Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 72

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:29:08 AM

Chapter 72

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That night, after the grand banquet, rod Dick was tired and stayed in the back yard of the temple. The so-called temple is not only a temple, it is the most extensive building complex in the city-state. There are many courtyards and garden buildings behind for the gods to live in.

Julian took advantage of the opportunity of all the people to attend, and after he had finished the banquet, he called several people in private, including the oldest priest of the promontory temple, Fayol Judas, the clerk of rod Dick, the current patriarch of the lington family, and the youngest brother, Hilary.

It's an honor to be summoned by Julian alone. The content of the conversation is not public. It has something to do with Amun. Julian asked the oldest priest who was present when he first read Nero's last words? Ask Fayol Judas Amun's experience of reporting to rod Dick, and carefully compare what amon said with him to see if there is any difference? If Amun talks twice about the process of obtaining Nero's relics, his words are different, which is worthy of doubt.

Fayol Judas took advantage of this opportunity to say: "I don't think that stranger is simple. He has lived in the inn for several days and can deliver the staff to Lord Dick's house at any time. However, on the day of the monthly Temple ceremony, he stopped the city Lord's carriage in public, and was very thoughtful. I suspect that he did not tell the whole truth. He must have seen something else in Lord Nero's last words, or got something else

Julian said quietly, "do you think it's time to find out? If he really knows something he shouldn't know, it will be very troublesome to publicize it in a foreign country. "

Fayol Judas, who had his own selfish heart, began to think and flatter him: "the best way is to ask him clearly, or let him never speak. But this must not be made public, otherwise it will affect the city Lord and your reputation. "

Julian took a look at Fayol, turned aside the subject and asked, "I'm just asking. I don't want to do anything. But I think both of them are very dissatisfied with Amun, aren't they? "

Fayol Judas nodded: "yes, they had suggested that the Lord of the city should put amon in confinement for interrogation, but they were rebuked by the Lord of Dick."

Julian laughed: "Lord Dick is wise. You should scold such rude and stupid suggestions. How can the Lord of the city ruin his reputation? As a person in power, his reputation among the people is priceless, so that he can be banned Fayol, get out of here and let Timothy and Hillary come in. I'll stay in the promontory for a long time, and I may have to ask you for help

Fayol nodded again and again: "it's a pleasure for Judas to serve your Lord."

Julian also called in two nephews of the lington family, chatted some irrelevant gossip to outsiders, expressed sympathy to the lington family, congratulated them on obtaining the relics of their ancestors after more than 30 years, and then expressed a lot of emotion about the events of the day. Naturally, he also mentioned Amun, a stranger, who left immediately after receiving a rich gift.

After drinking a lot of wine in the evening, the lington brothers talked more and more excited by the strength of the wine. They thought that Amun could not open the space ring and did not dare to ask a great magician for help, so they came to the promontory city to return the staff. Nero must have mentioned something in the cave's message, but the crafty stranger did not say that he should be detained and interrogated clearly. Unfortunately, the Lord of the city refused to let him.

Julian said with a smile: "the city Lord's decision is very wise and reasonable. You should never be rude to amon openly. But the detailed will of Lord Nero in the cave should be made clear. It was left by your ancestors. You are entitled to ask. But the Lord of the city has ordered that some things must not be disclosed. My opinion is completely consistent with Lord Dick. "

The brothers seemed to think of something, exchanged their eyes, and then chatted for a while before leaving.

After the lington brothers left, Julian called his confidant vitruh. He took his entourage with him on this inspection tour. He was also the high priest and sixth level magician of Isis temple. After a lot of conspiracy, vitruo nodded again and again. Julian finally said, "you must be careful when dealing with Amun. He can cross the desert with his staff and safely arrive at the promontory city-state. At least he is also a middle-level warrior. I can see that he has learned physique."

Vitruo: "there can't be too many people involved in this. I'll take some elite warriors and choose from your personal guards. You will stay in the city for a while, and it will not be doubted that you will give a few days' leave to the warriors who have been protecting them along the way. "

Julian visited the city, not only with two magicians, but also with a bodyguard, a total of 12 warriors. He himself was an eight level master of divinity, and he was walking on the official roads of the Empire. He did not need such protection at all. However, it was necessary for the high priest of Isis temple to have the proper appearance and honor.

