Published at 14th of March 2023 07:23:53 AM

Chapter 489: First Sky Owner (1)

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The knights of the Surrey tribe, who received the exploding Damon Lower nearby, crouched with their ears covered.

Among them, white snowflakes in the mouth.

Some people threw up and collapsed.

The devil's evil spirit breaks down the morale of the knights in a single day. "Good."

The general of the Suri tribe chewed his lips.

With only one roar, the drivers' sentences were disturbed and confusion spread.

Due to space constraints, the articles waiting in the distance were okay, but the damage to the knights who were narrowing the siege was quite serious.

"Get it together!"

The general's urgent cry rang out.

The fraud that had been defeated by a pool had to be brought back to its original form.

"The enemy's number is only seven!"

The most effective way to boost morale is to clearly imprint our superiority.

It's about convincing you that you can win.


The confusion among the knights began to subside at a rapid pace at the general's cry.

"Don't give me a break and push me! Knights were moved to the back row and opened the charyunjeon rat the end of one's strength!"

There was an overwhelming difference in numbers, but the general of the Suri clan did not order a charge. We are well aware that each intruder's power is negligible.

With the siege already completed, it was most efficient to exhaust the enemy's strength through wheel warfare.

The knights slowly closed the siege, clearing up the disorganized formation.


Balok looked at those articles and smiled lowly.

It's clear that a wheelchair battle using a difference of overwhelming numbers is effective.

"You're such a baby."

It was a meaningless strategy in the face of the huge violence called 'purification.'


Once again, he burst his Demon Lower and kicked his foot violently.

a siege pressuring party members

He tore it apart with one fist and threw himself into the siege net without hesitation.

'Well, that's crazy...!' the general of the Suri clan opened his mouth.

You're throwing yourself through the siege and into the camp?

It was an act of suicide, as if crying for death. "Kill him!"

The siege surrounding the rain party was concentrated on one.


Balok burst into a laugh as if he was having fun.

Like a wild beast who entered between the flock, he jumped and shook his fist violently.

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

The knights of the Suri clan, who were hit by an arm covered in a heavy armor, were thrown out like airstones.

In an instant, nearly a hundred knights were crushed to pieces of ice.


Balok breathes deeply, himself

He lifted the body of the knight running towards with one hand.



The knight's body, held in his hand covered with bursting muscles, crumbled and white blood poured out.

Holding the body of a knight of the Suri tribe in his hand, Balok turned his head.

Between the black pitches that covered his face, the fierce eyes as if he had lit a torch.

"Hee, hee!"

The face of General Seo-ri's clan, who received the gaze from the front, turned pale.

Balok twisted his arms back, twisting his mouth.

I twisted my body, lifting my left leg.

Gosh, geez! White steam gushed out from the crack in the black armor.

Like a pitcher throwing a ball, he throws the body of a knight in his hand as hard as he can.

"Hey, stop it..."

The driver's body shot like a shell at the general who was about to shout something.

The general raised the shield with a grand look.



The body of the knight, shot at a terrific speed, struck the general's body.

The general shrieked and rolled on the floor in terrible convulsions that shook the whole body.

"Ah, ahhhh."


The general trembled.

A huge shock tore the arm with a shield and fell off.

White blood spilled from the torn arm.

The mind is crushed by pain, pain and pain and suffering.

His breathing became rough and his vision was distorted.

Beyond the blurry glimmering vision, "You're a tough guy's tough."

I saw an envoy in black armor.


Something is coming out of the general's mouth.

Before you pray,


Balock's hand held the general's head roughly.

He pulled his head out of his body and shouted.

"Leader! We've defeated him.

The plucked general's head rolled down the floor.

"Come on, General!"Oh, my God!"

As the commander disappeared, unparalleled confusion spread when he was hit by Demon Lore, instantly disrupting the siege of the knights.

"Well, wake up! Keep pushing!"

