Published at 14th of March 2023 07:37:12 AM

Chapter 226: Isn't that what this is all about? (1)

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"So you can make that Abyss Knight right away?"

[Umm…. There's a problem.]

Balzahark, who looked at Ludwig's body, opened his mouth.

Rain frowned.

"What's the problem?"

[There is still too much power in this Ludwig's body. I think we should wait for the power to fall out over time. You can't work like this.]

Balzahark said with a difficult expression.


Rain spilled a short dip.

I walked towards Ludwig's lying corpse.


Energy, Magic of Nature used by divines such as humans, monsters, and even Tyrion.

Destructive energy derived from Old Hell, Magi.

And energies, sexuality, that are completely contradictory to that magi.

Of course, all three energies are the same in terms of 'power'.

It's the same with destroying something and smashing it.

Swinging your sexual strength into a weapon doesn't really heal or do anything.

All three energies differed in their nature, but the fundamental part was energy.

'What will happen?'

Rain shines as if it were interesting.

Magical power has a property that can be converted to magic after absorbing it, 'Demon coveting magic power'.

However, I have never absorbed my strength, nor have I gained from anything else.

'Can you convert your power into magic as well?'

Then it was good news that Ludwig was able to absorb the strength of strength.

[Once the sexual power in the flesh disappears naturally...]


Rain reached out.

I raised my hand on Ludwig's body.

Black smoke flowed out of his hand and covered Ludwig's body.

'The power of predation.'

A sharp tooth emerged from the black smoke.

Small, innumerable teeth that are close to the red, not the teeth of the beast.

It was a tooth that transformed Ludwig's body to suck only sexual force without causing direct wounds.

Chu Chuk.

Along with the sound of drooling, small and long teeth were dug into Ludwig's body.

Absorbs the sexual force in the body.

Oops. A white band of light escapes from Ludwig's body and flows into the body of the rain.

Cuddle up!


The look of rain is distorted.

I felt my skin twisting along where my sexual energy flowed.

Pain that burns from the inside.

'Is Maggie pushing back?'

Rain lightly filled my tongue.

If it was a repulsive energy, it could not be absorbed by force.

I tried to stop absorbing sexual force.

It was then.


[STR STET +1.]


Unexpected message.

A puzzling question flowed from the mouth of the rain.

Stats up? '

Laughter flowed out.

'No, well, since you've absorbed your strength, stats may go up.'

Still, it feels strange to have a sexual stat because it is the Demon King.

'Should I call this corruption? What am I supposed to say?'

If an angel had magic, he could easily call it another angel, but on the contrary, he was vague about what to call it.


It is not a name that matters.

Rain was temporarily distracted, looking at the sexual stats added to the status window.

'Don't pile this up.'

Will it be poison or gain?

I'm not sure.

I don't even expect it.

Magi's rebuke is not so violent and insanely rebellious that it cannot absorb facts.

Absorbing sexual force is not difficult if you absorb it simultaneously while controlling the magi.

'Let's see what it looks like when we absorb it.'

I had to absorb my normal state, my sexual strength, to see how my sexual and magi react in everyday situations after remaining stats.

If you get in the way of moving Magi, there is no reason to have a sexual force while taking damage.


[STR STET +1.]


He continued to absorb Ludwig's sexual power.

Since the stats themselves are not high, it seems that the sexual stats are rising at a fast rate.

I closed my eyes.

Margie was in control.

I felt a stem of light flowing into the deep darkness where the end was invisible.

I feel like I've met a creature that glows on its own in the deep sea that doesn't enter a single point of light.

I thought it was mysterious, beautiful.

'Is this a sexual force?'

I raised my hand.

Small, white light gathers.

A feeling of heartbreak with a gentle feeling.

It was the energy with which the inaccurate expression "sacred" fits.

'If you put this on, it would look amazing.'

If you have Magi in your body, if you feel something destructive and violent, you have the opposite sex.

It has a mild but trusting atmosphere.

'I think this will be useful.'

It was more of an illusion.

like a kind of outfit, irrespective of the nature or character of its existence.

However, considering how important clothing is in the relationship between man and man, and more importantly between man and adult, we cannot deny that it is just an illusion.

It's simple to think about why scammers look so neat.

Who would believe you if you asked them to dress up close to you and invest in this coin?

'Of course I'm not a fraud.'

He was so distant from fraud as himself that he wanted to have a man who had nothing to do with incitement, forgery or fraud in the first place.

But apart from that, it is undeniable that this sexual force will help.

