Published at 14th of March 2023 07:32:56 AM

Chapter 310: Let's do it. This operation.

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a creature capable of corrupting the Seraphim of heaven

No matter how hard I think about it, there was no one else but Rakiel who could do it. "That's... I don't know."

Gaia shook her head with difficulty.

"However, it is certain that the Devil of Prophecy is involved in any way."

"Then there's nothing more to think about."

The heavy rain continued with a stiff look.

"The man who corrupted Seraphim, Ra Kiel."

There's nothing to think about. For he was a faithful man of the devil of prophecy, and was called the seat of depravity.

"Come on, hold on. What are you talking about?' Uriel looked confusedly at his head.

It was well known that Seraphim's energy, which sealed the seat of evil, was getting weaker.

In order to restore that power, we need to find the soul of Seraphim, who disappeared without a trace a few years ago.

In fact, other angels were searching for Seraphim's soul in all directions.

by the way

Seraphim's soul... You fell into the hands of the Devil of Prophecy?'

Uriel's expression turned pale. If that's true, it's not normal.

"Oh, shit! This is ridiculous... Seraphim has fallen into the hands of the Devil of Prophecy.

You can't go!"

shouted in a harsh voice


A blue brain battle sprang up. 'Calm down, my dear.' 'Oh...'

The rain holds him by the shoulder. Uriel had just lowered his head, blushing as if he was ashamed of his appearance, and soon replied in a small voice.


"No, I'm confused as well."

Rain also swept up his hair with a look of incomprehension.

Gaia, who was listening quietly, opened her mouth.

"I'm good at conveying Gaia's message.

I couldn't do it. Seraphim's soul is not corrupted."


Uriel's eyes grew bigger.

'So you're still on the side of the Devil of Prophecy, even though you're not corrupt?' 'Yes, that's what Gaia said.'

"Sound of a Dog!"


stamp one's feet roughly

"He's prepared to die to seal the seat of evil! Such

You're joining a demon who's trying to destroy the world with a sober mind? Do you think that makes sense?!"

He shoots Gaia with glowing eyes.

Kim Si-hoon blocked Gaia's way. "Calm down, Uriel. Mr. Gaia has only given a revelation to God. How do you know why you're arguing with Gaia?" "Laugh." "It's okay, Si-hoon."

Gaia continued with a deep sigh.

"I haven't heard the details either. There's a high possibility that Gaia doesn't know either."

"The important thing is, this has led to Gaia's decision."


asked the rain with a frown. What's the decision of that incompetent god?'

It is natural that unnecessary anxiety comes upon us.

'Please don't do anything.'

Just stay still.

What else are you going to do when your head gets stiff with the issue of Rakiel? "Yes, Gaia... He said you need to repair the broken Gaia system."


'Come on, wait a minute,' Kangwoo raised his hand.

"Was there a way to get him back in the first place?"

Fever flared up in my mind. 'No, Shiva. What are you talking about?"

There was a way to restore the Gaia system.

What is the purpose of the "dungkko show of tears" that you have been doing? 'Hey, you crazy girl.' The beginning of the Devil's Bridge. The invasion of the Old Hell.

the connection with the Ernoer Continent

And a myriad of alien interference.

The fundamental evil that all of this happened in the first place was because there was no way to restore the Gaia system that had been ruined by the Devil of Prophecy.

But now.

There's a way to restore Gaia's system?

'Oh, shit! If there was a way, you should have told me how!'

My head was bursting with rage.

Of course, I am not the devil of the prophecy, but if I were to be the devil of the prophecy, I would like to destroy the world cleanly.

"Yes, but it's not a permanent method."


A lamentable exclamation came from the mouth of the rain.

But you should have told me first.’

Is the current situation permanent and temporary?

Since the house is burning, shouldn't we try to put out the fire by taking a pee?

"No, why didn't you tell me all this time when you knew how to do it?"

'Yes, it's a performance. You spoke well.

Cha Yeon-joo also asked, frowning, if there was any absurdity.

The same goes for Kim Si-hoon, Chun Moo-jin, and Grace.

They didn't say it out loud, but their faces were also distorted as if they didn't understand.

Gaia sighed deeply.

"I also asked Gaia about that. Until now, Gaia has said there is no way to restore the Earth's protection."

"What do you say?"

Gaia shut her mouth tightly. She slowly opened her mouth, clenching her delicate fist.

"After hearing all the explanations... I understand why you haven't said that before."

"So, what the hell is that?"

"When the devil of the prophecy came through the earth's protection."

Gaia's words followed. "There is a big crack in the protection of the Earth. Some kind of wound... It's the same thing. He said that if you go in there and destroy the nucleus of the crack, it's temporary, but it closes.


"......I don't know why you haven't told me that so far."

asked Cha, squinting her eyes.

It is true that it feels dangerous to go inside the crack and destroy the nucleus, but it was hard to understand that the Earth's protection had not been told even though it was being destroyed by the crack.

