Power and Wealth - Chapter 1287

Published at 5th of February 2024 05:30:05 AM

Chapter 1287: Revenge

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Chapter 1287: Revenge

Dong Xuebings apartment.

Morning. After 7 am.

Tensions rose in the living room.

Dong Xuebing walked over and held Xu Yans head. He examined her lips. It was a cut from a hit. Ulcers will not swell so seriously. He pulled her lips down gently to check inside her lips. It was bruised badly and looked more severe than the exterior. Her gums were red and purplish. He was mad, and he could tell how strong the punch was.Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.

Did he hit you frequently?

Only this time.

What about when you were married?

He grabbed my collar but did not hit me.

He grabbed your collar? That is abusing you!

Thats why I divorced him. He would vent his anger on me when he encountered problems at work. His temper got worse. Haha Why am I telling you this? It was long ago. Lets not talk about it.

Suddenly, Dong Xuebing recalled something.

Sister Xu insisted on switching off the lights last night while removing her clothes.

Xu Yan would not do this in the past. She was never shy to show her body.

Dong Xuebing reached over to unbutton her blouse. But her top button was unbuttoned.

What are you doing? Xu Yan looked at him and pushed his hand away. Stop it. Lets continue eating. I am hungry.

Let me see.

Stop. I am fine.

Why are you not letting me see if you are fine?

Behave yourself.

I must see it. Hurry up.

Xu Yan saw Dong Xuebings eyes and sighed. She let go of his hand and did not stop him from unbuttoning her blouse.

One button

Two buttons

Three buttons.

Her blouse was opened.

Dong Xuebing suppressed his anger. You took care of me in the past, and its my turn. Dont move. Let me finish applying the medicine.

All right. I will stay still.

Ok. Its done.

Thank you, Xiao Bing.

Your ex-husband was transferred to the City Bureau?

Yes. He was promoted.

I remember his name is Wang Sheng. What is his position now?

He is the head of a department. Director. Division Chief rank.

Beijing is a Municipality, and the City State Security Bureau differs from the Western Branch. It is higher or equivalent to a Provincial Bureau. The head of a department within the Bureau must be a Division Chief, or Deputy Bureau Director ranks.

How did someone like Wang Sheng get promoted?

He knows the City State Security Bureau Head. I dont know the details, but I heard he is doing well there.

But he has the same rank as you.

We have the same rank, but our positions are different. He has the City State Security Bureau taking care of him. He can move up easily. I am different. Its hard for me to move up. Xu Yan paused and continued eating. Lets talk about something else.

Dong Xuebing did not continue to ask and calmed down. He drank his congee slowly and chatted with Xu Yan.

They finished their congee.

Xu Yan stood up and said. You did the dishes yesterday. Its my turn today. She entered the kitchen with the dirty dishes.

Dong Xuebing did not stop her. He remained in his seat.

After the dishes were cleaned.

Xu Yan wiped her hands as she walked out of the kitchen. She realized no one was in the living room. Xiao Bing? Xiao Bing? She called for him, but no one replied.

The bedroom was empty

The living room was empty

The bathroom was empty

Xiao Bing, where are you?

Xu Yan noticed the couchs armrest was empty. Dong Xuebings bag, which was placed there, was gone. She walked to the door and saw his shoes were gone. He had gone out without telling her. She suddenly remembered something, and her face changed. She quickly opened the door and ran down the stairs in her heels.

Xiao Bing! Come back!

No one replied. Dong Xuebing was long gone.

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