and say, "what do you want to do?"

Medanzo opened his hand and held three bright flame elves in his palm. He said in a sarcastic way: "do you know the situation? Can my master cheat you on this old house?"

Reid listed the old house for sale for 200 gold coins, while the three flame elves in medanzo's hands could buy 60 such houses, which was a huge sum of money no matter where. Red stepped forward and pressed his son's arm and said, "put the sword away, and you won't speak well?" And then he said to Yisuo, "who are you, old gentleman? Is it really my cousin AesopAesop sighed, "I am Aesop Ackerman. Sixty years ago, I went to sea with my father. Unfortunately, I met a pirate. My father died. But I was sold as a slave. Later, I was free and went to Duke plain. After so many years, I'm old too. It's hard to get back to my hometown. I didn't expect to meet my relatives in my old house. "

"How can you prove that you are Aesop and what is your purpose?" Reid asked carefully

Aesop grinned bitterly and shook his head: "sixty years ago, I was only sixteen when I left here. I am Aesop Ackerman, but I don't know how to prove it. As for my intention, it is very simple to return to my hometown. "

Red's second son, hunt Ackerman, was the most "smart" and immediately said, "do you want to stay in the old house when you come back here?"

Aesop nodded: "yes, I want to make a thorough repair of this old house. I don't have much time in my life to live here until I die."

Hunter Ackerman said with a smile: "that's very easy. This house is about to be sold. It was intended to be sold to other nobles in the city. If you want to live here, you can buy it for 300 gold coins. Whether you can prove your identity or not, you can realize your wish

Medanzo was stunned: "well, I heard just now that 200 gold coins are sold here. How can the price rise in a flash?"

Hunter said with a smile, "the same thing means different things to different people, so its value is different."

Medanzo glared at him and said, "treacherous merchant!"

Hunter still said with a smile, "thank you for the compliment."

At this time, Reid cleared his throat and said, "this old gentleman, I can't confirm your identity, but you do remind me of my cousin I haven't seen for many years. Although I know he has been buried in the sea, I hope you are him. I sympathize with you and understand your idea. If you want to live in this house, I can give up the sale, as my son suggested. "

At this time, Reid's youngest son, will Ackermann, pulled his father's sleeve and whispered, "this old man looks like a grandfather! He's so rich that he can't be a liar. Maybe he's my uncle. Why don't you meet him first? "

This sentence suddenly reminds red that if the old man in front of him is Aesop, he obviously returned to his hometown after he became rich. If Aesop has no successor, his property after his death will still belong to the Ackerman family. It's nothing to know a rich cousin, but judging from the present posture, it's not sure what Aesop is coming from. Red is very hesitant for a moment.

Aesop did not pay attention to what he was thinking. He sat there and asked hunter, "this is my father's house. When my father and your grandfather separated, the property was already divided. I am the legal heir to this house. Why should I pay for my house

On hearing this, red was nervous. It seemed that the old man who had made a fortune in his hometown was very stingy. The richer he was, the more he wanted more money. This time he returned home, he clearly wanted to take back the property that his ancestors should inherit. In addition to this house, Reid also occupied the estate that Aesop had inherited, which was more than ten times more expensive than the house. Therefore, this relative could not be easily recognized until the situation was clear!

But hunt still said with a smile, "you are so rich, why care about this? In addition to the house, the old Ackerman family also has a farm, which is a good place for the elderly. If you like to look for the feeling of returning to your hometown, we can give up our love and sell you the Grange. Although you can't prove your identity, you can still fulfill your wish. "

Aesop shook his head and said, "it's not about money, young man. You don't understand the feelings of an old man like me. I return to my hometown because I was born here. This is the starting point for me to come to this world. I am looking for traces of life. If I paid for the house in another capacity, I would have denied my origin. If I have to deny who I am, what is the significance of returning to my hometown? "

Blake looked angry again and said, "Oh, I can hear it! You insist that you are Aesop Ackerman, and you want to take away not only the house, but also our estate in Aesop's name. You think it's beautiful. This city-state is law-abiding. My father's name is written on the deed and the title deed, unless you can prove that they belong to you. "

Aesop stood up and shook his head. "I'm looking for myself. I'm not trying to take away your property. You've misunderstood me, or you can't understand it at all Then do as you please. Disputes like this in the city-state should be submitted to the Council of citizens for arbitration. I will stay in the inn until a verdict is made, and the house and the Grange will remain yours. "

With these words, Aesop took medanzo out of the door, leaving the father and son looking at each other. Amun had already got the carriage and asked Aesop to get on and leave. The group of soldiers waiting outside the door did not know what had happened and had not received the order to intercept them. They could only watch them leave.

On the way to the inn, madanzo asked, "Aesop, your relatives are so interesting that they dare not recognize you."

Aesop said with a wry smile: "no matter whose family it is, there suddenly comes an heir who disappeared 60 years ago, and without proof of identity, no one will recognize it easily.""But you are a very rich rich man. They are so stupid!" he said

**(to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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