Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 57

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:29:30 AM

Chapter 57

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Medanzo's armor and weapons were shining in the sun. He rode his horse to the square in front of the temple. All the people's eyes were immediately attracted by him and caused a stir of whispering. The mayor of Diqi quickly stepped up from the crowd, bowed politely and said, "knight from other countries, are you here to help us rescue Princess Xiaoxi?"

Medanzo dismounted and saluted: "my name is medanzo. I live in Wangdu. I am a fourth level warrior. Love to travel around the mainland, yearning for the legendary heroes, dream of one day to build their own achievements! I heard that you were recruiting warriors in the town, so I came to serve with your weapons. "

The prostitutes in the town also crowded in the crowd to watch the excitement. Several gorgeous girls said to the people nearby with pride: "look, that handsome hero, we were with him last night!"

It's a bit disappointing to see that medanzo dressed like a warrior, but he introduced himself as a fourth level warrior. But Diqi was still very happy. More people and more strength, the better the weapons, the stronger the combat effectiveness. He himself was a fifth class warrior and the only middle class warrior in the town. Now he has another medanzo.

The mayor of Diqi personally took the reins and said, "I, the town, the city and the whole kingdom will thank you Is this warrior with you As he spoke, he did not forget to lead another horse and follow Amun behind medanzo.

"He, he is my friend, a five level middle-level warrior, but he is modest and does not like to show off. He also took the initiative to rescue Princess Xiaoxi this time," he said

If he didn't introduce him like this, people might regard Amun as his servant. When a knight travels on the mainland, he often has more than one horse. The one who leads the horse and leans on the branches looks like an attendant. Medanzo was so well-dressed that his retinue was not shabby. He wore soft soled leather boots and beautiful fur clothes. The idea of letting Amun pretend to be a servant was originally madanzo's, but he didn't say that Amun was his servant after all, and temporarily changed his words to be a friend.

There is a fifth level warrior! Deqi was overjoyed to welcome Amun and said, "your bearing is like a noble hermit. Thank you for your help. This town and the city of Kish will thank you again and again Please have a rest in the temple. My clerk will give a detailed account of the operation and the horses will be taken care of by special personnel. "

Seeing that medanzo suddenly changed his mouth, Amun just laughed and said nothing. He and medanzo went into the Marduk temple in Akad town. The clerk and his servants arranged for them to have a good rest, eat enough and wait for their departure in the evening, while the recruitment in the square outside continued.

Amun sat in the temple lounge drinking broth, eating pancakes, chewing slowly, listening to the town's clerk, Dirk, introducing the plan of action. He and medanzo are both middle-level warriors, and they are especially respected and valued by a group of people. The clerk basically introduces them. Amun was about to get in and ask something, but he was stunned when he looked up, because he saw an "acquaintance" - not an acquaintance, but a God he had known since childhood.

The main god in the main hall of this temple is of course Marduk. On one wall of the side hall, there are many relief sculptures of gods. Among them, one of the goddess is mu Yun, the former Guardian God of Duke town. There is a temple dedicated to Mu Yun in Duke town. Amun has been familiar with her statue for a long time, but after experiencing that devastating disaster, he no longer wants to recall it.

But when he saw the relief of Goddess Mu Yun, he suddenly thought about one thing. Why did he feel so familiar when he met yinnanna for the first time? It turned out that she looked like Mu Yun! It is difficult to connect the solemn and dignified statue with the lively girl, but her face and posture are really like Mu Yun goddess.

Amun is going to save yinnanna. He thinks about it, and then he has some doubts. Is it a coincidence that Princess Xiaoxi of the kingdom of balun looks like goddess Muyun? The Baron royal family claimed to be the descendants of the gods in the world, so the goddess Mu Yun may also be the ancestor of Princess Xiaoxi, which can be explained.


Just as Amun was staring at the statue, a group of five people came to the square in front of the temple. The leader was a magician holding a staff! There is also a young magician and three armed warriors.

Before they came near, the mayor of Diqi had separated from the crowd and met him: "my Lord, please forgive me for the impoliteness of the mayor. I didn't know you were coming to this town Have you heard of what happened in the town, and have you come to help? "

They were just a group of passers-by who lived in the inn. They didn't reveal that there were magic masters among them. At this moment, they revealed their identity. The middle-aged man nodded his head slightly and said, "are you the mayor here? Well done! I'm Jackie, the sixth level magician from Wangdu. This is my student, elite, the third level magician. These three are my companions. They are all middle-level warriors. I heard that Princess Xiaoxi was in danger. The mayor recruited warriors to meet her. I should be of service! "

While Jackie was talking, he showed a special plaque. Although there was no name on it, it was enough to prove his identity. It was the symbol of balun seminary teachers and the certificate of access to many places in the seminary. There were signs of divinity on it to identify.

