Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 324

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:22:55 AM

Chapter 324

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"What are the two situations?" Amun asked

Pythagoras replied, "the first is that some of my disciples have transcended immortality and entered the kingdom of Olympus. In this case, Zeus will be passive. I can decide when to return to heaven and create my world. The result is unknown. The second is that Zeus has proved a higher realm and asked for it on his own initiative, which means that he has accepted my vow. Then I will return to Olympus and integrate my world into it

Amun could not help nodding: "in the latter case, it seems that Zeus has the upper hand, but you also win. Because Olympus, the kingdom of heaven, finally announced the road beyond immortality, which was your great wish at that time. This transformation of the heaven disaster is really mysterious! And Zeus did not lose. He transformed Olympus into a fairyland and became the real God of the gods Mr. Pythagoras, since you have traveled far and wide in Kunlun and Tianzhu, what is your unique enlightenment? "

Amun was asking for advice, and his attitude was quite modest. Pythagoras was once Plato's teacher, then even more was Amun's teacher. Even Aristotle, amon's most respected sage, had studied under Plato's door.

Pythagoras had no reservation in front of Amun. He said frankly, "in the eyes of the world, my most important achievement is mathematics. But people here should understand that I'm just teaching them how to look at the world. Everything has its origin and the law of change, so we can create the world. I have heard from the Supreme Master that "Tao gives birth to one, life to two, two to three, and three to all things."

Amun was surprised and asked, "have you ever seen the queen?"

Pythagoras sighed with regret: "I haven't met him. It's a pity that I have missed this sage. But I've read the secret of his long life in Kunlun. Although the original strength I have cultivated is the guidance of another system, it also leads to the transcendent eternal life, which is called eternal life if it is too long. The wise men from afar have already done what I have promised to do, and have done so.

According to the words of the supreme emperor, the first is the mother of all things, the origin of all wisdom and existence in the world; the second is opposition and negation, which are two sides of one body and the law of things changing; the third is the appearance and form of all things, just like the world we see. Since then, I have thought more about describing the world in numbers and teaching disciples here. "

Amun said with a smile, "you also told the disciples that the soul can be immortal and reincarnated. What you mean is reincarnation rather than rebirth. What's the difference?"

Pythagoras replied, "reincarnation is the reincarnation of the soul, and rebirth is the choice of the gods, because the gods can return to the human world to practice rotation. These two situations seem to be the same. I just use different names to show the difference. In fact, the soul of the transcendent cannot be reincarnated. If the spirit falls, it will not exist. "

Amun frowned slightly and thought, "I have never noticed this difference. I have also thought about whether there will be a new life of soul after the death of living beings? You have made it clear to me today that for mortals it is not a new birth but a reincarnation. "

Pythagoras: "this is when you go through the test of life and death, and you have different views on everything you have experienced. You can think of those experiences as the experiences of countless creatures in the world, or as the experiences of your own souls Mr. Amun, can I ask you a question? Can you see their past and future generations? "

Pythagoras raised his hand and pointed out the curtain. His eyes passed through the curtain and the door to the two disciples standing outside. Amun suddenly felt something and thought of a detail when he discussed with Jumang in the rose garden. At that time, he also talked about the question of the past life and the future life, and Ju mang raised his finger to Wendy and quietly replied, "she is the posterity of her former life, the former life of the later generation, but does she know? This is the meaning of the so-called "all can see in the past and in the future, and there is no need to use magic eye."

Instead of answering Pythagoras' question, Amun suddenly asked, "have you ever seen the immeasurable light?"

Pythagoras: "I have not seen the immeasurable himself, but I have heard his disciples recite scriptures."

Amun said with a smile: "I see. No wonder you will preach immortality and reincarnation in the manor. But the belief you preach is to explain the immortal gods and the mortals in reincarnation, which is different from the guidance of limitless light, but it is consistent with the cultivation of the original power. "

Pythagoras also said with a smile: "I was originally the God of Olympus, just in reference, verification, into their own system."

Amun nodded his head and said, "I have had the honor to see the infinite light and communicate with his disciples. Mr. Pythagoras, what else have you learned from the immeasurable light? "

Pythagoras replied with a smile, "commandment."

Some people call the Pythagorean group the Pythagorean School. Others think that Pythagorean manor is like a mysterious group of monks, because people here have to abide by many strange rules. It's a group discipline, such as not eating beans, not leaving pot marks on the ash, etc.

Pythagoras explained Amun in the sound of witticism. Some of these commandments were of great significance, but they were difficult to explain clearly to the disciples who had just joined the group. Therefore, he made a discipline constraint. It is just like the vows of the envoys to join the divine system. The meaning of some commandments is multi-layered, and the disciples can not fully understand it.For example, limitless light allows disciples not to kill life and accumulate merits and virtues in the world. This is not only doing good deeds, but also when the final test comes, whether it is beyond eternal life or reincarnation in reincarnation, people will understand its other meaning. When you transcend immortality, you will face "the examination of fate, the judgment of the end of the world", and when you leave the world, you will enter the "light of the middle Yin". Your soul will be reflected by what you have done in this life.

