Published at 14th of March 2023 07:29:14 AM

Chapter 383: I squeezed out a dry duster, and the water kept coming out. (1)

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Boom! Boom!

A dull sound came out.

the sound of one's body bumping against a tightly closed door

"Ah, ah, ah."

A pent-up scream ran through the door.

And soon,


A terrible scream rang out. Click, click, click, click. The door knob shook noisily. Balok stood in front of him and held fast to the rocking door.

He sat down at the door with his back on his back as if to prevent what was inside from coming out.

a terrible scream through the door

Listening to somebody, Balok clenched his fist like a bomb.

He dropped his head, chewing his lips. Whenever I hear a scream in the room, my heart aches like a knife.

"Mr. Kangwoo!"

Then, I saw a woman running down the hall.

Balok looked up.

Han Seol, the woman of the king and the soul of heaven.

She's got rain coming from beyond the door.

He tried to open the door with a desperate look.


Balock reached out to stop her trying to open the door.

Han Seol-ah looked up at the register with sharp eyes.

"Stay away."

Balok shook his head firmly.

Kugugugugugung. The breathtaking energy came out of Han Seol-ah's body.

a far-off, indescribable performance

This register was weighed down.

"Oh, come on, kahak!

Balok's expression was distorted. The muscles were bulging. I couldn't breathe properly under the enormous pressure.

Nevertheless, it was out of sight. "Come away, please." Twelve wings stretched out from Han's back.

Balok stared at her figure and chewed her lips.

It is a frighteningly powerful force.

With that kind of power.

It could help the king. The fact felt ridiculous. I felt absurd and unfair.

He was even furious. He struggled for the last thousand years to walk with the king.

But a man who has lived less than 30 years, far surpasses him because he is possessed by the soul of heaven.

The idea of being unreasonable is in my head.

I cried.

Balok said with his teeth exposed. "Here, you can't get past." Though weighed down by great force, he raised his head firmly.

I can't let it pass. There's a king in here.

The light disappeared in Han Seol-ah's pupils. With an emotionless, gruesome expression, she slowly reached out.

I tried to open the door handle. "No, no, I said, no."

Then Balok grabbed her hand.

It was so powerful to move in the great energy that there was a web of tendons on Balok's whole body.

Han Seol-ah looked down at Barlock with a cold stare.

"Why? You're in so much pain. But why am I not allowed to go in?"

'You, there's nothing you can do, there's nothing you can do.' 'I'm confident in the recovery magic. At least, I'll be able to relieve the pain."

Han Seol-ah fluttered her twelve wings and said with great energy.

Balok shook his head with a deep look. 'No, I can't do anything.' ' haven't done it yet!' 'I have. By all means, he tried several times."

After using the gate, he went into pain.

He made countless attempts to ease the pain of the runaway king.

But it didn't work. Rather, it only made the king's condition worse.

"...stay still, stay still."


"Stay still...Balok said in a desperate voice.

Han Seol-ah bit her lips and bowed her head.

"Why, why did you fight alone, Kangwoo?"

asked in a trembling voice.

The twelve wings that stood out behind the back turned blurred, and the pressure that weighed on the Balok disappeared.


Balok breathed out loud.

I looked at her for a moment and opened my mouth.

"As obsessed with angels, demons have desires. You know the power of Seraphim, too."

"...the desire of Mr. Kangwoo?"


Balok turned his head and looked around.

The king said, 'It was a fact to hide thoroughly that he still had the body of the devil.

Especially for Kim Si-hoon and Gaia's incarnation.

Fortunately, Kim Si-hoon and Gaia's incarnation was away to deal with the tens of thousands of ghosts who had been released from the world of Kogyeol.

"The devil's desire is to fight the strong and take it." "Body, you get drunk?

with a shudder

Han Seol-ah's expression hardened.

Balok nodded his head. "You can say that you're greedy."


Han Seol-ah's eyes sank darker.

", who was the seat of the castle that you fought?"

"I don't know."

Balok shook his head.