The driver, who seemed to be a deputy, screamed in a hurry and tried to sort out the mess.

"Four Hongryeon."


Red lotus flowers made of chains spread widely.


Kwagwa Over-crowned!!!

stretched through the disorganized siege.

The red lotus caused a series of explosions.

Ice fragments and white blood splashed everywhere.


The girl with black hair opened her mouth wide and gave off a powerful nose wind.


Ekidna's words from her mouth created a strong sensation.

The explosion created by Cha Yeon-ju mixed with a gust of wind and turned into a terrible craze, hitting the knights of the Suri clan.

At the same time,

"Developing the Holy Land."

Twelve wings spread behind Han Seol-ah's back were engulfed in intense light.

Fraudulent wide-area buffs, which are immune to all kinds of condition abnormalities and obstruction effects, significantly raised the staff and at the same time continued physical recovery, were unfolded.

"Wow, what is this? You're crazy.

Cha Yeon-ju looked back at Han Seol-ah with her eyes wide open.

I've had a lot of experience with Han Seol-ah's buff, but it's this great.

It was the first time it worked.

Strong power boiled up from the whole body as if it were the first time to awaken one's stature.

"All right."

Cha grinned and opened her arms.

The magic spell that explodes the body's boiling power.

I put it in my mouth.

"Oh Kang-woo, you son of a gun!"

The red chain swept around like a storm.

Knights of the Suri Tribe are autumn leaves.

It was swept away by a rum chain.

"Bad boy! Bad boy! You mean that bastard?! Oh? A man's heart! Play with it like that!!"

Cha Yeon-ju unleashes her stress by bombarding frosty knights.

I did

While watching the battle, Kang Woo looked at her with a look of ridiculousness.


What did I do wrong?

'It's so unfair, really.'

Once again, "Oppa~"Do I have to teach them with 'ang'?

"Well, this place is it's... I don't think there's a problem."

Looking at the encirclement that began to collapse around Balok and Cha Yeon-ju, the rainfall slowly turned its head.

Crazy Arcade!

"Sigh, ha."

"Hahahahaha! Die! Die!"

There was a fierce battle between Kim Si-hoon and Ariane.

Aryanne must have been completely absorbed in the battle against Kim Si-hoon.

burst out and swung the white sword violently.

It did not mean that he would lose his reason and wield indiscriminately in madness.

He was violently wielded like a black beast of Ariane, but hid his eerie teeth in it.

Crazy Arcade!

"Oh, my God!

Kim Si-hoon, who threw a stab at his neck between the dizzyingly swinging sword, made a low sound.

"Sigh, ha."

His breathing became heavy.

In a battle with life at the end of the sword, cold sweat flowed down.

a vivid fear that could not be felt in a training contest

The intense tension that the moment you make a little mistake, you can die as you are burned.

In that near-extreme battle,

"Ha, ha."

Kim shrugged his shoulders.

I'm not as crazy as Ariane, but I'm thrilled with excitement.

He did the same with what he was doing. 'How long has it been? In the realm of the Sword, he has fought with his equals.

"Sigh, hoo."

Breathe in deeply.

They leave the body to the burning excitement and thrill.

a sword made of the heart Beyond the limits of the body, the sword reaches the realm of consciousness. "Hehe! What, what, what! You're really

That's great!"

Ignore Ariane's cry. Attention is focused on the tip of the sword covered with white frost.

Every movement was clearly etched in my head.

Can we jump?'

A great deal of pressure weighed on my shoulders.

In fact, if you look only at the area of pure swordsmanship, I was confident to go over it.


...... "

Kim looked down at his hand with a deep look.


Before I knew it, there was a white frost on his hand.

Every time I continued the test, I felt a chill that started from the fingertips and froze my entire arm.

'Is it the power of that sword?'

Kim Si-hoon looked at Ariane's white frost sword.

The terrible cold in that sword penetrates the prestige of the Heavenly Sword.

