Power and Wealth - Chapter 1280

Published at 5th of February 2024 05:30:17 AM

Chapter 1280: Night Attack on Sister Yu

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Chapter 1280: Night Attack on Sister Yu

The plane landed.

Everyone got off the plane slowly.

Liu Chenlong and Qian Lihua took their luggage from the overhead compartments. Yu Meixia quickly stood up and straightened her dress.

Mum, have we reached? Yu Qianqian yawned.

Yu Meixia let go of her dress and said. You woke up. We landed and got to get off the plane.

Yu Qianqian nodded and said. I will go and help Grandpa and Grandma with the luggage.

Dong Xuebing smiled and patted Qianqians head. You are so thoughtful.

No Yu Qianqian replied modestly and went to Qian Lihua to help her with the luggage.

However, Qian Lihua did not let Qianqian carry the luggage. They praised her and did not let her help. Dong Xuebing walked over to help. But Qian Lihua did not let him help. He was limping and could not move an arm. Who would let him help with the luggage? Yu Meixia stopped him and helped carry a few small bags.

Outside of the airport.

They walked out to wait for a cab.

Dad, Mum. Xuebing says he is coming with us to the hotel. Yu Meixia said.

Qian Lihua asked curiously. Eh? Arent you from Beijing? Why are you going to stay in a hotel?

Dong Xuebing lied. I came out alone and forgot to bring my keys.

Liu Chenlong laughed. All right. We will go there in two cabs. Its almost dinner time. We can have dinner together. Its been a while since we drank.

Yu Meixia interrupted. Xuebing cannot drink.

Liu Chenlong remembered. Oh, you are injured. Lets have a simple dinner then.

Okay. Dong Xuebing wanted to drink but saw Sister Yu's firm attitude. He knew she would not let him drink.

Night. After 10 pm.

It was a starry night.

Inside a small hotel in the eastern district. Dong Xuebing watched TV on the bed. He is naked and is waiting for Sister Yu.

Over twenty minutes passed. No one knocked on the door.

Dong Xuebing had been horny since the flight and couldnt wait for Yu Meixia to come.

Wait wait

Why is she not here yet?

Dong Xuebing sent Yu Meixia a text. Are you sleeping?

After sending the text, Dong Xuebing remembered Sister Yu had not been to school and did not recognize many words. She does not know how to reply to his text. He waited for a while and thought of calling her. But he was afraid he might disturb others, making it harder for her to sneak out.

It's so late

Ring ring ring Yu Meixia finally called.

Dong Xuebing answered. Hello, Sister Yu? Why are you not here yet?

Yu Meixia spoke softly. My parents are still awake, and Qianqian is chatting with them.

Why are they not sleeping? Its after 10 pm.

We bought some clothes earlier, and Qianqian is very excited.

Good girl. Here, let me help you try on your new clothes.

They sounded very excited.

Liu Chenlong and Qian Lihua were divorced for many years. But they were no longer giving each other cold shoulders after reuniting with their daughter and granddaughter. Their relationship improved.

Inside the room.

Dong Xuebing listened outside and pulled Yu Meixia to the bed. He leaned and whispered into her ears. They are not going to sleep soon. Shall we

Yu Meixia panicked. No! What if they come in suddenly? We

Dong Xuebing suggested. We can lock the room, and we will know when they are coming in.

No. Qianqian is outside. How can I lock the door? Yu Meixia replied.

Just say you pressed the lock accidentally when you closed the door. You can pretend you dont know how to operate the lock. Dong Xuebing insisted. Just do it.

Then what if they want to enter?

I will hide under the bed and leave after they sleep.

Jumping from the fifth story to the fourth story? Dong Xuebing is too daring. However, he could not climb back to his room.

Yu Meixia was convinced after some persuasion. She bit her lips and pretended to go out to get water.

Dong Xuebing hid behind the door.

Mum, look. What do you think of this dress?

Yes. Its pretty.

Hehe I want to try another one.

Go ahead. I am thirsty and tired. I am going to bed after getting water.

Didnt you sleep on the plane?

No. Thats why I feel sleepy now.

Go and rest. Qianqian and we slept a few hours on the plane and are not sleepy yet.

Yu Meixia returned to her room and closed the door. She locked it from inside.

Dong Xuebing smiled and walked over to hug her.

Yu Meixia was shy, and her body was shaking. Maybe she was nervous because her parents and daughter were outside.

Did you miss me?


What is hmmm?


How much do you miss me?


Answer me.

Yu Meixia was very shy. She felt Dong Xuebings hand sliding up her pajama skirt. She lowered her head and stuttered. You stop bullying me.

Haha I risked my life to be here. Lets get to the main business.

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