The great magician thought for a moment and said, "then let Haiwen lead the team. He is only a short step away from becoming a seven level warrior. If this is done well and he goes back to be a warrior, I will try to find a chance for him to replace Gabriel. Gabriel, who is dedicated to guarding the virgin, has become Maria's right arm. It is she who should be sent out from Isis temple Let's not say that for a moment. Let's talk about your plans first. "Vitru echoed: "Haiwen is your captain of the guard. Of course, he is absolutely trustworthy. If he leads the team and selects three more samurai, I will surely follow him. Moreover, Haiwen was born as a hunter. He learned a lot of skills in Isis temple. He was good at tracking and assassinating. No matter where he went, no matter where he was hidden, he could not escape. "

Julian nodded his head with satisfaction, and warned cautiously, "Haiwen has been awakened twice by his power. He can master low-level divinity, and can also use intermediate scrolls. Of course, it's OK to act with you. But you can't underestimate the enemy. Amun has a lot of scrolls in his hand. You should prevent him from fighting with trapped animals. Be careful of those scrolls. "

Vitruo asked curiously, "he is not a magician. It's useless to have scrolls."

Julian shook his head. "How can you be sure that there is no magician behind him? If he is a middle-level warrior, he may also be awakened by the second level of strength, and can use auxiliary low-level magic, then he can also use intermediate scroll

Haiwen was surprised: "your Lord, do you suspect that he is a magician?"

Julian said calmly, "be careful, it's right. As for whether it's like this, you'll know when you do it. Here are three scrolls, one high-level scroll and two intermediate scrolls. Take it and give Haiwen one intermediate scroll in case of emergency. "

"These scrolls are very precious. You'd better keep them by yourself. We don't dare to use them

Julian insisted: "it's best not to use nature, and I don't want to waste them on Amun, so you can take them with you, just be prepared. Then again, even if you use these scrolls, it's OK. There are more scrolls on amon. As long as you take him, you won't suffer any loss. "

After hearing this, vitruo took the scroll and asked, "what else can I do for you, my lord?"

Julian showed a sneer: "if Haiwen tracks Amon, you may as well leak the information to * * lington, but don't let * * know who sent the message. I think they will also track it."

Vitruo puzzled asked: "my Lord, what do you mean, are you not to be strictly confidential?"

Julian replied, "yes, of course, it's strictly confidential. What you do can't be found out. But if something goes wrong, for example, if the motion of using the scroll is too big, and someone is not careful to be found out, someone has to carry the black pot, right? Even if someone were to investigate, they would only find that he had secretly tracked Amun. "

Vitruo picked up his thumb and said, "Your Majesty is brilliant!"

Julian also said, "I will give the guards a holiday in the morning, so that they can have a good rest in the city. As for you, I will send you back to dreamflies to report and settle some affairs. At the same time, I will send a secret letter to the other two high priests. When you get out of the city, you'll meet Haiwen and take care of Amon's business


Lord Julian was suddenly ordered by the virgin to stay in the promontory city for a year without any preparation in advance, so he sent vitelu back to monfeth the next day to report and settle down some affairs, and help him get some things back. Vitro set out early in the morning. The merciful Lord Julian showed sympathy for his subordinates, and gave them a holiday to the soldiers who had been closely guarding them for a long time, so that they could stroll around the city at will.

Lord rod Dick, who had been working hard for many days, finally returned to his house, and his entourage and aides returned to the house one after another. When Aristotle entered the door, he was stopped by a gatekeeper and said to him respectfully, "my Lord, when Mr. Amun left yesterday, he asked me to give this to you."

The doorkeeper handed over a box made of coconut shell. The sculptor was very beautiful. It was a small toy bought by Amun when he was shopping a few days ago. It was sealed with glue. It was not clear what was inside. It could only be opened by cutting the seal with a knife. Amun did not recognize Aristotle, but left him something when he left, which made Aristotle very surprised. He quickly returned to his room and opened the box.

In the box, there lies a shining stone, which is a precious blue water heart. Pick up the blue stone, there is a small note below, write a short line: "thank you!"

Seeing this, Aristotle understood that Amun had already recognized him. When he left, he left this blue water heart and this note to thank Aristotle for his salvation.

Aristotle's face was very complicated. Suddenly, he stomped his feet and walked out. He went straight to the backyard to meet rod Dick. He knew that the LORD had been tired these days and had just laid down to rest. He also knew that Amun had left yesterday. He should have been far away from the city. He had planned to wait for Lord dick to report something after he woke up, but he didn't want to wait any longer when he saw what Amun had left.

Rod Dick would have been angry if he hadn't been his most trusted aide, and people would have been afraid to report. But Aristotle suddenly asked for an interview in this situation. There must be something important. Lord Dick sat down in his bedroom and called Aristotle in.