"What, are you saying that the person who destroyed the core of the crack can't come back? That's why I didn't tell you.


asked the rain, squinting its eyes.

If that's the reason why you haven't said it before. "I'm going to pop Gaia's head first."

It is said that the most threatening enemy is not inside, not outside.

If he was really hiding it in a way that there was no way to avoid forcing "sacrifice," he had to seriously consider dealing with Gaea.

'You're supposed to be incompetent.

Regardless of whether it is really helpful or not, it is a nuisance itself.

"No, not for that reason. If the core of the crack is destroyed, there is some time left before the crack closes, and it can escape. Of course... if you don't get out before then, you'll be stuck in a permanent gap."

Guy who shakes his head.

A sigh of relief flowed from the mouth of the rain.

"You're not that stupid for now.’

Then why.

Why didn't you tell me?'

A mysterious glance directed at Gaea.

Gaia opened her mouth in a heavy voice.

"This crack is said to not appear under normal circumstances. It's impossible to get in like a gate because the Earth's protection is desperately blocking the cracks." "Then." "Yes, to get into this crack."

Gaia's voice trembled. "It is said that the Earth's guardian itself should be temporarily."

A heavy silence fell. Rain put his hand on his forehead. "Oh, shit..."

Fortunately, Gaia wasn't as incompetent as she was worried.

This could be a real mess." To make a simple comparison. They're trying to save the patient, but they have to stop the patient's heart before they can do it.


If you fail, that's it.

Even if it succeeds, all kinds of extraterrestrial beings will flood the earth if they fail to keep time.

As soon as the Gaia system is shut down, it should immediately bounce into the crack, destroy the core of the crack, and return as soon as possible to activate the Gaia system again.

Even with such crazy risks, 'permanent recovery is impossible.

"...I understand why you haven't told me."

It's not a choice you can make if you're in your right mind.

Regardless of whether it is dangerous or not, the risk is simply too high to handle.

"Yes, but... Seraphim said that now that he is in the hands of the Devil of Prophecy, there is no other way but to restore the Gaia system to stop him."

The rain squinted its eyes. The choice, it's up to you. "Actually, this isn't a situation where Gaia is wary.’

The reason why Seraphim joined the darkness even though he was not corrupted.

I'm the only one here who knows the truth.

That's not a situation for Gaia to worry about.


In the end, it was a late and fast problem.

As long as the Gaia system continues to lose power, the end of Gaia's worries inevitably comes.

The original plan was to protect the Earth from all extraterrestrial interference by building up the strength of the rain himself and developing the Guardians. 'If this operation is successful.

It was possible to push back the time of the end.

The rain slowly closed its eyes. What choice should we make? The addition of the accident did not move easily.

"Is it that big of a deal to stop the Earth's guardian? Can't you just shut it down for a second and then turn it back on?"

Cha asked with a tilt of his head.

She doesn't know exactly what the Earth is like or what the Gaia system is. "The Guardian of the Earth..." "Let me explain."

Cutting off Kim Si-hoon's words to explain, Gaia opened her mouth.

She continued to explain the situation of the Earth now and the interference of the outer world when the Earth's protection disappeared. "What, what?"

As the explanation continued, Cha Yeon-ju's expression hardened sharply.

"Wait, if that's what you're saying, isn't this crazy? If we can't close the crack quickly when we stop the Earth's guardian or something..."

"In the worst case scenario, the entire planet could be infested with extraterrestrial groups."

Cha was tight-lipped. The flooding of the entire planet of outer space.

She had already experienced the hell that would unfold.

"The same thing that happened in the day of the upheaval. You mean you can get back up?"


Gaia nodded her head.


Once again, a heavy silence fell.

"Actually, there's a big problem.

"...what is it?"

"Even Gaea doesn't know the location of the crack."

"What, what? Then we can't do anything!"

It was not a matter of stopping the heart.

I don't know where I hurt my wound in the first place, but how can I do it?

"Gaiah... He said three days is the limit. Find the location of the crack in it, destroy the core of the crack, or you'll have the same havoc as the upheaval. How can you find it in three days?

Find a crack in three days that you don't even know where the Earth is.

It didn't make sense. "...Mr. Gaia. I agree with Cha Yeon-ju. This operation is too reckless."

Kim Si-hoon also shook his head.

Gaia nodded with a wry smile.


"Yes, I think so, too. I'll talk to Gaia somehow. Forget about today's conversation." "Wait a minute."

The rain cut off Gaia.

"If I could locate the crack... The odds of success are much higher, aren't they?" "Oh, yes. Of course."


The rain clenched its fist. The addition of the accident, which was not tilted to either side, was immediately tilted. "a crack formed when the demon of the Prophecy entered the Earth."

He himself.

I know where it is. "Let's do it, this operation."

The Gaia system continues to be broken.

A way to restore him is in my hands.

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