Published at 15th of November 2022 05:57:45 AM

Chapter 440

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Jun Jiuchen had already taken poison at the hands of Gu Feiyan and Baili Mingchuan. He had long since experienced dealing with poison attacks. Not only did he hold his breath, he also decisively distanced himself from the scene. Even if he had the opportunity to kill Boss Cheng, he would have already given up.

After Jun Jiuchen left, Boss Cheng turned around and walked away. It had to be said that even though Baili Mingchuan looked like a lazy and indolent person, when it came to killing, he was decisive and efficient.

It had only been one move between Boss Cheng and Jun Jiuchen, but Baili Mingchuan had already taken care of all the guards. Upon seeing Boss Cheng, he immediately went to support him, falling behind Boss Cheng. At this time, Jun Jiuchen had already dodged the poison powder in the air and landed on the roof of the ice house.

Upon seeing Baili Mingchuan's charming and devilish face, the usually calm Jun Jiuchen was stunned for a moment. This was extremely unexpected!

He said coldly, "It's you!"

Even though Baili Mingchuan was standing at the bottom, he raised his head and raised his eyebrows, giving off a feeling of superiority. He laughed arrogantly, provoking Jun Jiuchen, "Jun Jiuchen, if you obediently hand over your Thirteen Sisters, this prince might spare your pathetic life!"

This was undoubtedly a provocation.

Jun Jiuchen wasn't so easily fooled. Although he was looking at Baili Mingchuan, he was paying attention to Boss Cheng from the corner of his eyes. It was more accurate to say that he was paying attention to Boss Cheng's arm.

He probed, "Why, the third prince has fallen to the point of forming an alliance with a small He family! "Does the third prince not know that He, Su, and Qi are one family?"

The He, Qi, and Su Clans colluded with the Ice Sea ten years ago. In a sense, they really were one family from the start, but that might not be the case now!

Jun Jiuchen didn't know that the masked man in black was Boss Cheng, nor did he know that the secret letter had been intentionally written by Boss Cheng. Even the secret of the three families, Lian He, Qi, and Su, had been intentionally released by the Leisurely Cloud Pavilion a few months ago.

However, the appearance of Baili Mingchuan had aroused Jun Jiuchen's suspicions. The reason why he said that was not only to test Baili Mingchuan, but also to test Boss Cheng.

A complicated look flashed across Boss Cheng's eyes. Although Baili Mingchuan couldn't understand the meaning behind Jun Jiuchen's words, he knew about the He Clan that was on par with the Su Clan and the Su Clan ten years ago.

He thought to himself, wasn't the He family exterminated? Was this man in black from the He family? What is this plot? What was the relationship between the He family and the ancient head? What kind of grudge did he have with Jun Jiuchen?

He couldn't figure it out for a while, but he didn't want to show it. He laughed heartily but did not say much. His expression became even more arrogant, and he asked with raised eyebrows, "So what?"

Boss Cheng could vaguely sense Jun Jiuchen's suspicion, and also noticed the caution Jun Jiuchen had towards the concealed weapon in his hand. Even though Jun Jiuchen had been drinking before, he knew that Jun Mo Xie was much more difficult to deal with than he had expected. He chose to remain silent. He signaled Baili Mingchuan with his eyes to retreat.

Jun Jiuchen raised his sword and continued to test the waters, "Baili Mingchuan, since you're here for the power of the phoenix, why are you in such a hurry?"

The power of the Phoenix?

Baili Mingchuan was surprised again. What kind of treasure was this? Why had he never heard of it? From the looks of it, this mask was here to search for treasures! The ancient head risked the risk of being infected by the plague to save him. This treasure, there must be a part of the ancient head, right?

Baili Mingchuan had originally listened to his master's orders, determined to save his master. But now, his heart was even more determined to save someone. He was certain that treasures that could make both the ancient head and Jun Jiuchen fight over must be good stuff! He must understand it well and share a piece of the cake!

He could have allowed the ancient head to have his way with anything, but he would never allow a treasure or a foreign object to have its way with him.

