Published at 14th of March 2023 07:35:30 AM

Chapter 264: Augang Woo Rescue Operations (1)

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Tons of noisy videos.

It was like a cross, and the limbs of the rain were tied to the pillars.

It wasn't just the notion of chained arms.

A black chain, like Magi, pierced the flesh of the rain and was surrounded by massive columns of titles.

Blood and pus were pouring from the shoulders and arms, calves, thighs, and flesh pierced through the clavicle, and the face of the rainfall, with one eye forced, was distorted by pain and terror.

Sihun, ah.

"Ah, ah."

Even in such situations.

Even under such horrible circumstances.

Run... Hit me.

Just say run, mutter over and over again.

"Hmm. You're not awake yet?"

The devil of the prophecy wearing the rainbow smiled.

Bounce your fingers.


Huff, huff!

A sharp thorn emerges on the black chain that digs through the flesh of the rains.

Tight thorns as if looking at a cactus.

The 10 chains that pierced the body moved. This flesh was torn from a sharply raised thorn. Dry blood flowed out and new blood and pus flowed down.

Haha! Haha!

His face seemed desperately in pain.

Kim Si-hoon's head flashed white.

"Stop, you son of a bitch!!"

With power, it exploded to the power of the congenital organs.

The roar of the beast flows.

"Phew! Phew! Phew!"

The devil of prophecy smiles.

I vomited a laugh that was distorted by madness and enthusiasm, just as the situation is unbearably pleasant.


I'll kill him.

Kim Si-hoon rushes with a crazy cry.

However, his body, which had already reached the limit, had only begun to vainly grind the floor in one light handshake.


I groan in despair.

Strengthen the floor by forcibly moving the limbs.

miserable, miserable appearance.

"Very good brotherhood. Haha. Really, really.."

The demon of prophecy exhaled in the heat of his breath.


Jill. Stab.

I heard a viscous liquid drop.

Kim Shi Hoon raised his head toward the demon of prophecy.

Just as I removed the rain that was no longer needed, my skin began to heal.

It's like a worm peeling off its guilt.

The wrinkled skin fell on the floor.

The body of the demon who threw out the rainbow..

"Ah, ah."

Kim Si-hun opened his eyes.

I realized why Guyana said 'I don't know' about who the devil of prophecy is.

Sticky black liquid like tar.

Light point invisible abyss.

A horrible demon that seems to exist at the end of the Naraka.

"Well, what the fuck is that..."

The smoker trembled.


Can you call that a demon?

No eyes, no nose, no mouth.

It exists only in the dark with a sticky viscosity.

"You, you fucking slime..."

I looked outside and mocked Slime, but I got tired of spitting my lips out blue.

The differentiator instinctively knew that the monster wasn't just a slime.

[Do you want to save this human?]



Lead a mocking footage into the air.

There is nothing to answer.

I know how important rainfall is to Kim Si-hun, the devil of prophecy.


The devil of prophecy threw something.

Black jewel with two fingers.

Made up of black mucus, the demon said in a laughable voice.

[Use gems if you want to save him. I will guide you to where he is.]




Mucus moved.

[How much more beautiful you can burn.]

A brilliant advance answer.

With that said, the outer wall of the cavity was smashed.

An angel with eight wings appeared.

It's Raphael.


Raphael was complaining of pain with a distorted expression before the fight, even if it was due to a heavy movement in a situation where the wound was not healed.

The hide was rough, and the light emanating from the wings was weaker than when fighting Satan.

[Oops, it's time to go.]

The demon of prophecy turned around.

"I think I'll let you run away!"


Raphael shatters. The demon of prophecy wields an arm made of black mucus.

The flesh of Rafael's dead body has been torn apart.


"La, Raphael!"

Chargiel is approaching quickly.

Raphael's condition is no different from that of the patient who just woke up in bed.

It was impossible to fight the devil of prophecy.

[Is the power of the Archangel just this much?]

Raphael's eyes trembled.

Stares at a demon made of black mucus.

"Who the hell are you? Everywhere in the mythological record, there is no such thing as you..."


The devil of prophecy smiled.

[I forgot too much about history.]

A black crack was created behind the demon of prophecy.

I moved into the cracks with a relaxed step.

Just before entering the black rift completely, the demon of prophecy whispered like a whisper.

[I'm expecting you, man.]

The demon of prophecy disappeared into the darkness.


Kim Si-hoon picked up the gems that fell on the floor with his mouth firmly shut.

With him, his vision, which had reached its limit, flashed black.

The Holy Sword in my hand hit the ground and scattered with white powder.

* * *

"Hoo, hoo. Wow, Shiva."

With the power of the gate, the runaway rains exhale a harsh breath.

"You almost had X."

It was close.

No, it's a close call. It's actually just broken.