As soon as Aristotle entered the door, he first apologized, then put the small box on the record, opened it and said, "look, Lord, this is what Amun asked the porter to deliver to me when he left."Rod Dick saw the blue water at a glance. He was surprised. He took up the note and looked at it. He was puzzled and asked, "Sir, what's the matter?"

Aristotle sighed: "I'm afraid the Lord of the city has no impression. That Amun was a miner in Duke town. It is he who mined the tears of the gods! He was also the servant of the virgin for three days, and he said thank me because I had rescued him in Duke Town, which I mentioned to you. That child was old enough to recognize, but he knew me

He told a brief account of the past, and Lord rod Dick said with wide eyes, "what a coincidence! I heard that Duke town has been destroyed by the flood, and this Amun is still alive. What a blessing! At the beginning, he extracted the tears of the gods, which was the patronage of the goddess Isis. Why didn't the child tell the past? If I know, I should thank him well! "

Aristotle: "he doesn't say that naturally he has concerns, or he doesn't want to recall the disaster in his hometown. But to you, this child is just like an angel of the gods. At that time, he extracted the tears of the gods, and today he has returned the staff of the city Lord's God. You should be careful to protect such a person anyway, and think about what he has brought to you? "

Roddick looked up. "What do you mean? Is something going on? "

Aristotle pondered: "to be sure, I don't know what will happen. It's just a personal suspicion. It's not easy to say. But when I see this thing, I have to say, otherwise I can't sleep well. Lord Julian summoned several people in private last night, I'm afraid it has something to do with amon. You can ask Judas, and perhaps Julian himself, for details. I hope that there will be no damage to your reputation or to the gods. I hope all this is just my thoughtfulness

Rod Dick's expression became dignified, and he waved his hand and said, "you go out first and shout Fayol Jew."

Fayol Judas was surprised to be summoned by rod dick in his bedroom. After he saluted, rod Dick directly asked, "what did Lord Julian say to you last night?"

Fayol did not dare to hide in front of him. He reported the private meeting with Julian. He repeated every conversation in detail as much as possible. He just ignored the paragraph that he said about Amun. Finally, he explained carefully: "Lord, it is you who asked me to be responsible for arranging Lord Julian's daily life and meeting his various requirements as far as possible. I think Lord Julian is very worried about Amun, but I also advise him not to do anything that will damage your reputation

Rod Dick nodded calmly. "I see. Tell the guard to prepare the horse. I'm going to see Lord Julian."

Julian was sleeping soundly, but was awakened by his servant. He was about to lose his temper when he heard that it was the Lord of Dick who came to visit urgently, so he dressed himself to see the guests. In the reception room, he sent all the others away. Rod Dick said to the point, "Dear great magician, do you want to chase Amun who has left. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Julian was stunned by this, but said with a smile, "Lord Dick, in your city-state, everything is under control! But I wonder why you ask such a question. Are you doubting me? "

Rod Dick quickly shook his head and said, "no, no matter what Lord Julian does, there is a reason. I should help. I just want to say a word. If you hurt Amun, it will damage the city-state, the temple and your honor. It's not worth the loss. "

Julian could still smile. He added with a smile, "this will be a very serious injury to your reputation, Lord of the city. Of course I understand that. So please rest assured that no matter what happens, there will be no situation you are worried about. Can I make such a promise? "

Rod Dick didn't say a word. Julian added with a smile, "Lord Dick, I've been ordered to stay in the promontory for a year to supervise and direct the temple affairs here. I want to ask you one thing. It's just a hypothesis. Who will you defend between me and a foreign hunter? "

Rod Dick lowered his head and said, "why do you ask such a question? Of course, it's you, the honourable Julian. It's not even necessary to say In fact, I have always had an expectation that you will become the chief god of the promontory city-state, and the staff will return at this time, which symbolizes the will of the gods

When rod Dick suddenly mentioned this, Julian was a little surprised. He said with a smile: "after a few days here, especially after seeing the remains of Lord Nero, I have already known that there is no less than the high priest in Isis temple. But I can't help it. It's not up to me to decide. It needs the order of Isis temple and the approval of King eju. So it's useless for you to ask me for it, even if I want to. "

Rod Dick raised his head and said, "as long as you like, I hope Dick is not disrespectful. If there is such a day, all the affairs of the promontory city still need your full support."

Julian's smile on his face was even stronger: "it turns out that the Lord Dick valued me so much that he was willing to give up the power of the Lord's God. Julian was flattered In this case, why should we talk about mutual suspicion? I promise the Lord of the city that we will never do anything that will harm the city and your reputation, but there are two things I want to remind you in privateRod Dick: please say so

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