The mayor of Diqi was so overjoyed that he almost didn't jump up! Yesterday, he thought that he was the most unfortunate person in the world. How could he encounter such a disaster? But this afternoon, he almost thought that he was the luckiest man in the world. When he started to recruit, he knew that there were hidden dragons and tigers in Akkad town. Two magic masters and five more middle-level warriors came at once!At first, there was only one middle-level warrior in Akad Town, and there was only one third-class magician and one first-class magician in the temple. The strength of the whole town was no more than 20 lower level warriors. This afternoon's recruitment greatly increased the strength of their team, especially the noble Lord Jacques, who was the tutor of Wang Du theological academy, whose identity was completely different from that of ordinary divinists.

Level 6 magician, he has been able to cast high-level magic, only one step away from the great one. After listening to Jackie's self introduction, he heard about the killing of hunbaba by Gilgamesh and enqidu in wangduli. He took his students and several friends to the battle field of the yardihe River to visit the relics of the great war. The magician didn't lie. This was exactly what they wanted to do. They happened to pass by the town of Akkad.


At sunset, a strange convoy starts from Akkad town with all kinds of materials on it, just like a long-distance migration. The coachman and the convoy's guards are all samurai, armed with all kinds of weapons. Camels and horses were also followed by the motorcade. The procession went very fast. All the people looked serious. Some warriors were very excited.

It is said that to transport such a lot of materials, we should use the double shaft carriage with wide body. However, most of the cars in this fleet are light and strong. The body is very narrow, and only one horse is pulling it, so there are many. There are also several very light double shaft carriages in the team. With the best horses, they can run very fast. One is left at every other section of the road along the way, and there is a specially assigned person to guard them and no longer follow the team.

This is what the mayor of Diqi thought carefully and safely. If she rescued Xiaoxi and had a conflict with giant tribe, he should escort her to escape at the first time. Knights can change horses, but the noble princess needs to take a car. In case of injury, she has to receive treatment in the car. Changing cars along the way can ensure the fastest speed, so prepare the car in advance.

Amun watched all this in silence, and admired the mayor in his heart. For this kind of emergency, it was as if the sky was falling down for the mayor. However, Diqi Zhou did not deal with it in a disorderly way, and tried to do his best under the existing conditions.

Among the "important people" in this team, the most mysterious and precious of course are Jackie and others, the most powerful and popular is of course madanzo, and the most low-key is Amun. In addition to worry and nervousness, Diqi Zhou, the leader of the team, also had a trace of excitement and impulse. He didn't know the identity of Xiaoxi, but the beautiful and enchanting girl fascinated him and even wanted to pursue her.

After knowing that she was Princess Xiaoxi, she had cut off all the possibility of being close to each other, but there was just a chance in front of her. With such a team, he successfully rescued Xiaoxi princess, and may be able to win the favor of beauties. This is the hero's achievement. Although he would not be so stupid as to fight for his fiancee with Gilgamesh, and there was no wrong delusion, to win the favor and praise of the princess was in itself a supreme honor, not to mention the praise of the city-state and the king's capital.

In fact, many Samurai in the team have similar ideas, so they are worried with inexplicable excitement. At this moment, they may imagine themselves as the benefactor to kill humbaba.

Amun and medanzo had two horses, both good horses. The horses pulling the chariot were different from the horses riding the battle, but they could barely cope with such a rush. The mayor of Diqi gave them another horse to ride on the road. One of the three horses was always resting for two people. People can travel all night, but animals can't stand it. The whole team should be kept in the best condition.

Amon also noticed that among the group headed by Jackie, there was a young man whose identity was very special, which was obviously more noble than others. Although he was only an entourage, the other four people had a very respectful attitude towards him, and their expressions were all very cautious. No matter whether he was changing horses or drinking water, he was first to take care of the young man.

The young man, who claimed his name was youledu, was a noble warrior in Wangdu. It seemed that his identity was not simple. Amun found out this, but also quietly reminded medanzo. In fact, his own identity is the same. If medanzo doesn't change his mouth, he will pretend to be a servant to follow him. An inadvertent detail may be revealed, and it depends on whether anyone has noticed it.

The team set out all night and stopped for a short time in the morning. After eating and drinking, they immediately moved forward. As he walked on, Amun understood why most of the troops were light and narrow carriages. After entering the mountain, the road was rugged, and only this kind of carriage could barely pass through. Sometimes, he needed the help of a warrior to push through the difficult and dangerous roads.

At noon, when the sun was warmest, the motorcade stopped for a while. At this time, it had entered the deep mountain. It was a Valley Road between the steep mountains, gradually deepening and gradually rising. The surrounding peaks looked like huge objects, with an indescribable sense of oppression. The atmosphere gradually became tense. Everyone stopped talking and kept alert with weapons in hand.

