Published at 22nd of February 2023 07:24:47 AM

Chapter 104: To Japan (3)

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A huge wing. A creature called a dragon that cannot be found on modern Earth is flying through the sky.

It was Echidna who was contacted by the rains and flew like a gunshot.

"... When did you prepare this?"

The smoker asked.

She was sitting on a chair installed on Echidna's back.

Rain said.

"I don't want to do what I did before."

I remember riding Echidna to Pohang.

A miserable memory that flew on a scale. It was a memory I never wanted to experience again.

"Is this your shield, too?"

The smoker touched the black wall that was blocking the wind, wrapped around the chair.

The rain nodded.

"Things got better than that."

Exactly how much Margie changed.

Magi Stat, who crossed three digits, managed the power of projection to cover Echidna's body, while blocking the wind with a shield, gave her no problem.

'The role of the devil is also great and important.'

Easier to operate with a more formal finish.

Previously, it was possible to concentrate on the spirit and spread the power much more easily.

Thanks to this, even though Echidna was flying at full speed, the group was able to travel to Japan quite comfortably.

I couldn't help but tremendously shake it.

"Whoops! Whoops!!"

The implement began to squander in the chair. A stalk of tears gushed out of the snow covered in sunglasses.

"Please, slow down..."

"Hang in there because it's a situation."


In response to Zhang's current knife, he was desperate. I was right to be in hell for a man who is so sick.

[Rain, are you going to fight again?]

Echidna's worried voice echoes in her head.

[You can't do what you did before.]

"Got it."

Rain nodded with a bitter smile.

Opening of the Battle of Man.

He had no intention of gambling recklessly as collateral for his life.

'I'll do it if I have to.'

I also gained a new power called Due.

If you dizzy, you will be able to deal with the case without opening the door to war.

"Stir... Mr. Rain."

A cautious voice that seems to crawl in. The rain turned its head. There was a shriveled hangover among the ranking players around.

"Can I come with you?"

A cat mixed with a pack of lions. She looked at the rain with a worrying look.

"It's okay. You just have to keep the buff in the back."

"Wouldn't it have been better for you or Tae-soo? I don't know if I can help Mr. Rain.."

"At least your help will be greater this time."

It was Han Seola who considered Rain as his last companion along with Echidna.

It was true that Kim Si-hun was much more helpful if she said it was simple power.

Nevertheless, the rain chose her. There was one reason.

'Buff I received before.'

Her 'Grace of Light' buff increases her unique stats.

The effect will be even greater, perhaps because the level is much higher than it was then.

If the Magi stats that are now three digits are buffed up, the effect is enormous.

It wasn't just a buff that could hang on to itself, so I could expect other people to increase their power.

'Thinking about it, buff abilities are almost fraudulent.'

Buffrani that will never raise stats to the teeth.

Given how hard it is to increase stats the more you become a high-level player, it usually didn't work.

The reason players want to turn on their lights and get legendary gear was because stats were mostly for this purpose.

[Rain, arrived.]

The rain lifted its head.

I saw a giant island, no, land.

Because the area of Hokkaido was so large, it was never difficult to call it an island.


Upon seeing the island from above, the rains kept their mouths shut.

The first thought came to mind, "It's horrible."

Sapporo, the source of the SS Gate, was so thoroughly destroyed that it was hard to see and open its eyes.

How to appear in a post apocalypse movie A view of a collapsed city.

'Is this the end of a city that can't handle monsters?'

In fact, I heard that there are several such places in Korea.

But nowhere has it been thoroughly destroyed, as in Hokkaido.


Monsters fly up between destroyed buildings.

It was a giant non-dragon with a size of over 10 metres.

The skin was made of hard rock, and the claws were as sharp as steel.


The culprit who destroyed Hokkaido as a normal monster of the SS class.


"Once the damage is done, I don't have time to deal with that monster right now."

[Yes, okay.]

Echidna pivoted.

"Over there."

Zhang Hyun pointed to one place.

Near the sea, there was an architecture reminiscent of the bunker from the famous game.

It was a Sapporo base built to restore Hokkaido, which became a monster paradise in Japan.

Of course, I had built a base, but I wasn't seeing much effect yet.

Echidna, who came down to the base, quickly returned to her human form.

Upon releasing the power of the projection, a rainy group appeared as if it had fallen from the sky.

"Who is it?"

"Where, all of a sudden..."

The Japanese players who were guarding the base pulled out their weapons.

Zhang Hyun approached.

He spoke to players in fluent Japanese.

"Echidna, do you have the interpreter magic you walked before? Walk me through that in advance."