There are also some commandments which seem to have no real significance, but are just boring rules, but they are not useless or even very useful. Joining this group requires "spiritual purification". However, it is difficult for people to see their own minds clearly, so what about purification? At this time, we often need to use some external forms to integrate into our daily behavior.

Amun remembered the Ten Commandments he had made with the salemites through Moses in the capacity of Aloha, and the intention was basically the same. He put a message into Pythagoras' soul, told his own feelings, and answered the understanding of the relevant questions. He can't just ask for advice. Today's meeting is also a kind of mutual communication.

Amun said again, "you let the disciples understand the laws and relations of all things, and express them in numbers, but it is inexhaustible."

Pythagoras explained: "it is impossible for people to surpass their own knowledge and the times they live in. This will be the inheritance accumulated by the generations. People can know the world, but it doesn't mean they have mastered it. We often think that we are masters of the world, but actually we are slaves of desire. Even if we reach the end of human desire, we are still bound by it.

Isn't this the case of the creator God? So I don't want to be a creator God, you and Zeus are the same, and Allah and Anu will choose to leave. If so, let alone mortals? Generation after generation have opened their eyes to understand the world. Many people think that what they master is the truth, trying to blind the eyes of the world. The same is true of the believers you and I guide on earth. They may just think they believe in you. "

After hearing what Pythagoras said, Amun also showed a bitter smile, and suddenly looked up through the curtain to the door. Someone came, and Magnus said outside the door, "Sir, you can't go in. Mr. Pythagoras is talking to a guest."

The man replied, "I am Zeus."

"I was just about to ask your name," enks said, "that Mr. Pythagoras has told us that someone will come to visit. Please wait a moment. I'll inform you to see if it's not convenient for the teacher to see you. "

Then Pythagoras said in a loud voice, "let Zeus come in. We are already waiting for him."

The two disciples opened the door and said to Zeus, "you may go in."

Zeus strode into the room, picked up the curtain and came to the table. Pythagoras waved quietly, "father of gods, are you here? Sit down, please

There were three stools at this table. Amun and Pythagoras sat on the left and the right. The stool in the middle happened to be reserved for Zeus. Zeus angrily sat down and said to Amun, "you are killing so much in Delphi, the holy land of Olympus! Even if it's revenge for a mortal Aesop, killing Antonio in the temple is enough! Where do you put the Olympus Gods in this way? "

Amun answered slowly, "Zeus, you don't have to be so angry. It is true that I started the melee in the mountains first, but if I don't, I will be surrounded by the magic array. They set up an ambush at night. Do you want me to be arrested? "

Zeus: as the Lord of heaven, you should also understand the way in which the gods solve problems. Your conduct in the Delphi temple has violated the conditions of cooperation with me. The gods have ordered the envoys to stop you on the road. They just want to make a new agreement with you, but you don't choose to negotiate at all, but you directly kill people! "

Amun sneered: "they want to make a new treaty with me, but because I still have the right to negotiate. If I don't have this ability, do you think the envoys will be soft on me? You are angry because my reaction was unexpected. As the Lord of heaven, I dare to fight like this. Although the envoys are mortals, they directly threaten and challenge me. Of course, I can kill them. Even the gods behind the scenes met me with the same result

Zeus roared: "but this is the holy land of Olympus."

According to the ancient agreement between the various deities, the gods can not directly attack the mortals, except for the extraordinary people who directly challenge and offend the gods. The gods are not allowed to enter other gods without permission or invitation. At the beginning, Amun quietly came to the hitton Peninsula as an ordinary driver. Zeus found him and took the opportunity to discuss the conditions of cooperation.

Now Amun killed the envoys in public in the temple, which not only meant that his cooperation with Zeus was stopped, but also angered the Olympus Gods. Then he came here to be an unwelcome figure. The gods sent envoys to block the way, which means that a new treaty will be signed between the kingdom of angels and the kingdom of Olympus, but Amun directly killed the envoys.

Pythagoras suddenly interjected: "Zeus, I want to remind you that anuna's apocalypse and the nine linked gods are no longer there!"

The sage pointed out a key problem. There was an agreement between the ancient deities in Tianshu. However, Amun and the kingdom of angels integrated anuna Qishen Kingdom and Jiulian Kingdom, and established a new God system. The angels accepted the new guidance. There was no original agreement between this God system and Olympus.The only agreement Amun made with Zeus was the previous cooperation. At present, this cooperation has been suspended. Theoretically, Amun is not bound by any vows and commitments here. He only needs to bear the consequences for what he has done.