It was freezing his body.

The longer the fight, the slower his movements became, and the more damage accumulated.

"Yeah, I think we should get this over with. Oh, that's too bad thing. If I knew it would be this fun, I wouldn't use my father's sword!"

This is too out of balance.

Ariane grumbled her lips.

"Hehe, but I have to kill you quickly so I can kill your leader.

I'm going to kill them all and get compliments from her!"

Kim Si-hoon closed his eyes slowly.

I ignored Ariane's noisy words.

It didn't matter.


Only black.

I stare at the end of that white sword that gives me a thrill just by looking at it.

Interpret the sword. Dig, analyze, and gain insight.

'I can't see it.’

There was no way to get over that sword.

The consciousness flashed dark.

In the dark flashing ceremony, only a new white sword came to mind. "Sigh."

exhale a short breath

a thrill of excitement spread across the spine

My head is hot as if I had an stimulant.

'You can't jump over it."

It is not to analyze or interpret the movements of that sword.

Kim Si-hoon grabbed the sword. I couldn't feel anything from my hand holding the sword.

It was as if part of the body was connected to the sword.


It is not connected to the sword. The whole body is a sense of turning into a sword.

"Well, let's get this over with!"

the top of a ladder

Ariane kicked his foot.

The white sword spewed a terrible chill.

Kim Si-hoon's body has stiffened.

I briefly wondered if I should go into the sanctuary of Han Seol-ah.

Soon, Kim shook his head.

Getting Han Seol-ah's help here means nothing.


Kim Si-hoon's eyes are shining sharply. The hot head seemed to burn consciousness.


He lowered his posture and held an intangible sword in his hand.

the inspection of the Taemu drama which I have seen one day

toward the far-off point where I could not being able to resist


He stretched out his sword.


Ariane's expression shocked me.

As if the world were splitting up, space itself.

I could see a cut and fall apart.

"What, what...!"

For the first time, a feeling of fear came to Ariane's face.

An instinctive warning of the danger of that sword rang in my head.


Ariane stopped running forward and closed her eyes tightly.

Just before a flash of lightning struck her neck,

Crazy Arcade!!! The fact that he's behind this is aryanne's.

He held hands and moved the sword.


Kim Si-hoon threw up his blood and bounced back.


Ariane looked back at the person holding her hand.

Tears formed around her eyes.


"You must have been scared, Ariane."

The white-haired man behind her back carefully hugged Ariane's trembling body.

Ariane burst into tears with her head buried in the arms of a white-haired man.


"Yes, yes."

"I'm sorry, Dad. Oops. Ma'am, to the lowly... Get lost, Ziber... Oh, it's working."

"It's all right."

The white-haired man stroked her hair and took the frosty sword in her hand.

He turned away with cold eyes.

Pointing a sword at Kim Si-hoon, it's me.

Mark ordered.



A terrible frost storm was fired at Kim Si-hoon.


Kim Si-hoon curled his body with a look of astonishment.

It was neither an attack that could be avoided nor an attack that could be prevented.

A frosty death struck him.


Flaming up! "Hee, look at the timing of your baby-seed bar. It's really. Just come with the lines. I'm going to fall in love with you."

The storm of frost was engulfed in the black sun.

"Hey, honestly, you wanted to, right? I've been watching for five minutes, and I've been saying, "Oh... Shiva, you'll be surprised when you show up, right? I thought you were waiting for this."

Right? Am I right?

"Hahaha! What are you staring at? Wow, you're really watching, aren't you? Honestly, you thought you were cool just now, right? Huh? You thought it was touching, right?"

Heavy and serious battlefields,

In just five seconds, a frivolous laugh rang out.

"Oh, my. I'm so determined to appear. What should I do?"

If it were a different novel, it would have been a scene where Ganji would flow through.

"This house is a bit of a mess."

giggle. In the black sun,

A young man with sharp eyes walked out.

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