President's Wrong Bride - Chapter 358

Published at 5th of January 2023 07:46:50 AM

Chapter 358

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He left the work to the Secretary to socialize. Gong ping an only took Tony with him when he went to the appointment in the evening. Tony described the girl as dead skinned. Anyway, Alison was not his boss. There was no limit to what he liked to say. He described the woman to Gong Ping An as these four words.

If you have to listen to something else, it's that this is the second woman he's seen in his life. If you want to ask who the first woman is, bingo, you're right. Gong Ping An looks at Tony with a black face. This guy is really a dead pig. He's not afraid of boiling hot water, but Gong Ping An doesn't bother to argue with him so much, She wanted Tony to be with her, and she wanted someone to be her right hand.

Gong Ping'an and Tony never expected to see xiaorou again after so many years, including Tony who couldn't help blowing a loud whistle and three women in a play. Looking at the way they sat together, Tony felt a little uncomfortable. The women of the bosses were still there, but Ou Hanting and Li Zheyu were gone.

"How are you?" Gong Ping An hasn't replied from the shock. Xiao Rou has spoken. Gong Ping nodded and shook her head. For her, Xiao Rou is a relatively close existence. At the beginning, some unpleasant things did happen when they were in Provence, but they have gradually disappeared with the departure of time.

Alison looked at the two silent people and finally couldn't help talking, "The last flight Ou Hanting took back was to find this woman. I didn't participate in what happened five years ago. Of course, I didn't have a say, but I'm still curious. Why did Ou Hanting go back to Taiwan in such a hurry to find you? As far as I know, you're not doing well, and you can't even afford the child's medical expenses, can you?"

Alison always hit the nail on the head. This time, Gong Ping'an is no exception. Gong Ping looks at xiaorou unexpectedly. "You're married?" xiaorou nods as default, "it's Li Zheyu's child."

Gong Ping's heart pulled up again, "is the child in poor health?"

Xiaorou nodded, "I've been taking him everywhere since Li Zheyu left."

"Why didn't you come to us earlier?" Gong Ping An asked with a stunned face. She still remembered that the greeting card sent by Li Zheyu every year should be sent by xiaorou for him. Xiaorou just turned away and stubbornly refused to speak.

Alison shook her head. At this time, even she, an outsider, saw that no matter who Li Zheyu liked in her heart at that time, Gong Ping'an and Ruo Linglong were important women in Li Zheyu's life. However, even if xiaorou gave birth to Li Zheyu's children, maybe the person he liked would not be her. As a girl's wonderful psychology, she might be willing to make money by herself rather than ask for it easily Others speak.

Alison casually found an excuse and took Tony out, leaving space for the two women to talk slowly. After all, they haven't seen each other for five years. They should also have a lot to say to each other. Even if they know their past, she and Tony are not parties. Tony was dragged out with a confused face, and senronnie is still waiting for Ellie Sen, seeing Alison dragging a bitch out, the expression on her face became gloomy.

"This guy is in the way," Alison said mercilessly. "I really want to send him away, but he seems to have stayed with Gong Ping as a secretary."

Senronnie nodded to understand, and then seemed to think of something. "Today, the hospital sent another patient's information, saying that the condition is very complex and a little similar to Xiaobao's condition. I want to go back and have a look."

"Don't take a break?" Alison looked at senronnie with concern. As soon as they got off the plane today, xiaorou asked to meet Gong Ping. Alison thought xiaorou wanted to make a quick decision, so she agreed. However, since senronnie still has to go back to the hospital, Alison is still a little worried.

"I just want to go back and study the case. It doesn't matter." senronnie said faintly. However, in the middle of the sentence, Alison has directly called his assistant, and then looked at senronnie with a smile. "If you want to see the case, I'll ask the assistant to send it. You can watch it here and doze off when you're tired."

"Oh, hey, it's really greasy." Tony didn't come to pour cold water. His boss had found a man to accompany him only a few days after he left. Tony thought strangely in his heart, but there was no need to defend his boss, because his boss didn't put this woman in his heart at all. Thinking of this, the smile on Tony's face became more obvious.

Alison directly threw a sanitary eye on Tony. Tony was very depressed, but there was nothing he could do. For him, Alison was also an existence that could not think with human logic.

However, neither of them noticed that senronnie's face became dim. Indeed, for a woman of a rich family, what Alison did was just a piece of work, but it was only this small detail that made senronnie really feel that the gap between them was not generally far.

I'm just an ordinary doctor, and even the position is the most ordinary doctor. Even if I have Alison now, who can decide in the future? Thinking of this, senronnie's face becomes worse.

It's so busy outside. Gong Ping'an and xiaorou inside are silent except silence. Xiaorou knows what she's looking for Gong Ping'an for, but she still can't tell what's bothering her self-esteem. When she wandered to Taiwan to work for her children to earn medical expenses, she was forced to find ou Hanting because she owed a huge amount of money and couldn't repay it.

It's just a signature. Ou Hanting remitted money to her card on time every month, and even took her to her home. However, xiaorou knows that this is what she bought by selling her self-esteem. She also hates her incompetence. These are the gaps that she can't catch up with. Xiaorou's heart is still a little uncomfortable.

However, with the aggravation of Xiaobao's condition, xiaorou clearly realized that the money could not meet Xiaobao at all. However, in aunt Fang's narration, xiaorou also knew that Gong Ping was already rich. If she used the name of Li Zheyu, how could she agree? If she had the money, the child's medical conditions would be better.

Gong Ping'an knows what xiaorou wants. According to xiaorou's character, she can't treat you for no reason, let alone sit down with her past rival for coffee on a whim after so many years. Everything is just because of one. Xiaorou needs her own help, that's all.

"Do you want to know what ou Hanting is looking for me?" xiaorou finally says, Gong Ping'an shakes her head. "He's looking for you for me, isn't he?" xiaorou nods and can't help sighing Gong Ping's intelligence. That's why she hasn't seen her for so long. She has grown into a wise woman. For her, those simplicity should be gone forever, Xiaorou couldn't help sobbing at the thought of here.

"What's the baby's name?" Gong Ping'an asked faintly. Xiaorou hesitated and said, "it's Li Zheyu's name. It's called a demon."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!