The gods of Olympus ordered the envoys to set up an ambush outside Delphi to force Amun, the Lord of heaven, to make a new covenant. As a result, Amun didn't buy it and killed all the way into Pythagoras manor. Now that Zeus is here, the two lords of heaven need to talk about whether to abide by the traditions of the ancient gods or to make new commitments?

Zeus said in a deep voice, "Amun, we need to have a good talk."

"I did not leave here, but visited Mr. Pythagoras, just waiting for you. I just want to ask you one thing. You know that what yalena and others have done is destroying the cooperation between you and me. Why do you acquiesce? "

Zeus did not answer, but Pythagoras reminded, "Amen, because you did what I wanted to do, Zeus had no choice."

What a wise man is! After Amun left Macedonian, he sent down the Oracle as the LORD God of Egypt to tell the secrets of the original power of the priests in the temples, so that people could understand that there was a way out of immortality. This was what Prometheus wanted to do at that time.

The reason why Zeus talked about cooperation with Amun was that Amun was also a lord of heaven. Through the expansion of Olympus, Zeus wanted to confirm a higher realm and become the true God of the gods. The sign of the final confirmation is to be able to integrate another heaven. In fact, he has two choices: Prometheus within the divine system and amon outside the divine system.

If Zeus is sure, he can ask Pythagoras at any time to return to the kingdom of heaven, restore Prometheus' identity, and try to integrate another heaven to achieve a fairyland. This is one of Zeus's choices. Zeus can also through the expansion of Olympus God domain, and finally merge and merge Amun's divine domain in the human world. If Amun's angel country still wants to guide believers in the world, he must go to Zeus for negotiation. Then Zeus can take the opportunity to ask Amun for a request, which is the second choice.

There was a conflict between Zeus and Prometheus, and he was more willing to cooperate with Amun, because Zeus was not willing to give up the secrets controlled by the gods and tell the mortals the way out of immortality. However, after Amun left Macedonian and issued the latest Oracle, Zeus had no choice. Both Prometheus and amon were the same for him. He must really allow the "fire" to spread to the world, in order to integrate their heaven.

Between Zeus and Prometheus, there was only a contradiction within the Olympian system. The appearance of Pythagorean manor meant that they could reach a new compromise. But after Amun issued the Oracle, the contradiction between him and Zeus became a conflict between the two gods, and it was almost irreconcilable.

There is a kind of secret, only when we keep it together, can we get the most benefit from each other. Once it is made public by one party, the situation of the other party will become very passive. For example, Amun told believers that mortals can transcend eternal life and come to his kingdom of heaven, but Zeus did not. Do people prefer to believe in Zeus or Amun? The answer is self-evident!

If other conditions remain unchanged, Amun will gain more and more believers in the world. Although those who believe in Amun are not necessarily luckier than those who believe in Zeus, the vast majority of those who transcend immortality still need direct guidance from gods. However, Amun will have absolute attraction for the struggle for the source of divine power, and even invade in another way.

The appearance of Aesop in the city of miduli is such a sign. Therefore, the gods took the opportunity of setting Aesop as an opportunity to attract Amun's revenge, and took advantage of this opportunity to terminate the cooperative relationship between him and Zeus. Zeus, knowing this, still acquiesced to the gods' practice, indicating that he did not want to cooperate with Amun.

The existence of Amun has threatened the interests of the gods of Olympus. There are two ways to deal with Amun, one is to eliminate the inheritance of this God system in the world, and the other is to force Amun to make a new agreement between the gods.

At this time Zeus said a truth: "Amun, you are here, no longer useful to me."

Yes, the kingdom of angels that fused Amun did not have to be another choice for Zeus. Prometheus within the divine system already had the realm of the Lord of heaven. Zeus wanted to get the chance to achieve a fairyland, which could be confirmed at any time when his cultivation reached the point. Now that the cooperative relationship between him and Amun has ended, the problem facing him is the negotiation between the two gods.

"Zeus, do you want to fight with me?" Amun asked

Zeus also showed anger: "you and I are the Lord of heaven, we can't do it easily, don't forget your identity! What you have done in Delphi has surprised me

Although Zeus is more powerful than Amun, he is not absolutely sure that he can defeat Amun. Looking at the scene of Amun's fighting with those deities today, it's just like leaving no room for it. The Lord of heaven is different from other gods. If he dies, the kingdom he created will no longer exist. Even if such gods want to do something, they will not take risks in their own Dharma.

Amun spread his hands: "in this case, I will be my guide and you will be your guide. Let the people of the world choose by themselves. This is the agreement between you and me. I am not only making an agreement with the gods, but also with the world. "**(to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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