Seeing the light in Baili Mingchuan's eyes, Boss Cheng inwardly complained. He approached Baili Mingchuan's back and whispered, "Retreat, he's deliberately delaying!"

Baili Mingchuan understood everything, and he retreated step by step.

Jun Jiuchen closed in at once, but at this moment, Boss Cheng raised his hand to launch a sneak attack. Jun Jiuchen, on the other hand, took note of the situation and instantly retreated. Baili Mingchuan and Boss Cheng took the opportunity to escape. Jun Jiuchen immediately caught up, not only did he not dare to get too close, but he was also getting more and more careful. This was because the further into the darkness, the harder it was to guard against Boss Chang's assassination attempt.

Since the ice plains were so vast, he did not plan to take the risk. He had plenty of time to waste. As he chased, he fired arrows into the air, luring the guards from the ice plains over.

Not long after passing by a glacier, three guards hurried over upon hearing the noise. This guard was the Great Emperor's uncle's man, and he was surprised to see Jun Jiuchen. Jun Jiuchen immediately took out his medallion and coldly said, "Stop that man in black."

The guards were confused, but as soon as they saw the token, they immediately obeyed and surrounded Boss Cheng. Boss Cheng and Baili Mingchuan could see that these black clothed guards were all experts, and they were in a much more difficult situation to deal with than the previous guards.

Boss Cheng was injured and could only use his hidden weapons to defend himself. The two remaining hidden weapons were still needed to deal with Jun Jiuchen. How could he deal with these three guards?

The two of them knew that something was wrong, but there was nothing they could do!

Baili Mingchuan drew his sword and shielded Boss Cheng behind him, going against three opponents at once. Jun Jiuchen was wary of Baili Mingchuan's poison, so he kept his distance from them. He held his sword behind his back, while his other hand held his crossbow, aiming at Boss Cheng's hand. However, upon second thought, he changed his target and aimed at Baili Mingchuan's vitals.

"Whoosh …"

The crossbow arrow flew out, and Baili Mingchuan dodged to the side. The guard's sword immediately flew towards his chest, and he kicked it away. At the same time, he kicked out a cloud of white poison powder, which struck the three guards' faces. The moment the three guards were poisoned, they were thrown into confusion, their throats and throats slashed apart by Baili Mingchuan! However, at the same time Jun Jiuchen killed his guards, he also released his crossbow, which continued to strike at Jun Mo Xie's vital points.

This time, even though Baili Mingchuan had dodged it, he hadn't been able to completely dodge it. The arrow had hit his arm, causing blood to spurt out!

Everything happened in an instant, and every moment was an opportunity to decide life and death. Everyone was waiting for the right opportunity to make their move!

When Jun Jiuchen had released his arrow, Boss Cheng had found an opportunity and shot out his golden needle. Jun Jiuchen hadn't expected this. Holding his breath, he somersaulted several times in the air, and after landing, he retreated a few steps and almost fell down.

The distance between them widened. Baili Mingchuan and Boss Cheng didn't waste any time as they immediately fled. Baili Mingchuan was about to head south, but Boss Cheng stopped him. "Go to the White Seal Glacier, where the ice caves are safe for the time being!"

Jun Jiuchen had released so many arrows that there must have been a large number of guards rushing over. It would be difficult for them to sneak out in a short period of time, so they could only find a place to hide before making any plans.

Jun Jiuchen quickly realized that Baili Mingchuan and the others wanted to go to the White Seal Glacier. He didn't like that place. He hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he did not cast Shadow Arts. He still hadn't figured out the He Family's background, nor the relationship between Baili Mingchuan and the He Family. More importantly, he didn't know which power had adopted him back then.

Both the royal father and the Great Emperor weren't clear about his past, and the Soul Forgetfulness Water didn't have any solution to it either. One must know that his Shadow Technique was the only clue to his past. Before entering the ice field, he had already sent a message to Mangzhong, asking him to send someone to track down the source of the shadow technique.

He could not take the risk. If he could not stay with them this time, he would be in a passive position in the future …

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