The weather on the Syrian plateau is much colder than that in the Youdi River Valley. The more you go up the mountain, the colder the wind is. The warriors can't help but wrap up their clothes. Most of the barbarians living here are tall and powerful than ordinary people. They are not without communication with the outside world. Many plateau giants even accept the recruitment of mercenaries from nearby kingdoms. Gabriel was ambushed by governor Xiaomo's guards in the city-state of Syria, including two plateau giants trained in martial arts.The inhabitants of the highland giant tribe are not all so-called giants, just like the dwarves in link's dwarf tribe, but the especially tall and strong ones are really like giants. The kingdom of Assyria to the north of the plateau even had a special battle line of giants, which was to recruit and select such people for special training. The number was not large, but they were absolutely elite.

Many years ago, some of them were scattered in the war and fled back to the tribes in the mountains to teach the people what they had learned. Therefore, those powerful highland giant tribes also have warriors who practice physical skills. With their natural strength, they are really hard to deal with.

The strength of Xiaoxi's bodyguard is not weak, but she just comes out to play, not to fight, and she can't make a fool of herself with a great magician. Beside her are two middle-level magicians and a seventh level warrior, the one who broke out of the encirclement and reported with injuries. The other eight are also middle-level warriors. However, soldiers in the highland giant tribe can use bows and swords, which are powerful and have a long range. It is also dangerous for the magicians to be surrounded.

Not all highland giants are well-trained. Fortunately, only a few of them have achieved physical skills. Most of them can use bows and arrows, but they generally do not cooperate as in battle. But this time the situation is very special. It is a little strange that several of the most powerful giants in the vicinity have joined forces to act together.

We can't fight with them. We should not be in a position where we can be shot by bows and arrows in several directions. We should pay attention to the terrain. We should not be forced into the Jedi with no retreat. ——The mayor of Diqi explained the process of the matter in detail to the public, and arranged various response plans. But nothing else happened along the way, not even the plateau giant.

That afternoon, the motorcade climbed a steep mountain road and reached an open area on the top of the mountain plateau. Finally, they met the people who came to meet them. They are a group of tall men, almost everyone's stature is similar to the enqi that Amun has seen. They are holding heavy weapons such as sticks, hammers, iron forks and so on. They are dressed in a mess of fur clothes. They are very happy to see the motorcade going up the mountain.

Deqi Chou got out of the car, and medanzo got out of the horse. He and Amun escorted the mayor to the left and left. The sixth level magician Jackie followed behind him. They kept a very cautious formation, while the others remained at the side of the convoy.

"Are you the tribe that besieged the princesses of the kingdom? I've brought everything I want! Who is the leader, please? Tell him to come out and talk to me

The group who met them had a very stiff accent and called out in a disorderly voice, "we are all leaders! It's good if you bring something. Give it to us. "

Diqi Zhou Lianlian shook his head and said, "even if it is kidnapping, there is no such redemption! This is your territory. I have traveled a long way to deliver everything, showing my complete sincerity. You must at least let me see the princess and know that she is safe and sound before you can hand it over. "

"Princess?" "He wants to see the princess?" "No, he wants to negotiate!" "Aren't we ready to negotiate?" "Oh, let's talk about it!" The more than ten plateau giants whispered for a long time, then yelled to Diqi Zhou: "kidnapping needs negotiation, right? We all know it Come here. We've got tents in front of us. "

Even the mayor of Diqi, who had dealt with the plateau giants and knew their temperaments, was puzzled. Is there anything else? Since all the people have come, let's go over and talk about it. The young man named youleduo wanted to "negotiate" together, but both Diqi and Jackie asked him to guard the team.

On the way, the mayor of Diqi assigned each task to everyone. The young man named youledu was mainly responsible for rescuing the princess and quickly escorting her to leave. The other two middle-level warriors and a magician were accompanied to protect her. The heavily armed medanzo and others took cover. The mayor must have seen that youleduo's status is extraordinary, even more noble than Jackie.

Not far ahead, there was indeed a tent on the open space outside the woods. It was very big and magnificent. It was actually made of expensive snow leopard skin on the plain. It was very beautiful. Such a tent is set up in the mountains, and even the beasts dare not get close to it when they see it from afar. However, it looks very rough and the seams are messy.

Walking into the tent, there are tables and stools, made of logs, strong and heavy. A little man came to meet him, bowed and said, "is that the mayor of Diqi from Akkad? My name is eusil. I'm the representative of the United tribes here. Have we sent everything we want? "

This man is very eloquent. He is not short at all. He is almost as tall as Diqi, but he looks like a dwarf standing in a group of tall tribal people. Eusil's big round head, round eyes, round nose, no smile is also smiling expression, looks very funny.

Amun noticed that there was a stick on eusil's waist, which was very much like a staff of Dharma. After carefully sensing it, it was really a staff. Although it could not enter Amun's eyes, it was also a good thing for ordinary magicians.

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