The conversation between Jang Hyun and the Japanese player came to your ears when the magic took place.

"I want to hear the current situation."

"Prime Minister Yamada and Fujimoto Ryoma are meeting inside. I will be in touch with you shortly, so please wait."

Zhang Hyun nodded.

A moment later, the door of the bunker opens and a wrinkled old man walks out with a clean impression.

"Oh. I can't believe you're sending reinforcements so quickly... Thank you so much, Commander Jang Hyun."

"No, it's a crisis in a neighboring country, so we have to overcome it together."

"Those in the back..."

Prime Minister Yamada quickly rolled his eyes.

Once you know the face, there are three.

The guild master of the Red Rose Guild, Chamfered and Painter Unit, was a department store and implementer.

But I didn't know anything about the other three.

"Players who supported this Demon Church subjugation and hostage rescue operation. I assure you of my skills."

Zhang Hyun stood up and said.

In fact, he didn't know exactly how much power Rain, Echid, or Hansulah had, but he couldn't say anything about losing confidence in the Prime Minister.

"Hmm. Got it. If that's what the current commander says, you have to believe it."

Once it was cold, it wasn't too hot to cover.

At the end of the conversation with Prime Minister Yamada, Fujimoto Ryoma stepped out.

He bows politely to the rainy group behind Jang Hyun.

"Nice to meet you. It's called Fujimoto Ryoma."

A tall key with a clean look.

He was not unusually handsome as Kim Shi Hoon, but he was a difficult young man to see.

Especially the eyes.

The blue glowing left eye contrasts with the plain black right eye, revealing a mystery.

It was a commonly spoken odyssey.

"First of all, thank you for your support in this case. I can ignore it as the work of another country, but when I see you as passionate as the work of your own country, my heart....."

"Let's get to the outskirts."

Rain cut him off.

Immediately Fujimoto Ryoma's expression was distorted.

"More than that, I would like to hear about the current position of Demon Church and the progress of the summoning ritual."


Fujimoto nods with a nice smile again.

"So let me give you an approximate situation."

He led a rainy group into the bunker.

There was a map of Sapporo's current location in the conference room inside the bunker.

"This is where I think the Devil Church is preparing for the summoning ceremony."

A long baton pointed to the map.

"Sapporo Station where SS Gate was first opened. On the third floor of history, Demon Church is preparing a summoning ceremony. However, the surrounding area is full of variant monsters that the Demon Church supposedly released. Apart from variant monsters, a number of demon churches are guarding the area."

The explanation followed.

"We couldn't get through here with our power right now. This is also why I asked you for help."

"What about the operation?"

Zhang Hyun asked.

Fujimoto Ryoma pointed to two places on the map.

"I intend to use Operation Bucket. I intend to raid from this side first to lure the Devil's gaze into the role of bait, then to raid from the back. Here, I want to leave the raid in the back to Korean players. They probably don't have any information about you, so you can expect the effects of the ambush."


Immersion flowed from Zhang's current mouth. The look of rain on the operational plates was not very pleasant.

Two-way operation.

Draw attention from one side and moisten from behind.

It's a good operation.

It was also a way of demonstrating many achievements in real history.

'That's the problem.'

I do.

It was rather problematic that the operation was too good. It was because I could imagine, and prepare.

Demonic Church was not guarding such a huge place as some castle.

All they had to protect was the place where the summoning ceremony took place and the Kurosaki glass.

"I see what you're thinking."

Fujimoto Ryoma smiled.

He pointed in the other direction of the map.

"In fact, there's one last thing in this operation. One hits a chaotic gap, breaking in this direction and rescuing the Heavenly Virgin."

Number of Beatons in the third round of both wars.

If it worked properly, it certainly wasn't a bad operation. No, in the first place, it was a bad operation, even if it was a bucket operation itself.

The Demon Church did not yet know the true history of Korean players, so it was able to get behind him as he said.

"I'll take this role. I think it's the right thing for me to do because it's something that the individual needs to move about."

Lose World Rankdown.

'No, it's hard to say defeat.'

The rains opened their eyes thin. The smell of desire emanating from Fujimoto Ryoma was epileptic.

'Well, I want to be a hero.'

The granddaughter of one of the kidnapped kings. A world ranker without only eight people in the world to save her!

It was a phrase that was drawn and drama came to mind.

Perhaps Fujimoto Ryoma himself knows that better than anyone.

It doesn't matter.

It had nothing to do with the rain, whether he had the desire to be a hero or not. That other thing didn't matter.

What was important was that the operation he proposed was likely to succeed, and that if it succeeded properly, we could stop Reese from summoning him.

"Let's get started."

Rain rose from its place.

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