Han Seol-ah gazed at the door with her eyes wide open.

It was then.

"Fa, Poo-rok!

I could see Lee Reese running with an urgent voice.

She suddenly grabbed Balock by the collar and shouted in a shrill voice.

"The Devil fought the Saints all by himself.

Danny, what the hell's going on?!"

Her breath was harsh, as if she had come running right after hearing the news from afar.

Balok shut his mouth tightly.

Liris added strength to Balock's collar with a ferociously twisted look.

"Balock, what have you been doing?"

Lerice retorted in a deep angry voice.

Balok turns his head and reads Lilith's poem.

avoid the line

Lilis, who was furious at his appearance, raised his hand.

Han Seol-ah stopped Liris.

"Gee, calm down, Mr. Leeless. He said he had no choice but to do it because of Kangwoo's desire."


Lirice's eyebrows were frowned upon.

It wasn't because I didn't know what the desire of the rain was.

"...what are you talking about?"

I glanced at the register.

I can't believe the rain fought alone because it couldn't resist the desire.

It's impossible. If rainfall had not even controlled its desires, the world would not have remained intact in the first place.

To the best of Lee Reese's knowledge, there is no devil who can control desires more thoroughly and completely than rainfall.

But you couldn't resist your desires, so you fought alone?

Balok bowed his head without giving an answer.

His lips trembled with indignation.

In that picture, Liris grasped the general situation.


She smiled in vain.

A contemptuous glance shot at the register.

"You said you were the new king of defeat, and nothing has changed since then."

"..... "

He spoke in a voice of pent-up anger.

Balok did not lift his head.

"What does that mean?"

Han Seol-ah looked around her head as if she could not understand the situation.

Heung, Liris snorted lightly.

"You don't have to worry about Seol-ah. This is our problem."

Liris said, sweeping over the black hair.

Stretch out his arms helplessly, then carefully asked for Balock.

You used the gate, didn't you?"


Balok nodded his head.

Lee Reese sighed.

This is the second time that the Earth has seen rainfall using the gate.

One against Mammon, the other is now.

'They say you used it one more time before I came.'

Anyway, what she saw in person was this.

This is the second time.


As was the case with Mammon, the scene of Kang-woo betting his life like a game coin made me angry.

My stomach burned, and tears formed. Lilith chewed her lips well. 'I should've noticed sooner.'

He had to somehow stop the dogmatic behavior of the rain.

Unless someone steps up and mediates, the rainfall will continue to burden itself.


Lee Reese stamped her foot in annoyance.

Han Seol-ah, who was standing next to her, somehow assimilated with her and became angry.

Balok smiled bitterly as he looked at the two.

I have a favor to ask."

"...what is it?"

Han Seol-ah has a rather sharp voice.

I answered.

"Even if the king wakes up, I want you to keep it as secret as possible."

A heavy silence fell.

Liris opened her mouth with a thin open eye.

"I don't think that's going to be easy. I know how the devil feels, but I need to nail him so he won't do this again.


I was well aware of why the rainfall made the reckless choice to fight the constellation alone.

However, this did not allow the rain to fight against the Holy See alone.

So there is no reason to serve him or to be with him.

Even if you lose your life in one attack, you'll be attacked in one attack.

It should have been a shield in line.

I couldn't remain a burden to be protected forever. "...please."

The bulleted his head low.

in the image of him with his head down.

I felt a sense of energy.

Liris looked at him slowly and soon turned away with a laugh.

"First of all, I'm going to my little boys, so take care of it."

A word referring to Halkion and Ekidna. Balok smiled faintly, looking at the back of Liris, who was moving away.

Han Seol-ah stamped her feet nervously because of the scream of the rain flowing out of the room, but soon Lilis came up and took her.

The quiet hall left only a bulging and rattling door.


Balok sighed deeply. I could feel the door rattling against my back.

The king's screams followed. Balock closed his eyes tightly. I closed my ears and bowed my head.

Praying earnestly for the end of this time.

