Published at 2nd of April 2024 06:35:14 AM

Chapter 4566: Chapter 4566: Shocking History (2)

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Chapter 4566: Shocking History (2)

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations Editor: Misty Cloud Translations

Li Moying had never expected that he had already cut off the second limb of the Giant Eye Octopus and this ferocious beast could still endure it and didnt pounce towards him. Instead, it stubbornly turned around and charged towards Huang Yueli who was standing on top of the circular door.

This Wasnt he too persistent?

This time, Li Moyings expression finally changed.

Damn it, stop! Stop!

Li er clearly had not had the time to finish cracking the mechanism so if she let this Giant Eye Octopus charge over now, Li er would definitely be doomed!

Thinking of this point, Li Moying couldnt care about anything else as he used all his strength to attack the extremely cold giant octopus crazily.

Countless bolts of lightning exploded with dazzling light and smashed towards the huge body of this ancient ferocious beast.

The sword light formed by the lightning caused a lot of wounds on the Giant Eye Octopus body. The Giant Eye Octopus kept roaring. It was obviously on the verge of exploding.

But no matter how furious it was in its heart, it didnt turn back to look at Li Moying but charged straight towards Huang Yueli.

Li er, be careful! Hurry up Hurry up and get out of the way!

Seeing that the tentacles of the giant octopus were about to wrap around Huang Yuelis body, Li Moyings expression changed as his voice started to tremble, afraid that he would see his little fox smashed into meat paste in the next moment.

Fortunately, Huang Yuelis reaction was fast enough and the scene that he feared didnt happen.

Huang Yueli suddenly stomped on the ground at the critical moment as her body bounced in the opposite direction.

The tentacles of the Giant Eye Octopus swept past her chest and finally smashed into the bronze door.

Even with such a huge force, the bronze door was still impregnable.

Huang Yuelis petite body was like a leaf as she floated a distance in the water.

Li Moying was so frightened by her that he broke out in a cold sweat as he hurriedly transmitted his voice to her, Li er, hurry up. Quickly leave the bottom of the pool and float up! You swim to the other side and stand in the opposite direction from me. Later, Ill lure this ferocious beast over, and you can escape

No, no, wait a little longer! I cant just leave now!

He had not expected that after Huang Yueli heard his words, she immediately shook her head and rejected him.

Li Moyings brows creased tightly, Li er, you Now is not the time to be stubborn. Leave that place first, and well think of another way

What else can we do? There were more and more piranhas above us, and it was even more difficult to get ashore! Moreover, after this incident, the Giant Eye Octopus was definitely on guard. The next time he came, he might not be able to lure it away from the bottom of the poolWe only have this one chance! Moreover

I already know whats going on. I have to try again!

Under the pursuit of the Extreme Cold Giant Eye Octopus, Huang Yueli appeared rather pathetic as she had almost used all her Profound Energy, unleashing her movement Profound Skill to the extreme.

However, in front of such an ancient ferocious beast, he still did not have the slightest advantage. Every time he dodged, he was surrounded by danger.

However, her expression was very calm, and her eyes were even burning with confidence. As she dodged, she stared at the array at the bottom of the pool.

Li er!! Li Moying was so anxious that he almost vomited blood. He hated himself for being too far away from her and his ability wasnt enough to drag her out from the water..

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