Sexuality was an essential element, even though we thought we should form friendly relationships with angels in the future.

'You can't just trust the dominant character of Margie.'

Magi's Dominator attributes make Magi feel like 'Magical Power'.

In other words, commercializing the dominant character of Margie does not see the same effect as sexual power.

In particular, the power of the Holy Sword recently proved to have the power to detect Magi. The power of the sword was useful in many ways in the yard.

'Maybe you can interfere with Magi detection due to your power.'

The likelihood in itself was not high.

With Ludwig's power alone, it is virtually impossible to conceal the magic of all wars.

Sprinkling water in the ocean doesn't make it a river.

However, it is also possible to see some effect when overlapped with the useful characteristic of being the dominant of Margie.

'There seems to be no major disruption in running Maggie.'

Most importantly, this.

Consciously controlling Magi avoided conflicts with the Power.

Just like walking around and running the Celestial Dragon method.

Daily control of Magi allowed the collision to be completely avoided.

[G, are you absorbing your strength now?]

Balzahark asks in a puzzling voice, as if he saw a sight that could not be seen.

"Oh, yeah."


I didn't understand why Balzahark was so surprised.

'Even if you can control Magi a little bit, it's not difficult to have the power and Magi at the same time.'

I thought that even if it was Balzahark, it would not be difficult to control Margie this much.

[What the hell... that can't be possible....]

Nevertheless, Balzahark raised his hand to the skull as if confused.

Rain curled his head and raised his hand again to Ludwig's corpse.

"Then I'll lose all my strength."


Before Balzahark's words continued, the power of predation once again covered Ludwig's body.

Elongated teeth dig into Ludwig's body.


A feverish breath came out of my mouth.

Accepting power by controlling Magi.

It was difficulty enough to give a good stimulus to the brain.

'This is quite fun.'

It feels like playing a well-balanced puzzle game.

Rain smiled and embraced her sexual strength in her body.


[Increase MP stats by 1.]

[MP stats reached 73!]


It looks like a high dog figure, but it does not.

'Most of the sexual force dissipated during absorption?'

Turning to simple stats, Ludwig's Power stats would have crossed 100 without difficulty.

The higher the stat, the higher the stat. Given the characteristics of a stat with a large difference of 1, the strength stat of 73 is never high.

'Well, I can't help it.'

In the first place, the power of predation does not absorb 100% even when it absorbs Magi.

There is no way you can fully absorb your first sexual energy.

'Let's do a little experiment for a second.'

I wondered what it would feel like if I dealt with my strength and Magi at the same time.

Rain lifted his left arm.

After putting a magi on his left arm, he used his strength at the same time.

Kuku Gugu Gugu Bow!!!!

The lab vibrated.

As if the two energies were causing a chemical reaction, they began to burst with enormous energy.


Moaning came out.

The skin of his left arm split and black blood spurted up.

And first things first.


I saw a grey energy on my left arm that I had never seen before.

Before even realizing the gray magic power, a horrible fist shattered his left arm.

"Oh, shit."

Zola's sick.

It was a struggle I couldn't handle even the rain I was accustomed to suffering.

Controlled Magi to avoid collisions with power.

'It's hard to mix the two energies.'

I was curious about the grey energy I just saw, but I thought I couldn't mix it with it.

"You're going to be sick. '

It was hard to bear the pain.

Rain has controlled Magi and prevented it from mixing with sexual power.

[Huh... What... did you really absorb all of Ludwig's power just now?]

Balzahark opens his mouth like he can't believe it.

"Well, it wasn't that hard."

[What do you mean? Sexuality is the energy that collides with Margie. Collisions cannot be avoided unless the work of Margie is controlled….]

Balzahark's words were cut off.

His body began to tremble less.

[No way Master... You've been controlling Maggie all day so far?]

"Eh? Isn't that obvious? That's what it's all about."

I asked him what he was talking about.

Magi is a devastating energy.

The energy contained in Manhattan was so enormous that it could not be controlled, but at least Magi, who could use it right away, was always in control even at the moment of his sleep.

If you don't do that, you'll be swallowed up.



Balzahark shut up firmly.

What do you mean, you control Maggie? What the hell does that mean?

'How is that....'

It was like controlling the blood flowing in the body on a cell-by-cell basis.

'What the hell.'

Balzahark passed away.

I looked at his master and looked at the rain with a puzzling look.

'What is this monster?'

Presence of inviolability.

The bone of Balzahark facing him is engraved with deep fear like a stigma.

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