It merely forced me to count on the trust that had already been built up with Kim Shi Hoon, the smoker, and Guyana.

"... From now on."

The rains opened their eyes thin.

The full start is right from now on.

I've succeeded in first aid the wounds that have occurred, so it's time to make a detailed plan.


The rain took a deep sigh and the couch faded away and stuck its buttocks where it remained.

It was a sudden development that was not expected at all by the rains, so I needed time to clean up my complicated head.

'There will be some time for now.'

If you wanted to save yourself, you threw a jewel at me.

The gem was previously made with Reese, a gem used to activate a gate through the dungeon that corrupted Ludwig.

'I wouldn't use it right away.'

It was an obvious way to see it as a trap, no matter who saw it.

In fact, I had to think about the possibility of not using it immediately, not at all.


Rain shakes his head as he ponders for a while.

'I'll come too.'

He knows Kim Shi-hoon.

Even though it appears to be a trap, even a burning fire pit will make him jump.

To save yourself.

'Cause he is.'

Rain smiled at the feeder.

The guilt of Kim Shi Hoon has boiled again.

I kept thinking, shaking my head.

'Start by clearing up the situation.'

I sharpened my eyes.

It's actually a process. Anyway, it wasn't bad if you just leave the results.

After dealing with a sudden situation, I get quite a lot.

'The timing is also appropriate.'

Guyana appeared and said that the demon of prophecy was not Satan.

'It was necessary anyway.'

Demon Coin that fell to the ground with Guyanese remarks.

In the near future, I was thinking of becoming the 'Devil of Prophecy' on behalf of Satan.


Rain raised his hand on his forehead.

I recalled the existence of Guyana.

'It doesn't matter anymore to make someone else the devil of prophecy.'

Let's say you drive Lucifer to the Devil of Prophecy.

After all, Guyana appeared again at the end of the feat and said he was not the devil of prophecy. He was likely to flip the plate.

'You incompetent bitch.'

If I think of Guyana, I can't help but burst into flames.

No matter how hateful you are, you are a guardian of the Earth.

If, in the unlikely event of death, its repercussions will be linked to the world's dignity.

'Even if an alien god enters as a group..'

Nothing to think about.

No matter how good you are, no matter how strong.

The Earth will perish.

There will be no trace of the sanctuary that I have yearned for for for 10,000 years.


A deep sigh came out. I shook my head and changed my mind.

It is time to focus on the devil of prophecy.

'The devil of prophecy.....'

We should not know who it is.

Like a villain black-marked in an inference cartoon, you should never know who you are or what you look like.

At the same time.

'You can't hide too thoroughly.'

I had to keep throwing out the clue that the demon of prophecy was definitely 'present'.

If you play with a metaphorical reasoning cartoon earlier, the unsub should eventually exist.

"... It's so complicated."

Rain swept up his forehead.

While concealing the existence of the devil of prophecy, we must sow proof that the devil of prophecy exists at the same time.

It's a complicated and unpaired way, but it's the most efficient way to avoid God's eyes right now.

'Indicating that it exists... while hiding its existence.'

I opened my eyes thinly.

I returned to my head at a fast pace.

'There's a way.'

The eyes of rain shined sharply.

There was something I had in mind. I even gave the jewels to Kim Si-hoon on purpose.

"First... I'll call Reese and Valoc."

It became a complicated situation, so it was the two that came to mind.

I hate to break it to you, but I've been together for the longest time, so I was comfortable with my hands and feet.

'Echidna and Halkion..'

I was briefly troubled.

I haven't had a lot of experience matching hands and feet with those two.

A little confrontation with Echidna when she killed Raynald.

I was worried about whether Halkion could do something about acting as well.

'But I can't help it.'

I couldn't do everything by myself.

I needed Jo Jo to decorate the stage.

'Let's call Balzahark, Halkion and Echidna first.'

Hansulah was heartbroken, but he shook his head within minutes.

The less I knew about the truth, the better the situation was.

Unlike other people, Hansuha was not even the authority that led to him and his soul, so it is right to hide the truth.

Rain caused the body to swell.

'What we need to do right now.'

How to need a proper stage for a play.

It is not efficient to rebuild the stage from scratch unless Kim knows when to use the jewelry.

Fortunately, he had the proper stage to use once before.

He moves to the dungeon he built before.


[SS + Dungeon] You entered 'King Reese's Lovehau has been made to look like this'.]


Silence flowed.

I grabbed his head.

"Oh, Val X..."

I had to rebuild it from the stage.

* * *


The heavy sound of a cannon exploded within the massive architecture that set the fort ablaze.


The table that Kim Si-hun took was split in half.

"... What do you mean?"

Kim Shi Hun glances at Chargiel with his eyes twitching.

Chargiel sighs deeply.

"The angel will not participate in this rescue operation."


Heavy silence sat down.

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