'Are you sure you're okay?' 'I'm fine."

Rain answered half-heartedly in bed.

It was true that the pain itself had decreased a lot, although it was still impossible to move due to the aftereffects.

"Sigh. Then take a good rest."

Balock sighed deeply as he looked down at the frozen rainfall lying on his bed.

The rain smiled bitterly and nodded.

"Next time I fight alone, I'm going to hit you." I thought I'd take him next time, even if I didn't want to be scolded.

Click, click.

Balock opened the door and went out.

Rain lay on the bed with a relieved look.

"Well, still."

It was a hell of fun.

He raised his mouth as he remembered the battle with the saints.

Balok described himself as a saint with some spirit of sacrifice, but in reality, his personal greed was also mixed.

The desire to hunt and prey on strong prey.

I felt lighthearted because my desire, which had been unrelenting for a while, had somewhat faded. 'No, isn't that right?' Kang Woo shook his head. He raised his lips.

I'm crouching now, but I thought maybe my desire was right.

"The bastard."

a middle-aged man whose sword across his face was impressive

My heart pounded when I thought of him.

Blood boiled and the urge to run out immediately dominated the whole body.

The heavy rain laughed heartlessly.

Fortunately, the fight against him will come close to the inevitable.

Even if he's not moving,

He'll move first.

How delicious it is.

a mouth-watering sensation Rain laid himself on the bed in anticipation of another meeting with him in the near future.

Click. "Well, Mr. Kangwoo."

"Oh, man?"

It was Han Seol-ah who opened the door.

The rain greeted her with a bright expression.

However, Han Seol-ah's expression was never good.

"How are you?"

"Well... I can barely move, but I don't have any pain anymore. If you take a few days off like this, you'll be cheerful again."

Considering the ridiculous power of opening doors, this is nothing.

Han breathed a sigh of relief in response to the rain. "I brought some fruit."

Han said, lifting the tray.

The tray was full of prettily cut fruits in bite-sized.

Some of them were unique types of fruits found only on the Ernoir continent.

"Thank you."

Rain smiled with his eyes shining. I was actually craving something sweet. "Come on, say ah," Han Seol-ah held out the fruit with her hand.

Since he could not move his body due to the aftermath of the opening, Kang-woo lay on the bed as if a baby bird was eating food.

"I heard from Kangwoo and Balok about his desire."

"Huh? My desire?"

"Yes, I covet the body. He said he suffers from a desire to get drunk."

"No, that's true."

Why does it sound so weird? Han Seol-ah reached out her hand.

She put the tray on the table and stroked her lying body with her hand.

"If it's your desire, it's dangerous if you don't get rid of it like I'm obsessed with it, right?""

"That's true. It's been somewhat resolved this time."

Other castles could not be eaten, but they chewed and swallowed the whole constellation of fear.

The battle itself was quite satisfactory.


Han Seol-ah's eyes got bigger.

She looked at the rainfall with trembling eyes and asked carefully.

"Do you happen to be in the constellation... Was there a woman?


"Oh, there was one."

The rain nodded its head. It was a beautiful elf named Fairrpin.

Han Seol-ah's eyes flashed black.

She mumbled something with her head down, slowly lifting herself up onto the bed.

"Excuse me?"


The heavy rain looked up at her in bewilderment.

Han Seol-ah looks down at him with her mouth shaking. I saw it.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, yeah. I guess it's because I didn't get rid of Kangwoo's desire, right? I can understand."


I don't think you understand.

"So you said you couldn't move your body right now, right?"

Han licked her lips. I was going to say, "No, there's a misunderstanding."


I heard the door lock.


What is it?

'Where's Oh Kang-woo?' 'Oh, Yeon-joo.' 'Is he in the room?' 'Yeah, he's sleeping now.' 'Huh. Get out of my way. He didn't even run away alone before.'

"Oh, it's okay. It won't happen again."

"Huh? What?"


Han Seol-ah smiled quietly, covering her mouth.

"I squeezed the dry duster and it kept coming out."


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